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Latest revision as of 22:36, 6 April 2020

A Walk in the Rain
Date of Scene: 28 March 2020
Location: Streets of Gotham
Synopsis: Phoebe and Tim go on a wlak in the Gotham rain. Slipstream (Drake Winter) saves the couple from peril!
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, Red Robin, Slipstream

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    It was a great Gotham day for a walk. Gray, downpouring, thunder rumbling ahead, but Phoebe didn't have class that afternoon, and had decided to show up at Tim's and drag him out. She was wearing a dark purple raincoat, and had the brightest, cheeriest blue umbrella with rubber duckies all over it.

    "And then I said to him, 'look, you can order one of those drinks, but I'm telling you a cafe mocha cappiccino machiato americano tea with lemon is genuinely at least five different drinks!'" she finishes a story about her short-lived stint as a barrista in highschool to save up money for college and Aikido.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles over at her, and says "No Kombucha? I am surprised." He is walking with his arm around her, his own raincoat black. He grins a bit and says "I am a expresso guy myself most of the time." he admits to her "But is sorta odd, don't crave them as much when around you."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Ha... never got the hook of caffeine, but every once in a while I like a good mint hot cocoa." she gives a bright mile over to Tim, and leans lightly against him. "That's gotta be the magic of love maybe?" she jokes embarrassedly, her cheeks and ears darkening.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and turns to kiss her cheek, and says "Well, I do feel like you bring out the best in me." He rubs her back through the coat. So what ya want to do?

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    The girl gives a little smile, her hand reaching for his over her shoulder to hold Tim's a moment before releasing him.

    "I don't know," she trails off a moment, "I had the afternoon off from classes, figured I would come by and see if you were home, and if you werent I was going to head to the studio and work out." she gives a grin to the dark-haired boy.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "We can work out together if you want, maybe work up a bit of an appetite, and then hit that Italian place you like and make all the work out for nothing?" He teases.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Ugh, no, last night was spaghetti night at my house -- what about maybe Indian? Oh -- there's a Mediterranian place that's supposed to have awesome falalffel!" Phoebe states, as a man walks out of an alley, turning quickly and presenting the barrel of a pistol to the two walkers.

    "All right kids. Nice and easy, turn over yer wallets an cellphones... and you." the gun points at Tim, the guy's hat pulled down to try and obscure his face. "Your watch."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake frowns, and will move slowly at least for now, he pulls his wallet out with two fingers before he starts working to get the watch off. He is moving just a bit to try to make sure, he is between the gun and Phoebe. He is doing his best to protect her.

Slipstream has posed:
"Hey now, that's no way to treat a nice couple out on a date." There's a voice from the top of the fire escape where Drake is parked, along with a floating robot at his shoulder. From the sprinkle of light dancing off his body shows he may have just teleported down from the Cruiser that floats in orbit above Earth. He's wearing a thirty-first century jump suit with a black bomber jacket over his body and a pair of fancy cyber goggles over his face.

For those in the hero biz may recognize him as Slipstream. Once an Avenger, now a Legionnaire. As he leaps over the railing, there's a blast of blue light as he blinks down to the floor in a three point stance, rising upwards with a grin. "So, here's the reality, I can move at mach three speeds. Ever been hit in the face at sonic speed? It hurts a lot. Just take off dude."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Weidly, Phoebe had moved herself in front of Tim. She knew she could take a gunshot wound. It'd hurt like hell, but in the mean time she could fend him off while Tim got to safety. Not precisely the most brilliant move --

    But right at that moment, a hero arrives! SLIPSTREAM!

    The dark-haired girl gives a surprised sound as the teleporteing speedster moves around, and the guy with the gun looks genuinely surprised.

    He turns, and points the gun at Phoebe, who conveniently stepped forward.

    "Oh yeah? Are you faster than a speeding bullet?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will frown as first Phoebe steps in front of him, and then the other hero. As the man moves to point the gun at Phoebe, Tim throws his wallet much like he would one of his Rs. He is trying to knock the guys hand aside, it maybe to late but he is trying to save her with so many there.

Slipstream has posed:
There's a flash of light as Slipstream blinks forward so quick you may miss it. He slams his fist into the side of his jaw, while Snowball comes down behind him to ram up against his knees. It's a bit of a playground technique of tripping someone, but with the velocity of his strike, he's surely going to break that jaw.

As Tim throws his wallet to slap the gun away, he will move to pick it up and drop the clip out of it with a quick, fluid manner. "Hey man, good throw."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    The gun goes sailing off as the wallet hits it.

    The guy's jaw is smashed, a little bloodspatter hitting the wall from Slipstream's blow to him as he goes down.

    Phoebe stumbles a little bit as Tim shurikens his wallet into the guy's hand, her eyes going wide.

    And there, on the ground, the guy's leg touches her boot as she turns to check on Tim -- and that really good feeling spreads through the area, Phoebe forgetting to tamp down on her powers as she turns to check on the unmasked hero next to her.

    And amazingly, the mugger's mug begins to *heal*!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is nothing if not observant and he will see this but does not bring it up, no, he will look like an ass to help hid the healing, he steps forward kicking the guys chin area, trying to bust his face a little but also knock him away from contact with Phoebe, which will give a second kick to the side guy are, low enough not to break ribs "You son of a ." He rants putting on a bit of an act "Threaten my girl friend."

Slipstream has posed:
"Hey man, ease up on the dude. He's just a dick. " Scooping the wallet up, Drake hands it over to Tim and gives them a quick grin. "I'll get the cops to pop over and cuff 'em. You two can go back to your date." He says with a quick wink towards them.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe just sort of stares at Tim as he kicks a guy while he's down, and she reaches out to stop him. "Tim, he's already unconcious--" she feels the sudden drop from her powers, and winces, her knees buckling slightly beneath her, her eyes going wide as she grasps against Tim's rain jacket.

    The man's jaw keeps healing, cuts knitting -- and it slooowly ebs. It look as if he's a couple of days into recovery now, in spite of the lurch from the girl.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will move to catch Phoebe, scooping her up in his arms, and says "I believe it just fainting going to get her back to my place, you got that got may want to keep a look on him. He takes the wallet as best he can.

Slipstream has posed:
Furrowing his brows as his wounds begin to heal, Drake squints his eyes, then grabs the guy, pushing him up against the wall. He takes out a pair of zipties and cuffs him to a pipe. He turns and looks back over to the pair. "You alright, miss?" He asks Pheebs while glancing over to Tim.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe breathes out unsteadily, trying to ease herself up as she looks to Tim, then to Slipstream, and she draws herself up a little bit.

    "I... I think I'm all right... that adreniline drop?" she states, fanning herself. "Might be a bit senitive to the sight of blood?" she ventures, wincing slightly and leaning against the taller Drake.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Lets get you back to my place, it is the closest, you can lay down a little bit see if that helps, I can make you some tea, or some of that coco you were talking about."

Slipstream has posed:
Once he secures the man to the pipe, Drake gives the two a quick once over, then offers them a salute. "If you two are okay, I'll get going myself." He holds his fist out as Snowball zooms down to 'bump' it with one of her flaps. Doot-da-doo! "I'm Slipstream by the way, in case someone asks. Member of the Legion of Superheroes. " With that, he pushes off his feet and starts out of the alley.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... he has a little robot." she whispers quietly, looking confused for a moment. Slipstream? Like as in scifi time travel difficulties?

    She looks confused a moment, blinking as she looks Slipstream's retreating form, then looks to Tim, then looks back to Slipstream.

    "I... just... *what*." she stammers.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Yea, I thought it was Booster Gold and Skeets to stat with, but Silpstream and Snowball, wonder why the robot is named Snowball. Tim looks at her, and says "You ok if I carry you home hon, looks like that drained you a bt.""

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "N-no, no, I can walk..." she states, drawing herself to a stand and stumbling a bit, leaning against the wall -- notably far away from the bit of blood spatter. "I don't want to be here when the police arrive."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will move to at least put her arm over his shoulder, and his arm to help support her. He looks to her, and says "Hon, you know I love you right?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    And Phoebe sort of pauses, and looks back to Tim over her shoulder.

    "And what is that supposed to mean?" she questions, bristling slightly as her arm goes over his shoulder, his arm around her waist. She's pretty damp by now, her happy ducky umbrella blowing away in the Gotham winds.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "We need to talk about what happened there hon, there was a reason I lost it on him. He lowers his voice, and says "I saw it hon, and it changes nothing for me."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "You... you..." she whispers, and then quietly she states: "You still kicked him, like three times, while he was down! Tim that's not cool!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "Was trying to hide the healing, so the other guy would not see, I did not know how secretive you wanted to be on it. First kick was to bust up his face a little, second two were to make sure he did not touch you again

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "S-so what if he saw it. He's a superhero. He probablyknows tons of people who can heal others." she whispers softly, curling her fingers against Tim's shoulder, and she whispers:

    "You're... the first one to know about it." she whispers.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, his head a bit and says "I won't tell anyone without your permission hon." He kisses her cheek. Walking along with her, and once they get to the apartment he will lead her into the couch "You want some of that coco hon?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "N-no... I think i nee a minute to let my stomach settle..." she whispers "... I still get queasy at blood sometimes." she admits quietly, sitting down on Tim's couch. "S-so... pretty sure you have questions."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and will get some water and sets it on the coffee table in case she needs it. He sits beside her and puts his arm around her shoulders "Well, I guess start with how you got the powers?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Not a clue." Phoebe gives a shrug "I... just know they're probably not biological?" she stammers a moment, and then breathes out. "I started healing after my dad passed. I thought maybe it was biological, but it doesn't feel right. But because I'm adopted, and there's no info on my birth parents I can't really determine if it is or isn't." she rubs the back of he rhead. "I started working with plants. And moved up from there."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "Well, I am sure it will be a handy talent, but I take it if you touch someone you heal them if you want to or not? Or was tonight an accident in the confusion?

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Phoebe gives an embarrassed grin. "I... can't hut it off. Usually it's skin on skin... aaand... ah..." she trails off, and she buries her face in her hands.

    "This is going to be a very, very embarrassing night...."