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Latest revision as of 00:54, 20 April 2020

Dance like no one is watching you.
Date of Scene: 18 April 2020
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Dagger come to Club Evolution to try and be normal. It poses to be too difficult.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Pixie, Dagger, Cloak

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in the club this evening. he actually is not on duty as manager tonight. So he is sitting at the table the Xers normally sit at while waiting for Alexis and listening tot he music. A local band is doing a set, They got their start here and they actually have a single coming out that might hit the charts.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had started hanging out at the club more, if only to keep an eye out for more gremlins. She felt really bad about the place getting trashed the last time and never really stopped blaming herself for it. But here she is, listening to the latest band with a slight smile as she steps into the club, tapping her foot to the beat. She peers around for familiar faces and spies a Sam, smiling and waving as she skips towards him, "Hii Sam, hows it going? Isn't this band the best?"

Dagger has posed:
As the music rumbles through the speakers, lights bouncing about the club, the doors open to reveal Tandy Bowen. She is dressed to kill tonight. A white sleeveless dress that hits just above the knees that glitters and sparkles, coupled with laces that wrap about her legs, complete with ballet flat shoes. She wears a gold cross that dangles halfway down her chest in the form of a knife.

The angel of light stands out in the club. She's stunning. She even /radiates/ light that pours off her. She may not be a mutant, but after her talk with Warpath, she is starting to feel that maybe this is her people, so she won't hide it tonight. Her blonde hair is done up, with only a tiny hint of makeup along her lips and eyeshadow. The dancer in her is leaping at the sound of the music, wanting to join the fray of dancers. For the moment, she just stands there, soaking it in.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks over to Megan "Well not sure if it is the best one, but I do enjoy them a lot, there is one I am a bit more inclined to. He grins and says "Have a seat." He looks over at the glow coming in first expecting to to be Alison, but seeing who it is he still nods his head if she looks that way.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins, "Heey, the Tinx are still the best! But maybe we should take a short break.." she pouts a bit as she takes a seat. Of course when the flashy blonde steps in, all glittery and sparkly, she peers towards her and shivers, "Geez, suddenly I feel very underdressed.." she looks down sadly at her simple green skirt, paired with a pink shirt. Cute sure. Dazzling? Notreally. "Who's she, anyway?"

Dagger has posed:
Most likely the dress that Tandy swiped is a bit overdressed for a club situation, but she hasn't ever gone clubbing before. Not when your life was put on hold because of kidnappings, torture and being laced with experimental drugs. Three straight years of the mission has broken a part of the young light wielder. She and Cloak never do this. Have fun. Relax.

Reaching up to play with the necklace a bit between her fingers, she chews on her bottom lip for a moment before she moves forward, aiming for the bar. Liquid courage. She needs that.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "She is Tandy, her and a friend are helping with some of the problems in town here. Met her the other night helping some people and planning on helping some more. He will motion to the tender to let them tell Tandy where he is.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Friend of yours? She a celebrity or something? Seems to be literally glowing!" of course, maybe that's some sort of mutant ability. "Ooh, really? That's good, I keep running into trouble here, lately.." Megan frowns a bit, "Looks like some thugs the other day tried to harvest some of my Pixie dust.." she shivers at the memory. "Good thing Fantomex came when he did.."

Dagger has posed:
Tucking some hair back behind her ear, Tandy catches the attention of the tender, then slips past the couple of guys who are leering at her with hungry eyes. Perhaps she should have just wore normal clothes out tonight. Cloak would not approve of this. She can only imagine his anger.

As she heads over to Sam, her lips curve upwards into a smile, drawing one hand along the top of the bar as she goes. "Hey, Sam. Club is banging tonight. I'm hoping to get out there and dance once I find some courage." She glances to the younger mutant with fairy wings and offers up a grin. "Cute wings you got there."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Have a seat, I might be willing to step out with ya on the floor a bit late. Tandy, this is Pixie, she is another of the group with path and me."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles at Tandy, "Thanks! I'm Megan, nice to meet you...Love the dress!" she peers at her, trying to figure out if the dress is making her all glowy. "Yea they're a pretty good band..Think I might dance in a bit.."

Dagger has posed:
"Thanks. I stole this from a Macy's this morning." Tandy says as if stealing was just like breathing to her. "No way I'd be able to afford something like this living in a church without a job." She brushes her hands down along the fabric. "I used to wear stuff like this in my old life. It's nice to feel normal for a bit." The glow is definitely coming off of her body, radiating like a holy heat. Warm, comforting. Hope. It's the light of Hope.

"You're gonna go dancing with me, Mister Guthrie?" She asks with a laugh. "Sure, if you can keep up. It may have been a minute since I've been on the dance floor, but I still practice every day. Ballet."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks and says "I have taken a bit of ballet myself, and dating a dancer so I get a decent amount of practice." He tells her with a smile. the speaking of stealing has hm hmm "Want to wait tables?" he offers as a job.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly at the stealing part..And the living in a church. "Oh..Is that okay? I wonder if...?" oh looks like Sam just offered her a job. She smiles, "I'm sure that would help. Can't you stay in a she,ter or something?" she can't imagine sleeping in pews is very comfy or private, unless they have places in the actual house part of the church..

Dagger has posed:
"I have a job." Tandy says cooly as she gives a flick of her hair back behind her shoulder. "It's fine. Cloak and I have lived on the streets for years. It's where we belong. It's where the innocent needs the most protection from those that poison their veins and the streets they walk upon. We have all the comfort we need in our mission." This is why she can't live a normal life. Even now, as warm as she may glow, she is ice in her veins. "Maybe coming out was a mistake. I should be with him right now."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "If you do not have a life outside your mission it will burn you out, and you will grow to resent it. You need to have both sides of a coin, as you are the light and Ty the darkness each person needs to have two sides tot heir life

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly at Tandy's words, and she can't help but feel sorry for her. "Oh wow, that sounds scary..Can you ever get used to that? But it's nice to know there's someone watching people's backs.l" she smiles, "Soo you're a professional superhero then? Even so, even superheroes need time off. Sams right.."

Dagger has posed:
"I'm not a superhero. Superheroes bring bad guys to justice. I just bring them to their last breath." Tandy says as she furrows her brows, then pushes off from the bar. "I'm going to dance." She says as she starts for the dance floor, letting out a long, heavy sigh. "Can come if you want." She calls over her shoulder to them. Once she reaches the warzone of bodies, she begins to move, finding herself lost within the beat and shining like a hot, burning star. One hand rises upwards, clenched in a fist as a trio of blazing daggers appears between her knuckles.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs and says "They aint been killing from what I have seen but I do admit I am begining to worry a bit about them

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slooowly at Tandy, "Erm, what do you mean, like...You..Kill them?" her voice softens in surprise, definitely not someone to mess with. Glancing at Sam she is relieved to learn that is not the case, but.."There's another? Sounds like they live a dangerous life.." she bites her lip, peering at the dance floor, "Hmm dancing could be fun.." though she hesitates, eager to learn more of this girl from Sam.

Dagger has posed:
As she moves along the dance floor, Tandy dances as if she's fighting for her life. Her body moves to the music with adrenaline burning through her veins as she leaps, spins and twirls on toe tips and long legs. As she burns like a glowing star, her entire presence commands attention from those around her.

Daggers of light blast from her fingers upwards, pulsing with the heavy track of the beat. Tears fight the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill but only contained by stubborn pride and ego. Out here in the music, she can be free, even if it's just for a few minutes. Free of her mission. Free of the cancer that strikes at the heart of New York City. Free of consequence. Normal. You can be normal.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie motions to Pixie and says "Go dance, it is ok to give her a bit of time, I am not sure how to help her more yet.

Cloak has posed:
Where there's light, there's going to be shadow. So too is it with Dagger and Cloak. The shadowy man appears off in the back corner of the club - because doors are overrated - where the lights only fitfully reach and most don't venture because there's tables closer to the music and the refreshments. There he loiters in silence, barely needing to turn his head to know where Dagger is. He doesn't disrupt her. Perhaps he's content enough knowing she's there, or even he knows better than to disturb her dance. So for now, he simply folds his arms to draw the cloak tighter, and he waits.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to Sam, "Sure, come join us soon?" and she jumps to her feet, stepping to the dance floor, swirling and twirling to the beat. She's not as good as Tandy and definitely not as flashy, though she's still a good dancer, and those sparkly dragonfly wings glitter with pink fairy dust,, though being careful not to spray anyone with it. "Wooow you're really good!" she quips, biting the light daggers, "So cool!"

Dagger has posed:
Dancing harder, Tandy is now breathing heavily as sweat glistens upon her face and neck. She moves with the music, circling others, daring them with her eyes to join her, but none come. She burns too bright for them. She may be a beautiful angel, but there is something in her blue eyes that scream danger.

She can feel the dark presence of Cloak almost immediately as he enters the room with his swirling gift of teleportation. Her light calls to him. Yearns for him. To be cooled by his dark. She stumbles a step, nearly toppling before she straightens up again. "Th.. Thank you." She says to Megan before she swallows a fresh breath, then begins to move once more.

"My partner is here."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and one of the waitresses comes over to talk to him, and he sighs heading into the back to take care of something on his day of.

Cloak has posed:
Tyrone Johnson doesn't head towards the floor. He doesn't look like a dancer, and while he may be able to silence a room he's better suited for clearing it as opposed to entertaining it. Still, it may just be a trick of the light but he almost looks to be smiling. Only a little, though. Appearances and all. He does look away from Dagger momentarily towards the bright-winged girl near her, his look studious and sternly curious.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, trying hard to keep up herself. She's light and quick and a natural dancer but Tandy is always a step ahead. "Wow, don't you ever tire?" she blinks, noticing a shadowy figure in the corner..Or was it her imagination? "Partner? Where?"

Dagger has posed:
"No, if you find yourself tired, you have to push yourself through it. Evil never tires." Tandy slows down a bit though so that the dancing is more natural with her new companion on the floor. She motions with a glowing finger towards the dark corner where Cloak resides. "There. That is my partner. Cloak. He is watching me dance."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in the back working on an issue they had back there. He has to deal with paperwork at times, but now he is dealing with where some things were broken.

Cloak has posed:
As he's noticed, Cloak gives a faint lift of his chin in a counter-acknowledgement. The gesture is brief but not unfriendly, though he seems otherwise content to remain the wallflower and just watch. He'd make an excellent curtain decor, if places like this had curtains.