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Lady of the Lake
Date of Scene: 09 April 2020
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Megan meets a familiar face..And makes a potentially dangerous deal.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Morgana le Fay

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been grounded for a while now, and that's totally not fun, or okay with her because...C'mon, she did her best to get people to safety and all that. But here she is, trusting that Logan knows best and will not leave them grounded for like *ever*.

Of course, being cooped up in the institute with little space to fly free was driving her crazy, so she was spending as much time as she could outside the institute. Logan had no said that she could not hang out at the Lake, which was off the institute grounds, but still owned by the Professor, and a popular retreat area.

So here she is, drawing in a breath of fresh air, spreading out her wings and gliding over the lake's surface, low enough that she can feel the spray of cool water hitting her face.."If only I could talk to Morgana...Darnit!"

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's got many, many ways of getting messages to people. She's not looking to re-enact the Lady of the Lake. Constantine's not within 'smack with sword' range, and besides, Morgana may be part fae, but...but, she's much preferring not to appear out of water. Raher, she's as far from the mansion as possible, or, across the lake, standing on the shore watching Megan. It's like she's kept an eye on the human world and her fae....friend, whatever Pixie is to Morgana. Still, she's reaching out to aid the poor girl.

Morgana's certainly talented enough to reach out to Pixie now she's outside the school's defenses. So...

An idea occurs to Morgana, as she slowly emerges from the middle of the lake, performing her best Lady of the Lake impersonation. Only, instead of a sword? it's a basket of food and gifts from Avalon. Naturally, fae gifts. If Megs has done her research or can convince Morgana to not trap the gifts...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn flips and turns and twirls and generally is having a good time fluttering about the lake. Heey, this is fun, so much freer than being stuck in the institute! But heey, what's this? She can sense her even before she sees her. Yes, yes, that's Morgana, isn't it?

Eyes widen, fluttering a little closer as she sees her fellow fae friend just standing in the middle of the water..Wait, did she just emerge from below? With faerie goodies no less!?

"Eek! Morgana!" she darts towards her, and the basket, though she is more interested in tackle-hugging Morgana than snatching gifts from her. "How'd you find me? No way! This is amazing!"

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's trying her best innocent look as she's just, yes, emerged from the lake...totaly normal thing for her to do. Really, it is...

Tackle hugging Morgana back into the lake isn't high on her list of priorities, but she figures Pixie will only try it once. The basket's held up above her head, like she's daring Pixie to just try it. Just try tackle hugging Morgana into the lake...

Though Morgana looks pleased to see Megan. Looking over her, Morgana actually smiles, her hate for the human world tempered just a little. Kindred fae spirits, anyone?

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn does exactly that, attempting to hug her but careful not to shove her or the treats into the lake, "Soooo how'd you find me? Ooh, what's in the basket? This is sooo awesome! Are you..Walking on water? Can you teach me how?" oh, she's just got a million questions for her. But the most important is. "Oh yeah....I'm totally grounded, I'm stuck here for who knows how long and it's totally not faiiiiir!" she pouts a little..

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Pixie's gotten literally attached to a Morgana, who hugs her back with one arm, the other holding the basket above her head. Then, just to be mean, the sorceress leans back, slowly at first, but then slides her feet out from under her and falls back with a loud splash. See. Morgana's just that mean. Though to be fair she does angle herself enough to take the splash and (try) not to soak pixie.

Pulling herself upright, Morgana shakes the water off of herself, and lowers the basket to Pixie's level. "Walking on water? No no it's magic" she admits. "I could teach you, yes" she offers.

"Why are you grounded? You were flying" Morgana says, "As for how I found you? Magic" she nods. Just 'Magic'....Morgana won't give away all her secrets.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn eeks and falls in the water, totally soaked now, regardless of how Morgana tries otherwise. Heey, she's known to be a bit of a clutz. Fortunately her wings work just as well in the water and she flutters back to her feet, hovering over the water a little, shaking herself off as best as she can.

"Ooh, I wanna learn sooo much from you! But.." she sighs, glancing around, "Well, y'know, it was really really dumb..I went shopping with Alice, and we were waiting for the train in the subway but it took forever to get here...And then.."

She frowns, "Well, then I saw a fairy fluttering down the tunnel, and I know that fairies are in trouble sooo I followed it..And ran into a pair of giant robotes who were duking it out..And that fairy is still stuck in Blurr's cockpit and i'm really worried about her.."

Megan pouts, "You see? Why am I in trouble for this? I ported myself, Shannon and Blurr to safety, but I hit my head on the way and blanked out...I'm soooo annoyed! I shouldn't be grounded!"

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana looks to Megan and offers the basket to her.

"So you did the right thing in helping fairies out. But....you got punished for it? Why?" Morgana a asks taking cheese from the basket. Morgana is not happy that Pixie got punished for, well, the right thing.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts. "I knoooow! It's sooo unfair! I guess he thought we got caught up in a fight that wasn't us, endaning our lives and because I got knocked out in the process, he probably thinks I wasn't capable. I mean geez, I'm more than capable, and I'm an adult now so how can he even *ground* me?"

Yeah, she's totally upset. "And...Ooh! Cheese!" pink wings glitter brightly now, fluttering around the basket as she makes grabby hands for cheese. "I loooooooove cheese!"

Megan does seem worried though, "Umm but that poor fairy is still stuck in Blurr and I hope she doesn't get hurt..I dont think he even knew..."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana listens to this with the patience and the grace of somebody who has done this before. A lot of befores really. Mostly since Morgana is, as ever, patiently listening, gathering information. But Megan is a fellow fae...and...and...Morgana's a little protecttive of her fellow fae folk. See, being queen is useful at times...

"You did the right thing" Morgana says simply, opening the basket more to reveal a selection of Avalon's best foods. Skimming, magically, to the lakeshore furthers from the school, Morgana sets the basket down.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn continues to peer through the basket, like a moth to the flame. Hey, it takes a lot of energy to run those wings! ANYWAY, she follows after Morganna as she skims away from the school. meepers, is she leading her away from the school, or what?

"Ooooh, here's a good place! Yay, we can have a picnic! Happy!" she cheers, though still seems worried. "But you know, I'm really worried about that little fairy..Do..Do you think you could go and find her for me? I still haven't figured out why these goblins are capturing fairie,s but, it must be for something big, right? And even worse..They may come after me..Or you!"

And that has her very worried. "Umm, I'm a little scared.."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's not /trying/ to lead Pixie astray. She figures a fae like Pixie? Oh she can do that all by herself. Morgana just needs to come along for the ride. Something something responsible thousand year old sorceress something something...

Yeah right. Anyone who knows Morgana /that/ well knows she's responsible when it's in her best interests...well, now is one, a picnic with Pixie. Cheese, yes, it's there. So's other food from Avalon, various honeys, breads, fruit and oatmeal. And fae drinks too, both alcoholic and not.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oooohs as she peers at all the tasty food. "Wow, did you like, plan this all ahead of time? How'd you know where to find me?" it takes her a moment to talk again, grabbing at this and that, trying a little bit of everything. Hey, she's a hungry gal after all that intense studying and what not! Ooh, and fae drinks and alcohol!

Ooh, Logan would freak if he knew. "Wow, Can I try this drink? What is it?" she holds up a bottle of pale blue..Something, probably elf wine of some sort. "I mean..I guess you're like, a queen so you're used to living in luxury, right? Say I have an idea!"

Morgana le Fay has posed:
"No I didn't plan this" Morgana says. Half truth. She was going to sit by the lake and enjoy the food anyway. But...

"That's elf wine" she admits looking to the bottle Megan is holding. "Careful, it's strong and yes, I am used to luxury as you put it. Take what interests you" Morgana nods. She won't stop Pixie from trying what catches her eye. There's a lake there for hurling into, after all. Morgana's got schemes and plans.

"So, what's your idea? You said about a trapped fairy, right? Do you want any help freeing them?" Morgana asks, a logical thought. Send a powerful sorceress to.....do good? Really, Morgana?

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs at the elf wine and takes a sip, shivering slightly. "Oooh, wow. That's strong stuff!" and she should really not sip too much or she'll totally get drunk. And a drunk Pixie is a scary Pixie. Really!

She sighs as she munches on some bread and cheese, nodding slowly. "Yeaah, I mean, I'm stuck here, and while I could easily port wherever I want, I just wanna play by the books. If I'm ever gonna become an official X-girl, then I have to play by *their* rules, I guess.."

She shakes her head. "Okaay, so here's the thing, this robot guy Blurr? I found him in a manhattan subway tunnel...Soo, I wonder if I can find him there again? Either way, can you track fairies? There was this little green fairy hiding in his cockpit, but..Aside from pointing you in the general direction of where I last saw 'em, I dunno how else to find 'em..Can you help with that?"

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana chews silently on chunks of honey coated bread for a moment. "I could. But.." Morgana muses. "Why would I concern myself with one fae? Aside from the obvious that you want my help an d I may help you in return" Morgana points out with a proverbial carrot dangling over her Pixie. Or in this case, cheese. Morgana's cued up quickly Pixie loves her cheese.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, "Well see, it's not just one fairy. Fairies have been attacked all over the place by goblins..You're fae too, so am I. It's only a matter of time before they come after one of us. And maybe that fairy can give you some information about what's going on? I was also thinking, perhaps you can offer them a safe haven..?" ok she's probably going out on a limb, asking for a big favor of Morgana. Certainly there will be an even bigger price. "Please? I'm worried about them, I'll do whatever you ask.."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
"You've got my interest" Morgana says, "I'll help but it will cost you" she nods, laying out the foundations. Magic has costs. Morgana wants to get payment or this...

"Now, what would you do if I gave this fairy a safe place to live?" she asks looking over to the fairy mutant thing. Surely she won't leave bait for Pixie? Doubtful. Though Morgana isn't exactly fair.

Pixie has posed:
Okay, if that's not bad enough, Megan has bigger plans. "Ooh, well, see it's not just the one fairy. There are lots of fairies. I dunno the whole story, but..Lots of fairies need a safe haven. I imagine their kingdom or home was destroyed by these goblins, which is why they're on the run, or..For whatever reason, hiding out in out back yard. Err. I mean this backyard..Well..They're around this area a lot.."

She's scrambling, not to give away who she is, or anything about the school. "Umm anyways, well what do you want? I'm sure i'm a fairy too, even if not a full fairy. Perhaps I could be your retainer..You know, like, bodyguard or something? I mean, you're a queen, you probably have enemies."

Oh yeah, this is totally not going to go down well..

Morgana le Fay has posed:
"I could offer you a trade. Knowledge and power for helping your friends out?" Morgana says. There's that carrot...again. "It would be power that you as a fae would be interested in. I may have something that'd catch your eye" Morgana says with a knowing nod. Given she's got a whole library of magic things...

Watching Pixie, Morgana looks over to the lake then over to Megan again.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks in surprise, "Ooh really? That doesn't seem a fair trade. I mean, you help me and what, you give me knowledge and power? Or do you mean...I mean, I'm nowhere near as powerful as you, but I'd be happy to give you whatever you like..I'm sure a lot of those fairies would feel safer if they had a place they could call home.." she bites her lip, following Morgana's gaze towards the lake, distractedly munching on some grapes as she does so..

Morgana le Fay has posed:
"It is a fair trade" Morgana says firmly. "I gain more fae. You gain knowledge" she offers and smiles. "Please. Keep the foodds and drinks. If anyone asks, tell them that you found them" Morgana says. "I'll reach out to you again with a plan to rescue these fae. In the meeantime..." Morgana says, and she gets up, seeming to step into thin air and disappear.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods, "Right. I mean, who better to keep those fairies safe than the Faerie queen, right?" she seems to have complete faith in her. But...what if Strange is right? Did she just make a fatal mistake? But but Strange is probably just paranoid, right? Morgana seems super nice and stuff. "Right! Let's keep in touch.." and then she's gone..