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Mooks and Gremlins
Date of Scene: 26 March 2020
Location: Danger Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Kitty runs Megan and Shannon through some training exercises, then they go out for ice cream!
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Nightingale, Pixie

Shadowcat has posed:
Danger. Danger, Kitty Pride.

No, no, wait. Danger....Room. Kitty Pride!

Or more accurately, she's in the control room setting it up. She's got two for a session so, she's taken it on herself to set this up. Megs and Shannon. Both will get put through their paces, as Kitty's settled into the room, enjoying this too much. See. Kitty's watching them both and stares at the controls. Okay, see. Gremlins for Pixie, and....something interesting for Shannon.

So, pushing buttons, all she has to do, is to start this off. She's holding off on it for now. Instead, dramatic pauses and all that. Kitty's just waiting for the right moment to push the button and start all this...

Nightingale has posed:
     For once, Shannon's actually suited up in her 'bumblebees'. Despite implications otherwise during conversation with a certain young gentleman the evening before, costumes and her appearance -were- a point of pride for her. Particularly this one. She'd worked hard on earning the right to wear it, and aimed to keep it. She took what it represented very, very seriously. Her hair's pulled up in a bun, even the little blue braid she'd come to enjoy since that one outing to the Salem Center mall just before the holiday season. For the moment, she's stretching out and warming up a bit, her focus entirely on the upcoming training session. This training had saved her life--and others--on multiple occasions, so she relished the chance to sharpen her skills.

Pixie has posed:
It has been a while since Pixie has been in the danger room for training. But with the sudden surge of a new threat, she's determined more than ever to keep in tip top shape!

Dressed in her bumblebee uniform, she runs a hand through her hair, tightening her lightly armoured gloves and boots and stretches out her dragonfly wings, eyes narrowed and rady for anything. "Alright, ready when you are!" she grins, tensing for..Well anything really.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's enjoying this too much as she gives the duo a nod, then hits the button. Looking out the control room window, Megs gets gremlin holograms. Shannon gets run of the mill mook holograms. See. Kitty's being nice really. At least until she sets the room into the program she's drawn up. It's designed to be realistic, and not pull punches. Kitty wants to put them through their paces. So, she's spent a few hours drawing up this session.

She's taken the mean facotr and upped it a bit, and thrown in a difficulty curve that's fair, but evilly fair. Or in other words. It's tough, it's demanding, but it's not full of more cow dung than a pasture in the summer

Nightingale has posed:
     Mooks. Really, Kitty? Within the space of a heartbeat, Shannon checks the immediate area, and finding she's got sufficient airspace, spreads her wings and takes to the sky. There was no way of telling if they were armed, not just yet, so the sooner she could get out of range or behind some cover, the better.

     Also, the more altitude she could gain, the better.

     Those mooks wouldn't know what hit them.

     Still, she did see the gremlins, and remembered all too well the injuries they had inflicted on the mysterious masked man at the spring festival. Pixie was good, granted, but she could possibly also use a hand. Her brows furrow as she thinks for a moment. Just how realistic was this particular program meant to be, anyways? Would the mooks be as afraid of the gremlins as any normal person would be?

     Perhaps that could be something the girls could use to their advantage. There was only one way to find out.

     Tapping her comm, Shannon calls out. "Nightingale to Pixie. Think we can get our goons to turn on each other?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps and glances around as those annoying little gremlins start swarming her. Faerie wings flutter more quickly, hovering above them, and just out of reach, but they're nasty little buggers, jumping at her with teeth and claws. She snarls, drawing out her soul dagger and spins and twirls as she hacks and slashes at the darn buggers. If anything, this is good training for using her melee weapon more, and not relying so much on her distance abilities. But..

"Phew, there're so many..Grr.." she pants a bit. Yeah, she could totally use a hand. She glances up at Shannon and smirks, "Heh, I could give it a try!" well, she was having fun but in the name of teamwork, she'd better help Shannon out too!

Shaking her weapon of blood she makes it vanished with but a whispered word and flutters higher into the sky, spreading her arms as she gathers some glittery pixie dust in her wings.."Here...Goes!" she sends out a cone of the crazy stuff to shower both gremlins and mooks. "Take this buggeres!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Here come more mooks. yes. Mooks, really. Mooks with guns that they are shooting wildly...they are torn between the gremlins and the girls. So they're scared of the gremlins, but wanting to fight them. Kitty's enjoying this too much watching from the control room as she sits back, as if assessing what's going onn.

The pixiee dust earns a grin from her, the gremlins caught up in it. The mooks too and that just makes them, well....that just makes the mooks second guess it.

Kitty's letting the program run through, the mooks being armed adds a twist....even if Kitty knows every moment of what's coming.

She makes the window opaque and is going by timings.

Meantime in the room itself, the mooks are using the two girls for skeet shooting training, all the while being ankle bitten by gremlins.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just grins at Megan. "Get some altitude, let's plan out our attack out of range of those guns!" Following her own advice, she flies higher and higher, making it less and less likely that a wild shot would hit either of the girls. "You've never seen my flying drop-kick, have you..."

     Oh, my.

     That grin on Shannon's face was positively /evil/....

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, not sure if it worked on them..Heey, they just seemed to hesitate but..She frowns. That's the thing with her pixie dust..Totally unpredictable. And then come the guns. She squeaks, darting higher in the sky, glancing curiously at Shannon.

"Flying drop kick, huh? You gotta show me!" she grins, but glancing towards their gunfire, that gives her pause. "welp, well we gotta find a way to disarm them first. Shall I dump more pixie dust at them? Maybe this time I can turn 'em against each other.."

Even as she speaks, Pixie glances around their environment, searching for something that might help them..A wall to duck behind, or maybe a car to port on their heads..?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's watching, and tweaking things from the control room to make the holograms react to the dust. Mostly since they are so realistic, they are screaming about killer tomatoes and wanting to pet the fuzzy wuzzy little wabbits. Which has Kitty in hysterical laughter from the control room. All she did was put in a few phrases she thought would be funny.

Which results in the mooks, under Kitty's hands, going for the gremlins with screams of 'come here bunny bunny bunny'

And they are supposed to be super dangerous mooks. Kitty brings more in, commanders to restore order. Then she goes hands off. Whatever happens, the room will decide it.

What happens? Oh, the rank and file mooks are trying tg to give holo carrots to the gremlins. The commanders are trying to muster the mooks. The gremlins are going after everyone and not happy with Pixie and Shannon flr flying. Or the mooks for making them eat healthy either....so...basically...

At ground level it's a fight between the mooks and gremlins, and he commanders are trying to restore order. Like that'll happen. Pixie's dust was a genius idea. Look what happened!

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon laughs softly, shaking her head. "Looks like your dust is doing the trick. Fresh pieces on the chess board, though... what do you think a second round would do?" Yeah, no. She wasn't at all inclined to show Megan the flying drop-kick, not when there was no current reason to put herself and her teammate in danger. Maybe the pink-haired girl had the right idea, though. Was there something that could be dumped on the heads of the gremlins and goons?



     Shannon nudges Megan, and gestures to a couple of dumpsters in the alleyway below them, for where else would goons and gremlins show up but the mysterious alleyway of some unknown part of some fictional city. "Think you could up-end those on our friends and trap them underneath?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn cant help but giggle as she sees the Gremlins and mooks finally clashing over...Carrots? "Oooh, lush! Love it!" she grins. But..More goons are coming and she's not sure if she has it in her to dump another dose of faerie dust on them just now.

And there's a dumpster! "Ooh, let's try this out!!" She flutters towards the dumptster, spreading out her hands as she focuses on the dumpster. "Cover me?" she calls to Shannon before narrowing her eyes upon it:

"Sihal novarum chinoth!" As the words are uttered, a glowing pink circle of energy appears beneath the dumpster, then as she points towards the fighting mooks and gremlins, focusing primarily on the second wave of mooks and their commanders as a second pink circle of energy opens up. BAMF! The dumpster vanishes through one portal and appears right above the mooks, upended and hurling mountains of trash upon them - not to mention the dumpster itself!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty wipes her eyes and grins. "Oh Pixie" she says softly to herself, "You done good, girl" she adds and smirks. Dumpster does the rest and lands...with a thud...

With the mooks dealt with and gremlins run off by the dumpster, that's the end of the session. The room slowly returns to normal...

Kitty emerges from the hatch and joins them, fortunately everything's normal. Or as normal as the Danger Room gets.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just smiles to herself, backwinging to a landing right on top of one of the dumpsters. Yeah, Pixie done did do good. There was no denying that. Thankfully, her own gifts had not been needed, which was even better. And the best part of all? The two girls had managed to work together as a team, and come out of the session without a scratch or a bruise to show for it this time.

     Yep. Pixie did good.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn phews, "We did it!" she puffs a little, because teleporting dumpsters and throwing so much Pixie dust around AND slashing at them earlier with her souldagger really took it out of her. But heey, they saved the day, right?

"Ooh, we're soo awesome!" she reaches out to high-five Shannon, glancing up at Kitty, and then she ends the session and she grins, "Heh, is that all? I expected something a bit more..Challenging.. Ooh, so can we pig out on ice cream now?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"I think" Kitty says with a grin to Pixie and Shannon. "You deserve ice cream. So" she nods happily. "You two did great. Though I'm a little worried on the pixie dust. Can you try to be a little more careful using it?" she asks. Admittedly....it was an amusing image, but Kitty is thinking 'big picture'. She really doesn't wanna pull Pixie aside and talk with her, but given Pixie's a senior, and Kitty's the guidance counselor, she's a feeling she'll be seeing a lot more of the seniors.

"Shannon" Kitty says. "You planning on ice cream after training? I was going to sit down with you and discuss things when you got a few minutes. Mostly just book keeping things for my notes, any issues, and yes, that includes the Danger Room not having ice cream ready" she jokes.

"Seriously however, you two know how to reach me. My door's open. Anything on your mind or you need anything, just come walking on in. Or flying" Kitty adds with a nod to Pixie.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon simply smiles and high-fives Megan back. The other girl had done a lot, yes, and was likely the one who needed the ice cream and pigging out more. "You go ahead. I've got some more training to do, it seems. Hell's bells, you've definiitely earned the ice cream this time. Go get your energy back. And..." For a moment, her smile fades. "...some of these sessions might seem 'easy', or 'simple', but trust me, even those will be something you will be thankful for out there one of these days."

Yeah, this was a girl that had seen some action recently and was not keen on being unprepared.