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Latest revision as of 23:16, 10 May 2020

Chillaxing at the Blue
Date of Scene: 23 April 2020
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Some Scoobies relaxing at The Blue.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Buffy Summers, Phantasm (Drago)

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit sitting at the owner's table, entertaining a group of VIPs. "So there we all were, Dead silence. You could have heard a flea fart. security had wrestled the clown down to the ground but my father is covered, I mean completely covered in custard. Finally he reaches up, swipes a fingerful of it off his cheek, tastes it, and says "I do believe it's Pineapple.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers never really returned after bringing Dean to the club..Instead, she'd changed her blood drenched clothes, had a shower and..Had a nice long nap. Hey, she's a busy girl, pulling all those double shifts and extra long patrols! She totally deserves it.

Eventually however, she's hungry and in need of food so as evening finally arrives, she climbs down the stairs, yawning and stretching and peering around for an empty table.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Having finished his sets and already gotten things squared up. Nick is over at the bar, taking enjoying the first of the two drinks that come with playing at the club. He's not greedy. He keeps it simple with a beer.

He sips the dark contents of the glass slowly. Or at least slow by his definition. Seeing a bit of movement waving to him, Nick turns, giving a smile and a nod to the departing Sasha. Busy night. But a fun one.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The Incubus also gives a wave to his departing star, then sees Buffy and smiles easily. "Is you'll excuse me." Then he walks to Where Buffy is seated. "Pardon me miss, but why are you out of my dreams?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers's eyes light up at the sight of him, smiling and reaching to take his hand. "Hmm, I could say the same thing about you, handsome." she winks as she leans up to kiss him softly, briefly on the lips. That little nap did her good, but she's still looking a bit bruised and scratched up. Must have been quite the fight. "Keeping the flocks entertained, I see..Got a free moment or two?"

As she glances around the club, she does notice a familiar figure by the bar and grins, "Oh hey, there's Nick. Shall we say hi?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
With Sasha gone and the other musicians either already leaving or still lingering away from the bar. Nick's attention goes back to the glass. He takes a third sip, leaving about a fourth of the contents left when he sets the drinking vessel down.

As the bartender gives him an inquisitive look, the pale eyes are slightly obscured by the downward motion of his head. A nod confirming what the drink slinger wanted to know. A lazy half smile forms upon his lips as he leans against the bar.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith at first trys to wave to the musician to get his attention. When that presumably fails, he wads up the paper from one of the straws, inserts into straw and blows. It zips over four tables, past three other heads, and paaps Nick in the ear. Thomas waves again, pushing an extra chair out with his foot in invitation.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Nick as she settles down at their table. "Huh. He seems a bit..Out of it." Then Thomas has the *brilliant* idea of shooting a paper ball at Nick...With that insanely perfect aim of his. She cant help but chuckle a bit as she watches. "Wow, he must be either extremely tired, or incredibly drunk. Cant believe he still hasn't spotted us.."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's a nice peaceful evening. He got to play music. Granted, he's a bit tired but all in all. A good day. But alas, peace is a short lived thing and the wet, papery tyrant that comes to quash this tide of bliss does hit true.

For a guy who didn't seem to notice the waving of Thomas, Nick does react pretty quickly to getting smacked in the face.

"Oye!" Spinning out of the seat, back to the bar, the eyes narrow, glancing around before it dampness of the attack registers. A hand lifts, touching the side of the face that was hit, frowning in reaction before looking for the potential source.

Seeing Thomas wave, he leans his head back in consideration before his expression resets to before. Inspecting hand now shifting to wave back.

The bartender sets his second drink down.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sees that he got Nick's attention with that one and waves him over again for him to come join himself and Buffy. Which to be fair probibly means that he'll be buying the man dinner as well if he gets over there. Meanwhile with his other hand, Thomas very /very/ carefully rolls the straw in front of the Slayer.