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Latest revision as of 03:42, 22 April 2020

Malls, Mutants and Mischief....maybe
Date of Scene: 17 April 2020
Location: Mall - Salem Center
Synopsis: Three mutants walk into a mall. Talk (literal) shopping
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Red, Nightingale

Shadowcat has posed:
There's a few things consistent to every mall. Roofs. Walls. Mall stores. Kitty's not a constant in /every/ mall. Just this one, see, she's here to get everyday things that she needs. Just your average Kitty shopping list...

Watching around her for trouble, Kitty shakes her head and grumbles. Where would she even begin with this list in this mall? Oh and it was Alice's birthday yesterday, so a few hundred dollars got slid her way. Whhich is Kitty's way of being all hey, you survived another year. Here have $400 and I'll get you something nice. Which is why Kitty's out here as well.

Red has posed:
Alice had sighed as she was pretty much dragged to the mall, following Kitty along. "I hope they got a decent arts supply store there... and possibly something akin to a home depot."

Shadowcat has posed:
It wasn't supposed to bd to be an intentional drag, sheesh. Kitty had invited people along. Instead Kitty decided hey, want to come along?

So, Kitty is meandering around the mall, but she=e's settles in, looking to Alice. "I wasn't trying to drag you, but how're you settling in?" she asks with a smirk.

Red has posed:
"Working on it. I mean, everything in boxes, and still waiting for the proper room assignment... so yea, there's that." Alice notes, shrugging as she follows along. "So where shall we get this shopping trip to you chose to bestow upon me?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "The arts supply store is on the second floor," Shannon chimes in. "I'm heading there myself, and then to the Jo-Ann Fabrics next door." Her budget was perhaps a little more modest, but still, she hadn't had a proper shopping trip just for herself in a little while. She's in a pair of black slacks, taupe wedge sandals, and... oh, my. An off the shoulders white crop blouse with long sleeves, baring a fair amount of midriff. However, everything that -should- be covered, remains covered. "You know, I think there's an empty dorm maybe one or two doors down from mine. Real nice view, and the south-facing windows would let you have good light most of the day to work on your projects." Her shoulder is no longer marred by so much as a hint of any injury healed, and she seems to have regained full range of motion for both her wings and her arm.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's not heading to any art supply store. Well, not yet at least. Instead, get a hold of a map of the mall. If she was dragging she'd leash them to her back and all that. Instead, she looks to Shannon then Alice. "You think they got food stores here? I was going to send you more recipes I found for all of us" shee offers, dressed in her summer clothing since it's warmed up some. Looking around, Kitty smiles. "I'm impressed with the decor here. I feel a little like I'm sneaking into some high class establishment" sh e mock whispers.

Red has posed:
Alice says, "No idea, but I can't just claim the room, can I?" Alice notes as she chuckles to Shanon, wearing skirt and some kinda impossible synthleather boots. Ones without zipper or lace. Pretty much something only she could put on herself. "Food court? Uh, I think every mall has one. I mean, never found one without, but then again, only know the NYC area.""

Nightingale has posed:
     "First floor, dead center of the mall. Food court's that way." Shannon chuckles softly, taking a peek at Alice's boots. Shaking her head, she lets out a low, soft whistle. "Amazing, how you can do that. Are you restricted to polymers or can you mold any material like that?" She's quite content to stay behind the other two, ambling along and chatting companionably with them.

Shadowcat has posed:
"So your room" Kitty nods. "Looks like it needs a tank of liquid plastic in the floor huh?" she nods and then grins, glancing back to Shannon. "No, no. More food supplies store. Besides if we all go to the food court, I don't wat to know what Alice will do with the plastic cutlery" she grins flicking her gaze to Alice. Looking over to Alice again, then turning her attention in front of her, Kitty nods. "So, food supply store's near art supply store, right?" she asks with a nod.

Red has posed:
"Polymers, which is pretty handy on its own. I mean, there's rubbers and hard plastics and cotton and starch..." Alice recounts, stopping herself with a brush through her hair. "Nope! Liquid plastic is a horrible material Kitty! It literally welds itself to your skin and then rips huge chunks if you remove it by convential means and besides that, it's rather hot. And I could turn the plastic cutlery into plastic plates."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shivers a little at the thought of what hot plastic would do to skin. "Ugh. That'd be a pain to heal." Thankfully, not far from where the ladies are, there's a sign with the mall directory on it; a Williams Sonoma store is indicated on the sign as being not too far from where they are, first floor. "Well, most of us have to work with conventional means of shaping materials. But I bet between the two of us we could make some killer costumes, hmm?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins, gesturing to the sign. "Shall we?" she asks. "Tell you what, you two lead on, I'll tag along" Kitty offers with a smile as she looks pleased at the good fortune. See, not every trip to the mall is boring.This one? Nah. And no Lockheed currently, either. Bribing the dragon worked great. Well, at least Kitty's hoping so.

Mostly since, well, Kitty doesn't want to come back to a destroyed room, either...

Red has posed:
"Only if you do the sewing, I am so uncomfortable with that." Alice responds, not mentioning that needles are an anathema to her in total. "What stuff do they have? I ordered bulk with The Little Costume Shop.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well, let's see... the arts and crafts store upstairs has all sorts of things you could work with. Polymer clays, I bet you could make some pretty fantastic things out of. Paints, canvas, inks, nibs, pens, oh just about anything you could think of, really. And of course, the Jo-Ann Fabrics has all sorts of fabrics, embellishments, and all that good stuff." Shannon grins, and nods. "No problem with the sewing. Got a sewing machine my mother passed on to me, but my sewing kit, I really do need to keep to myself." She pauses a little, with a knowing look to Kitty. "A slightly belated Christmas gift from a certain sea god."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks thoughtful, "Sewing, huh? And yeah you got this Shannon" Kitty grins, looking over the winged girl. "See, you get good belated gifts" she nods looking amused. Looking from Shannon to Alice, Kitty smiles.

"So what'd you get for Christmas, Alice?" Kitty asks.

Red has posed:
Alice says, "A rather lucative costume job. Some woman wanted a purple and black catsuit for their cosplay stuff, and it did pay out nicely." Alice answers to Kitty first, chuckling at Shannon's note of the materials. "I think I will have to raid the store for a ton of paint and an airbrush then. Couldn't take the one of the shop.""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and grins. "Yeah, I remember seeing a nice airbrush set and some paints in there once. Not my thing, but sounds like it's right up your alley, Alice." Shannon grins at them both, hanging back at the rear of the trio, humming a little bit as she follows along with them both.