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Escape to Earth
Date of Scene: 27 April 2020
Location: In the mountains Northwest of New York City
Synopsis: A new arrival comes crashing to Earth.
Cast of Characters: Skygirl, Power Girl, Timber Wolf

Skygirl has posed:
The stolen Khund scoutship shudders violently as it exits the spacelane. The Pilot grunts, "Well, at least it made it out of FTL. Given how much damage it took during my escape, I was worried I would be stranded in hyperspace."

She sighs as she tries to read the instruments, "I never learned to read Khund, but I think there is a habitable planet nearby. Let's try to bring this bird down someplace without too many people. I am pretty sure it will not survive atmosphereic entry in this condition."

Onboard the Legion Cruiser and the Watchtower alarms go off as the ship arrives and streaks towards Earth. Khunds are flagged as a hostile power.

Power Girl has posed:
Technically it was the end of monitor duty for Karen Starr, or 'Power Girl' as she was more commonly known. A shift that had been otherwise uneventful and relaxed, but now? Well she was headed back to Earth. Most of the League prefered to use the teleportation and transportation the Watchtower offered, but then -most- of the team weren't Kryptonian!

Wrapped in her white costume she was well known for, the woman had just cleared the airlock when she'd seen it, that streak heading earthwards. A frown, she was already touching her earring comlink as she blasted herself away from the station and after the crashing ship.

"Power Girl to Watchtower, I've got something headed to Earth. Might be a shooting star or some debris but...it's metal. Heading to check it out!"

Timber Wolf has posed:
"Oh for..." Brin staarts. He's on the bridge pulling a shift, then sighs. "Okay I'll check this out" he nods and gets ready to teleport down after running through the ship. Sure, why take a shuttle or a ship when he can teleport. He checks the course, and locks in where the scout ship (thanks Zoonian math) is likely to land. Or the area, even. it's a big area but...

"In three. Two. One" Brin snarls. "Timber Wolf to cruiser. I'm on the ground, I'm waiting. Please do not let Drake drive the cruiser to come pick me up" he adds, crouching low and watching the sky. Yay for teleportation!

Skygirl has posed:
Janz, piloting the Khund ship, feels it start to break up as it hits the atmosphere. Unfortunately or breaks up unevenly, making her have to use all her strength, speed, and skill to keep the pilot section on course for the area she has chosen. Hopefully the larges pieces all burn up before they hit, if they are headed towards an inhabited area. Unfortunately she has neither the skill nor the attention to track them...landing what is left of the ship is hard enough.

Power Girl has posed:
The ship? It was one Power Girl didn't recognize, but even in the streaking heat of reentry she could tell it was more than just some rock. Her own concerns were however, decidedly similar. She could worry about what was inside it later, she needed to make sure it wasn't going to go plowing into someone's house or some crowded area.

With a rush of movement the Kryptonian was trying to intercept, to ease under and 'catch' the crashing craft slowly. Of course, she couldn't just stop it dead or the thing would shatter, but suddenly? There was a figure trying to get under the nose of the Khund ship!

Timber Wolf has posed:
T-Wolf's in constant communication with his home, the cruiser. Well then, this just got real good, real quick. Kund scout ship. He's half tempted to tell somebody to ram it with a shuttle or a ship or, or....something. He's also hiking where the coordinates say it'll land. Which oh sprock, dealing with an angry Kund, on Earth? Claws outtt, slashy slashy slashy stabby angry grrrrrrr T-Wolf.

Which to be fair is his usual outlook on things, the angry lone wolf Zoonian that makes a habit of punching things. And, as of late, being thrown like a furry fastball special at things. Okay, who wanted a 96mph fastball Zoonian anyway? Sheesh, one hell of a throw that, but right now?

Brin's hiking the trails in the mountains. Sprock off, snakes. Brin will eat you for lunch. Literally

Skygirl has posed:
An alarm goes off...well in adds to several dozen others. What is one more? Well this one is the Hull contact alert, though Janz does not know that. What she does know is that suddenly the ship is resisting her attemps to steer it. She attempts to locate the source of the trouble, and soon does so.

Someone has grabbed the ship, she knows this is a small ship, she might be able to do the same herself...which is a point. Whoever that is, has powers like her own, possibly even stronger. Who was that she met almost two cycles ago? Lar Gand, that was it. Perhaps one of his kin.

Power Girl has posed:
Kryptonian's history with Janz' people wasn't exactly stellar for a while, however it might be now given that Kara's kind were somewhat of an endangered species, but apparently the blonde figure trying to slow the ship didn't recognize or care in that regard. As far as she saw? There was a humanoid on a plummeting craft and that was enough for the woman.

"C'mon you hunk of junk..." she mutters, straining to maintain a controlled decent rather than snap the thing in two. The 'science' of stopping something that fast without breaking it was a lot more complex than people think!

Timber Wolf has posed:
Brin's got one eye on the sky, really, one eye on the 'anything fuzzy and critter-like'. That streak of light, great. Brin picks up his pace and runs along the trail. Fine, he'll eyeball /this/ one.

Ah yeah he got this, he got this eyeballing the falling streak of light.

Skygirl has posed:
Given there is some moving the ship manually, Janz releases the fontrols and moves over to some of the structural support struts. She can assist the woman in white at moving the ship. All she needs to do is help life and follow the lead of the other to get it where we are going. Not that she knows what planet this is, but it is one with people of power.

Power Girl has posed:
Downwards, downwards they go. Where they stop...well, pretty much everyone will know. Power girl might slow the descent, but the impact when they finally touch down still has the craft and the Kryptonian skidding into the dirt. At least there was no shattering explosion and death for anyone involved! Kal-El made it look so easy catching aircraft out of the sky...but most of them aren't falling from Orbit!

Timber Wolf has posed:
Brin crests a rise and flat out bolts for the tangle of Kryptonian, and ship, claws out andd running to them. Looking over at it all, Brin skitters to a halt, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Watching them all, Brin flexes his claws.

"Kund ship, right..." he growls

Skygirl has posed:
Karen feels the ship becoming lighter and morre responsive, though a glance shows hothing else has broken off. Inside Janz is helping the Kryptonian bring the ship down lightly. Brin sees the ship coming to a halt just before Power Girl's feet touch the ground.

Janz is glad that she had the help, she probably would not habe gotten the ship down without the help...and plowing into the ground would not have been fun at the probable speed of impact. Granted, she would have likely survived, butshe would have been bruised and may even have broken some bones. She supposes she should go outside and greet the locals.

Power Girl has posed:
A safe landing, or as close as she was going to manage. Karen moves to step back cautiously. Not every visitor to Earth was as friendly as the more heroic 'aliens' after all. No longer hovering, the blonde circles the craft slowly, waiting for signs of life within...and trying to gauge if the thing was about to explode or not.

It hadn't landed that hard, right?

Timber Wolf has posed:

Brin has his fists clenched as Brin watches all this.R
"What are you doing?" he asks, looking unimpressed at the ship being here, but still. He's not hit anyone. Yet. So. Progress, small victories, Brin. Small victories.

Skygirl has posed:
A humanoid steps out of the airlock, apparently female, hair a shade of auburn that is more brown than red, with gree eyes. She is wearing a red costume with black trim, including a cape.

Janz sees the flying female has been joined by a male. She wonders of the two are natives, she is not even sure they are the same species. The ship sysystem are supposed to program the scouts with the local language, but she is not that confident of Khund technology. She decides to try her luck with the most common language she knows, "Do you people happen to speak Interlac." Her accent is definately modern, meaning it is like listening to someone speak Old English for Brin. It can be understood, but is a bit odd.

Timber Wolf has posed:
T-Wolf stays back and nods to the gesture, watching them both and communicates his findings with the cruiser, too. He could use some backup here, but, but, hey. Brin's here and now. If they send anyone else, well...

Brin's staying back, not saying a word....yet

Power Girl has posed:
A tilt of her head, Powergirl glances over her shoulders towards Brin. Someone else had been around for the landing? Unexpected! Still, she's left with no time to question the newcomer, only to raise a hand in non-verbal gesture for him to stay back...just in case.

The woman from the ship? She's watched carefully, but with nothing else to fall back on English is all she can try. "Who are you? And how did you come to be crashing?"

Skygirl has posed:
Well, at least that worked, though she can not recal hearing the language before, she understood what the woman was saying. She answers a bit slowly, as the syntax of this language is a bit strange, "I am Janz of Kormo. I was being forced to fight as a Gladiator, I stole this ship from a Khund world, though they tried to shoot me down and came very close. What planet am I on...I could not read the Khund starmak, but there was a mahor space lane indicated that leed here."

Skygirl has posed:
Power Girl's Super senses pick up a distant emergancy. She says, "I will be back to check on you as soon as I can, Janz of Kormo." With that, she takes to the air and swiftly vanishes over the horizon.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Brin watches and finally speaks. "You'ree a gladiator?" he asks gently. "You stole a ship and crashed here? THis planet is Earth, in the Sol system, Milkyy Way galaxy" he says. Brin's speaking slowly and carefully.

He's even folded away his hands, or rather, they are by his sides. "Do you need any help?" he asks gently. "I can help you out, I can call my friends if that's what is needed"

Skygirl has posed:
Janz picks up the ship and smashes it into the ground while cursing fluently in Interlac. "Fragin' Grife, Earth of all the fardling planets in the Galaxy." She is apparently both quite strong and quite upset.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf watches shaking his head. Okay now that's somebody who he gets. Break things when angry. T-Wolf's good at that.

Ask Cos or Slipstream or Lar...

Brin's not even stopping the ship destruction. Nah. One, it's entertaining. Two. He feels like if that was him, he'd need stress relief.

"It's nott all bad" Brin begins carefully. No desire to be Brin paste

Skygirl has posed:
"Not all bad," she cries, "this is the only planet in the Galaxy my kind are forbidden to visit...so far at least. Being here means permanent exile from home. Those of us who come here become carries of a plague deadly to the other of our species. What is not bad about that?"

Timber Wolf has posed:
"Stay here. I'll go get help" Brin offers. Great, he neeeds to explain all this to the Legion, and their friends, and their folks too. "Or do you want to come with me?" he asks watching her quietly, then glances up to the sky. "I can put you in touch with my friends who can help you out?" Brin asks tentativly.

Skygirl has posed:
Janz pauses to think...and looks at the damage she has done, then sighs, "I really should not be upset all that much, I could not go home anyway. With what the Psions did to me, I would no longer be welcome. My species are pacifists, even the criminals ver really hurt anyone. Does this look pacifistic to you?"

Timber Wolf has posed:
"Compared to what I've seen and done? Yes" Brin says looking around then back to Janz, "I'm not a pacifist. I fight, I protect people" Brin nods and steps back, glancing down the path. "The question is, where do we get help?"

Skygirl has posed:
Janz says thoughtfully, "I do not know this planet...but if I can help people by fighting I might have a place here. Where should I go...I suppose I need..."she wracks her mind for the right word, "sanctuary."

Timber Wolf has posed:
Brin shakes his head at Janz. "I'm not sure where we are in the mountains, but I think we can find people who can help both of us?" Brin offers, though he soars into the air with his flight ring, and looks around for a moment or two.

Skygirl has posed:
Janz frowns, and tries joining Brin in the air. At least in theory she can fly. Not having much practice flying, she goes too fast and flies past him a few hundered yards before coming to a halt.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Brin looks amused by the flying past him, "Okay stay there, I'll fly over to you" Brin shouts, "And if we work together we can find people to help you? It's quicker flying, yes?" he adds looking around for a moment.

Skygirl has posed:
Janz taps her head, "In worlds like this, I have amazing sight and hearing. I can see for miles and even through walls...as long as they are not to thick and not made of lead." She is not really aware this is not technically true, the sense she uses to see through things is not really sight, but her mind interprets it as such.