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Latest revision as of 12:51, 13 October 2017

Meeting over New Troy
Date of Scene: 28 March 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Power Girl and Star Sapphire meet
Cast of Characters: Power Girl, Star Sapphire

Power Girl has posed:
    It was somewhat late at night over Metropolis. Down below the traffic was the same as it always was this late at night, thankfully light because rush hour was over.

Over Metropolis, this time of night, was Power Girl, simply watching, and listening to the sounds to make sure nothing was amiss tonight. And she wanted to keep it that way.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire watches the city as well from atop a skyscraper. She wears... not much, leaving little to the imaginatino, a faint violet aura of light around her. She raises a hand and creates a few drone constructs of violet light and sends them to fly through the city, looking for trouble. Each is translucent and is labeled with a large eight-point star. She wonders if they'll find something.

Power Girl has posed:
    The faint aura of light would probably be a little obvious to Power Girl, considering her perch. So she lowers herself down behind Star Sapphire, but makes sure not to land on the roof behind her. It might spook her. She does have her arms crossed as she floats away from the edge of the building.

After a few seconds, whether Star Sapphire notices or not, Power Girl Speaks up. "Nice night....isn't it?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
A screen is over one of Sapphire's eyes, as she is getting the feed from the drones. Suddenly a voice behind her as she whirls, a violet speaer forming in her hands as she points it at you, staring. "Who are you?" she asks suddenly. She narrows her eyes. "Subject's species is Kryptonian." sounds a strangely-accented voice. "That explains why you got here - but what do you want?" she asks as she lowers the glowing violet spear.

Power Girl has posed:
    "I could ask you the same question....Pink lady." Power girl seems to be mildly amused by that, and she looks at the screen, and the spear, but the voice makes her tilt her head. "Huh. I've heard of the Green Lanterns, but.....yours is....pink....." She clearly doesn't worry about the different color specturm names at the moment. "Or is it Violet." there it is.

"I'm Power Girl and.....when something overwhelmingly pink.....or violet, blah.....is sitting on a rooftop with other....pink....violet...things floating around the city, I......check out the one that's not moving. Quicker to get to."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire shrugs as the drones disperse as well as the screen - and the spear. "I am Star Sapphire, head of the Star Sapphire Corps, wielders of the violet light of love. Our powers are similar - but the power source is different. Power Girl... an interesting costume," she muses, eyes drawn to the... chasm... visible. "I was surveying the city for trouble, using drones to search. It's more efficient." She ponders. "And I am very familiar with the Green Lanterns - well - one of them."

Power Girl has posed:
    "Love huh? Didn't know there were different rings. that's interesting, to say the least." Power Girl watches Star Sapphires eyes, and smirks a little. Then she snakes her haed in front of the 'chasm', and points upwards. "I get that a lot."

She stops talking for a moment as she seems to hear something....but shakes her head. "Police have it handled. Familiar with one of the Lanterns, hmm? The only Lantern I know of is Hal Jordan...."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire blinkblinks as she tilts her head. "You know his name?" she asks, clicking her tongue, rather confused by this. "How?" She doesn't hear anything - her senses are only human after all.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl takes a deep breath.....a very deep breath....one meant to obviously relax. "It's.....extremely hard to explain. There are massive amounts of WTF-ery in my backstory.' She then looks to Star Sapphire. "But then...you have a power ring that makes constructs, and I can fly. So it's not that far-fetched, I guess."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire shrugs. "A lot in mine too," she muses. "But how did you know Hal's name?" she asks. There's a ring on her left hand too. Keen observers might notice that the faint violet aura got just a bit brighter when she said his name... and there's a wedding ring onher left hand that has an emerald on it...

Power Girl has posed:
    "Well.....let's start at the beginning." Power Girl says just as the ring flares when Star Sapphire mentions Hal's name.....and she smiles. "That explains a few things." She then holds her hand up. "I'm Not saying anything, but on with my story. The beginning."

With that she starts. "How many Kryptonians do you know?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire frowns as she saw that, and squelches her aura so she's just a woman in a funky costume - no lightshow at all. "I know of Superman and Supergirl. I don't know them PERSNOALLY..." She shrugs. "Though..." She sighs softly. "I wish to... amend for my past sins... in the Justice League." She gazes at you, then creates two construct chairs and sits in one, gesturing for you to take the other.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Those are the only ones that I know of as well." Power Girl says, sitting down in the other chair. "But that is the start of it. There is a para-military organization called Cadmus.....and they saw Superman as a threat to humanity, if he were to ever turn 'bad'." She then sighs. "And that is the beginning. Supergirl was severely injured during one fight and Superman lost his temper...for an instant. It scared one of the scientists there, and he joined Cadmus. Cadmus, during that time, were looking for ways to 'neutralize' threats to humanity. SO, when the scientist joined Cadmus, they saw an opportunity. He had to draw some blood from Supergirl to treat her....."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire nods slowly. "So you're a clone..." she muses softly. "Not an exact clone, I see..." She shrugs. "So... they made you to be an anti-Superman weapon, I take it? I... it sounds like you decided that was not your destiny..."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl nods. "They made me an 'older' version of Supergirl. More experienced, stronger, more malleable...or so they thought. All they wanted to teach me was combat and how to defeat Superman. Eventually, Superman and I DID fight. I had him in combat eperience, but he wouldn't give up. The more I fought him, the more I admired him, for he would forsake any advantage...to save others. The difference in that....was everytime he went to save others, my 'Handler' would tell me to ignore the 'acceptable losses' to finish Superman. That....was when I left Cadmus."

Power Girl then smiles a bit. "So, out here....I have a new life....and a new name. So you're not the only one looking to atone, Star Sapphire."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire sighs softly. "I was... compelled against my will to fight the Green Lantern..." She looks down. "Finally... they saw the error of their ways... the power they implanted in me was uncontrollable. Finally... they realized that portioned out - many can be empowered with the violet light without losing control... most of the time." She shrugs. "I still would like to know who, outside the Justice League, would know Hal's name and how. It's... a security risk."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl says, "I did mention Cadmus was a para-military organization right? They also have military hands inside of it. better known as.....SHIELD." She then takes a breath and taps her head. "Yeah, they expected me to take you all down. And you don't have to tell me it's a security risk, Star Sapphire. I know you're looking out for him." She points to her ring. "Your power is Love.....and whenever you mention his name....your ring flares.""

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire nods. "I know..." she muses. "And... it's kinda obvious, isn't it?" she asks. She smiles softly. She hasn't said her name yet. "And yes, I've heard of Cadmus. I try to avoid business with them whenever possible." She ponders. "Well... not much use conceling my name, is there? If you know I'm Hal's wife, that's easy to find." She sighs softly as she looks down. "But you might find it hard to believe."

Power Girl has posed:
    "Like you said....Error of your ways and all that. Of course, I'm guessing for your powers to fully manifest...you had to admit you loved Hal." Power Girl says softly. "And yes, I know who you are." She says before closing her eyes and crossing her arms....for a few moments.....as if listening....before she then smiles. "If you ever need to find me, but not as Power Girl.....Look for Karen Starr...of Star Labs."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire raises an eyeborw. "Oh? Who am I then? And... was this knowledge implanted in your head somehow?" she asks, clicking her tongue. "I wish to know what you know... and..." She ponders. "What do you do at Star Labs?"

Power Girl has posed:
    "Carol Jordan...but I'd rather not say it too loudly." POwer Girl says pointing down. "Woman under us is trying to sleep." She then smirks. "Hal Jordan's name was, but yours wasn't. I just put two and two together. Hal flew with your company for years and you were contracted to the military to test planes. As for Star Labs.....Xenotechnology and Xenobiology. Ironic, isn't it?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire smiles. "Carol Ferris, actually... I kept my maiden name. I thought it best." She hmmmms. "Well... I run my company - Hal's head of the test flight department..." She trails off. "Are you in a hurry to go somewhere, Power Girl?" she asks, deciding to keep to your costumed name.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Not at the moment. Just keeping an ear open for trouble though. I mean......you and I were both on patrol, I think." POwer Girl says tilting her head. "Ferris. Nice. Maintain some of your independence, right? SO what's on your mind?"

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire shrugs. "Well... it's nice to meet a new hero... I'm glad you broke your shackles... and... maybe it's time to do smoething about Cadmus. Tehy're always trouble. I won't do business with them. Hero or civilian."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl gets up and walks over to Star Sapphire, placing a hand on her shoulder, that is....surprisingly gentle. "Not just another Hero.....a friend. I didn't tell you all that to just be 'another hero', Star Sapphire. Just like you didn't tell me all that to 'just be another hero'."

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire nods. "Indeed..." She smiles. "Here's to new friends." She rises up and gives you a hug. "And to righting our wrongs... even if they weren't our fault." She smiles softly as she lets go. "Duty calls, I believe..."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl hugs gently back. "yeah, Duty Calls." She says as she hears a far off ambulance. "Shall we follow that and see what it's headed to?" She says pointing to the flashing lights.

Star Sapphire has posed:
Star Sapphire nods as she kicks off, glowing faintly as she flies along, knowing that you'll be right beside her...