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Latest revision as of 23:36, 16 April 2020

Pardon my Pixie Dust!
Date of Scene: 16 April 2020
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Megan is attacked by Mutant Scavengers, Fantomex comes to her rescue.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Fantomex

Pixie has posed:
It's a cool evening in mutant town and Megan is hurrying to club Evolution to check something out. Unfortunately she's been stalked for the past several blocks, by some shady mutants who has thus far remained hidden and off her radar. Being that mutants run amok here, she had done nothing to hide her glittery fairy wings and they freely stick out of her jacket though folded against her back when not in use. Even when not being used, they still glimmer with that strange magical dust.

And that's bound to attract some sort of attention from the wrong crowd.

Shivering a bit, she can't help but feel like something's not quite right as she navigates shady back alleys and what not. Quickenning her pace, she ducks into a nearby alleyway and realizes with a gasp that it is a dead end.

"Oh no...I hate this town..It's so creepy!" she murmurs. Turning back the way she came, she finds her entrance is blocked by two shady figures.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex is back to New York, after a few pointless trips abroad. Pointless for him, at least. One would say Waller had something going in the US she didn't want the mutant thief to know. And seeing Lois Lane's articles about it, he thinks he knows.

As if he cared about alien heroes!

Actually, if he had known, he might have slipped something to SHIELD. Well, E.V.A. would have, he 'doesn't care'. (Which still proves Waller is still a step ahead).

In any case until the heat dies down the Squad won't be going into missions. Which makes Fantomex bored. He needs something interesting to do.

So, Fantomex is back to New York. And taking a walk, on the rooftops of Mutant Town, because the streets are for peasants and he has the physical abilities to jump from rooftop to rooftop. That is why he spots the winged Pixie. Cute kid, mostly harmless.

Pixie has posed:
Cute? Definitely. Harmless? Hah! Dont say that to her face!

The pink haired girl spins around to face the intruders, eyes narrowed, "Let me pass! I'm not looking for any trouble!" why, she could fly, except the alleyway is pretty narrow. Teleporting might work better, but as soon as she forms the words on her lips, one of the mutants steps forward, lifting a hand..She sways unsteadily, dizzyly..

"Wuh...What's happenning?" the second mutant steps forward with a wicked grin, lifting a hand and sending more waves out that make Megan feel sleepy. "Pixie girl, relax..We just want your dust.." with a wicked smile she opens a large jar, stepping towards her.

Eyes glazed over, Pixie moves towards the hypnotic woman and flutters her wings, filling the jar with glittery pink dust..

Fantomex has posed:
Totally harmless, in Fantomex never humble opinion. Which is why he expects her to be in trouble when the body language of the two street punks reads 'victim found'. Still, she can fly, so why is she just standing there?

Fantomex creeps closer, staying on the rooftops. It doesn't seem rape or even a mugging. No violence, so he just watches, curious for a minute.

Pixie has posed:
"Hahahaha.." the two mutants quickly fill their jar of pixie dust. They haven't spotted Fantomex yet though. "Heh, silly girl, keep dancing for us, we'll make a fortune of this!" she continues to sway slowly, dancing and fluttering, filling more jars. "Wow, can you believe this? Silly girl..Maybe we should just take her with us.." one of them pulls out some chains, approaching her.

Fantomex has posed:
Right. It is all fun and games until someone brings in the chains. Since Pixie doesn't stuck Fantomex as the bondage-me type of girl he decides the other two mutants are going to far and drops to the alleyway.

There is a soft -thud- as he lands behind the enterprising duo. Audible enough only because he wants them hearing him. "Bonjour," he greets. "Not to want to spoil what doubtlessly is a fair and fully agreeable exchange, but chains? So passe. Pixie, girl, are you even awake?"

Pixie has posed:
The two mutants exchange a look as Fantomex appears, frowning a little. "Heh, guess we got enough dust for today. Pixie, deal with him...!" They back away from Fantomex and run away, leaving the girl to face him alone.

As he calls to her, she seems to be in some other world, eyes narrowed as she steps slowly towards him, unresponsive. A moment later, she brings a hand to her chest...And pulls out that glowy dagger of hers, rushing at him suddenly and quickly as she attempts to stab him with it.

Fantomex has posed:
Dust, hmm? Fantomex tilts his head and a nickel-sized thing zooms after the fleeing thugs. Leaving him to face a... dagger armed fairy? Mostly harmless.

Fantomex sidesteps, "I guess not awake is the right answer," he dodges again, and this time he tries to catch Pixie's wrists and twists it, his feet sweeping under her to see if he can make her fall to her knees. "Snap out of it, kid!"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn may not be as experienced a fighter as Fantomex, but having trained under Logan no less is nothing to scoff at. She misses the first time, but as he grabs her wrist, she easily twists out of it before he can trip her up. Eyes narrow, rushing at him again with that dagger, taking several swipes. She may not be an expert hand-to-hand combatant, but she's not that easy to take down either.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex is going easy on Megan. Maybe a mistake, as the girl shows she knows how to elude a simple Aikido hold, and then returns with a flurry of dagger swipes. She has some training, who would have thunk?

He has to backpedal quickly, but when backed against a corner, he just flips over her with inhuman agility. "Well, now. I will feel real bad later, but lets stop this, oui?" And he attempts to push Megan against the wall before she can turn over, to pin her there.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is pinned against the wall, although the look in her eyes is one of stark emptiness. No surprise, no fear, just emptiness. Although the vertigo already wore off, she's still apparently hypnotized, but it seems for all the training Logan has given her, she doesn't stand a chance against a ninja master.

When he pins her against the wall, her dagger vanishes. She doesn't need it right now. Never been that great at close combat anyway. But Megan doesn't struggle either, staring right through him as he tries to snap her out of it, seemingly not e ven hearing his words, only the hypnotic suggestion in her mind.

"Si...Sihal Novarum Chinoth..." she murmurs, and grabs his shoulders, pulling him into the glowing pink portal that suddenly opens its gaping maw right at their feet. Not like she even had to pull him or try, because they'll fall into it either way and get swallowed up..

Only to get spit out some several miles away, in a park lake, right at the bottom of the lake, to be precise. Apparently teleporting while hypnotized can be *very* dangerous.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex knows she is not herself. The hypnosis makes her hard to read, though. The teleport takes him by surprise and he has a tenth of a second to decide between letting her go and grab something to avoid falling or follow her.

And he follows, because he is curious and he does stupid things like this all the time.

A second later, at the bottom of a lake, he has some second thoughts. Mostly, however, he is trying to get to the surface.

Pixie has posed:
Okay, definitely not a good idea to be hypnotized and try a teleport. Which is not something she'd ever try in her right mind. The pair of mutant criminals had told her to go after Fantomex and stop him, not save herself from drowning. Fortunately as he starts to flee, she follows after him, and at first it looks like she may just try to grab his ankle and pull him down with her.

Fortunately getting splashed with cold water seems to have been some sort of wake up call for her, either that or enough time has passed to snap her out of the hypnotism. Scared and confused, she makes a dash for the surface, and fortunately those wings work like fish fins in the water, fluttering madly, boosting her speed enough that she breaks the surface surprisingly quickly.

It takes her a moment to catch her bearings as she glances around, shivering at the cold water. "Wha...What happened? where am I?" the fact that she tried to drown Fantomex hasn't quite registered yet.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex surfaces a second later, giving the girl an amused glance. "Central Park, I think." He is already using his powers so the park-going humans can't see them. "As for what happened, I'll tell you on the way to the edge of the pond?" He offers, pointing there. Chatting in the middle of an artificial lake is not his style.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, rubbing the water out of her eyes, talk about a wakeup call. "Geez...I can't believe it..Last thing I remember was wandering into a shady alley." and it's still night and the water's cold and...She shivers again and nods. The lake's not that big and so she paddles towards the lake's edge. "Ugh, got a massive headache.."

Fantomex has posed:
"Oui, well..." while they swim to the edge, he tells Megan about the two shady mutants putting her in trance to gather some dust from her wings. Then talking about kidnapping her, which made him get involved. "Perhaps the headache is from the trance, but it might be from losing that substance from your wings. The water won't have helped in that regard." He does help her out once they reach solid ground, at least.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn climbs out and shakes all the excess water off, shivering and hugging her arms. "Awwe, that was sooo not fun..." she pouts, glancing around. It's still a little chilly out in the park at night, and now she's wet to boot. "What I wouldn't do for a nice warm fire..Ooh, Club Evo has a fireplace, wanna go there? At least that place is safe.."

She sighs, rubbing her temples, still feeling the headache, eyes widenned in surprise and worry as Fantomex relates the story. "Ooh, I attacked you? And they tranced me and stole my pixie dust? Geez that's so...." Megan just hangs her head and sighs again, "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you too badly.."

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex just snickers. "No, just drenched. The teleport trick was unexpected. Actually pulling a knife like you did was also strange." Going somewhere else sounds like a good idea, since his illusions will fail to misdirect someone sooner or later. Central Park is too crowded. "Lets go," he confirms. "My partner is following the pair of street rats that stole your... 'pixie dust'? What does it do? Makes people fly?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Wow, really? What, you didn't think I had it in me?" she smirks, "Hah! That dagger's pretty deadly..In the right hands. Logan's a pretty good teacher at the..Err...Well umm.." she blushes, realizing she's not supposed to reveal that information to just anyone. "Errm, anyway I've been training with some people but I'm still not as good a fighter as you, apparently.." that causes her to pout a little. "But I wont stop learning either!"

As for the pixie dust, she makes a face. "Oh no, that doesn't make people fly..Haha! It's like...A really powerful hallucinogenic. People can get really high off of it and they can have some really intense hallucinations.." she frowns, "But take too much and it'll make you really sick, just like a drug. I suppose they plan to sell it on the black market or something. This is bad.."

Fantomex has posed:
"No one is as good a fighter as me, chere," replies Fantomex with a shrug. Likely he is joking. The information about the dust makes sense. Although it would have been interesting if it made people literally fly. Who knows with mutant powers!

"So, it was a drug thing," he decides. "And perhaps no the first time they took that from you. They knew what they were doing." He tsks. "Lets go to Evolutions. My partner is following those drug-dealers, if you want we can go 'talk' with them after you are dry and with less of a headache."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, "Yeah, probably.." she smirks, "Heey, maybe you could give me a few pointers..That dagger would be deadly if I knew how to use it better in a combat situation, mostly I just keep my distance in a fight, but that's not always possible.." Megan pouts at that thought..

She'd argue the point about him being the best fighter out there, Logan could sure give him a run for his money. "Brrr.." she shivers, "Yeah, let's go to Club Evo first. I'd port, but I'm still not entirely there..Geez, what a night.."