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Dark Fairy Attack--The Aftermath
Date of Scene: 09 May 2020
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Help arrives, harsh words are spoken, some wounds of the heart healed--but some fresh ones left in their place. Plans to help Megan are made, hope is renewed.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Nightcrawler, Firefly (Barrows), Shadowcat, Pixie
Tinyplot: Gremlins

Nightingale has posed:
     The Wellness Office is quiet some days, and a beehive of activity other days. What is never a good sign, however, is when one of the wooden dividers between the beds within are set up. It usually meant someone was occupying one of the beds.

     Sadly, this was the case, as a somewhat damp, but resting Pixie, has been made as comfortable as possible by an equally soaked Shannon. Extra towels have been made use of to try and dry off both girls, but both look a little bedraggled.

     Shannon is perched on a stool next to Pixie's bed, in her blue leggings, Tweety Bird t-shirt, but not her sneakers this time. She's barefoot, letting her shoes dry out as best they can. Her little brown bag is looped around her left wrist, and she has her phone in hand, with tell-tale droplets of water on the screen. The expression on her face is a cross between worry and fury, as she watches over her friend. It looks as if Pixie's wing has been bruised, and even bleeds a little bit. However, Shannon's retrieved a chuck pad from one of the supply cabinets, set up another couple stools next to the other side of Pixie's bed, and laid the pad on it, with the wing on top of that so the injury can be properly assessed, and the blood kept to where it belongs.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    BAMF! Within minutes of the text's arrival, Kurt Wagner appears in the wellness office, wearing a black T-shirt sporting an X shape on the left side of the chest, and a pair of jogpants, black with red stripes along the side. His expression is utterly frazzled, tail twitching in agitation as he gives a quiet, polite knock against the divider, then comes around the side, looking to Megan with a quiet, but palpable sense of sadness.

    "How is she?" he asks quietly.

Nightingale has posed:
     "As comfortable as I could make her without actually healing her, Herr Wagner," Shannon replies. "But given what just happened, it seemed wisest to let one of the teachers have a look at this before acting further." She runs her fingers through her hair, letting out a very deep sigh.

     "The being that did this, Megan seemed familiar with. I heard her call this being 'Morgana'. My immediate thought is that sounds like Morgana le Fay, but... that can't be, can it?" She shakes her head. "Still, Avalon was mentioned, too, so it seems a reasonable thought." There is a somewhat lengthy pause, with the angel-winged girl nibbling her lower lip. "This 'Morgana' was also present at the attack that initially changed Megan, though at that particular time she attempted to heal her. But I got to her first." Another sigh. "There's... a bit more, but it's going to sound crazier still, and I've been highly reluctant to even mention it, because something like this, well... would normally land one in the nuthouse."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "If this was the morgana le Fay, then she would be hundreds if not thousands years old. She also would be awfully sore with me being a christian." Josiah finally says as he watches the two of them. The light he kept about him was gone and he had his suit jacket about megan.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty strides in, face like thunder. She rounds on them and doesn't even bother to get to her office. "What the actual fuck where you thinking?" Kitty starts. She's already at a yell and keeps going from there. Nuclear Kitty launch detected....oh crap. "You didn't think to come get us when a student was attack on school grounds. You just sent a...a god damn motherfucking text? Are you that stupid? Are you that reliant on technology that you're too afraid to run for our base and bang on the door, and alert us? Is that your problem?" she asks with a sweeping glare to all of them. "I mean. Oh God. Student got attackd. Let's pull out our phones and text the X-Men" she adds, swearing in Hebrew, liberally.

"You" she says to Shannon. "Sent a text. Didn't come to help. Didn't even come to do anything at all, never even came banging on our doors. I don't give a flying shit if you're scared you need permission to enter our base. For fuck's sake, any of us would let that slie due to the serious nature of what went on. You sent a god damn text message. A. Text. Message. When we were discussing things. You didn't even raise the alarm did you? If you did, I sure didn't know about it" Kitty says watching Shanon and Josiah. "What about you? Were you just as complicit in this shit show? Did you think oh Pixie's being attacked, let's video record it for Internet points. Is that it? Jesus H Christ. Josiah. I thought you were smarter than this" she says pacing the room. "As of right now. I am placing you all under a curfew. You are not allowed to leave the mansion. Are we abso-fucking-lutely crystal clear, or do I need to write it in giant letters to get i tthrough your thick skulls? That is all of you who were at the attack and did absolutely nothing and did not help. I am your guidance counselr. Not your mother. Grow up, all of you and stay indoors where it is safe. If you want to cry and whine and bitch about ti and go sobbing to our headmistress about this. Go for it. She will likely put worse restrictions on you. So. Are we at an understanding?"

Oh, Kitty is furious. "Oh and one more thing. If I catch anyone sneaking out, I will post a guard at your room door and have you escorted to and from classes if need be. You think I'm joking? Just try it. I won't have studentss being attacked on my watch, and have other students do absolutely nothing and worse, not alert those who can help" Kitty seeths.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt arches a brow at Shannon a moment, listening quietly, folding his hands in his lap a moment as he perches on a nearby chair, listening to the two students.

    His glowing eyes drop a moment as he gives a nod, his tail flicking with irritation behind him -- this is not a happy blue elf, and the statement from Josiah does make him crack just a small smile.

    "Beleive me when I tell you, that most creatures of the thousands of years old variety typically do not care for religious inclinations. It would make things so much easier if they did." he states, his accent clearly not American as he scratches his chin a moment. There was a cut there, under that short fuzz, and its healing itched.

    And then Kitty arrived. "Ah, Hallo Ka--" he begins, and then the tumbling rampant profranity in multiple languages reaches his pointed ears. He gives his eyebrows a raise, straightening up slightly as he holds up a hand, and winces, physically recoiling back from the long, drawn-out verbal tongue lashing Kitty gives, and then he stands, he walks over to her and -- if she lets him -- he turns her to face him, concern on his face and in his voice, the smell of sulfur clinging to him as he whispers "Kitty, Megan is there on the bed unconcious, this is a medical ward. I understand the frustration -- beleive me, I do -- and there are going to be new rules put into place for the students, but this... this will not be a good thing for her to wake up to, ja? Take a breath, Katzchen. They live, that is a step in the right direction."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah remains silent during Kitty's scolding. Once she finished and Kurt said his piece. "I am sorry...I thought I could handle it." He says softly, trying to look small now. He then looks to Megan and then back to kitty. "I will talk with my parents and tell them I wont be able to make it to the church."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is quiet as a Shannon tends to her wound...By not tending to it. It's not as bad as it might have been, really just a bit bruised and gashed, enough the attention but not like she's in major pain. But she has fallen silent as the others fuss and worry. With soft sigh she states simply, "She was my friend, she's a fellow faerie...And we had everything under control.."

When Kit blows a gasket, she snarls angrily, "We're not kids anymore, Kitty! we handled it just fine.." she falls into somber silence again, thinking things through, trying to make sense of everything that went through her mind at that moment.."It's not over.."

Nightingale has posed:
     Standing, shaking with fury, Shannon goes toe to toe with Kitty. Her voice, however, is much more quiet and measured. "One. A message would reach you faster than I can fly. Two. There is at least one teleporter who could make it back with equal speed. Three, understood. Ma'am. I'm not about to go whining and crying to anyone, but in the time it would have taken me to get to the base and back, things could have gotten a LOT worse. You did not see how quickly Megan was injured in the first place that day when she was changed, and that was /with/ an adult present."

     She sighs deeply, running her fingers through her hair and briefly touching Kitty on the shoulder. "Could it have been done better? Yes. I will freely admit that and endeavor to learn from it. But could it have been worse? Also, yes. Things can go pear-shaped in a matter of a split second, and I don't think there's a single one of us here who doesn't know it. But... I also think it's safe to say that the anger and concern is understood."

     She pauses another moment, gathering her thoughts, and taking a deep breath. "However, I was /not/ about to leave my friends out there alone with a being of power we're not entirely sure of, who /openly admitted/ to using dark magic right there in front of us." Her expression is set in a grim, steely sort of look. "Especially when we go out, /not even looking for trouble/, and it finds us anyways. And we're stuck holding the bag on our own nine times out of ten."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah looks to Shannon and Kitty and Megan. He takes a breathe and soon begins to glow pure white. The light was calming, and healed injuries at an alarming rate. It also purged toxins and cured mental instability. Josiah was using it to keep the situation from getting out of hand. There cant be any fighting if they are calm. He waits and remains shining with brilliant light, almost blindingly so.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty watches Shannon. "You just threw myself, your teachers, and protectors under the bus? Did you realy just shit on the X-Men from a great height?" she asks, calming influence unaffecting her. "You just said basically, nobody cares about you when you go outside. That problem's easily solved by you not going outside, isn't it? Because I'm sure Mr. Summers and Headmistress Gray will love to hear you took a big dump all over the staff here and X-Men for not protecting precious little Shannon. BOo hoo. Cry me a river. You think sending a message is quicker? No. No it isnn't. You could have flown to get us and we'd have come running, phasing, what the hell ever we do. Get it through your head Shannon. You're not all powerful all knowing. And as for you. You are alll students under our care. If anything happens to you. it's on us. So cut that shit out, Megan Gwynn"

Oh no. Kitty's using both names. "If you want to e let loose into the world with nobody giving a flying fuck about you. I can do that and guess what, FoH will come for you and I won't come runnning to save you if you think you can handle yourself. You can't. You're at a school. Our job is to keep you safe. Or did whatever happened to you scramble your brain, Miss Gwynn?"    
Oh great....

"Because if it did, I can take this to the headmistresses' office and push for the toughest disciplinary action possible. Do you want that or are you so full of yourself and sniffing your own asss and thinking you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. Oh she admitted to using dark magic. Take that to somebody who actually cares. Miss Lance" Kitty scolds and looks to Kurt, gaze softening a bit. "Yes people are alive but that's barely a positive" she points out.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt raises one hand to Shannon, and was about to say something when Kitty speaks up in anger, and he turns to her and opens his mouth to say something, and then there is a bright light that makes Kurt's eyes very, very uncomfortable, before uncharacteristically his tail straightens, he bristles, and with a surprisingly loud bellow born of years of perfecting performance, Kurt Wagner raises his voice:

    "ZAT IS ENOUGH! Shannon, take a seat over there. Kitty, take a seat over there. IF the two of you do not stop your profanity and shouting this instant, I *will* put you two to different corners of the school like the children you are acting like!" He states.

    "I have a job to do, I /shall/ protect this school and its students, so help me God, and if one more word is uttered in anger from either of you, you will *not* like what I have to add."

    And he stands, bristled, and clearly more than a little angry.

    "Have I made myself *unerringly* clear?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Logan and I have been put to service to track down who is behind these attacks," Kurt ammends, quieter. "And you have my word, upon my very soul, that it will be done."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn narrows her eyes, climbing to her feet. It's taking all her willpower not to just ....Scream at Kitty right now, but thankfully Josiah's calming presence keeps her own temper in check. She glances sidelong at Shannon, resting a reassuring hand on her shoulder and nods to her. "As far I'm concerned, you and Josiah did the right thing..Thank you for helping me.."

Looking at Kitty, she manages to keep her voice steady, only because of josiah and she nods to him slowly before focusing g on Kitty. "Okay, I get it. You're worried about us students getting hurt without your knowledge. Well, you know what? Shannon did what she thought was best and I agree with her. More damage would have been done with running away and the time it may have taken for backup to come..."

Megan would say more, but thankfully Kurt is the voice of reason here and she swallows and nods, sitting back down. "Sorry, Kurt.."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon sighs deeply, running her fingers through her hair. Somehow, she /had/ to get through to Kitty. And not even Kurt was going to stop her. She simply looks at Kurt for a moment, then at Kitty, and does not flee to the corner of the room.

     Oh, no.

     Instead, she reaches out and hugs Kitty. Wings and all.

     "Look. I get how that must have sounded, and yeah, I wish I could take that back and phrase it differently. I never meant to take a dump on /anybody/, least of all the people who have become my family. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for that. Just... wish I could be more like all of you."

     To Kurt, she only has one word, thrumming with gratitude. "Danke."

Shadowcat has posed:
The hug getss a shocked look from Kitty, the classic :O face...but she hugs back and nods. "I spoke in anger, I'm just angry and worried right now, Just....folllow our headmistress's rules, okay?" she asks letting Shannon go as she heads for the door, watching them all.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah stops shining with light and looks a little pale for a moment. "Do you want me to heal Megan?" He asks as he raises a hand and shines more light in his hand to heal her once given the approval.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Good. Now that is all settled," Kurt states, not acknowledging Shannon's apology, he sits down again, and looks between the three students, He takes a deep breath, and then runs a hand over his hair.

    "I apologize for the outburst." he murmurs, sincerely, then looks to the group

    "I would like a complete rundown of what happened at the lake, and please do not leave anything out."

    and Kurt turns to Megan, in the hospital bed, and he draws down a little to look at the injuries, then turns to the two healers -- and back to Megan.

    "Megan, as you are right now, will it hurt if the two heal you?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods to Josiah, offering him her injured wing, "Yes, please. I mean, it's just a minor wound but.." she shrugs, glancing between Kitty and Shannon and just..Hangs her head, "I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I thought I could trust Morgana. She is..Was my friend, and a fellow fae, I just..I don't understand why she turned against me like that.." she turns away, hugging her arms.

She doesn't really want to talk about it but it has to be dealt with all the same. "Well um...Morgana found me like she always does, on the outskirts of the institute. We were just..Talking and then something happened. I haven't been myself lately but I was suspicious. I sensed dark magic from her and when I asked her about it she got all paranoid and defensive, tried to attack Josiah, and I intervened, knowing I'd have a better chance of defending myself against dark magic.." she shrugs, "That's about it.."

Nightingale has posed:
     For once, the winged teen has little to say. Instead, she returns to her perch on the stool next to Megan's bed, hugging her knees to her chest, and furls her wings around herself like a cocoon. Sick at heart translates to a queasy stomach, which leaves her overall pale and shaking. "If you wouldn't mind, Pixie, I don't know what to do about Lyra... you remember hearing about that when we were checking on the club after that talent show went south, right?" She sighs softly. "I'd hoped Sam and Alexis would bump it up the food chain. Gawd... all I'm good at is messing things up, saying and doing the wrong things and just getting people hurt... the ones I love the most...."

     Yeah, no, she's in no state to heal anyone right now.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt reaches over, and very gently lays a hand on Shannon's shoulder, a quiet, comforting movement as he draws nearer to the group.

    "They did. We had a meeting today regarding it, in fact, though I did not realize how deep it went, or the danger that you two had been put in." he states quietly, and looks to Megan.

    "Megan, when you feel ready, I would like to talk to you about the Goblin Prince."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip and nods slowly. "And I have something important to tell you about him.." she glances over at Shannon again and gives her a little hug, "Dont blame yourself, I'm the trouble magnet around here..You're just always there to pull me out." she smiles faintly but it fades at the mention of Lyra. "Oh right, I was actually thinking of sending the faeries to Avalon, figures they'd be safe under Morgana's rule, but now I'm not so sure."

Josiah given a soft smile as he fixes her wing before rising once more to her feet. "I just need a couple hours to figure out some things, then I'd be happy to talk to you.." she smiles tiredly.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah nods as he heals the girl's wing. He remains quiet as he heals her and looks to the women. "So since we have curfew, how about we go do something?" He asks curiously.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just looks up as she feels the hand on her shoulder, shaking with tears that would not stop flowing. All she can do is pull Kurt into a massive wing-hug. "Es tut mir Leid..." is the only thing she can say, over and over, her wings drooping listlessly behind her.

     The rage of the ones she loved had finally broken her.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Josiah heals Pixie, and Shannon pulls Kurt into a hug, and the demonic appearing Kurt Wagner loops one arm gently around the musical healer, gently holding her as she cries.

    "Do not be sorry to me, but make ammends with Kitty, and she with you. She is frustraited, as are we all, that the students continue to be hurt -- or worse, hunted. She spoke in anger. As did you." he states gently.

    "... that changes. Today. I may not be a teacher in the school, but you are all still my charges. And I shall do my best to protect all of you. Henceforth--" he says, easing Shannon back as he uses his tail to tap his sides, as if looking for a pocket -- and remembering he's in track pants the man gives a cross look to himself -- and then BAMF! He's gone -- and BAMF! He returns, with half a box of donuts.

    "... you cannot fight for your friends on an empty stomach, ja?"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah watches the mutant disappear and reappear and he smiles. "Well I am going to go upstairs and lie down. Shannon we need to work out when you want that date." He says calmly

Nightingale has posed:
     The winged girl seems to calm as she hears Kurt, nodding slightly. The tears slow down, but don't quite stop, though her shoulders are no longer shaking. A French crueller falls victim to her weakness for sweets, plucked from the proffered pack of pastries. "Danke."

     Leaning back a little bit towards Josiah, she nods slightly. "We'll find something." There's a hint of lightening to her expression, at least for just a moment.

     But here, she does turn back to Kurt. "I was surprised by a visit from Doctor Banner just yesterday," she almost whispers. "On a prior visit he did offer to mentor me. Mostly it's been long-distance. I've... encouraged him to speak to miss Grey and Mr. Summers, but am not sure I can face them right now to tell them..."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Donuts are offered about, and Kurt gives a small wave to Josiah with a smile. "Ah, then good night, young man. Be well!" he grins toothily, and then he gives a soft humming sound, perched on the chair as he looks to Shannon.

    "Why not speak to them? They are concerned with your safety, and would have to vet tutilage regardless, I would think."

    And Kurt leans back a moment, his tail curling behind him as he sets the box of donuts on a side table.

    "You know, we could monitor you all. Technologically, psychically, a presence always in the back of your mind, Omnipresent..." he trails off, and then his yellow, iredescent eyes settle on the two young women.

    "... but we do not. It is clear now that somehow we failed you, but please do remember we are trying to keep your best interests in mind. You may no longer be my students, between graduation and the end of my tenure, but-" he raises a finger, "-it is my job to protect you, ja? Otherwise, how else can I valiantly come swash-buckling to the rescue?" he asks, trying to bring levity and comfort to the moment.

Pixie has posed:
"You did not fail us, Kurt.." pipes up Megan, "We just...Grew up, and you realized that sometimes, despite your best efforts, us older students will always be confronting danger in our line of work." she smiles "But that's okay, we're here to train to be Xmen too, and sometimes, we're gonna be forced to confront those dangers on our own.."

Megan sighs, still a mess over the past few weeks really, but still holding it together, somehow. "I was actually hoping you could help me with my teleporting too, sometime? I'd like to learn to port more quickly and efficiently."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Because I feel like scheisse about it, after the encounter with Kitty. I won't get into it now, we can always talk about it later. Megan's the one who needs help more right now." Shannon sighs softly, and bites her lower lip, as she considers how best to phrase things. "There are so many things I've wanted to tell them these past few months. And this is probably the first time in who knows how long their duties have let them be as much present here as they have been in recent days. It's... been wonderful. Heck, even curfew doesn't seem so bad. None of this is making any sense, probably."

     Glancing over to Megan, she smiles a little bit. "Maybe there's a bit of feeling a little... let down. But nobody has failed anybody. Even the best of families go through this crap sometimes. It's just part and parcel, nobody loves or respects anybody any less for it." She peers back over at Kurt. "As much as you might want to come swashbuckling to the rescue..." The visual does have the winged girl smiling for a moment. "...some of us would just as soon be stepping up right along with the rest of you. Even if it's just here at home."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Language, young lady," Kurt chides gently, and he gives a soft 'heh'.

    "Well. Perhaps when you have recovered, and with clearance from Medical, we can do some practice, Megan. For now, though, you should focus on your recovery. And when you get the chance -- at your *soonest* opportunity, Logan and I would like to speak to you about this goblin, and the gremlins that are causing such havok."

    "And it makes sense, Shannon. You're relived that we still do care about the students. I cannot imagine what it felt like... to think we did not." Kurt affirms, and he catches the smile.

    "And ja, I'll come swashbuckling to the rescue. There will be much buckles to be swashed. HA!" he leaps up, tilting his stool and balancing on two legs a moment, knees bent as he holds an imaginary saber.

    "For the sake of all of the ladies and lads at Xavier Institute, I shall duel this ill-intentioned, shadowy figure!" he cheers, purposefully over-acting to try and get a smile from the two.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods to Shannon and smiles, "Well it's definitely nice to know they're there and aware of us...I guess things were pretty hairy with all those emergency missions lately that kept them away from the mansion, but.." she shrugs, "I suppose I understand the need for curfew, and I feel bad..I didn't realize Morgana would turn on me or my friends.."

She sighs sadly, "I mean, I did try to meet her on neutral ground, on the outskirts of the institute, of course being fae, shed have found me regardless. But yes, it's good to have some structure and guidelines, I suppose, although I'm really gonna miss some of my non X-men friends.."

She smiles faintly and nods, "I'll do whatever I can to help, Kurt. I look forward to porting lessons from you, heck maybe you can help me refine some of my sword fighting skills..If when I get my dagger back.."

She turns to watch Shannon thoughtfully, drawing a deep breath, "And Shannon..I think you should keep your distance from me. Right now I cannot bet trusted, and especially given everything about Lyra.." she shakes her head, "When I saw Morgana today, I wanted to...Really hurt her. I dunno, it's like someone compelled me to feel that way. There is a connection between the Goblin Prince and Morgana, also, he is still searching for fairies. I...Don't wanna target you next. Ms. Grey said she was gonna consult with the professor and help rid me of these dark thoughts. Until then, I think it's best if I stay in self isolation.."

She's not very happy with this thought and it shows. Megan has always been a social butterfly. This is gonna kill her.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Ha, when I've heard you and Logan both illustrating the finer points of the language? Do you know how many times I slipped up in science class and mis-pronounced 'Bunsen burner' for a while after?" Shannon actually snickers a little bit, but then sobers. "When you talk to Megan about the gremlins, I've got a point or two to add, too. Kind of big points."

     The smile returns for a moment, as at least the thought and heart seem understood. "Knowing in one's head that there is caring, but seeing... distance... difficulty in contact... it made it hard to know what to think. There were a lot of nights I'd fall asleep outside either miss Grey's office trying to get in touch with her, or even outside the Professor's office, with no success either way." She pauses, and smiles a little. "He might be a grouch sometimes, but Logan's been one of the things that kept me hoping that if he still cared in his way, maybe the rest of you did too. But actually seeing it... you're right, it's a huge relief."

     She looks over to Megan and smiles a little bit. "I hear you about meeting someone on neutral ground. Heck, there was just no way /at all/ I was going to talk to Poseidon out there by the lake, even though that'd be one of the easiest places for it. It took a little hiking in the woods off of school grounds to find a good spot for that." But when she's told to stay away? She frowns deeply. "You realize that may not always be possible," she begins. "Or even desirable. Think about it for a moment. I've got Lyra within me. Miss Grey needs to /see/ these dark thoughts in action, so she can figure out what to do about them." She shrugs a bit. "It's just an idea."

     Wait, Kurt was dueling an unseen opponent? This would not do! Shannon reaches for her wing, plucks one of her larger flight feathers, and brandishes it like a saber, directly opposing Kurt. Her form is horrible, leaving no doubt she's never fenced a day in her life.

     But the element of play and fun is there.

     "Unseen no more! My feather shall defeat you! Mwaaahahahahaha!"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Well. No reason there cannot be supervised association. Game nights, Super Smash Brother competitions, the like -- do... do young people still do the smash brothers?" Kurt questions, still balanced up on that stool, and then he lets the stool fall back to its four feet as he gives a smile to Megan, while his tail curls about.

    "If there is one thing that I have learned, through many years of adventure, it is that many supernatural creatures play by their own rules." he gives a small smile, and reaches over to smooth down some of Megan's hair.

    "But you need not be alone. You have us."

    Kurt is OVERLOOKING the fact that he taught Shannon to curse in German. Oh, oh that would be horrible to acknowledge.

    "As for you, Shannon -- once you are spending more time outside the Wellness Office than inside, we can consider perhaps working on your form."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles faintly at Kurt and nods, "I know..Thank you, it's just.." she sighs, "Morgana...She was my friend, I just don't understand..But I guess you're right. Fae aren't known fir being direct or making their intentions clear. But then I'm part fae myself, so..."

she glances at Shannon and frowns, "Are you really willing to take that risk? I think you'd better talk to Jean and Scott first. In the meantime, I've caused enough trouble as it is..I should just lock myself up in my room.."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon rolls her eyes at Megan, and very gently tickles her with the large flight feather that had briefly served as her answer to Kurt's playful 'attack'. "You really don't get it, do you? 'course, I want to talk to them about it, it just makes sense. But lemme tell you the same thing I pretty much told Superman, m'kay? After everything we've been through recently, how can it even be a question that I'd be willing to step up?"

     Pulling Megan in with one arm and wing for a hug, and reaching out to draw Kurt in with the other, she attempts to hug them both, wings and all. "Meantime, will ya listen to Herr Wagner? You're not alone." She pauses. "None of us are. God, it's a relief to actually -feel- that."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Well then, I o beleive the three of us have spent enough time mesing up the Wellness Office, may I escort you back to your rooms for recovery, ladies? Megan, please let me or Logan know at the earliest opportunity when it would be a good time to sit down and discuss matters."