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Latest revision as of 04:33, 27 April 2020

Back in the Backyard
Date of Scene: 25 April 2020
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Alice, Kitty and Megan laze around and discuss things....and Megs' changes get noticed.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Pixie, Red

Shadowcat has posed:
The backyard of Xavier's is relaxing and peaceful, at least the little bit of it Kitty's lounging in, in a lounging location. She's picked out a lounge chair by a table, settling under an umbrella. Lockheed's curled up on her legs as Kitty is very much awake, just lazing around. No students need to see her, so why not enjoy the quiet and downtime. See. Kitty's taking her quiet time and runnning with it, relaxing.

She's wearing summer attire, her shorts, blouse and pendant with her ring on, and....yes. Yes. Those are flip flops on her feet. Don't ask.

There's an apple juice on the table next to her, Kitty sucking on a straw, one of those funky bendy straws with the spirals and such, but she's enjoying this relaxing quiet time all the same.

Pixie has posed:
It's another warm spring day in the backyard, a gentle breeze rustling through the trees and kids are out and about, playing in the courtyard. Megan steps out with a sigh, keeping mostly to herself which is perhaps uncharacteristic of her. She'd recovered well enough since the other day's attack, between the combined efforts of Shannon, Morgana and Josiah that is. At least physically her wound was healed..

Mentally and spiritually is another story. Not only was her dagger stolen, but her soul had been tainted by further dark magic and it shows in many ways. For one, she's taken a sudden liking to dark, goth attire. For another, her skin is now violet, and her cute fairy wings are gone, replaced by creepy grey batwings. Oh yeah, and her skin's now lilac and she's sporting creepy claws.

Maybe that's why she's mostly sitting on a lounge chair on her own, watching kids play with a soft sigh.

Red has posed:
Alice sighs as she gets out of the house, armed with a Kindle full of books in one hand, a bunch of dice in the other. It's a bunch of orange-yellowish dice with white dots and a lot of cracks in them. Made some time before the 1940s, they count as real antics... especially if you knew what they were made from. Nitrocellulose. The same stuff old film was made from. As she spots Megan, she halts, eying her a few moment, then speeding into a different direction, trying to evade her for the moment. Because she didn't manage to help fast enough to prevent the wound in the first place, even as she managed to cut the guy with the blade thrown after...

Though in evading she did not propery watch where she went, and alomost runs into Kitty's table.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty scrambles to her feet. "No you're not getting my....hey Alice" Kitty says watching Alice. "Though grab a seat. Not mine. Lockheed's not happy with me that he got dumped on the stone, poor guy" Kitty adds sitting back down, wiggling her ankles as Lockheed curls back up on her ankles again.

"So what's up, Alice?" Kitty asks then looks over to Pixie. "Hey Megs, you alright?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns softly, running a hand through her oddly dull, pink hair. Though lately it's looking more black than pink. "I'm fine.." she grits her teeth, fists clenched. She's definitely not fine. She's mad, and frustrated and scared and confused. That anger is not directed towards Kitty or Alice however, and she does manage a faint smile for them. Whatever guilt Alice feels towards her, Megan seems unconcerned.

"Just...Trying to get used to..To all these changes.."

Red has posed:
"Sorry. I just didn't want to run into Megan." Alice answers to the greeting, cheeks slightly flushed before Megan approaches. But then, Megan comes anyway. "Hey Megan... are you better? I mean..." she sighs. "Did the doc have a decently easy time to get rid of the staunching plug?" A moment she blinks. "Changes?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, sinking back down into her seat. She's not terribly eager to socialize but she feels bad for Alice and the others. "Yeah, my wounds were healed between the combined powers of three healers." she smirks, "guess I'm lucky to have such...Good..Friends..." she frowns again, claws gripping the table.

"What, are you afraid of me? I'm not gonna bite ya.." still, there's a dangerous gleam in her eyes as she says that, and her eyes flash red instead of the gentle familiar maroon they used to be. And then, she actually laughs, a strange, almost cackling laugh as she rises to her feet, spreading her creepy bat wings.

"Really, you hadn't noticed? I'm...Not myself. I feel all wrong..And I'm now missing one-fifth of my soul.." she shivers and hugs her arms, "I need to see Doctor strange, maybe he can help me before I become like DarkChylde or something, but..." she sighs, shaking her head. "I'm losing myself, I can feel the darkness inside me, and it's only growing stronger.."

Red has posed:
"No, I just..." Alice sighs as she settles down on a free chair. "Sure I notice, but... damn, I don't understand half of what happened. I mean... I get some of the physical changes. Secondary mutation or something, if I understand that paper right, but it might be like something entirely different too. I just... Why couldn't I be just a bit faster?!" she contemplates aloud, sighing again, the e-book and the bag with dice in her hands sinking.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I've not....wait what happened?" Kitty asks sounding like she's behind on this. Which she is. "So what happened exactly, Alice?" Kitty asks suddenly looking serious as she sits up a litle, Lockheed being set on the table, retreating into the shade under the umbrella as Kitty sits up.

Red has posed:
"Uh... it's... complicated I guess?" Alice says before sighing again, watching to Megan. "You see, Megs invied a few people and me to go on a hike. We went to some trail and then... Things attacked us. Or rather, surrounded us. Some elf-guy wanted Megs to come with him, but then... he stabbed her. We could stabilize her, and then... yea, she was healed. I guess that's the short version?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn just stares at Kitty a moment. Then laughs, almost like a cackle even. "What happened, she says." she just shrugs at Alice. "Not your fault, there we like 20 gremlins between me and you guys. Plus he moved fast as Superboy..Nothing you could have done, maybe it's just my fate..Now I know how Illy feels.."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty doesn't look pleased. Nope. Instead she sighs, folding her arms. "And we got what on this elf guy? Did we get anything useful at least? And is Megs okay?" Kitty asks. Oh, Kitty is unhappy, that's an understatement. She watches Megan when the pixie seems to...wait what the cackle? Oh no. Ojh hell no.

Pixies are meant to be all light and good fairies, rightt? Right?

Oxford, youur mythology department has a lot of explaining to do

Red has posed:
"I think... Conner blasted his back?" Alice notes, shaking the head. "I threw a machete after him, not sure if I even hit..."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh good" Kitty says, "You know Scott and Jean need to hear about this, right?" she asks finally, reluctantly, getting up. Okay, there's now actual things to be done. First off, let Cyclops and Jean know about all this...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, pondering. "Huh, nothing much, he calls himself the goblin prince, said he knew my mother.." her eyes narrow, "Waaait a minute, he seemed to know Morgana, I wonder if she knows something?" When Scott and Jean are mentioned, her frown-deepens, "I dunno, last time I tried to help a fairy, Logan grounded us. Even if it was an innocent hike, they'll probably twist it into something it's not and ground us again just cuz they can."she snarls. Yea she's mad..