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Latest revision as of 22:32, 6 April 2020

A quiet afternoon walk
Date of Scene: 31 March 2020
Location: Upper West Side, Manhattan
Synopsis: Flex helps Pixie out of a spot of trouble.
Cast of Characters: Flex, Pixie

Flex has posed:
Adrian has been trying to get in touch with the Human Torch again, but keeps missing him. Still, he does have a costume that sort-of works with his powers...so hopefully if he has to use them he will not be left naked again. In the meantime, he has to keep in shape, so he was running and is nnow walking back to cool down. He has the costume on, though he has a coat over it...the pants and boots do not look too strange.

Pixie has posed:
Well, this is a nice neighborhood, and that's a good thing because Megan was recently somewhere not so nice, someplace that left her a little..Disturbed, that sent her dashing through the sky, no longer even trying to hide her wings or the trail of pink glitter that follows her wherever she goes. Unfortunately she's so distracted by whatever or whoever she's fleeing, that she doesn't notice the fine, chain linked fence, slightly unfurled in her path. Fortunately it's not electric, but..For a faerie, even a half faerie, metal can be painful, especially if it's goon in it.

"Eeeek!" she shrieks, struggling to get free and only entangles herself further, "Getitoff! Getitofff!"

Flex has posed:
There is a crash nearby followed by shrieking. Adrain turns to look and sees a girl with wings entangled in a chain-link fence. He says, "Stop struggling, possibly I can help free the fence if you are not moving so much." He could cut the fence free easily, but wants to avoid any more property dammage if he can. He steps over and looks for the best place to grip the fence.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps, still struggling til she hears a stranger's voice. After whatever she experienced, she's not too sure she can trust anyone but.."Oooh...Who are you? You're not with those punks are you?" still he said he'd help so she does her best to calm down..

Flex has posed:
"Not sure who the Pinks are, but I am with Department H...Beta Flight to be specific," Adrian shrugs off his jacket, revealing the maple-leaf theam red and silver costume under it. He grips the wire and slowly transforms part of his arms, lengthening them and flattening them into metal sheets. The fence should pull apart enough for her to get free...if he grabbed the right place.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow, noting the jacket, "Oooh are you Canadian? Love the jacket.." wait, Beta flight sounds vaguely familiar, "Oooh isn't that a Canadian superhero group?" well hopefully that means he's definitely not with those punks..Her eyes widen as he transforms his arms into metal sheets and cringes, "Eeek! What are you doing?"Still, she can move a little now and she wriggles free, but winces as her wings and an arm scrape against the metal fence, causing a rash. "Uggghh, it huuuurts!"

Flex has posed:
"Beta Flight is the heroes in training technically, Alpha Flight is the public heroes," he responds, still faintly angry at not being promoted. When the winged girl slips free he turns his arms back and rubs his hands together to restore circulation to them. That is a problem with not transforming the limbs from the tip back, but sometimes it is required.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn glances behind her, breathing a sigh of relief, "Phew, thanks! That's a tidy trick!" she smiles faintly, relaxing as she wipes dust off her arms and wings. Those angry red marks remain though and she flinches visibly, "Oooh...That really hurt.." she sighs, "Mean punks tried to get high off. of my pixie dust..." she pouts, but arches a brow as he explains the difference between Alpha and Beta Flight, "Oh, don't worry, I know how that is. I'm not old enough to be a formal member of X-Men..I'm just a trainee, a 'New Mutant..' Totally not fair!" she makes a face.

Flex has posed:
"Like you, I am a mutant. Like most mutants, I have a central theme to my powers. I am kind of a one-trick pony really, but it can be a handy trick," Adrian states, self-depreciatingly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "A fellow mutant! Well that's a relief, I've had it with mutant haters pulling my wings and trying to beat me up." she pouts a bit but smiles at the knowledge that she's among a fellow mutant, "Ooh, so can you turn your entire body to metal? That must be handy, although.." she shivers, "I guess I'm kinda allergic to metal.." oh right, she didn't introduce herself yet, did she? "Hi! My name's Megan! Code name Pixie!" she giggles.

Flex has posed:
"Adrian, code named Flex. Pleased to meet you Megan," he responds in kind. He adds, "Mutant hate is not as bad in Canada, perhaps because most of the mutant heroeswork for the government."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "That's interesting, and it's a pleasure to meet you too, Flex!" she nods, "Soo what are you doing here, in New York? You're a bit far from home..Gotta be careful in America, so many haters. Are you travelling alone?"

Flex has posed:
Flex explains, "When they didn't promote me, I decided to take a sabbatical and came here...the place with most supers per capita in the world, for some experience. I figure if I get better, and more famous, they might notice."
He adds, "Yes, travelling alone...and still looking for a place to stay besides a hotel."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "Hmmm, well you ARE a fellow mutant..Maybe we can set you up at Xavier's while in town, I'll make some calls, I mean there are a lot of dangerous places out here for mutants.." she bites her lip, pondering, "You have a phone on you? I can give you a number to call..How long have you been in town?"

Flex has posed:
Adrian says, "About three weeks, I had this costume made after I had an encounter with a guy wearing a skull symbol who like firearms and grenades...I was not allowed to take the government issue one with me."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Skull symbol?" she shivers, "Sounds scary..Well it doesn't hurt to take a low profile while in an unfamiliar country!" she writes her number down, handing it to him, "Here, you can call me if you need anything and I'll get back to you soon as I can"

Flex has posed:
Adrian says, "It certainly will not hurt to have someone else looking for a place. Rents in this city are far higher than in Toronto, it is tough finding anythin I can afford. I am even sort of looking for work to help make ends meet. Not sure what I can do though, I am on a Student visa, not a work visa. I am planning on taking some graphic design classes, and perhaps stydying origami if they have a class in that."