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Latest revision as of 03:47, 28 March 2020

Out of the Frying pan...
Date of Scene: 03 March 2020
Location: Limbo, Earth-1813
Synopsis: Megan meets Kory and they stumble into limbo.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Starfire

Pixie has posed:
As the snow starts to melt and spring is just around the corner, Megan is enjoying a nice day out in the bustling Metropolis, flipping and darting and gliding along in the busy city as she watches the rapidly melting snow revealing green shoots beneath..Of course, there is less greenery in the busy city and a lot more metal and glass and concrete, and flying cars. So she sticks mostly to flying over rooftops and less populated areas, not wanting to catch unwarranted attention.

Starfire has posed:
A fiery contrail comes from the direction of the harbor, emanating from the hair of Koriand'r of the Titans as she is just flying around. "Oh, a fellow flier!" she coooos softly as she changes course. "Ahoy!" she calls. "Beautiful day!" she calls as she moves closer. "I love the wings!" she continues as she pulls up to hover near Pixie.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pauses as she spies a golden skinned amazonian flying woman and she giggles, darting to meet her mid-air. "Ooh wow, your hair is soo awesome!" this girl is waaay faster than Megan in the air, but Megan tries not to show that, fluttering her wings more quickly to keep up with her. "I've never been to Metropolis before, it's such a busy city. Ooh, are you friends with Superboy, perhaps a member of Justice League too? I hope he's well, I dropped him off here a few days ago after some weird giant cyborg menace attacked him and literally landed him at my feet.." she sure is a talker.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles softly. "I'm Koriand'r of the Titans." She raises up a bit. "Look in the direction of the bay - it's kinda far but do you see that letter T standing up? That's where I live." She smiles. "And thank you." She throttles back to match your pace. "What's your name? Or... code-name if you're not willign to give your name? A lot of supers are shy about their identity for some reason."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Titans, that's cool!" she narrows her eyes, peering into the distance and nods. "wow, that's such a neat looking building..And it's shaped like a T!" she gigles at the thought, and shrugs. Megan is not wearing any fancy costume right now, just street clothes really, but she's obviously some sorta super powered girl, given the wings and pink hair. "Um, my name is Megan. Nice to meet you, Koriand'r!" she smiles at the girl, offering her a hand to shake, although occasionally peers around for any sight of the crazy cyborg guy.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r takes the hand, smiling softly. "So - mutant?" she asks, eyebrow raised. "The wings are really neat. Beautiful - they suit you very well. I'm actually what you'd consider 'alien'." She puts finger-quotes around that word. "Well - so, were you doing any ting in particular? It's been gloomy lately and I need some sun. BUt it's too cold to get some decent sunbathing in, so flying up here above the skyline is the best for me." She smiles.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams, "Thanks! I used to think I was fast til I met the likes of Superboy..And yourself. That's pretty amazing, the way you leave those fiery trails behind you.." she gushes, quite impressed with the alien girl. "Hmm, well I was just checking out this city. I was also looking for this crazy cyborg guy who tried to trash Superboy..I figured while I'm here maybe i can lend a helping hand.." she does shiver though for some reason, almost as if nervous about something. "Hmm, sun is always nice, wish there was more sun out, but definitely brighter up here!" and she does narrow her eyes as she spots a flash of metal below, and hears a loud CRASH and trails of smoke from down below, which causes her to frown, "Well, speak of the devil..."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r drops like a stone the moment the crash is heard as Kory simply heads towards the scene. She stops suddenly, almost forgetting that she wasn't alone and gestures for you to follow as she heads down, to hover above the street, as she looks around, her hands glowing with emerald light... that light is beautiful but has an air of menace.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, narrowing her eyes as she too, darts eartwards, though perhaps not as quickly as Kory, but with gravity working in her favor, it helps too. The scene is a mess. Cop cars are out everywhere, and the place is rather trashed. There is a tree on fire, people running for cover and a few crushed cars.

As the two girls make a dive for the scene, the large metal being on the ground hurls a van at the two of them with some pretty dead accuracy and eye-blurring speed. Megan's eyes widen in surprise and fear, suddenly reaching out to touch Kory..Usually her teleportation doesn't have to be too close to someone else to work, but she does have to be at least touching. There's not much time for her to call out a warning or anything, but the words are jumbled in her head and in her panick, she's not thinking entirely straight..

"S-Sihal novarum chin...Chinoth!" She yells. Suddenly a pink column of light surrounds them both, seconds before the truck can hit them, and the world is spinning, turning upside down, stars rushing past them..And then when the dust settles and the pink column of light fades, they are standing in a dusty, grim, red skied wasteland..

The landing is also pretty rough..Very rough, rough enough that Megan gets thrown and hits her head on the hard ground with a pained 'Oof!'

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r sees the truck coming and immediately raises her hand up, and even ges out a starbolt that fires powerfull at the truck - but she never sees the impact for suddenly... some arcane chanting happens, the stomach-twisting feeling of a dimensional warp, and... thud somewhere. She stands up and looks around. "Ummmmm...." she mutters soflty as she brushes herself off. "I believe the phrase is 'I don't think we're in Kansas anymore'?" she asks.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn groans and stirs, clutching her head as she lays in the sandy earth, squinting up at the reddish sun. "Ohh...Greaat...Back in limbo.." she sighs, "Illy's gonna kill me for sure this time.." she rubs her head some more, slowly climbing to her feet but sways uneasily. She must have taken quite a hit on the landing. "Uhhhggggg.....Kori? Are you okay?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just nods slowly. "So - Limbo? What is this place? A different world or.... you must be powerufl if you can cross the void so easily - I haven't seen this world or anything lke it..." She then ponders as she floats up a bit. "Thanks for hte save - that was a rather vicious retaliation but...." She shrugs. "What did you do exactly?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs and shakes her head. "Um not really..I'm just some kid who was given magical powers to help another girl throw a demon overlord who tried to oust her..oh and somewhere in there, were my friends and er...Friends, whom I had to save and..." she groans again, clutching her head. "It's a whole big blood fest thingy. But yeah, welcome to limbo, it's kinda like, I dunno, a pocket universe? Apparently it connects dimensions and many teleporters unknowingly pass through here to get to other places." she b ites her lip, "I'm sorry.." she says again, "I dont think we can get out of here until I can recover enough to think straight.."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "I wish I was better at meditation... I could guide you, but..." She looks around. "Can you tell me more about Limbo?" she asks as she move sbehind you. "I could try a shoulder massage to try to calm you a bit?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles softly, walking slowly now as she glances around, trying to get her bearings. "To be honest, I don't know that much about Limbo aside from that. It's full of demons..Lots of demons, unfriendly demons who would kill on sight. But they serve a girl named Illyana, a crazy cranky, creepy girl whose magic is waay more powerful than mine. If we can somehow find her, maybe she can help us.." she shudders.

"Only, we gotta find her before the demons get to us first.." she smiles faintly, "Thanks for the offer, but I think right now, I just need a really strong aspirin..Or something.." Megan sighs softly as she tests her wings. They dont appear to be broken but she's not sure she can even fly in a straight line right now..

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "I could carry you - is there... any direction I could go?" she asks, as she ponders, clicking her tongue. "And.... I am a warrior. I can handle a demon or two. Heck, my best friend is half-demon and her father is a real gribnack... that was an unpleasant weekend."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, "Half-demon? Gribnack? That's..Hehehe, you have..Interesting friends.." she giggles, shaking her head. She'd feel weird being carried around. "Eh, it's okay, umm.." drawing a deep breath, Megan stretches her neck muscles, feeling a cool breeze ripple over her skin, "I feel a bit better I think. Let's just keep heading for that large structure over there.." she points to large tower looking structure, "With any luck my strength will return soon and I can port us home..I'm really sorry about this.."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "Sorry - I slipped into my native tongue." She nods as she just walks alongside you. "It seems quiet. Is this similar to the Earth concept of hell?" she asks. "Other than the depictions having more lava in it this is a pretty close look for the stories I've seen."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head, "Nah, not as bad as hell, just like an in-between world, between dimensions I guess? It's hard to explain, I don't really know the details myself." she wrinkles her nose. "To tell the truth, Illy and I aren't really...Friends..She's got a kinda...Dark side, okay really dark side. There's a reason why they call her 'Queen of Limbo' see? I just hope we don't run into any of her..Minions.."

But speak of the devil, and he shall arrive...Approximately 10 of them to be exact, nasty furry creatures with horns and goat legs and fangs and claws. Your typical demons. And they're suddenly there, surrounding them, snarling and closing in fast!

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles faintly. "Ah - I love a good brawl." She grins widely as she charges into the demons - as emerald blasts of light emanate from her hands as hse snipes some of them from afar. She yells a Tamaranean war cry as she takes on the demons - two were down before she even got there from starbolts and she easily was winning the fight against the others. She's fast - and incredibly strong - and takes down three more in short order. 5 down. She has taken a few scratches and was delivered one gut-punch but she isn't bothered. She even commandeered one of their weapons and was using it as well.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks drawing out her soul dagger..It won't be as quick and tidy as Kory, but her dagger is quite deadly against these creatures and she hacks and slashes and swirls and spins, cutting through them like butter. She's not as efficient or as worthless as the undoubtedly more powerful Kory and when she's done she pants a bit lightly, "Phew, that didn't help..We need to find a shelter, I can't port back until I can recuperate.." but the only shelter for miles around is the large obsidian palace about a couple miles away, though shouldn't take long by air, "Guess we gotta keep heading that way.." she sighs, "Heh Illy won't be happy to see me but at least I hope she'll listen..If she's in.."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r ponders. "Well - our choices are to find some kind of cave or something so you can rest till you're able to return us to Earth - or see if we can go to the palace there and talk to this 'Illyana' who rules this place. You've been here before - this decision is up to you." She looks around. "There's a depression there - if we're out of sight, maybe a patrol won't see us." She shrugs.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs and laughs nervously, "Hmmm I suppose Illy might not be happy to see me. Alright, let's rest I er there a bit.." she flutters towards the depression, ducking behind the nearby boudoir and sighs, "I'm soooo sorry I dragged you out here, I guess I just got scared.." she frowns and rubs her sore temples, "Ugh still buzzed, but if we can buy us some time for a few more min, I should be relaxed enough to port..," she grimaces.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "That's fine," she murmurs. "At least it's a wide-open place. It doesn't feel... like I'm trapped. If it wasn't for the demons or whatever, I'd love to explore this place some. But... there's no time for that." She then glances up, sighing as the sun shines on her. "The sunlight feels a bit odd, but it's fine - I'm still at full strength. Just be glad it's not Superman or Supergirl here. That red sun would most likely depower them."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles a bit, peering around even as she rests against the boulder, "It really is quite a pretty place, too bad it's sooo spoooky.." she sighs, "I suppose that's why Illy is sooo somber all the time.." she shrugs, "Oooh so are you like a solar battery like Superman?" she peers at her curiously, eyes widened, "WOW you must be really powerful.."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I'm not quite in his weight class, but pretty close. The main differences in brief is that any sunlight is fine wiht me and I don't have a 'weakness', but powered correctly, he's much stronger." She shrugs. "It's not normal for my kind. I'm my race's equivalent of a metahuman technically - I was... enhanced... by aliens who...." She trails off. "Were trying to do bad things to me."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks in Surprise, "Oh no, that must have been terrible..I'm so sorry.." she sighs, "I can't imagine what that must be like, but at least now you're strong enough that no one would dare to cross paths with you again.." he smiles, "Sooo you're an alien then? Where are you from?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r murmurs, "Tamaran. And I'm actually in hiding from my evil sister. Yes, I know, it's cliche but it's true." She sighs softly as she just rests her head on the boulder - then puts her fingers to her lips as she glances around the boulder, hearing some movement. She gestures for you to scoot around so we stay out of line-of-sight.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks "Ooh really? Never had a sister, what's that like, and why's she wicked? You'd think family would automatically love you, and you're such a sweet person.." eyes widen, glancing around the corner and nods, darting round the other side, holding her breath, watching as some more demon scouts march past, Phew that was close..

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs as she waits for the scouts to pass. "Murdered our parents, threw me in prison, damaged my world..." she mutters softly. "I don't want to talk about it anymore." She sighs sfotly. "I just want to go back home and drink a jug of mustard."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, regarding the girl with some sympathy. "I'm sorry....I understand..." she nods, drawing a deep breath, climbing to her feet once the coast seems to be clear, "Alright, let's try this again..." she closes her eyes, clenching her hands, "S...Sihal..." As she speaks, some demon scouts turn round and start to match towards her. Megan does her best to shut out all external distractions as she steps in front of Kory, knowing that the spell will be more successful if they are close together, and farther from the demons..Lets just hope Kory can fend off the demons before they get too close! But they're coming in quickly!

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r sighs softly as she aims a careful pinpoint starbolt between the demon's eyes which knocks it down. She stays close to Megan, maintaining physical contact, as she keeps sniping the demons that approach. She glances at Megan, hoping her incantation will finish soon.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip a bit nervously, even with her eyes closed, she can still sense the approaching demons. And even as several are easily blasted by Kory's energy beams, more arrive to take their place. She grits her teeth, no way they're gonna perish here! Marroon eyes blaze fiercely as she summons what strength she has left..

"Sihal novarum chinoth!" the words are barely out of her mouth when a blazing portal of light opens up at their feet, growing wide enough just for the two of them to fit through..A couple of demons try to follow after them but the portal seals up seconds before. A rush if wind and a flash of light later and they're back where they began, in metropolis, a few meters above ground in a park. Only ten minutes have passed and the cyborg criminal has already fled but at least they're still in one piece!

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r oooooofs as she glances at Megan. "I think we're back." She looks around. "Bit of a mess here." She then sighs up. "Wait - how long were we in Limbo? It's only been a few minutes here." She sighs softly. "ARe you okay? I can take you to Titans Tower to recupreate - or wherever you want to go...."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps, falling to the ground, wiping off the dirt. "Phew, thank goodness! We're back!" she climbs slowly to her feet, stretching her arms and looks around, "Heh, that's the thing with limbo, yo e moves more quickly in that place, I dunno why but, it's pretty weird. How about you, are you alright?" she peers at the other girl with some concern.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I'll be fine once I snuggle with the Silkie and have a lovely shot of Grey Poupon. Do you need me to take you somewhere, or are you going to be okay from here?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Ill be alright, I'm sorry I put you through that crazy adventure, but it was nice meeting you all the same! We should hang out again sometime!" she smiles cheerfully, climbing to her feet, wings a flutter as she waves, "Til next time!"