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Latest revision as of 04:32, 27 April 2020

Afternoon in the garage.
Date of Scene: 26 April 2020
Location: Garage - Xavier's School
Synopsis: The time had Comme the Cajun said to speak of many things of helmets, gummies, speeding bikes, Cabages and kings.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Nightingale, Gambit, Prismatic

Cyclops has posed:
Now that the day is mostly over and Scott has finished up a number of chores about the school, he has found himself in the garage. The slacks and button down shirt was traded for jeans and a snug t-shirt over his upperbody, as well as a backwards baseball cap. His ruby quartz Raybans gleam as it catches the lights in the garage at times, giving off a reflective shine. He is kneeled in front of his motorcycle. A Harley Davidson Titan V-Rod. It's a beautiful, sexy beast. The black exterior has been polished recently, new tires and new brake lights. It's a bike meant to turn heads. A bike that is known to own the road.

Scott loves this bike more than he loves anything else in the world. Jean excluded of course.

Next to Scott is a bottle of empty synthetic oil and he is currently giving a final twist of his torque to tighten the last bolt. As he pushes himself up to his feet, he stares down at his second love of his life, admiring the black and chrome exterior with a proud smile. A rare moment that his face doesn't even crack from the affection.

Nightingale has posed:
     'Light activity' hopefully didn't exclude rooting around among the still broken-down bikes in need of a little TLC. Because if that was the case, then a certain winged healer in training was going to be in for it. She's counting on this being a bit messy, evidently, wearing some old blue jeans that have been well-used, a plain, charcoal-grey t-shirt, old white sneakers, and has her hair pulled back in a bun. Even the little pale blue braid on the left side of her face is caught up in the style. There's some metallic clanging, a few soft exclamations as small bits and pieces fall to the ground, and the sighs as she has to pick up the pieces all over again, in an effort to keep some semblance of neatness in the area.

     The question is, with what was left among project bikes, which one should she opt for...?

Gambit has posed:
There are many things that Scott Summers and Remy LeBeau disagree on. Tactics. Philosophy. The proper way to boil eggs. But if there is one thing that they are in complete accord on is their love of their respective bikes. Of course their personality difference shine here too. Remy's bike is a dark purple on the verge of being black. The words "Born in the eye of the hurricane are stencil on the gas tank. Additionally the bike just /looks/ like it was built for speed. It's the kind of bike that gets speeding tickets while parked in the driveway. The Cajun nods and offers that halfway smile." 'Ey dare Fearless. Nice day FoH it, non?"

Prismatic has posed:
    It's odd to see Alexis in the garage -- she doesn't have a claim on a bike. She has no driver's licence, and in general she's not around anything iwth a motor unless Sam Guthrie is talking her into taking a ride. Her hair is in a simple braid today, wearing a T-shirt with the Statue of Liberty on it and a light sweatshirt and jeans -- she wasn't teaching today, nd the dark-haired, dark-eyed brit purses her lips as she comes in, seeing Summers, Lance, and LeBeau, and she siddles in to the back, to where a stack of boxes were -- and withdraws a brightly striped box full of child-shaped jelly candies.

    She had to get more and more creative with where to hide her jelly babies.

Cyclops has posed:
Brushing his knees off, Scott glances over to Shannon at the sound of clanking, followed by Remy's voice. He picks up the tools from the ground, placing them in the toolbox he brought along with him. A dark red box. After clasping it shut, he takes his rag out and removes one last round of fingerprints from the black body of his bike. "What are you working on?" He asks the student.

Catching sight of Alexis trying to be sneaky to retrieve her candy, his brows lift up over the top of his red shades, amused. "Evening, Miss Carr." He says to her. "No fencing lessons today?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon glances up as Scott addresses her, and cracks a small smile. "Nothing just yet. I was looking through what's left of the project bikes, see if there's one I could work on. But I wouldn't know which one would be good for a raw beginner." There's a hefty sigh, enough to huff a stray wisp of pale gold away from her eyes. "Bean was always the better of the two of us about this kind of stuff, but he's been pretty busy lately."

     Alexis gets a knowing smile and a nod, that of a compatriot in the enjoyment of sweets referenced by sci-fi from across the Pond. "Hey there, Alexis!" She extends one wing in something of a wave, also including Remy in the greeting. "Hello, trouble."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods back to Scott bringing out his own set of tools as he goes over to his bike. He offers Shannon a casual smile asking also "So what didja t'ink of 'Obgoblins?" he asks referring to the MST3K movie he loaned her. He nods in Alexis general direction as he then adds to Scott, "Mind givin' me a second pair of eyes on dis Scott? It's gettin' a strange whine if Ah get 'er much ovah one-Twenty..."

Prismatic has posed:
    Drat Now that Shannon's spotted her Jelly Baby Hiding Place, Alexis is going to have to find a new place. She gives a bit of a grin over to Scott as she shrugs a shoulder. "No lessons, jut planning out curriculum for a summer course. Keep those who aren't heading back for the summer holiday busy." she replies back to the Scott, an gives the bright, striped box a shake. "Jellybaby, Mr. Summers? Mr. LeBeau?" she inquires, offering to the two. "I know the Pidgeon would take some. Figure I'd give you two a crack at it." she smiles.

Cyclops has posed:
"No thank you, but I appreciate the offer." Scott says to Alexis in regards to the jelly beans. Straightening up, he heads over to a work bench and places his toolbox down, sliding it so that it rests against the wall, then shifts it into place.

"Sign up for my auto shop class. It's extra credit and four weeks long. Monday at ten a.m." He says to Shannon. "We can take a few of the bikes out and work on them with a couple of the other students. I bring donuts." He's not that much of a stiff if he hits up Krispy Kreme.

"Remy, there is no road in New York that allows you to go that fast. Perhaps in Europe there is a few, but not here. Where are you hearing the whining at? The front wheel or somewhere else?" He asks as he stands before the cajun, arms folding over his chest.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives that grin of the cat that not only got the cream but managed to frame the dog while he was at it. "Well dare aren't allot of roads where dey /allow/ Yah ta go dat fast," He concedes with a smile, "But dare are a surprising number where day are completely incapable of preventing Yah from doin' so." He leans down and adds "Don' t'ink it's De engine, but it coming from dat area."

Prismatic has posed:
    "Ignore the insinuation that moving violations are unenforcible, Pidgeon." Alexis states to Shannon, and offer the box of sweet jelly babies to the young lady. "I know a very little about motorcycles. Mostly I was riding lower powered ones around the countryside with my grandparents. More agreeable than the donkeys on hot days." she explains.

Nightingale has posed:
     The mention of an auto shop class earns Scott a lofted brow, and a smile from the winged teen. "Sounds good. And just in time for my license test, too. I'll bring some good coffee." It seems Scott's gained another student--and perhaps Shannon might have gained another project to help keep her out of trouble. Or to help her get -to- trouble a little faster. Or offer an escape route -from- trouble. Who was to tell this early on?

     Smiling over at Remy, she chuckles, and rolls her eyes. "Seeing movies like that makes you understand why those guys wanted to escape the ship. You're not sure whether to laugh, cry, or both, from seeing something so awful that it's good."

     Jelly babies? Oh yes, please! Like a moth to a flame, Shannon is drawn to the source of the striped box of goodness, waiting her turn to pluck a few of the powder-coated bits of joy. "Merci!"

Cyclops has posed:
"Driver's license, huh?" Scott says as he shifts his jaw in thought. "I remember when I took mine. The written test can be tricky and not at all enjoyable. The driving test was much more relaxed. Just make sure to check your rear view and side mirrors every thirty seconds. They time you. I'll see you on Monday then."

There is a squint of his eyes behind his glasses at Remy, followed by a low sigh under his breath. He leans down next to his bike and pops the oil cap off the side, then shines a small flashlight down into it. After a few seconds of peeking about, he says, "You need an oil change and I'm going to suggest it's your clutch plates. They build up a fibrous crud from the oil when it gets old and when you push your bike into higher RPM's, it will make that noise. They're cheap to replace and not difficult to do."

As he rises back up, he puts the cap back on. "Easy job to do in a few hours, long as that is what it is. But the engine will always make that noise on old oil when you push it too hot."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods at his team leader's words, willing to fully accept the other man's opinion as gospel at least as far as this is concerned. He does take some of Alexis' gummies, since she offered and these don't seem to be attacking him. "Ey Alexis? Yah mind if we make a date ta cross swords some time? Ah ain' been fencing since Ah left Nawlins...

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon looks about ready to give up on the pile of project bikes. This one looks just a little -too- slow. That one looks as if it'd have way too much horsepower for her. Each one seemed to just not be /quite right/.

     Cue in the angel choir, as, in the midst of the pile, a bit of black paint glinting that might perhaps have seen better days, seems lost amongst its Vespa cousins. It had the cutesy silhouette of a Vespa. But there was something a bit more to it than that. Something a bit more powerful. She lets out a low whistle as she looks over the bike. It mostly seems to have suffered from neglect, and could use a thorough overhaul, but hey, she doesn't know that yet! "Anyone claimed this one yet?"

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis is chewing on lime Jelly Bby as she turns to Remy as the talk turns from motorcycles to a subject she is intimately associated with, an her brown eye light up as she gives a grin.
"Name you place and time, Remy. I'd be happy to get ome practice in against someone who's not one of my students." she cracks a big grin, and already begins sizing the Cajun up, the much shorter Brit stretching her shoulders, and she turns to Shannon, and purses her lips. "Ah, Vespa, an excellent brand."

Cyclops has posed:
"I don't know if anyone has claimed it. I can check the registration on it if you are interested." Scott says to Shannon. "Though a license to drive a bike is different than obtaining one for an automobile. Which one are you applying for?" He makes his way over to the Vespa, leaning down to inspect the VIN number, then jots it down into his phone's notepad. Better safe than sorry. No one wants to get caught in a stolen Vespa.

"This does look like it's your type. You will need a helmet." Always the father figure. "And you will adhere to the speed limit. Myself or Mister Guthrie can help you with your exam." Obviously not Mister LeBeau. Not after his declaration of breaking the speed limits.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins slightly as if Scott's exclusion of him on the "trusted to teach impressionable students basic life skills" list is a sort of badge of honor. He grins a bit as Alexis sizes him up and says "No /formal/ training." he warns, "But Ah was taught De basics by a professional assassin, so dat got ta be wort' something non?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Smiling at Scott, Shannon nods once. "Please and thank you... it'd be appreciated." She pauses to listen to him expound on the differences between an automobile license and a scooter/bike license. "Well, Sam's already been helping me prep for the automobile license test. Kind of figured it'd be different for a bike, but I'm willing to put in the work." The injunction to wear a helmet is heeded, and she makes a mental note to research those that might provide a balance between style and safety.

     Hey, a girl's got her pride, you know!

     Basic life skills, Remy might not be teaching students, for likely very obvious reasons. However, the young healer in training does feel she has to speak up for him on one point. "Say what you will about Mr. LeBeau's qualifications to teach one to handle a bike properly, but when it comes to the bo staff I doubt you'll find much better. Especially if Sam saw fit to recommend him in those regards."

     Alexis' appraisal of her choice gets a wider smile, the teen's wings ruffling with just a touch of pride. For once, it seems she actually managed to do something -right-....

Prismatic has posed:
    "And I was taught by Olympians and got to sharpen my skills against schoolboys twice my age." she gives a smile, "I was expecting unorthodox practices and killing blows. You don't seem the type to waste movements on being horibly fancy, mostly 'stick them with the pointy end'," she jokes, both complimenting and teasing Remy about it.

    "You'll be getting a helmet with a face shield, of course Pidgeon. And I swear to you the first time I catch you without it there will be repercussions." she states, poking at one wing as a reminder.

Cyclops has posed:
"Such reprecussions will include having the bike's wheels removed until you have earned the right to have them back, followed by re-taking of the driver's test." Scott adds on to Alexis' statement. There is no good cop when it comes to driving responsibility.

There is a barely visible twitch of his lips into a small smile, one that washes away quickly as he tucks his phone back into his pocket. "But, together, we can make sure it is restored and tuned to perfection so that you will have no trouble passing your test." At least he puts a positive tick at the end.

"Mister Wagner is also quite the swordsman. He taught me a bit of swashbuckling when we were younger. We used to use the Danger Room to create pirate adventures. Canons and all." Those were the good days. Back when they were younger. There is probably recordings still in the computer to blackmail them with later, dressed up like pirates and yelling yarr at each other while waving scimitars.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins just a little bit, "Yeah, we always played by De old Cajun rules. Firs' one ta die, loses." He says with a wicked grin and shrugs with a smile. He too nods his agreement with the other two about Shannon wearing a helmet. "I addition ta all dat, Ah will personally be very disappointed." he says gravely.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon meeps, looking between all three. She pins Alexis with a wide-eyed look and keeps her wings tucked in tightly behind her--out of reach of one of three 'bad cops'. "HEY... leave my wings out of this! Just... are there helmets with face shields that aren't all... claustrophobic?" The last word is uttered almost with a little whimper, and the young woman actually goes a touch pale.

Remy and Scott both get a doleful, Puss-In-Boots look, and a nod. Yeah, no. For once, she wasn't going to fight any of them on this one. Not by a long shot.

Prismatic has posed:
    "There are some with clear visors and chin-guards that povide protection." Alexis states, slipping off to dig her own helmet out of a bag, and he gives it a careful toss over to the winged girl. "That's the one I wore when Sam and I started seeing each other. Wore that the first couple times he took me flying, too." she states. It's a full face helmet, white, with a little sticker of the Union Jack on the back of it.

    She turns back to Scott with a bit of a grin. "That very much sounds like Kurt." Alexis confirms. "I don't think I've ever face off against someone so... spirited with the swords. You, though, Scott? I'll have to see photographic evidence." the young assistant teacher states with a wry voice, and then she points at Remy, just points at him, and gives him a wink.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau raises one eyebrow... Then he raises both eyebrows. "Wai' jus' a moment 'ere. Yah' an Kurt made a pirate simulation in De Danger room ta play at sword fightin', but me wantin' ta make De mos' immersive game of Cluedo of all time is a waste of valuable resources?" He turns to Shannon. "It's a conspiracy Ah tell yah. A travisty of justice.."

Cyclops has posed:
"Mister LeBeau. Fifty percent of the time we allow you to use the Danger Room by yourself, we find you passed out, naked, with several bottles of stolen and expensive alcohol all around you. Do not think I will ever, /ever/ forgive you for trying to recreate the ultimate Mardi Gras party with several college freshman when LSU won the championship five years ago." Scott says with a mild snort under his breath. "Took us two weeks to get the smell out."

The way he says it, so serious and stoic. There is no way that could be a joke, right?

"You should partner with Mister Wagner sometime, Miss Carr. He may teach you a thing or two about the blade. I am no where near capable as he is, but he's at least taught me how to properly parry."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon blanches as she catches the helmet, but says nothing. Unpinning her hair, she closes her eyes and tries slipping it on over her head. Her hands tremble on the sides of the helmet, and her wings tense behind her.

Fear was a rare thing to see on the girl's face. But it was there, yet she did her best to push it to the side. How long, though, would she last...?

She nods quickly to Remy, latching on to something, anything as a distraction from the sides of the helmet closing in on her. "It'd be a good exercise in deductive reasoning, how's that a waste?" Her voice, however, is barely audible, and shakes like a leaf. But she gulps, and fights to leave the thing on her head....

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau spits and sputters slightly at Scott's words, his eyes getting huge at the idea. "Dat is a filt'y an' slanderous lie Cyclops. Ah mean dat is simply unacceptable. Ah can' believe dat /yah/ of all people woul' say such a t'ing." Then under his breath in a slightly angry tone. "Like it'd take LSU five years ta get back ta De championships. De nerve.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Breathe through it, Shannon. I know it's confining. I thought so too the first couple of times I wore one." Alexis comforts the girl, and she sweeps up the visor, to give the girl some breathing room, though the helmet hugs tightly. Alexis has a hnd comfortingly on the healer's back, watching the two men give a bit of wag, and she turns to Scott. "Kurt's a good couple stages above me. Gets through my defense every time with three swords. Three Swords, Mr. Summers." Alexis breezes, though she stays near Shannon. Just in case the girl needs a quick out.

Cyclops has posed:
"You can also get a helmet with a half shield that covers just your eyes. That's the most important part when riding a bike. Keeping your eyes and your skull safe. A full shield is only helpful if you do not wish to swallow bugs on the highway." Scott says with a nod of his head towards Shannon.

He gives a glance over towards Remy, unamused as his brow lifts up higher once more. "Just be happy we deleted the evidence. It would be heavily frowned upon if it was to be leaked to the Internet." The school can do without that type of scandal, that's for sure.

"I am going to head inside and get a shower in before dinner. Do any of you need me for anything before I go?"

Nightingale has posed:
     With the visor swept up, Shannon does seem to gulp in several deeper breaths. But damned if she's going to let this fear get the best of her--not in front of everyone like this! Eating bugs on the highway actually started to sound more appealing than a full face shield--until, of course, it wasn't. There were better ways to get one's daily allotment of protein!.

     "There's got to be a way to design these things to shield the whole face and still leave breathing room!" the girl exclaims, in an outrush of breath. With the visor up and Alexis' presence right there, she does seem to calm a little bit. This was, perhaps, a problem to be tackled in stages.

     "It's all good here, Mr. Summers. What kind of coffee do you want me to bring to shop class?" Yes, she was determined to make good on that offer. And, knowing her, it was likely to be some fairly fancy stuff.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau offers Scott a simple two finger touch-to-brow salute and moves away to start the process of changing the oil in his bike. Letting the two women discuss the fashion vs. Function of verious helmets. Firmly in the do as I say, not as I do camp the Cajun rarely wears one.

Prismatic has posed:
    "I might pop by the class, would be interesting to pick up some skills in case Sam's not available." Alexis jokes, and she very gently lifts the helmet from Shannon, and pats the gil on the back. "Good for your first try, Pidgeon."

Cyclops has posed:
"Don't worry about coffee, Miss Lance. I am up before you are awake most days and I will already be on my third cup. Just bring an appetite for donuts. If you do not like donuts, you can email me your preferred breakfast snack." Scott says as he dips his head in a nod towards them, offering a smile to Alexis as well. "You are more than welcome to join. I always start off with the basics. Oil changes. Changing a wheel. Small and easy upkeep to save you money. Then in the last two weeks we put together an engine. Just for fun."

With that, he gives Remy a salute in return, then heads out of the garage as he takes his phone out to tap away a new event into his calandar. Plenty of meetings on the agenda to look forward to this week.

Nightingale has posed:
     The young woman's color begins to return to normal the moment the helmet is removed from her head, her wings drooping behind her. Then, and only then, does she open her eyes, cracking a wan smile. "T-thanks. Going to make some female chocolate chip cookies after this. Enough for all of us here and then some."

     Chocolate. The world's cure for all ills and fears.