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Latest revision as of 03:35, 16 April 2020

Kryptonians buying Bao!
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: Two Bridges (Chinatown), Manhattan
Synopsis: Meals and meetings!
Cast of Characters: Flex, Power Girl

Flex has posed:
Adrian has finally found an apartment, though with his budget it is all the way over in Gotham. It is also Unfurnished, so he is out looking for cheap and portable furniture. This area does not seem a good place to find furnishings...but is a good place to stop for breakfast on his way to look over garage sales.

Power Girl has posed:
Technically speaking, New York was the best place one could manage to find quick work and diverse culture...and greatly varied food. Certainly, despite having both time and ability to travel the entire world, there was still a little charm to the New York twist on so much of the world. What was it that brought Karen Starr to Chinatown? Quite simple, she'd been spending her time trying to get better at 'normal' and thus she'd decided to try her hand at cooking.

That ment that she had to find the right ingredients of course, leading the blonde woman dressed in simple jeans and a T-shirt, hair tied back in a bun and a pair of black rimmed glasses on her face towards the local market.

Flex has posed:
Adrian is having trouble making progress through the crowds, it is a busy morning. He oberves the tall blond, she looks a bit out of place...well so does Adrian really (more orientals in this place). Given how much taller she is, the blond is probably not interested in someone as short and plain as Adrian. Still, he is a guy, and she has a nice figure.

Adrian pauses outside the Chinese Restaurant, trying to decide if he wants to go in...and what he wants and can afford for breakfasy.

Power Girl has posed:
Shopping was one thing, but for all the talents that Powergirl had, power or talent, cooking was something that evaded her so far. Sure she'd make an attempt...but sometimes one was better off letting a professional handle it. Her path shifts, making her way towards that very same restaurant. Adrian's pausing in the doorway? It's met with a polite clearing of her throat before she tilts her head.

"Have you been here before?" she questions, tilting her head. "Are you going in...or keeping people out?"

Flex has posed:
Adrian sighs, "Going in I suppose. I need something for breakfast and this looks like a good spot. I will have to get some food for my apartment, once my refrigerator and range arrive. Just moving in."

Adrian speaks with an accent, he is probably from Ontario, if that accent is familiar. Sis clothing moves a bit funny, as if he is wearing long underwear or something similar.

Adrian adds, "No, I have not been here before, is it good?"

Power Girl has posed:
Her own clothing looked relatively normal, at least to the casual glance. After all, her costume was rather figure-hugging at the best of times and the cape? It was easily tucked away in the handbag resting slung over her shoulder. A shake of her head to the question comes with a soft shrug of her shoulders.

"I have not tried it... Honestly, I've not come to this part of the city all that much. Usually it's just...takeout."

A moment of consideration, she glances to the door from Adrian and back again. "I suppose I'll find out for myself." A proclaimation offered with a light smile. "I'm going in."

Flex has posed:
Adrian suggests, "It looks a bit busy. Perhaps we can share a table and compare opinions on what we order?" OK, so he is not a Lady's man. Still, it IS busy.

Power Girl has posed:
One didn't need to be the smoothest to strike up normal conversation anyway, right? And truth be told, Power Girl had probably heard quite a few lines in her time, particularly in her costume! Here as 'Karen'? She's left to shrug lazily and nod. "Seems fair," the Kryptonian agrees before pushing the door open, holding it open casually while she inhales the scent of breakfast to be. "Let us see what we can find?"

Flex has posed:
When asked by the host how many, Adrian says, "Two." After they are seated, and given menues, he looks over the selection. One of them involves pancakes, another involves eggs. He considers, "Mu Shu, or Egg fu? Those two seem most breakfast-like to me." OK, so he is not familiar with Oriental breakfast dishes.

Power Girl has posed:
"Egg fu," Karen decides rather quickly, glancing over the menu seemingly far too fast of have actually read it. Eggs sounded right for breakfast after all, and it was something she'd tried in the past. She wasn't -quite- getting way out of the comfort zone just yet. A frown, she glances back towards Flex a little sheepishly. "I should probably have asked your name, I'm Karen."

Flex has posed:
"Adrian," Flex replies, "I will try the Mu Shu then." It is actually new to him, but he is willing to try something new. He asks, "Are you from around here? I recently moved to the area."

Power Girl has posed:
"Metropolis," the answer comes, perhaps a little abruptly, but it's softened with a little bite of her lip and a chuckle. "Sorry, it has been...a busy time of late. Hopefully it'll be easing soon." The blonde reaches up, lazily removing her glasses for a moment to clean them with the napkin while waiting for the food. "I work at S.T.A.R. labs. It is...it can be, pretty busy."

Flex has posed:
"A lab rat," he states with a chuckle. "I am in Law Enforcement, though I am on sabbatical doing some self improvement."