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Latest revision as of 02:57, 4 May 2020

Reference Section Blue
Date of Scene: 30 April 2020
Location: Library - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kurt Wagner and Shannon Lance are studying in the library, when Samuel Guthrie comes in with books. There is a discussion about the changing of teaching staff, and Shannon expresses interest in staying on after graduation.
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Nightingale, Cannonball

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Ah, libraries. Such calm places, full of learning, of learned words and ancient wisdom -- and in one of the comfortable chairs sat Kurt Wagner. His tail was curled to his side as he held a book open, balancing it between his fingers, his thumb pressed to the pages as he took in the sights and sounds of some past adventure story, lightly scratching at his chin in thought.

Nightingale has posed:
     Though classes were nearly out for the summer, some students simply would not rest. Time enough for that when the livin' was easy, fish were jumpin', and the cotton was high. Shannon was curled up in a chair by one of the southern windows, with a thick volume open in her lap, and a notebook on the table next to her. Her wings are spread open slightly, draping over the arms of the chair. She's in stocking feet, robin's egg blue leggings, and a long white t-shirt with Tweety Bird dressed as a hippie on the front. A pencil is tucked behind her right ear as she reads, intent on studying what looks like an advanced biology textbook. On the ground next to her chair, one smaller wing feather flutters to the ground, soft and downy, floating down to rest nearby.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Advanced biology was not Kurt's strong suite. In his mind, he is dashing along with Sigmund, riding the thundering hooves of spectral horses and fighting ancient dragons. The page turns, and the elf looks over at the studious angel, his eyebrows rising a moment before he quips "And here I was, thinking the biology exam was over -- or was it extended?" he inquires curiously, his tail tip turning up.

Nightingale has posed:
     That was one voice Shannon had not heard for quite a while, since the afternoon of ice skating on the lake just around the holidays. A smile curls the corners of her mouth upwards, and she dog-ears the page she is on, setting the weighty volume aside. "Guten abend, Herr Wagner." Dipping her head forward, she rubs the back of her neck a little, a slight sigh escaping her. "Guess I got caught up in studying. Kind of easy to do when you've got a mentor you don't want to disappoint."

     With a slight lift of her head, she motions over to the volume that rests in Kurt's hands. "What about you? What's that you're reading?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ah, a different interpretation of the Völsunga saga, I think this one has star ships?" he questions, looking at the rather plain cover. "But also horses." he adds and he gives a slight smile to Shannon as he motions. "Do not get so caught up in your studies that you forget to live... or consequentailly, perhaps step up the studies and spend less time in a bed in medical, hm?" he replies, an eyebrow rising up as his tail sways behind him.

Nightingale has posed:
     A distinct laugh broke the silence of the library, and the winged girl just shook her head. "Each time I wind up in there, it's usually helping someone else out. So, no regrets there." Her legs uncurl from beneath her on the chair, with a slight 'oof' sound from her; apparently, she'd been studying longer than she let on. "Hopefully, the chance to work with Doctor Banner will let me understand my gift a bit better, and maybe even shift it to something that won't be quite so apt to land me in medical."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ah, and alas, I am hardly the one to lecture on such things as 'pouring from an empty cup.'" Kurt offers quietly, and rubs at the back of his head for a moment, and his tail curls into a question mark. "Ah, you will be working with Doctor Banner? I hear he's quite a clever man. You could learn much from him!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is walking into the room. He has two cloth bags with books in them. He walks towards the center of the library and one of the computers there, looking around noticing people as he does.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods quickly, and smiles wide. "That's what I'm hoping. He was here about a month or so back to visit. Actually quite nice, I rather like him. We got to talking, and he mentioned his ongoing work to understand his... gift... as well." She shrugs, rolling her head from side to side a bit. "So I asked if he needed help. One thing led to another and well, with any luck this definitely will not be a dull summer."

     Sam's entrance isn't missed by her, and she smiles, extending a wing to wave to him. "Hey you! Wow, got your hands full... need a hand there, big brother?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ah, those look heavy!" BAMF!
    BAMF. One book bag is lifted by the tail, the other by a hand from behind Sam, and now Sam is bookless, bagless, and has a bit of sulfur smell about him as Kurt disappears again, with the books, and bags.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to the two, and says "Ah need to put those into the system, Ah picked up some we were missing and some that might help with a few classes for this fall.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    One of the bags of books dangles from a blue tail, and the teleporter gives a slight grin, from the ceiling.

    "Ah, new learning materials then? For which classes?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Coughing lightly, Shannon extends her wings and moves them about slowly in the air, fanning away the indigo smoke and characteristic sulfurous smell of a BAMF in transit. Well, that was certainly one way to solve a problem! "Ooo, what classes? Any I should consider signing up for?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to take one of the bags, and pulls out a couple books on musical theory, art appreciation, an couple old home ec. books. the physics of star trek, astrobiology. He looks to them, and says "Need Hank to make some foot notes in this one." He says of the astrobiology.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt sets both bags back on the table, then nimbly turns around in the air, off the light, and lands in a crouch on the floor.

    "I have heard rumblings about additions in the teaching staff. Is she staying on to teach through next year?" Kurt asks, directing the question to Sam coyly as he stands, and brushes off his shirt. Dust bunnies!

Nightingale has posed:
     It's impossible for Shannon to resist a chance to pick on Sam, making silly smooching sounds at him the moment Kurt brings up the newest addition to the teaching staff. She also has the sense to make sure she's out of immediate reach when she does so! Otherwise, she says nothing else on the matter of Alexis teaching full-time at the school.

     This does, however, make her think for a second, glancing between Sam and Kurt. "Do alumni here often stay on afterwards to teach and otherwise help out?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to them and says "She plan on it yea, plans on picking up a few more classes, and Ah have considered teaching a few classes as well. Thinking maybe a shop, or autoshop class."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Now, now, Shannon, you must be polite to your teachers, show respect, a bit of decorum!" Kurt gently scolds -- but the moment Sam's turned to Shannon more, Kurt also makes a kissy face at Sam, and he considers a moment.

    "Hm... well. Many do, for a time, some do not. I cannot imagine that the school was intended to be so... big." the German states, and his tail sways behind him in thought. "I myself enjoyed teaching, but I have found that there are some places that need me more, at this moment. I plan on returning, of course! And covering if I can, but I have faith that my replacement is nothing but capable."

    He clasps Sam on the shoulder. "I would not pick up too many more classes, we may be needed other places."

Nightingale has posed:
     Giggling behind her hand, Shannon just bobs her head in assent to Kurt's admonishment. "Oh of course. He may be family first, a teacher second, but we must always show respect to our /elders/." Her glacier blue eyes twinkle with shared mirth as she peers over at Kurt, stifling further laughter as, for just a moment, he too joins in the good-natured ribbing.

     The matter of staying on, however, is still on the table. "This year has been... well, pretty wild. There've been some wild times, and I've met people and beings that, if you had told me this would be so around this time last year, I'd have branded whoever said it a liar. When my family brought me here, they didn't know this was a place for mutants. They just wanted to talk to Mr. McCoy and see if he knew of such a place. We lucked out." She pauses, glancing out the window, and smiling. "I don't intend on leaving, because I'd like to give that same chance to others that I was given."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Well if your interested in teaching, I would suggest finding some class paths that might help and maybe get an actual teaching degree." He will offer to her. He looks to Kurt, and says "Don't plan on over doing it, but have thought about another class possible, but we would have to write our own text books for it probably.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "That is true. Psychology, methodology, education courses, writing lesson plans -- aah, I won't have to do that for a while now!" Kurt brightens a moment, and he gives a great, toothy grin to Sam as he straightens up slightly.

    "Good. Because there are scenerios to run."

    "Well, what class are you two considering teaching?" Kurt asks, raising his eyebrows. "What would you like to teah?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well, plenty of time to study all that." Shannon offers a winning smile to Kurt, chuckling softly. "As my elders have reminded me, life is also for living." She takes a quick step back, her wings furling around in front of her, and giggles softly at both gentlemen.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well I am taking some college classes online still, but yea there are quite a few things to make sure everyone is prepared for."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "So, you don't know yet, Frauline Lance, what you would enjoy teaching? Hmm. Find something you enjoy, something you want to share with others, that you can be passionate about and make fun. For instance, can you imagine me teaching chemistry? Or woodshop?" Kurt gives a slight smile, and then motions to Sam.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Maybe not, but I've heard you are incredibly good at fencing, Herr Wagner. Though I've yet to even attempt that myself, let alone bear witness to the rumors as fact." Shannon shrugs, and smiles. "I'm not sure specifically what I'd want to teach. There's music, but Alexis has that covered. Biology or something in the medical field would be good, but I think Mr. McCoy has that largely covered, too."

     She pauses, biting her lower lip, and crossing her arms slightly. "There is one lack I've noticed, though. Myself, I'm not in need of it. But Warren can only be around so often, with his business interests to be considered. Who do you have to help fliers here? At least," she amends. "Those of the winged variety."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Kurt helped me with my flying. and you can always assist or maybe home ec as much as you enjoy cooking." He offers "And Kurt cheats at fencing, he uses three swords."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "It is not cheating, it is a gift, a talent!" Kurt protests, feining insult to the accusation of cheating. "That is like saying you cheat when you turn on your field! Hmph." his arms cross, his tail tip twitches, and then he gives a slight shrug, "But I am not the only fencer here, either. Remy fences, if I am not mistaken so does Alexis."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt pauses. "And Scott. When we are in training, in any case, he can sword fight."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon cracks a wide smile at the mention of Kurt and flying, letting out a rather happy sigh. "That... I can definitely imagine. I still think a lot of that first time I snuck into the danger room by myself, and there were Lorna and Herr Wagner. He was running one of his circus simulations, and when I tried to blend into the crowd? Nope, he'd have none of it. That has to have been one of the most fun times I've had, and something I'll always cherish."

     The young woman's expression sobers a little bit, and she bites her lower lip briefly. "Guess I'm asking a lot on that because... well, because of what happened to Megan. I managed to help get Gwendolyn flying, and now poor Megan's got wings that are closer to mine than what she was used to."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "If I am fencing, yup blasting is cheating." He grins and says "But we all have out interesting bits to learn to use."