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Of Pixies and Muscle Cars....
Date of Scene: 07 April 2020
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Shannon and Megan talk about recent events. Josiah joins them later for talk of some down home Cajun cookin'!
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Pixie, Firefly (Barrows)

Nightingale has posed:
     Grounded. That was one word Shannon had not expected to hear, but perhaps should have this time. At least Megan got out of there in one piece, she mused to herself, as she wings her way into the air above the backyard. The weather was decent, and maybe a little bit of flight for its own sake would do the trick to bleed off some frustration.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn was lucky that the injury was not more severe. As it was, she was merely dazed, but awake enough to pick up bits and pieces of the conversation. Bits and pieces that shed some light on what was going on.

The big bump on the back of her head had gone down quickly and was easily healed with the timely intervention of Shannon, which was nice since she doesn't tend to respond well at all to medicine. Now of course she is grounded, which is very frustrating for a number of reasons.

And the urge to stretch her wings brings her to the back yeard, desperate for some fresh air as she yawns and stretches.

Nightingale has posed:
     Glancing down, Shannon saw the pink-haired pixie girl, who seemed to have much the same idea about taking advantage of the nice weather. It was almost a shame there wasn't enough snow left to gather up into a snowball. Ah, well. She really couldn't blame Megan for stumbling into this one, though other things did frustrate her. She calls down, "Hey you... glad you're up and about! How's your head feeling?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles faintly at Shannon through her daze, waving to her. "Shannon, hey! Um..Thanks for healing my head, I guess I owe you one.." ulp. Maybe she shouldn't have said that last part. Her wings wilt a bit, looking dark and grey today.

"Geez, I'm such an idiot, it's all my fault for dragging you into that mess..I'm sorry.." she sighs, pouting a bit as she kicks up some rocks. It's a warm and sunny day but Megs doesn't feel terribly sunny.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head, backwinging to a landing next to Megan. Reaching out, she gingerly rests her hand on the other girl's shoulder. "I should have trusted you more with a lot of what's been going on, the things I've been up to. You might not have been blindsided like that otherwise. You're not the idiot. I am."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a curious brow at Shannon, relaxing faintly at her warm touch. "Hmm okaay, that guy Blurr..He's your friend right? And he's hiding..Something from that other guy who was kinda mean.."

She frowns, rubbing her temples, trying to remember bits and pieces. "He gave the mean guy something, some sorta chip? But it wasn't real, was it? And there was something back at Club Evolution that didn't belong there either.."

She quirks a brow, putting two and two together. "Wait, I get it, the less I know, the less I can spill.." Megan pouts a little. "I know..You can't trust me because I'm terrible at keeping a secret."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cracks a little bit of a smile. "Well... you -can- be a bit of a motormouth. But yeah. You're piecing it together pretty well. Blurr's the friendly here. From what I've heard from him, the chip he needs is something that has to go to his commanding officer. What's on that chip, he won't even tell me and that may be for the best. What I don't know, I can't tell. And the same goes for you."

     She sighs a little, and runs her fingers through her hair. "Not sure what the other one's name was, but yeah he's a bounty hunter type. Didn't seem to originally have a beef with us 'organics', but well, it unfortunately looks like he could be changing his mind on that. So be very... VERY careful dealing with these guys."

     Her expression turns a bit more steely, in a way that Megan might only have seen on her a few times. "It's not over yet though. That thing that looked like it didn't belong at the club? I suspect that could be the real chip. What scares the crap out of me is wondering how long it's going to be before that bounty hunter takes a look at what Blurr gave him, figures out he was had, and does a major U-turn."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly, "I understand. Those guys are no trip in the park. They're tougher than Sentinels, even!" as for the thing at the club, that causes her frown to deepen. "Is..Is it someplace safe? If you're right..They're gonna come back for it, sooner or later." And that has her scared for Shannon, because she probably knows where it is.

"You know..We could even hide it in Limbo or something, he'd never find it there..Of course Illy might not be too happy about that but..." Megan ponders that a moment, and her eyes grow wide.

"Oh my gosh..I almost forgot..That fairy..It must still be trapped in Blurr's cockpit!"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "Very, very tough. Now do you see why I told you to get out of there? Okay yeah, maybe you're the senior between the two of us, but you were also at a disadvantage, not knowing what you were dealing with." She runs her fingers through her hair. "Blurr's been trying to contact me to get me to meet with him and let him know what's going on. My feeling on this is that we really should probably go along with the whole grounding thing, and avail ourselves of Logan's expertise and long experience here. Maybe not with intergalactic 'bots like these, but in general with tough situations. We could stand to learn a thing or two from him."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, nodding slowly, "That may be true, but you know, I could never just abandon you..We gotta stick together!" she rests a gentle hand on her shoulder as if to stress her point. "And I'm sorry if I let the whole 'senior thing' go to my head. You clearly have a lot of experience, way more than other students around here. But..I'd still never just abandon you in the face of a danger..Not in a million years!"

She sighs, shaking her head. "I can't believe he grounded us though..That's just...Mean! And..that little fairy..She could be in danger too." then again, she may be safer with Blurr than anyone. "Umm soo how long are we grounded for, anyway?"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah floats to the ground, bright white energy wings flapping on his back as he lands by the girls. "Ladies." He says with a bow as his wings vanish. "I trust I am not intruding?" He says as he watches them and reaches into a pack for a couple of sodas, offering them to the two of them.

Nightingale has posed:
     Smiling a little at Megan, Shannon just nods. "Hey. There'll be some things where you're the one with more experience. That's just how it is. Speaking of..." As she hears Josiah land nearby, the subject is deftly changed. "...how are things going with your mentorship with Doctor Strange?"

     Turning, she smiles and inclines her head towards Josiah. "Hello there! Haven't heard much from you lately. How's it been going?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, nodding slowly. "Well y'know, we should do some more training exercises..Learn how to fight..." as she sees Josiah she smiles and waves to him, "Against Sentinels. And other big robot types." she grins, "Oh, heh, Strange is his usual self. All strange and mysterious.." she makes wriggly fingers, "He's all about, 'Practice meditating' and 'Master your teleportation before learning new spells!' she puts on an attempted 'Arrogant Strange' accent as she says those last two points.

"But heey, it's lots of fun. How are you doing, Josiah? I haven't seen you in a while..You totally missed my birthday party. Even grumpy old Logan was there!"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "Just got back from a gig in New Orleans. Regathered some cajun food to bring up here." Josiah says as he watches the two women. "I am so sorry." He says to Megan as he reaches into his pack and pulls out a wrapped package. "I know I missed it, but I got this for you while I was in New Orleans." He says, his cajun accent slipping as he smiles and offers megan the package. When she opens it she will find an actual king cake.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lets out a low whistle. "Nice, a king cake! Those are supposed to be soooo good, and they're one I never learned how to make." She accepts the soda with a smile of gratitude, popping the top with a little crack-hissss. "Oh, Megan, as for fighting, best two I can think of for that are Sam Guthrie, and definitely Logan. Urgh. Ever ram your hand into a cast-iron frying pan? That's how it feels when he's just /blocking/ a blow."

She chuckles a little and rolls her eyes, hearing about Strange's exhortations to Megan. "Sounds like you've got him trying to give you a good solid base in magic. I may not like him but let's face it, the man knows his business. I look forward to being able to start learning from Doctor Banner at some point."

Beyond that, she just listens for a bit, and grins, knowing all too well that cake is going to make for one hyper Pixie....

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen at the sight of the pretty, colorful, sweet and SUGARY cake. "OOOOoooh! For mee!? You shouldn't have!" she giggles, and huggs him, being careful not to squish the cakey. "Thanks! And how was your gig?"

As for Strange, she just lets out a deep breath, "Yeaaah, I kinda thought it'd be all flash bang zang! Instead it's all like, 'take it slow, get down your foundations first.' soo I guess I should practice my sleeping spell and teleportation til I get them perfect. If I can impress him enough, maybe he'll teach me cooler stuff soon!"

She's got a wicked look in her eye as she says that. Because she's always full of mischief. "Ooh, I've never actually had a training session WITH Logan, just with him at the controls. I'll bet he's painful, and Dr. Banner? Sounds even MORE painful.." she smirks, "Hey what about you, Josiah? checked out the danger room yet? I'll bet you could give it a run for its money.."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "To be honest, I didnt know about the danger room until I managed to get ahold of one of the students and they told me that sometimes certain students go to a special training center for their powers." Josiah explains as he smiles. "It was good. We managed to get ahold of the mormon church and became a part of it. We were giving books of mormon amongst the people in new orleans and gained a few more parishioners." He says as he hugs her back and he looks to Shannon. "Maybe you both can explain it better for me?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles, and shakes her head. "No, not talking about learning fighting from Doctor Banner. I meant medicine and biology from him. The man's a bloody genius. Completely floored me when he offered to act as a mentor when he's able." Her look to Josiah is a confused one, and she tilt she rhead. "Explain what better for you?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pose oohs, "Well that's cool." she shrugs, "Hmm, it's just like, a really cool training room. I guess it's mostly for those students who are really serious about there training and want to not just learn about there powers but become fully fledged X-men one day. But I suppose you'll probably have to get a senior member's clearance to be allowed in there first.."

She can't help but take a long whiff of cake and take a few nibbles of it which sends a buzz throughout her body. Oh yes, she's gonna have too much fun with this later, even her greyish wings have started to glisten a lighter blue now.

Turning to Shannon, she smirks, "Hehehe, I was gonna say, a training session with him would be painful. Well that's cool. Isn't he like, a guest teacher here now or something? I hope he's not super strict though.." she pouts a bit at that.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah smiles at Megan and then he turns to Shannon. "So what do you two intend to do?" He asks curiously. "I was thinking about cooking some more cajun food, to give some to Remy." He says withb a shrug. He then looks to Shannon. "Having fun?" He asks curiously.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs and smiles a little bit. "Guess some cooking couldn't hurt. Never did learn to make Cajun food the right way. Maybe that's something you could show us?" Now she's confused, trying to follow along with what Josiah's getting at...