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Medical Marvels in Gotham U
Date of Scene: 29 March 2020
Location: Gotham University, South Point
Synopsis: Kitty Pride arrives to the Gotham University medical center to see what's going on with students who are getting better far faster than they should be. Buffy Summers needs a refil for her first aid kit, and Phoebe Beacon is delivering cookies and daffodils to brighten the place up.
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Shadowcat, Buffy Summers

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe never really needed a reason to be visiting in the Medical Center for Gotham U's Student union, where students who had hurt themselves playing Ultimate Frisbee or attempting Batman-like stunts of agility ended up for a quick stich for a bad sitch. The dark-haired girl's locks were pulled back in a colorful head wrap today as she signed in, a cart full of flowers and baked goods behind her as part of her volunteer freshining-up.

    The Medical Center at this moment was slow (it was a weekend, after all!), and the medical student running intake was attempting to get her number.

    The front counter is shining and new, the massive glass wall tinted slightly to help hidde who would be inside and a statue of Mercury, holding his doctor's rod, was placed outside. Very classy building, built out of the Thomas and Martha Wayne Grant.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pride is here. Because....why not? She's got herself following up on a lead about people at Gotham U healing up faster than expected. Mostly since...well that's interesting. And oh yes, she's not taking any chances yet. So she's phased here into an out of the way nearby building and strolls into the medical building.

Kitty's in her casual clothes and watches it all. See. See? Kitty knows what she's doing. Mostly...

Watching the front desk, Kitty steps forward without saying a word.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, having finished dropping off her paper and continues down the hallway. With all the cuts and scrapes she gets from slaying, she's probably visited the medical center countless times before. And likely she drops by frequently to pick up supplies. She's a frequent face there nonetheless.

And she's here again to buy some bandages and fill up her little first aid kit. "Hello? Anybody here?" she peers through the front counter, and indeed it seems rather slow today..Hey, not a big surprise, most people are getting ready for spring break and what not.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    The man behind the counter immediately stops flirting with Phoebe, who's not precisely receptive to his advances, and swings around the other side of the semi-circle counter.

    "Hellooooo Miss Summers!" he greets her with the biggest grin. "Back again for your travel kits? I almost miss seeing you come in all the time -- if only because it stops me from eeing your beautiful smile!" the intake states.

    Phoebe looks to Buffy, and shakes her head good naturedly with a roll of her eyes at Intake's shenanigans. She finishes up her paperwork, and sets a vase of extremely fresh looking daffodils on the counter, then moves on with her cart.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's not receptive to flirting eithher. Looking over to Buffy, Kitty gives a wave and looks to the new face. "So, what's up?" she asks. Looking over them both, Kitty flumps into a chair and looks tired and restless. Mostly since Kitty is, in fact, restless. She's wired on caffeine nd all the chocolate she could grab from the kitchen.

Which makes her a twitchy Kitty. Oh this is gonna be interesting, though she locks her gaze on Buffy and smiles, getting to her feet again.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers quirks a brow at the flirty guy and smirks. "Yes, yes, it's me again. I'm probably your number one customer." she seems less impresed by his flirtations. Or maybe she doesn't even notice them as she pulls some money out of her wallet, slapping it on the table.

"Just need a little bit of everything to top up my first aid kit. Think you can manage that without tripping over yourself on the way back?"

She does notice the volunteer, and the flowers and smiles, "Ooh, think you could throw in a couple of those for me while you're at it?" And then she spies a totally wired Kitty and she grins and nods to her. "Hey there, Kit-Kat. Been a while. How're you? I really should visit you guys more often."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "This is a medical center, not a pharmacy, Summers!" the boy rolls his eyes over dramatically, and goes to hop back to the supply to hook the woman up. She does, in all honesty, scare him a little.

     And as the volunteer with the bright hairwrap gets closer, she gives a smile to Buffy and Kitty as she sets another vase of flowers.

    "Careful, these are the brightet daffodills in all of Gotham. You might have to wear sunglasses if you're too used to the gray!" she offers as a joke -- but a funny thing occurs

    As she gets closer, there's a certain uplifting feeling she carries with her -- and Kitty's shakiness may begin to edge off as Phoebe sets a box of chocolate chip cookies on the counter. They smell minty.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's shaking does ease. Only to be replaced by a stare at the box of cookis. "You brought cookies? You.....brought cookies?" she asks hopefully. As if she'll get one by way of proxy questions. She reaches a hand out tentativly to the cookies, then pauses. She peeks at the daffodils for a moment or two, then shakes her head. "Be glad I don't suffer from allergies too much. I've no idea where I'd be"

Sleep phasing is bad enough. Sneeze phasing? That's both hilarious and terrible. Knowing her luck, Kitty would end up halfway to Canada and up a tree or something

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks and shrugs, "Oh, I know but you know how I am...Way too enthusiastic in..Err...Athletics club! I mean, those hockey sticks and ice skates and me always ending up on the wrong end of sticks and skates and..Sharp things!" she laughs nervously, wondering if they're full sick of her by now. But hey a girl's gotta make do with what she can find!

"Ooh, did someone say cookies?" she grins, "Mind if I try some? Ooh, those look tasty.." Buffy pauses, peering curiously at Phoebe. "Oh hey, I've seen you around before..You're the volunteer here, right?" she smirks, "Do you often bake tasty stuff for the patients here?" glancing at Kitty she offers her a smile too. "You been okay?" she asks, a bit concerned.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Well... yeah?" Phoebe states, looking surprised a moment as she looks to the box of cookies. "Admittedly had to bake them over my boyfriend's house, since my oven's on the fritz at the moment, but I typically try to bring in cookies once a month to the staff here." she gives a little smile.

    "Between rampant hangovers, Super Hero imitation gauntlets and the occasional broken nose from our self-defense club, we kinda keep them busy - oh! My manners--"

    The girl gives a grin, and waggles her fingers a little bit "I'm Phoebe Beacon, freshman, uuuundecided as of yesterday." she greets the two. "Are you two students here as well?" she asks, and then she gives a smile and opens the cookie box for the girls to help themselves.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Hey I remember being a freshman" Kitty offers with a grin, "I'm Kitty. That's Buffy Summers but the intake guy already said one bit of her name. I just filled in the rest" she giggles. Reaching for a cookie Kitty arches a brow. "Your man lets you cook? Sweet. I work so much I barely have time to cook. Plus when friends do all my cooking I leave it to them" she says, her Star of David pendant swinging out as she gets a cookie. "Mind it's a challenge cooking for me" she nods then turns her attention to Buffy.

"Do I need to let Scott know you got hurt?" she mock asks. She won't, but she likes teasing the Slayer though. "I mean he'll be worried, won't he? What about your other friends?"

Oh she' toein the lin between teasing, and genuine concern. She's helpping Buffy out.

The word 'hangovers' gets her attention though. "Do I need to check on you all to make sure you're not that badly hung over? I mean. The drinking age is there for a reason. Not that it stops people" she shrugs with a nod. "Just don't puke over the carpet. I've heard it's a pain to get out"

See. This. /THIS/ is what she gets for knowing Logan.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "'My Man' doesn't *let* me do anything;" Phoebe begins as she crosses her arms , her lips pursing and her eyebros rising up "Well. He let me use his oven. But most of the time we have little spats since he's kinda from a different social class, and I think has some skeeewed expectations." she explains with a little smile, and rubs the back of her head.

    "It's... a college, Pretty much everyone /of age/ partakes in stupid things. I mean, I can't, allergy, but hey." she gives a slight shrug, and a little wince.


Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives Phoebe a sympatheitc look. "I hear you and honestly, if that were me I'd tell him where to shove his social class ideas" she says. Oh Kitty has little time for it. "What. Does he want you to b e a woman in those photos from the 50s?" she smarts, shaking her head. Looking over, Kitty shrugs. "Yeah well my day job is as a counselor. So you saying everyone does stupid things isn't a shock honestly. I'm not surprised. See. I'm used to student antics" she says finally eating a cookie. "These better be good cookies" Kitty adds with a playful look. "See, your man sounds like he's not worth it honestly if he's going to put you down and make you think you're less than you really are" Kitty offers. She's close to pulling out an invisible chair and offering her services now.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    ". I think you misunderstood --" Phoebe laughs, "Tim's... I mean he's up there in the social status. He tries to pay, I tell him no and offer to fight him for it. that's our 'spat'." Phoebe gives a wince. "I apologize, we have a really good relationship built on mutual respect and jokes, but the idea of a man having to 'let' me do things versus my guy encouraging me to do things? Especially when he gets cookies out of it?" she jokes. Kitty's caffination shakin' should be pretty well subsided now.

    "And I don't know if I could ever seriouly refer to him as 'my man'. He's just... Tim." she replies with a slight shrug. "Cookies should be good. They're made with real vanilla bean instead of just extract."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty holds up her hands. "I'll take that back. I'll take that back. I'm sorry, okay. I didn't know all the facts. I regret opening my mouth" Kitty says and means it. She looks genuenly regretful. "I didn't mean that" she starts looking regretful.

So she is apologizing profusely.

And she looks a bit wistful. "See. My friends cook for me at work and home. I don't pay. I just guide them, you know?" she says gently

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Ack, no please I know nothing bad was meant by it you were looking to protect another girl!" Phoebe states with a laugh, "It's all good, I do most of my own cooking. I live with my mom off-campus and with my comings and goings I jut tend to cook for myself, and tim's pretty self-reliant." the girl laughs, "Please, have another cookie in apology!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins. "Good. Then I owe you cookies too" she nods listening. "Ah I live near my work so it's easy"

True. She lives near Xavier's. Well. Relatively speaking when she can phase. "See, I adore my work. I could always help you out if you need it though" she nods. "You ever feel like your talents are wasted at Gotham U?" she inquires. See. See? Kitty's subtly hinting at Xavier's.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Oh, no, I'm kinda involved with the martial arts and self-defense club, I help out with bake sales..." Phoebe replies, and she rubs the back of her neck. "Ah, I mean, without a major field of study I can't really decide what school I'm going into, but I have what, five months into my sophomore year to decide?" she questions quietly, her shoulders rising up a moment.

    "So, are you here recruiting for another school then?" she laughs

Shadowcat has posed:
"You do good. hey can you keep Buffy from being injured then? Am I recruiting? Depends how you define that little word doesn't it?" Kitty nods solemly. "What makes you think I'm recruiting then?"

She gives a little cant of her head to Phoebe for a moment as she asks, waiting on the response and has a comeback ready. Mostly since, well, she likes a good debate.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "You're a guidance counsiler and you're asking me if I'm happy here at Gotham U." Phoebe points out, "You're not a student, and you lead in with the 'I remember being a freshman'." Phoebe points out, pushing her cart and adding another bouquet of daffodils to an end table, adjusting them so they're mostly out of the way of being knocked by an errand elbow.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes her head. "You got me. I'm recruiting yeah" she says with a nod. "See. See? I'm all for recruiting for my people. What, did you expect me to come in here with a banner and marching band?" she jokes.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "That'd certainly shake things up in the medical center." Phoebe agrees good-naturedly as she regards Kitty with some curiosity. "So, what school are you recruiting for? Met U? Gotham Tech? Maybe NYU?" she questions conversationally, looking at one of the flowers and pursing her lips a moment, gently removing a leaf.

    "If so, there's a couple of guys I know who'd be better for NYU's biology program. Better concentration on the tech side at Gotham, but on the math side at NYU."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Not exactly." she says with a shrug. Grabbing her phone she nods. "Look, I gotta get going. But it was nice meeting you" she adds and flees for the door. Kitty has places to be. Believe it or not. Mostly....not, but Kitty has places to be

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Oh... right then! Take care and be safe out there!" the girl calls after Kitty as Kitty makes her escape -- but as she leave, Kitty might notice that her caffine urgings have lessened, but are back!

    And Phoebe just keeps on tending to the plant she's brought in.