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Latest revision as of 00:21, 30 April 2020

The Fairy and the Queen
Date of Scene: 29 April 2020
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: Megan is reunited with Morgana after the attack. Questions are asked.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Morgana le Fay

Pixie has posed:
A little over a week has passed since the attack on Megan. Since the drastic changes to her, both physically and mentally, she's been mostly keeping to herself and has become quite withdrawn, antisocial and a little more grim and gothlike. Today she's dressed in an all black lace skater dress, a pair of bright pink shorts peeking out from underneath which help when she has to fly.

And she is slowly getting used to her large, awkward grey batwings, but taking it slow, gliding low to the ground after having climbed a tree with her newfound claws. All baby steps of course, and it doesn't take long for her feet to find the ground, awkwardly stumbling to the ground.

"Ugggh, I hate this.." she grumbles.

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana's around....somewhere, oh she's not far from where Pixie is. If anything she's waiting and watching her...kinda fly and land like that. Morgana steps toward Megan and looks over her.

"Megan" she says softly. "What happned with that prince?" she adds simply and kneeels to watch Pixie better. "last thing I remember is healing you" she nods, offering a hand.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn climbs slowly to her feet, glancing over at Morgana. Yeah, she looks way different from before. Lilac skin, claws, grey bat wings. And there's a more grim look in her eyes. But the sight of Morgana makes her smile faintly, running to join her, hugging her tightly.

"Morgana! I missed you..." she pouts and sighs, letting go. "I dunno, he just...He stole my soul dagger, and he did this to me!" she snarls, "I'm sooo mad! I cant believe he turned me into a freak..And I feel all wrong inside too.." she sighs, hugging her arms.

"I'm..I'm glad to see you're alright. How have you been?"

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana smiles, "Good, and I could help you get revenge on him?" she offfers. Giant carrot, sure why not?

Morgana nods. "You're not a freak" she begins. Okay, no. Not a freak in Avalon, true...butbut....

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods slowly, peering at Morgana thoughtfully. "He..Seemed to know you. Hae you met him before?" eyes narrow, troubled by that notion and her claws come out, clenching her hands into angry fists. "OF course I want revenge. I want to make him suffer! And I want my dagger back! But I don't even know where to start..."

Megan sighs, staring down at her shaking hands. She smiles faintly at Morgana's encouragement. "Thanks..But..How do you mean? Tell me more about Avalon?"

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana shakes her head. "What do you want to know about Avalon? And...yes I met him before" she nods and looks like she wants to tear somebody's head off. An elf prince's. for that matter. Hey. hey. Morgana's not a happy camper, and she scuffs the ground with a foot.

"Things didn't go to plan with the elf prinnce. You got hurt, you weren't supposed to" Morgana says softly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "Soo is it like, the land that time forgot? When I went there, I felt like I was back in some ancient, magical era. You know, Arthurian legends? I dont even know how I got there, just one day I'm there, like I felt a pull.." she frowns, "Are there others like you there? Other fairies? I was thinking maybe if we ever find and rescue those fairies, maybe we can bring them there, for safety. I'd like to explore that place some more.."

She frowns, "Soo this Goblin Prince, what's his name? Where did he come from, and how come he knows you? Are you guys like, rivals or something? He seemed really powerful.." as for failing to protect her, Megan just shrugs and smiles, "Oh, it's alright, really. I mean, he moved so fast, he had all his gremlins in position. Probably planned this for a long time.."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
"You were opening a portal and I pulled you through it" Morgana offers. That's how she got to Avalon. Well, then. Shaking her head Morgana looks thoughtful. "You want to explore Avalon? That can happen, Megan" she says with a knowing nod, as if saying she could take Pixie to Avalon right /now/

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles, "I would like to explore Avalon...The goblin prince told me he knew my mother, if she's there, I need to find her. What if he's holding her hostage?" she frowns, grasping Morgana's hands. "Please, tell me! What is the link between you and the Goblin Prince? It may help us find him..."

Morgana le Fay has posed:
Morgana shakes her head. "No idea" she says and watches Pixie being all grabby hands. "Okay fine I can take you to Avalon, but that will need to wait" she says simply. No comment on Pixie's goth look, though....