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Barbs and Jabs
Date of Scene: 30 March 2020
Location: Gotham University, South Point
Synopsis: Kitty drops by Gotham U and reduces poor Peter to a nervous wreck. Then agrees on a date for him.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Oracle, Buffy Summers

Spider-Man has posed:
Gotham University. Despite the city's horrible pasttime of...you know, being one of the most crime-riddled places in the world, this university has always been home to some of the brightest of minds. Peter Parker is here today, for example, and that kid's a super genius.

Though he wears very street urchin style clothes, that being a light jacket with pants and a t-shirt, backpack over his shoulders, he doesn't seem to match everyone else. That was because there was a seminar today about genetics and the human genome and Peter had come from New York to attend, considering that it was an open forum.

With that said...

Parker is now checking over his notes for the subject, even though he knows that usually he'd be doing his Spider-Man thing by now...education is important! He's alone for now, but who knows who might catch his eye?

Oracle has posed:
Barbara's here for the same reason. Knowledge. Alright, in her case....it's more computer-y things. She's Babs after all, she's Babs and, oh yes...

Computers are her thing. True. And sure, she's just in casual gear, jeans-tank top. Babs is going casual.

See despite Gotham's high crime rate, she's able to take care of herse.f

So she spies the urchin and looks to Peter silently for a moment.

"So" Babs says finally speaking. "What's up?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter looks over at Babs and he visibly seems to go 'guh' and drops his pencil before he recovers it quickly enough.

Smooth, Parker.

Its redheads! He has a weakness for them. "Uh, not much, you know just...ya know, goin' through life. Attended a recent kinda conference and uhm...hm." Peter restarts and it may be amusing to see him fumble. "My name's Peter. Peter Parker." He offers his hand to Barbara then for a handshake.

Oracle has posed:
Babs just watches and flashes a smile. Oh Peter's smooth as a deer on ice wearing greased tennis shoes. See, Babs is indeed a redhead and is, well, she's also statuesqque. Unlike Peter, she has no pencil in hand. She's tapping on a tablet in fact. Shaking her head at Peter's sudden nerves, Babs smiles more. Totally not helping, is she?

Watching him, she shakes the offered hand. "I'm Barbara. So. You're studying notes huh? Education is a good thing"

Courrse, when she gets trained by Bats himself...

Spider-Man has posed:
So. Not. Helping.

But! Peter gives her a firm shakeshake that might last a little too long.

'wow, super soft hands!' Peter thought. Not to mention that Barbara is an extremely attractive woman. He does cough into his hand a little bit. "Yes! Well, no. Erm, I'm studying genetics. I came over for a Seminar. But uh, Nice to meet you Barbara. Pretty name."

Insert internal screaming here.

Oracle has posed:
Babs gives Peter a quiet look, the sort of look that asks if, well, as if..f he's okay. She looks amused and a little worried. Maybe, just maybe, she needs to pummel him. Yeah, how people get smacked to wake up? Maybe that's needed...

"Pretty name? Pretty name?" Babs asks. "I....I..is...." Babs asks. "That what you got, I've got a pretty namee?" she asks.

Admittedly, Peter's right. Babs has a pretty name...true.

Spider-Man has posed:
"W-w-w-w-well, I mean, Umm...I was a little too nervous to say you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I didn't want to be too weird so.." Peter is the smoothest of criminals, clearly. But he does look at Barbara then with a nervous smile then.

She did question if that was what he got.

I mean, can ya blame him? Barbara's a bombshell.

He does eventually let go of her hand though, so its not weird. Right?

Oracle has posed:
Babs looks amused with a giggle. "Well" she says. "Well" she says and looks amused, more amused than she should be. Oh yes, she's a bombshell and...she knows it too. Peter's being a wreck is just too amusing to her, even if she feels bad for him.

"You're not weird" she says with a reassuring nod. "No no, you're not weird. I know what weird is and you're not close to it. Just breathe, and think before you speak" she offers helpfully. It's like she's at a computer and talking in her own ear, watching Peter from afar, but she's right /here/

"As in, in front of him, and yet...
"Would it help if I stepped back a bit?" she asks with a grin.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter seems to gulp a little bit as Babs continues to speak for him and he knows that she's amused because it shows on her face!

"Oh good. Because THAT would seriously hurt my chances a little bit, if I haven't already hurt my chances alreayd, I mean, not saying that I have a chance at all but..."

Breath taken.

"Sorry, can I start over? You are seriously attractive."

Oracle has posed:
"Oh good. You remembered to breathe" Babs says soothingly. "Remember, breathing is important. You ruined your chance? Okay, hold that thought. Just because I'm good looking doesn't mean you ruined a chance with me?" she asks, eyebrrows raised. "Look. You're not bad looking. Youu're all tongue tied. Fine, do I need to go and....I dun no. Let you cool off or something and get your thoughts together?" Babs asks with a look. "Cause I don't want to. Know why? You're a gibbering wreck. But that's bettr than some tough guy poser who thinks they wanna ask me out"

Oh here we go. Babs looks to Peter and really looks to him, eyes glinting with amusement and intrigue. "So what, did I just walk up and you're alll bzzzt, brain shorted out?" Babs grins. "You've just been a tongue tied mess though. So. Breathe. Untangle your tongue and put your words in order" she smiles, there's that flash of a smile again. Oh no...

Babs then tosses her hair back over her shoulder. She's just asking now for there to be a little Peter puddle on the ground at this rate, isn't she? The worst bit is, she doesn't even think herself that good looking.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I did remember to breathe."

Peter exhales out a laugh as he rubs the back of his neck and looks at Barbara when she apparently decides to scold him for his nervousness and apparent lack of confidence when talking to someone who should probably be on the cover of a maxim magazine.

He does take a deep breath for a moment, because he's pretty sure he died for a second when Barbara did her hair flip. But he takes a breath again, and nods. "Cool...and yeah, sorry. You're just...wow." Peter composes himself -finally-.

"Would you maybe be interested in going out on a date with me?" talk about at first site for Peter-boy.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is back at the campus, still trying to finish some last minute term papers and what not. Because some of her professors are waaay too strict to be any fun. With a sigh, she fastens the strap of her backpack over one shoulder as she wanders through the campus, trying to remember where her Anthropology teacher's office is, and hopefully they're not about to leave for the day..

Oracle has posed:
Babs looks amused for a moment. "Point, you did breathe. So point for that. Wait a moment. Did you just ask me out?" she asks with a smirk. "You know what? Why not."

Just like that. She said yes. And oh great, Babs has a date. Well then. To think she started the day off single.

She takes a look around and watches the area for a moment, then back to Peter. !So. You asked me out. Now?" she asks with a little smile on her lips.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter smiles happily then when Barbara -agrees- to go out on a date with him! HAHAH! Peter might be able to change his status to being in a realationship with this -goddess- of a woman. Okay, perhaps he's exaggerating his thought process a little, but Peter nods to her. "Thats fantastic! Okay, so...we could do a movie, or dinner, or dinner then a movie...or we could just go walk together. Speaking of..."

He offers Barbara his hand. "May I hold your hand?" He -asks- respectfully.

Definitely the opposite of the jerky jocks who try and get Barbara's attention. But he does notice that they were largely alone...except for the presence of Buffy as she walks, though..with respect to buffy, his attention is entirely on Barbara.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, pausing as she glances at the...Happy couple? Slightly older College students? Too-young-to-be professors? "Umm...Hii, sorry, don't mean to interrupt.."

She hesitates, about to walk past them but dammit, she needs to find this darned professor's office! "Um, well see, I'm late in turning in a term paper and I really need to find professor Walsh's office..Do any of you know where that is?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs agrees to it as she reches to take his hand. O, this is going to go well with the jocks. But she can still punch one handed.. Useful trick really. She looks to Buffy. "Oh...uh....sorry, no. I think it's the first building and down the hall?" shee nods and guesses, looking to Buffy. "So aside from looking for professors...what're you up to?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter holds Barbara's hand and he looks like he's on literal cloud nine. He moves close to her so that they are side to side when they notice Buffy apparently coming on over to be friendly. Nonetheless, the possible new couple listen to her words.

Barbara knows this school better than Peter does, however. "I think she's right on that. I might've passed it on my way here, actually." He seems to be all calm for the moment. Though he does give Barbara's hand a squeeze.

Small things in life.

He does keep his attention largely on Buffy. "How long have you been looking for this building, exactly?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs nods. "yep, first building, go in, hang a right, second office on the left" she says. Yay for cheating and looking it up on her tablet!

Babs is like that. "You said dinner? Hey, how bout you come with us?" she asks Buffy. "Kids need a responsible chaprone. Plus it'd be good company too" she offers with a smirk. Oh she's got the tablet held awkwardly, but it goes back in pocket and fits in her jeans. She seems perfectly content at the hand squeeze too. "So my date is a nerdy science guy? Hey that balances out the nerdy y me" Babs says.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grimaces as she notices the distracted lovebirds and chuckles, shaking her head. "Err, thanks! Sorry to interrupt! Ummm, have fun you guys.." she shrugs, peering down the hall and nods, "Yes, that must be i t. Thanks again!" she quirks a brow, "Oh, just a couple minutes or so..Y'know, I dont really hang out with my profs outside of class much.."

She pauses at the invitation, "Heh, well firstly, not a kid and secondly, I'm sure your date would prefer some one on one time..But thanks for the offer."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter looks like he is about to speak before Buffy apparently is getting ready to leave! He does chuckle though. "I'm sure one-on-one time would be pretty good, wouldn't you agree?" He asks Barbara, before he does something -truly- daring: He tries to kiss Barbara's cheek.

All the same, he nods to her. "Take care now. Try and not to get into trouble, yeah?" He gives her a happy wave before he chuckles a little bit. "The people you meet."

Oracle has posed:
Babs doesn't fight it. Far from it. She stays still and looks pleased at the kiss. And goes to return the favor too. Cause, why not, huh? Why not? Babs can totally handle this. She ain't a kid. Nope.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter smiles at Barbara when she kisses him, to which he holds her a little closer..

"So, lets go have fun, yeah?" Peter starts to tug her along then, because its date night! If she has classes, who cares, right?

Of course, as soon as they are around the corner, he tries to kiss her proper. Good start to the day, since kisses are now very much so allowed apparently.

But, no doubt, this would be the start of a very fun afternoon, evening, and night for them.