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Latest revision as of 04:55, 12 May 2020

Staying Grounded
Date of Scene: 08 April 2020
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kitty hangs out with friends in the rec room
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Nightingale, Mila Mitchell, Pixie, Firefly (Barrows)

Shadowcat has posed:
The rec room isn't Kitty's usual haunt. Instead she's got duties, responsibilities to do. Instead, though. She's kicking back, relaxing with herself and Lockheed stretched out on a couch watching the TV. Kit Kat's got a bowl of popcorn in hand, and Lockheed's been digging in as well. Kitty's half here, half entranced by whatever's on the giant TV. See. She can kick back, she can relax. Being only two years older than a senior gives her a way to connect with the kids here.

Which helps in her job, really. Guidance counselor for mutants and that's a handful. So, lazing on a couch is its own reward, really.

Nightingale has posed:
     While she might be perched on a couch with a plate full of peanut butter stuffed celery and raisins--the classic 'ants on a log' snack--a familiar winged figure also has a thick book open on one knee, and she seems buried deep in her studies. Shannon's pretty well tuning everyone and everything else out, her nose in the books. She's in a bright blue pair of leggings, no sneakers, and a long white t-shirt with Tweety Bird dressed as a hippie emblazoned on the front. Her hair is long and loose, save for a thin, ice blue braid on the left side of her face, adorned with three little silver beads.

     Nope. No trouble here /at all/....

Mila Mitchell has posed:
    Did the picture on the TV just dim a little? Or was just an impression? Did the lights flicker? Did both thing happen at once, then alternate between one and the other? Is there some kind of issue with the electrical wiring?

    "My name is Mila Mitchell," goes the deadpan voiceover in Mila's voice as her terrified face appears in a dramatic close-up on camera. It's hard to discern the background, since it's zipping past her.

    "I was at the mall, minding my own business, doing the things a girl does in her free time: checking out shoes, going for a pizza with friends, being a racist jerk to mutants... the usual teenage fare. But one day, my life got upended by what I've become."

    Now that the camera zooms out, Mila is flailing and trying to grab onto anything in the corridors, but she can't, she's too far away from the walls or anything else. Her legs are not visible yet, but by the way she moves, and how her knees occasionally appear on camera, it looks like she's moving in a frictionless manner. Possibly skating, either roller- or ice- (despite there being no ice in the corridors?) Until, that is, she manages to swerve off to one side and head straight to the wall-

    ...and skate /up/ the wall, doing a complete loop, and getting back where she started. She screams, while the voiceover continues. "Now I have powers I cannot control. This one, for instance, is kind of new..."

    The camera zooms further back, as she enters the Recreation room, and it is revealed that she is /floating/ above the ground, without touching it, attempting to reach the floor with her feet, but failing. She's leaning forward, whimpering over the voice in the background. As she comes closer to Kitty, the disruption in power and picture become stronger and stronger, occasionally flickering the whole room into darkness, or the TV into being almost off, or both. "My name is Mila Mitchell, I can convert electric energy into flight or sound, and I am afraid I am becoming the joke of the place," the voiceover finishes, still deadpan.

"STOP THAT!", she exclaims, blushing deep red. As she passes right in front of Kitty and Shannon. she turns and pleads, "PLEASE IGNORE THE AUDIBLE VOICEOVER!"

    Because, oh yeah. The voiceover was actually emitted by her subconscious in the room, for everyone to hear.

Pixie has posed:
Oh yay, it's the recroom! She should something fun like..Like run around and be noisy, or play Dance Dance Revolution or..Or...Play loud music! But is she doing any of those things?

Is she? Huh? Huh?


For once Megs is being a good little girl, curled on the other end of the sofa, quietly reading a book and studiously studying. Cuz she's a good girl.........


Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks up at the voiceover. "Needs more movie trailer quotes" she blurts out and eyes Mila. Okay phew, she's not the only one puzzled by that. Still, Kitty doesn't bother moving. Raather not kick poor Megs, or kick Lockheed across the room. Instead she blinks a few times.

"Did anyone else just hear that? Maybe I'm going nuts. I need to get more popcorn" she adds and finally wriggles a little to give Megs more room. The kids are studying and Mila's come with a walking voiceover. Okay, Kitty is curious and a little worried.

"So....you planning to kill the lights or anything else weird? If the lights go. I need to let Logan know" Kitty nods. Ah. the joys of protocols. Handyman 'Mister I have adamantium claws' will need to know, too...

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell exclaims, startled, "Please don't tell logan it was me!", she exclaims, and leans forward so much she topples: a couple of spins, with accompanying scream, and she ends up still vertical, but floating face-down, giving her back to the direction she's heading in (which happens to be towards the wall where the TV is -- albeit aiming for a free section of wall close to the TV, not the TV itself); the spinning-induced wobbling motion lowers her center of mass, and her now downward-pointing face starts being dragged against the floor, providing the much-needed friction that slows her down. Unintelligible complaints come from her, given how her mouth is not in the best position to produce articulate sound, and a compelling background music in a dramatic crescendo can be heard by anyone in the room, while lights and TV flicker darker and now even brighter, in sync with her predicament.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks up as she hears Mila, chuckling. "You know he'll figure it out somehow anyways, right?" Yeah, with the lights out, so much for studying for the moment. She closes her book and sets it aside for now; it appears to be an advanced biology textbook, a bit more than your normal sophomore ought to be getting into. She does keep an eye on things, though, just to make sure nobody gets hurt....

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly and rubs her eyes. "Arrrgh...My eyes totally huuurt!" she whines, and is also studying biology it seems, although hers is more for senior year. Even though she just turned eighteen not long ago, she's still finishing up her classes.

Peering at Mila and her flickering lights antics and voice-overs, she just giggles a bit. "Careful he doesn't give ya detention..He's such a cranky old man.." she makes a face at that, all too used to logan and his generous groundings it seems.

Glancing at Kitty and her bowl of popcorn, Megan whines, "Awwe, I'm sooo hungry, can I have some too? Pretty please!?"

As for Shannon, she just peers at her book thoughtfully, "Ooh wow, are you studying senior level Biology too? I always knew you were really smart!"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah walks into the rec room. all over his body is a shining bright light, in the shape of armor. It resembles pictures of what the knights of the crusades wore, even with a cross on the chestplate. He waves to Megan and begins to walk to her. "Well hello chere." He says, his cajun accent clear in his voice.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon waves to Josiah and smiles some. "Bonsoir, cher." Yeah, so much for studying. She glances to Megan and nods. "Yeah, started taking some advanced bio classes from Dr. McCoy when Josh Foley left, been taking them since. Even more now that it looks like Dr. Banner will be a mentor to me." She does her best to stay out of the way and out of trouble. At least, until Megan starts grouching on Logan. "HEY... he only gets all grouchy on the one he gives two shits about so maybe that's not such a bad thing!"

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell screeches closer and closer... and clooooooooooooser....


    Mila is now standing on her face, her back leaning against the opposite wall, and everything is quiet.

    A second passes, and both the light and the TV flicker back on, the appliance restoring a semblance of normalcy by playing a little cheerful ditty. A quiet, unintelligible moan comes from Mila.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes her head. "Give me a good enough reason not to? Like, I don't know...I gotta get up from the couch to tell him and I don't want to?" she asks. See, she's smart, and offers popcorn to all who want it. Megan doesn't need to whine for it. Kitty's generouss and sharing and kind and things. See.

She looks over to Mila, and does get up.

"You alright?" she asks, and looks around watching them all.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell slides downwards and topples, sprawled on the floor. Her whole face is badly bruised by the braking. "...Not really, no," she says, wincing.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    The armor fades from Josiah and he moves to Mila. He moves to slowly and gently take her hand. Should she let him, she will feel his hands bring almost burningly warm, a light radiating from his flesh. The longer he keeps ahold of her, the more her bruises seem to fade and she is filled with a calming soothing sensation, bringing peace and calm to one's mind.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon groans softly and puts both book and snack aside. Duty called. In the space of a few heartbeats, she is kneeling down by Mila's side, smiling lightly at her. "Hey... just hold still, m'kay?" A gentle hand is laid upon the other girl's face, and the winged teen closes her eyes. "This'll just feel a little warm to you, and it'll be gone on me in a few hours."

That's all the warning Mila gets before a tingling warmth begins to flow from Shannon's hand as her life force connects with Mila's... and it seems Josiah is on the case at the same time. It lessens the amount of bruising she herself has to absorb, cutting the overall damage she takes on in half.

A little smile is given to Josiah and she nods. "Thanks. We team up well."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles at Josiah's Cajun accent which totally reminds her of a certain other Cajun. "Hii Josiah! How are you doing? I'm still working on that delicious cake you gave me. I gotta ask, did you bake it yourself?" she yawns and stretches, definitely needing some fresh air.

Glancing at Shannon she smiles, "Ahh right, you mentioned him before. He's not so bad when he's not all big and green and grouchy. At least he has a reason for that..But Logan..?" she just makes a face.

Mile comes closer, all skidding around and then suddenly standing on her face and Megan blinks at the *thwup!* "Meepers! Are you okay? Umm....Sorry, I've fogotten your...Oh! Oh right, Mila, right?" oh heey, the lights went back on and she probably....Stands around on her face all the time! She laughs nervously, as she responds and relaxes, looks like she's in the capable hands of two good healers. Which is a good thing cuz medicine is so unreliable.

"Ugh, I want to watch a fun movie or something. We've been studying all daaay!" she groans.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell exclaims, "My face! IT BUUUUUUUUUURNS!" "...And just feels warm. Depending on which half I-" Blink. Blink. Seems like she's better. She looks between Josiah and Shannon. "Uhm... thanks... I... think I owe you one.", she says. She turns to Megan, "...Mila, it's right! And you'd be?", she asks, before turning abruptly to Shannon. "Wait a moment, what do you mean 'It'll be gone on me'?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles, her own face somewhat bruised in the exact same places Mila had been. "I'm still working on it, but that's how my healing gift works, at least for now. I absorb people's injuries and take them on myself. But I also heal really fast, so it'll be gone on me in a few hours, for something like bruising. Plus Josiah here was healing you too, so that cut the damage in about half." She's very matter-of-fact about the whole thing, not even thinking twice about it. "Name's Shannon, by the way. Nice to meet you, Mila."

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah nods as he smiles at Shannon and Mila. He then moves a hand over Shannon and soon the bruises begin to fade from her. Once satisfied he looks to Megan and smiles. "No I didnt make it. One of the supporters of the church in new orleans runs a bakery. His family taught me how to do baked goods but they also do king cakes for all the parties in the city. It was one of their extras and I gave it to you." He explains.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty just lazes and watches once back on the couch. Now she's comfortable, Kitty props herself up on an elbow relaxing. She watches Shannon out the corner of her eye and nods, with a smile. "Walking wellness office huh?" she jokes and nods to Shannon. "You did good" she adds with a pleased look.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell turns to Shannon, "Nice to meet you, Shannon..." Then to the other healer, "...and Josiah..." She blinks and seems to notice something. "...wait, the lights are back on! Now we don't need to tell anyone about what happened, right?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to Mila, "Hi Mila! I'm Megan. Nice to meet you." she smiles at Josiah, "Ooh, I need to check out that bakery some time. That cake was soooo yummy!" no, she didn't just eat the entire cake in like, a day...Or did she?!

And when Kitty's totally not looking, she totally steals some of her popcorn. Just cuz! "Sooo Mila..Do you have some sorta..Electrical powers? Cuz that'd be totally cool!"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles at Josiah, her cheeks faintly rosy. "Thanks," she says, dipping her head slightly. "One of these days, perhaps I'll be half as good as you at healing." She grins back over at Mila and winks. "Tell anyone about what? I didn't see anything, did you?"

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah smiles at the girl before turning to Kitty and steals some popcorn for himself. "So, Miss Pryde, what is on the agenda this week?" He asks curiously as he studies the woman. He then turns to Mila. "I serve the lords will to help mankind." He says with a smile.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles and shrugs at Kitty, going back for her plate of peanut butter stuffed celery with raisins. "Yeah, I guess you could say that, sort of. Though you're usually the one telling me to be cautious and hold back on using my gifts." She glances at Josiah with something of a smile, tilting her head as she seems to consider something. "Don't know about the Lord, or what to call the Divine, but either way it's kind of a comfort to know that Someone Up There isn't through with being creative with us yet."

Megan gets a light smile, and she dips her head. "Seriously, give the grouch a chance. He often makes a lot of sense when other people can't get their heads out of their collective asses. There's been once or twice he's helped set me straight on a few things and it's actually saved my life on occasion."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I saw nothing..hey wasn't there more popcorn before you guys did your healing thing? What, do you heal by consuming snacks?" Kitty jokes and rattles the popcorn bowl. "Take as much as you guys want. There's more in the kitchen" Kitty nods, lazing back more on the couch.

""What's on the agenda? Guiding all of you fine people" Kitty says honestly. It's true. She's the guiding hand really.

Well. hand that likes to phase through things. Which hey, that works fine for her. "What's on the agenda with all of you then?" she asks returning the question.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs and nods at Kitty. "Actually, you're not far from the mark there. After a healing, eating the right kinds of food can kick my own healing factor into high gear. For example, after healing a bruise or a cut or something, protein's the thing. A broken bone? Go for the calcium. A bit of both? To heck with that, I'll go for a pizza!" She lifts up the peanut butter stuffed celery and smiles, taking a bite. "Protein in the peanut butter and a quick burst of energy from the natural sugar in the raisins. Perfect light snack after a minor healing."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn's phone suddenly beeps, like, loudly and annoyingly. She jumps to her feet, gathering her books up in a hurry. "Meep! I'm totally late for class! Darnit, I totally forgot! Ack!" she nearly drops papers as she darts here and there to pick 'em up.' "Erm, see you guys later! ByyyeE!" and she zips out of there as fast as she can...

Shadowcat has posed:
"Pizza's good" Kitty offers with a nod looking over them all then eyes Megan. "Then get to class?" Kitty says with a light hearted joking tone. "Do you need me tto write you a note excusing you being late?" she adds and lookss over to the others. "Apparently that's just jumped on my agenda, ensuring students get to class" she nods looking serious for a moment.

"So, Shannon likes her pizza, I've got popcorn. I could throw it on pizza huh?" Kitty muses. "Or, after classses, you could all go for pizza while we responsible types fill out paperwork and things" Kitty muses. "Honestly between the two I'd take pizza any day"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "Far as I know I'm still grounded. HOWEVER...." Shannon grins from ear to ear. "...that won't stop me from making my own pizza right here. Speaking of which, what kinds of toppings are kosher for you? I know mixing cheese with meat is off your menu, but is there anything else I should avoid, Kitty?"