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Latest revision as of 01:47, 23 April 2020

Demon Tag Team
Date of Scene: 22 April 2020
Location: Sunnydale, Avalon
Synopsis: Buffy and Dean beat up Ghouls, then meet Nick for drinks after.
Cast of Characters: Dean Winchester, Buffy Summers, Phantasm (Drago)

Dean Winchester has posed:
The roar of a big block engine is carried on the wind as Dean's motoring. As in, going flat to the floor, redlining, and all that. Swerving around a taxi, Dean changes up a gear and the Impala leaps forward a bit, engine roaring as Dean grips the wheel.

He spots the ghoul a moment too late, and slams into it. That sends Baby careening wildly, Dean fighting for control. Oh he's nearly got it. Nearly, almost. Hold it, Dean. Hold it...

Nope. Dean spins out of control, and ends up skidding sideways into a dumpster. Hey. Good thing? Passenger side. Trunk's not damaged. And he can open it. So...

Oh crap. There's a lotta ghouls that are coming for him. Dean stomps on the gas, with a horrible screech of metal on metal, Dean gets swarmed. Oh snap. Fine, time to go headbutt ghouls. Baby's scratched up, but she's still rolling. Dean's got a gun in his jacket. The Colt? In the trunk. So if Dean wants to get that? He'll need to crawl over the roof to the trunk. Dean wouldn't say no to a bit of help...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Oh look, there are ghouls. Ghouls? Seriously? She's never fought..Something like this before. But how hard can they be? With a grin, she strides towards them, easily keeping up with Dean's car somehow, stepping in front of it even as she grabs one of the Ghouls, hurling it into a nearby tree.

"Hey there, mind if I have the next dance?" she smirks at it, but is thoroughly surprised when it is barely phased by the tree that it slams into. In fact the tree's in worse condition than she is.

"Okaaay, not squishy vamp then?" she sighs and shakes her head, pulling out her prized tonfa, switching out her wooden spikes for silver curling blades. Yes, she's made some modifications, adding a newly created attachment, it's not just a spike now, but a more powerful blade.

"Hmm, this'll be fun!" she grins as she rushes at one of the ghouls, slicing and slashing viciously at it. fortunately it seems that only about five ghouls remain, but, dammit, they're not gonna go down as easily as vamps do..

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean's out of his car. That leaves two ghouls. Dean pops the trunk and pulls out two machetes, slamming the trunk lid closed. Screw bowie knives. He'll just chop those ghouls up, and with a wicked laugh, Dean looks over. "Jeez, Buffy. You gonna stab that thing or kiss it?" he asks, the machetes in his hands. He just....sort of lunges for one and feigns tripping. Headbutt? Sure, Thunk, but more to the point, sinking a machete into a ghoul not only gives that sickly sucking noise, but....in his efforts, Dean ends up kicking the ghoul in the gut. "Fine, keep my machete. You're fugly anyway, and you goth kids love your metal" Dean grunts, swinging the other machete around him in a circle. Hey. Why not?

"Hey, Buffy. Bash their heads in" Dean calls over, then gets a rude shock when he gets slammed in the back. Net result? head flung forward toward the ghoul wearing a machete. Yeesh, yeah no...somebody's gonna have a bad day. Sunset's not the right time to kick ghoul ass. Now if Bobby or Jo or Sammy were here...or Ellen. Or, hell, what was that righteous prick of a vampire? Timmy, Tommy? Thomas? Something like that...ah he could help out. On the plus side. Dean's got a damsel in distress to rescue. Okay okay....

Buffy, Dammsel and distress don't go in the same sentence that often. Or at all. Dean's stretching this one way out with regard to definitions.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers isn't used to fighting ghouls, but it doesn't mean she'll ill-equipped to try. She just grins at Dean as she continues her deadly, graceful dance with the hideous creature, hacking and slashing at it, although even as she hacks off a limb, it seems to grow back faster. "What the hell? What ARE these guys?"

And then Dean suggests she bash it's head in and she grins and nods, "Soo what, that's their weakness? Alright, let's give it a try.." with a nod, she focuses on the head, delivering a mighty slash at the neck, then she literally rips off its head, hurling it away.

The monster screeches and doesn't die immediately, grabbing her and slamming her forcefully into a nearby stone pillar, which cracks at the mere force. She groans, crumpling, momentarily stunned but as the ghoul scrambles for its head, she twitches slowly, managing to grasp at the crossbow strapped to her arm, firing a bolt at its head, slicing it right through. The ghoul shrieks and twitches a few minutes before falling down, unmoving.

However, that just leaves four more, and two of them rush at Dean, swinging massive, meaty arms at him. The two remaining rush at a quickly recovering Buffy.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean is all screw this, and retreats toward Baby, fending off ghouls. With a grunt he tugs both machetes free and switches to a shotgun. Nothing too special loaded. Just good old twelve gauge shot. Double barrel, too. Hunterr with a hunting shotgun. Hey, skeet shooting grounded ghouls is a sport...for Dean.

Aiming toward the ghoul, at head height, Dean pulls the trigger twice. Bang. Bang.

Okay now he's deafened himself, and while reloading and using the twelve gauge to fend off the ghouls....he's aiming to clear a path to Buffy. Get to the blond slayer who talks mad crap bout him, and help her out. hell, maybe she'll make a good ally in this....ah who is he kidding. They'd make a good team, if only they'd quit sniping at each other.

So, reloading the shotgun, Dean aims at head height again, pulls the trigger twice more.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers doesnt seem to need much help, quickly springing to her feet, crouched into a defensive stance as she confronts the next couple of Ghouls. Glancing over at Dean at his many fun fun weapons, she just smirks and nods to him. "Don't worry about me, I got this.."

She spins and turns to the first ghoul, slashing her blade at its face, cutting off half its monstrious face and it snarls and shrieks angrily, but still rushes at her. Dean's shot hits it a second time in the face, and she groans, throwing her hands up in the air. "Seriously? I got this!" she turns on the second ghoul, hacking and slashing at its limbs, even as is trades her blows equally, grabbing her and throwing her against Dean's car. Ouch, that's gonna leave a dent.

Meanwhile, Dean manages to blast a hole through the first two ghouls, one of which staggers slowly, stumbling back briefly and falling to the ground. Good shot but the second is only slightly phased, rushing and attempting to tackle and slam Dean into the ground.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean spies the ghoul and Buffy getting thrown into Baby. It's /on/ now...

Dean blasts at the ghoul again. Given he's got marksmanship equivalent to that of career soldiers and he's not a sniper, hey, he'll take whtat he can get. If all else fails, just pummel the ghoul with the wooden end of the shotgun. Heyy, get Buffy to beat them around with a dumpster or drive them head first through one?

Dean reloads the shotgun. Last two shells, and he takes careful aim and fires twice. Then sets about swinging it like a club. Hey, shotguns are piss easy to get. Dean can get a replacement whenever he pleases. And if it works and caves in a ghoul skull or two, win-win...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grumbles, muttering something about cars named 'baby' and 'crazy demon hunters' oh, and 'ridiculously hard-to-kill ghouls' under her breath. She rolls out of the way of the ghoul as it aims a powerful punch at her stomach, and manages to grab its arm and twist it around the back instead, shoving it towards a nearby wall instead.

"Geez, I don't wanna watch Dean have a breakdown because his 'baby' got dented. Enough playing around!" she thrusts the blade deeply in its chest, then takes a second swing at its head, cutting it clean off. Then she slashes and hacks at the head til there's nothing left (no doubt with messy blood flying everywhere. Yay!).

Then Dean comes with his gun again and shows off some really impressive shooting skills. She grins and ducks as he blasts through the two remaining ghouls, quickly finishing them off. Buffy makes sure she's well away of ghoul guts by the time he's done with them.

"Well, that was fun.." she kneels by one of the Ghouls, just to make sure its actually dead, and frowns, peering at a familiar looking tattoo on its arm. "Huh, that's weird...These guys are working for Armastus too? Sheesh..." She sighs, shaking her head, glancing over at Dean. "You alright?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean flips the safety on the shotgun and makes his way over to Buffy. "What the hell was all that about?" he asks. "Friends of yours? And what's with that?" Dean asks, tapping the tattoo with the shotgun barrel. "Some real funky ink work there. Hey, think we can track down the tat shop that did this for these guys? Ah hell, go through their pockets, see if they got anything in em?" Dean asks, starting to rifle through pockets of the ones he shot. It'd be rude to do that to Buffy's kills after all.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at Dean, and rolls her eyes some more. "...Friends? Are you kidding me? Do I LOOK like a hideous twisted ghoul creature thingy to you? Sheesh.." she just sighs as she continues to examine the mark before rising to her feet. "Heh, looks like they were targetting you too. Were you following them or did you just tick 'em off? You seem pretty good with the ticking off."

Buffy smirks, still breathing lightly, full of adrenaline and rather enjoying tormenting him it seems. "They're a secret organization calling themselves 'Carpe Noctem. They work for a powerful vampire named Armastus, apparently. I thought he'd just hired vamps but probably hired these goons for extra muscle.."

She frowns at the thought, rubbing her aching neck. She's all splattered in blood and goop and needs a shower and change of clothes. Except Dean's here so she can't just run home. Ugh, what a paiiiin...

Dean Winchester has posed:
"I just called them fugly. They are" Dean says defensively. "Okay okay, I may have followed them into town but hey, I'm Dean freaking Winchester. I'm badass, I'm dangerous and I am adorable" Dean adds. yeah, something in the water in Sunnydale? Or Dean's been on the kool-aid again? Probably that. "Nah, you're ideal ghoul trophy wife material,I mean, you're not twisted or hideous. But man, you can fight" Dean grins. "I mean, you can really fight. Is that how you dealt with the kids in school? Or college?" Dean smirks, not wanting to get hit. See. He's complimenting her even with his....oh snap is that almost flirting?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers draws a deep breath, doing her best to wipe off Ghoul guts from her nice leather jacket. Sheesh. "Umm seriously, that's not a compliment, Dean. I am NOT ghoul trophy wife material, geez!" poor Dean, it seems he just cant win. She narrows her eyes, getting right into his face, pointing a finger accusingly at him. "And you are SO not adorable. You're just a really good con artist."

She does smile a little at the compliments though, once he finally figures out how to actually GIVE a proper compliment. "Yeaah, I know. Comes with the whole Slayer territory. And no, I didn't beat up kids....Much..In school." she chuckles.

"Hey, you think I just take advantage of innocent people with these powers? If that were the case, I would have pummeled your head in a long time ago..I mean, you're far from innocent but.."

Dean Winchester has posed:
"I am adorable. I...con artist? God, you insult me Buffy. You ever chilled with Constantine? He's the con artist. he took me for cash at cards. Seriously. He's the biggest con artist going. Worse than me and Sammy put together. You have Sam and Jo and Castiel hide with me in a trenchcoat, put on a horrible British accent and that's not even half of how bad Constantine is. Sheesh, Buffy. Comparing me to him is an insult to con artists. Plus he dabbles, allegedly, in some weird shit" Dean admits with a shrug, "C'mon. I ain't that bad" he admits. Oh he had a retort lined up but no. he's actually wanting Buffy to stick around. So...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers quirks a brow. "Constantine? Oh I've heard of him, used to hang out with Willow a lot, before he..Went wherever he went. I guess with Giles back and all, he didn't feel the need to stand in as my watcher any longer.." she shrugs and grins, and..Actually leans over to playfully muss up his hair. "Hey, you know I'm kidding right?"

At least Buffy is smiling more at him, and that's a good sign, right? "C'mon, I need to clean off and get a good drink..Why dont we head to the Blue Lady>?" right, she can do both there, since she left a change of clothes at Thomas' apartment and all..

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Sure thing" Dean says. "Need a ride?" he adds. Oy. Baby's got a dent in the driver's door but nothing too major. Still works. Somewhat. "Hop in, I'll drive us if you want, or you walk, I'll drive?" he smiles, enjoying the hair mussing. Se. Buffy's not all bad after all, is she? Nah. Dean doesn't think so...well, doesn't think so given she can fight.

"So, Didn't picture you as the jazz club type" Dean grins.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Really don't think i'm in the mood for chasing after your car..What was it you called it, baby?" she chuckles, "You must be really fond of it..Sorry about the dent.." she actually does seem pretty apologetic but nods, heading for the passsenger side, "Well, it's pretty nostalgic, and the owner's pretty hot." she grins, "Think you've met him before.."

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Then hop in, I'll drop you off outside the Blue Lady then figure out where to park" Dean adds, stashing the shotgun in the trunk, come back to get behind the wheel. "Would he by chance be a white suit weearing vampire? Oh we met. He wanted to shave me" Dean adds. That's....one way to put it. Dean got caught digging up graves. Insulted Thomas. Got a knife to his throat. Or neck. And....that's how Dean and Thomas met. For introductions, as Dean goes, it's standard fare.

Starting the Impala, Dean gingerly pulls back onto the road. Destination? Blue Lady. Though it's tempting to head anywhere else with Buffy in tow. Maybe Jersey City, or maybe up to Metropolis, or Starling? Huh, maybe

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods. "Thomas Raith.." she sighs softly and the look on her face and in her voice is very telling. She's clearly in love with this guy or something. Like seriously in love. She nods, looking back at him, grinning.

"Yeah, I was there. He can be prety protective sometimes. But he's a good guy if you don't get on his bad side.." she grins, slipping into the passenger seat, barking out directions, "Hey it's not far from here, it's in Fort Joseph.."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean strolls into the Blue Lady and settles at a table, watching the club. Hey, his badge claims he works for some big Wall Street bank as something or other. That's the bit he covered up with his thumb when entering. He just said he's a banker. True. Kinda. He does banking with other people's money, all true. Stolen money, yeah best leave that one unsaid. Either way he slips into a seat at a nearby table with a grin, looking around the club. Oh the last time he was here, he and Wade were drinking. It.....didn't end well, mostly since Nick walked in.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, now that filming is done and there's no more trips up to Canada in the near future. Nick has moved back to some of his older routines. One of which substituting on the piano at the Blue Lady.

Now he doesn't know the reason for his needing to substitute tonight and he's learned not to ask. Not because of discouragement but some of the reasons are downright depressing.

Dressed up properly, short hair groomed and face freshly shaven, he fills the place with a jazzy melody as the resident songstress takes advantage of the music break.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps in after Dean, her jacket and pants covered in Ghoul guts and blood, and a bit bruised and scratched up. Looks like she took most of the hit, with Dean hiding at a distance behind his gun. "Hey, I'm heading upsteairs to clean up, be back soon!"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean's got a beer. Which is good for him as he raises it in salute to Nick and the songstress. Watching them both, Dean sips his beer and wonders if this jazz club has, dare he ask, pie?

Pie would be good, especially after kicking ghouls around Sunnydale. With Buffy going to change and shower, Dean's here. He's enjoying this oddly enough. Mostly since it's his time for him to sit back and think on this. What are ghouls doing here in Sunnydale and Bloodhaven anyway?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Dean's salute goes unseen as Nick is focused entirely on the performance, in particular how to adjust his playing to best compliment the star of the show. The task is not hard being he's familiar with the band from past interactions but being it's his job. He's all in.

The music continues on for awhile, with Sasha enchanting the audience with her technique, style, and flair. Based from the small smile upon the pianist's lips, it is an enjoyable exprience.

But the music eventually comes to an end as the final set of the evening reaches the last note. There is a lingering vibration from the last note. The band remaining still for a few moments before relaxing, signaling to the audience the end of the song.

As Sasha takes her bows, Nick rests his hands on the keys, finally looking to the audience itself.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean's kicking back relaxing as he's got beer. But....no pie? Or a cheeseburger. Hey, why not? Man this place sucks but hey, Buffy said it was good. See. She needs to redeem this place...somehow.

"Got any pie?" Dean asks, watching the musicians. Great, just....great. Dean's asking the wrong crowd. Or, maybe he's so pie starved people will think he's lot the plot totally and is drunk and rambling. Which is kinda true...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the other musicians gather up their belongings, Nick is already free to go. After all, the piano stays. Spotting Dean, he does give a bit of a surprised look before giving the Hunter a nod of acknowledgement, seemingly starting to head his way before getting called away by one of the club staff.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean's on his feet, but....not heading for the door. Nah. VIP section for him. Or, more accurately, a place to think, a place to....well, mull this over. And...


Get his freaking pie. Finally. Maybe?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With the house squaring off with what is owed for the sets performed, Nick heads back to the bar. He glances around, but upon not finding Dean, he shrugs it off and sits at the bar to start his two free drinks.