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Latest revision as of 08:26, 12 May 2020

Visiting Students
Date of Scene: 04 February 2020
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Professor X, Samuel Morgan, Kaida Connolly, Nightingale

Professor X has posed:
The Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters was a rallying point for mutant children who just wanted to live a normal life -- well, as normal as they possible could, depending on the extent of their mutation. But that was the mission statement. The other -- that being, the Dream -- is for mutantkind and humanity to exist in harmony.

This is what Charles Xavier, who is affectionately known as Professor X to all those under the roof who think it safe to grant a nickname. Nonetheless, the 60-year old, who doesn't look a day over 45, is sitting in his wheelchair, the device clearly a work of technology considering Charles doesn't have to wheel himself along. Its not the hoverchair variant, he only uses that one on missions. Dressed sharply in a fine three-piece suit with an orange-yellow plad blanket across his lap, Charles seems to have parked himself right on the Main Foyer, next to the ramp.

He watches the children play. None of them seem to be getting into trouble, which is very good. But for the moment, the Professor is alone...which tends to just mean he's most vulnerable to be approached.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    After visiting the new arrival in the guest quarters, after the talk, after talking to Dr. McCoy about clothes, the mutant known to all as Bean retired to his room for a while. Many things needed contemplation, and so many things were contemplated. But his companion will have none of the brooding. And Bear decides it's time to go out, on the whole Bean tends to indulge.

    And so here he comes down the stairs, with his usual care and usual observation of all that goes on around him. Other students get out of his way, warned by the slight jingling of the leash his German Shepherd companion carries all by himself, and for a moment the playing and joking stops. Until he's past, and then it starts again. The teenager doesn't seem to notice, or makes a point not to notice it.

    What he does notice, and that nearly immediately, is the odd technological signature that can only be the Professor's wheelchair. Which, given that it's downstairs, is a bit of a unique situation. He's going to have to actually pass it on his way to the back yard. Drat. There's no social simulation for this...

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    There's another new arrival at Xavier's. New-ish anyway. She has been settling in ok other than a few weird incidents and one really weird one involving what appeared to be gremlins or goblins or something. Now, she is rushing about the kitchen with a toothpick, skewering various items that are out and then proceeding on her way to the foyer. She noms down on a grape rather quickly as she walks only to blink at the wheelchair and then she simply leaps from the ground right on to the arm of the chair where Xavier's hand isn't. She stands there as if it were perfectly normal for her to be there as she swallows the remainder of the grape.

    "Hi!" She states simply enough and gives a little wave, "Ye must be the guy I was told about. Professor Xavier, right?" SHe asks and nods her head, "I'm Kaida." She nods again before taking another bite of the food and swallowing quickly enough, "I am glad to be here and thank you for your hospitality." She nods again. Her Irish lilt is somewhat clear in her voice today, often more repressed but she's a bit tired.

Professor X has posed:
It was like a sudden arrival, though Charles may or may not subtly examine the minds of multiple people simultaneously, just to ensure that nobody is in danger, Charles -can- sense Samuel, even if he's having an internal crisis from being socially unprepared. "Do not feel nervous, Mr. Morgan." He turns his head as if to look in his general direction. "I promise I do not bite, young man." Then he smiles, its warm and inviting.

He also notices Kaida's presence, but had briefly forgotten that she was so friendly. He looks down at his arm chair, friendly eyes gleaming down at the mouse-sized woman. "Why hello there." he chuckles. "Thats my name, yes. Nice to meet you, Kaida. any and all mutants are welcome under this roof, so long as they do not wish harm on everyone else." he nods to her, but now he waits for Samuel to make himself present.

Nightingale has posed:
     With classes long since finished for the day, and supper well since over, it seemed as if it would be a quiet evening for most of the mansion's residents. One of them is only partially visible, largely hidden behind one of the great, dark columns in the foyer. What little can be seen looks to be a hint of big, floofy Old English Sheepdog slippers, and... wings. Yeah, there is just no hiding those. Large, snowy, feathery wings that seem to swish slowly, flexing and moving to the beat of some unheard music. To those technically inclined, there might also be the signature of a laptop in the same vicinity, and necessary peripherals. For the moment, the owner does not openly make themselves known, but for the soft humming of a plaintive, unknown melody that might echo their mental and emotional state.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It is, of course, the last statement from the Professor that makes Bean hesitate. Does he wish harm on /everyone/? No. Does he wish specific harm on specific people? Absolutely. Will he settle for unspecific harm to specific people? Probably. There's too much of a scope there for him to feel entirely at ease. Especially after yesterday's incident with the Punisher. All those things flash through his mind in an instant, completely masked by his usual neutral expression, but like an open book for anyone who is even skimming surface thoughts. Then he decides that the only way forward is to be sociable. The smile appears, and Bean walks over to where the Professor can actually see him. Officially.

    "Professor." If that nod was any more sincere or any deeper, it would have been a bow. "My apologies, I wasn't expecting to see you." Not here. Not at this hour. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

    Why else would he have called him Mister Morgan? Bear appears utterly confused at this confusion and nudges his human, before tilting his head at the other human in the chair. Whurf?

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    A smile is given to Xavier as she finishes another bite of food and then she nods, "Well, I mean no harm to anyone that doesn't mean harm to me." She nods her head and then shrugs. She looks over at Samuel and gives him a small wave and then a smile at the dog. She has dealt with dogs before. Most are quite nice to the little mouse girl. She then sniffs the air and looks around for where Shannon is. Hard to hide anything from that nose and those ears. She then looks back to Xavier, "So, how are you?" She asks and then looks over to Samuel and smiles, "And I guess how are you, too?"

Professor X has posed:
Charles doesn't do anything to move Kaida from her handy perch that is his arm of his wheelchair. Instead, he just lets her relax and enjoy her meal. He does turn his attention to Samuel as he approaches. "No need to apologize young man -- or should I refer to you as Bean?" its important that Samuel be comfortable, after all. He's been through quite the traumatic life up to this point. "Merely curious, if you would satisfy it: How are you enjoying your time here? Are you fitting in, making friends?"

He looks to Kaida then. "I'm doing well, thank you. I just returned after a meeting, of sorts." Charles is one of the go-to guys for mutant science, don't you know.

But then another presence, Charles detects. Not to mention, the large wings are very noticeable. He doesn't speak to Shannon quite yet, after all, she might be doing homework! No, he's not rude enough to try and peek into her mind to see if this is truly the case.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I... would prefer Bean, thank you." Mister Morgan attends the psychiatrist, Bean goes to the gym to blow off steam. Kaida gets a smile and a nod equal to the one he gave to the Professor. "I'm fine, thank you. Yourself? Oh, I don't think you've ever met Bear..." On hearing his name, the German Shepherd sits at attention and figures out who his human is speaking to. Smol human! Being introduced, he gives his canine imitation of a bow and then beams a large doggy grin towards Kaida, to show he means no harm.

    "And I'm doing okay, Professor, thank you. It's... better than where I was, and most people are very kind." Not to mention patient. "I've never had the chance to properly thank you for taking me in." Not to mention the motorcycle, the remote university classes... It's a long list to thank someone for, and he lacks a means of where to even begin. Possibly a more proper gesture will be made later, in usual Bean fashion.

    Meanwhile, a certain laptop in front of a certain winged healer will flash up a message >>Professor, 4 o'clock. This is not a drill<<

Nightingale has posed:
     The sound of familiar voices reaches the young mutant even in the midst of her note-worthy notations. Well, two of them sound familiar, anyways. The third, she isn't quite so sure about.

     The message that flashes up on her screen tells all. There is dead silence from that corner of the foyer, with her wings extending out behind her to their full span--easily comparable in proportion to Warren's. Without a word, Shannon slides her earphones off of her head, closing her laptop and sliding it and the peripherals into her laptop satchel. Getting to her feet, she slings it over her shoulder, peeking out at those assembled in the hall.

     She's a girl of average height, with long, pale gold hair, glacier blue eyes, and one thin blue braid on the left side of her face with three little silver beads on the end, just a couple shades darker than her eyes.

     And she's been caught out in her PJ's. A baggy gray tank top, red tartan sweatpants, and those goofy sheepdog slippers. Her brows furrow, but then she smiles faintly, inclining her head. "Hello, sir."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    Small eyes go to Samuel and then to Bear and then to Xavier and then to Shannon and then to Xavier and then she falls on to her butt and starts laughing. She shakes her head as she laughs and sits there on the arm of that chair. It'd be difficult for anyone except a 15 cm (16 if you ask her) tall mouse girl to pull it off and thanks to a tail twitching for balance she'd probably fall. She then finally stops and shakes her head as she finishes and says in a rather rich Irish brogue, "Ye both are quite hilarious, ye are." She nods her head as she carefully takes a bite of her food and then she looks to Bear, "Hi there, Bear. Are they not the funniest pair?" She asks and then closes her eyes to wipe them as she lets the toothpick (now empty) rest.

    Finally she stands, "Ye act like you're meeting a rock star or your undertaker." She gestures, "He might be a Professor but he don't strike me as the type to bite ye if you smile or say hello like proper." She then lets out a slow sigh, "Oh, I needed that, I did." She nods her head and then looks up with a grin at Xavier a moment before looking Shannon, "Ye already sound as if ye are in trouble and unless I'm mistaken, you currently aren't unless wearin' funny slippers is a crime here at this mansion."

Professor X has posed:
Charles gives a soft nod to Samuel. "Then Bean, it is. I haven't met your animal companion, though his thoughts are loud and friendly." He looks to the dog. "It is nice to meet you, Bear." he gives a nod to the dog as if the dog can totally understand what he's saying. His attention back on Samuel, he nods. "No thanks are necessary, Bean. I am more than happy to have you here, as are we all. What are we, if we do not look after one another?" He smiles to Samuel then, before he turns his attention to Shannon. "Hello, Miss Lance. I understand you've been enjoying a...what do the young ones call it, a 'lazy day'?" Charles doesn't seem to stop smiling. Its as if he views every student, every staff member, every person at this school to be like his own child.

He looks then to Kaida with a tilt of his head, before he chuckles. "Well said, young lady. I have a feeling that you are no shy flower at all." the older fellow appears to be extremely amused.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    To the best of Bean's knowledge, there's no social simulation for this one either. Whoever came up with the programs in the Danger Room had never met Kaida, or conceived of someone like her. This leaves the technopath lost for words for a moment, until Bear gets the gist of what is being said and literally flops over onto his back to peer up at his human with a happy grin. The sheer maniacal happiness of that expression is enough to break the ice, and Bean kneels down to pet that glorious belly. "Yeah, sorry about that, it's... it's a thing from where I used to live. The Head of the facility is this kind of grand, almost godlike figure with absolute power, and you don't talk unless being spoken to." He winks at Kaida as he explains. "Doesn't help that my father believed in the Teutonic ideals. Es war ganz korrekt oder es war ganz nichts."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just lets out a bit of a laugh, one eyebrow quirking as she looks at Kaida. "Oi, you. That'll turn into Smartypants instead of Reepicheep if that keeps up!" There was just no keeping a twinkle out of her eyes at that, chasing away the shadows that seemed to lurk there often, though their source is mostly left unspoken. But there is no rancor or venom in her tone, just good humor. "Until someone tells you how they prefer to be called, I'd been raised to opt for 'sir' or 'ma'am'."

     She turns to peer at the Professor with those pale azure eyes. "A lazy day is a nice change from the past week or so, and definitely better than the medbay." Ahem. Oh, dear.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    A tongue is stuck out at Shannon and then she calms a little more, "I have only been here a little while and ah know they call him Professor X. Probably pretty lax demeanor." She nods her head and then looks to Xavier, "And no, I only play sneaky when I'm tryin' to figure out if I'm in danger or if you're a danger. Already pretty sure that isn't the case here." She nods her head. She then turns her gaze over to Bean and nods her head, "German?" She nods her head, "It's correct or wrong, right? I'm not really good with German." She hangs her legs over the edge of the arms and kicks them a little before looking to Shannon again, "And my pants are quite smart, thank you very much." She nods her head with a grin.

Professor X has posed:
Charles nods to Samuel, but before he can give a vocal translation to Samuel's German, Kaida beats him to the punch! "Precisely, Kaida. I don't know about relaxed, but I find that being too stressed or uptight in old age isn't very good for you." He winks lightly, before he looks over at Shannon once more, apparently amused at her banter between herself and Kaida. He knows its in good humor, or there would be a reprimand. Believe it or not, he's good at reading tone and body language, so he shouldn't have to read the mind to find out the answers he seeks. "So it would seem. I'm happy that you appear to have recovered nicely, unless I'm mistaken and you've snuck out for a time." He chuckles, apparently even if she did, she's not in trouble with the Headmaster.

To Kaida again, he smirks. "Well, pants make everyone look smart. If no one wore pants, it wouldn't be very smart because then you'd be cold, or hot, or exposing." a smirk.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    By now, Bean is just sitting on the ground, half talking and half playing with Bear. A level of relaxation rarely shown, and which might surprise other students watching that don't know him very well. Rumor has it that Bear will bite you in half if you anger him, and they only let Bean keep him because it's somehow less scary than crossing Bean. For a murderous beast, the Shepherd is... well, quite playful. "That's a very good translation. You have a mind for languages."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon tilts her head slightly, brows furrowing as she tries to work out the translation on her own. "Something like, 'All or nothing', yes?" With a somewhat hopeful look to Bean, she just smiles, fingers crossed that she hasn't gone too lax in her studies of the language. Seeing Bear as relaxed as he is, she peers at Bean, tilting her head towards the dangerous-looking but very friendly furball by way of query.

     Ooo boy. Yeah, the winged teen does scratch the back of her head and grin a bit sheepishly to the Professor. "Don't suppose you've seen the AAR on what landed me in there? And... thank you, really. Though if I never see Jello again it'll be too soon. I've come to understand the Captain's distaste for the stuff." And to both Kaida and the Professor, she chuckles softly. "Yeah, agreed on pants. Used to wear dresses more, until I started flying here. Thanks, I'll keep my modesty."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
    A smirk and Kaida points to Xavier, "Smartypants." She grins and then looks over at Bean and laughs a little, rubbing the bakc of her head, "Yeah, I know a few. German I'm not super great at yet but maybe one day." She then looks over at Shannon again before she blinks, "Jello?" She seems confused and shakes her ehad, "I don't think I wanna know. I like jello too much to wanna ruin it." She then considers and hmms, "I think I might need to go get some sleep soon."

Professor X has posed:
The school has that effect on people. or Perhaps its the supposed strongest mind in the world thats subtly influencing the minds around him. Fortunately, this is not the case, but rather the effect of a good environment on the soul. With a light smile to Kaida, Charles speaks. "Likely it is a disturbing tale, after all, there is a reason she was in medical." He looks to Shannon then. "A wise decision. I did not hear the whole story I?m afraid, but you are most welcome." A pause then.

"If you all would excuse me, I have an important matter to attend to. But should you have need, I?m always present for you. Good day." He gives a nod to all of them, and assists Kaida off of the arm on his chair so she's not dragged off!

all the same, he wheels off.