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Latest revision as of 13:43, 13 October 2017

Moving In
Date of Scene: 09 April 2017
Location: Titans Tower
Synopsis: Supergirl moves in and meets more of her fellow Titans
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Red Robin, Miss Martian, Troia

Supergirl has posed:
While Titan's Tower is still under construction, and the Titans themselves still forming, some rooms and areas are partially open for use and even habitation. Having been inducted into the Titans yesterday, Supergirl is all too eager to start making the room that's been assigned to her into her own small sanctuary. While living with the Danvers is wonderfull, Kara still likes the idea of having a room of her own in the Tower; sort of like the college dorm room her adopted sister Alex has. The first step for Supergirl involves the small box of crystals she has tucked under one arm as she exits the main elevator into the corridor leading to all the private rooms of the Titans.

Red Robin has posed:
While the workmen and women do their thing on most of the lower levels, the main operations room and the dormitories are fairly well along. The kitchen still lacks appliances and food, there's some grouting that needs to be done, the bathroom lacks a mirror, and there's still paper over much of the carpet, the boy wonder is currently dealing with the essentials... namely, the entertainment centre. There's a flat panel television, which currently has a blue screen. He, while still in full costume, is behind it, plugging in cables. Hearing the new arrival, a girl he has yet to meet, he stands up, dusts his gloved hands, and says as he walks over, "Hi, Supergirl. I'm Robin. It's wonderful to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you. You did great out there." As he walks, the screen on the television finally boots up with the connections and it seems that the Xbox is working, as there's a welcome screen on it now.

Supergirl has posed:
When Robin steps out from the TV to introduce himself, Supergirl smiles a bit and gives a little handwave to him. "Hi. So you're.....Batman's partner?" Kara looks a bit confused for a moment, having been told by her cousin to stay out of Gotham and that the protectors there were a bit more...intense. But Robin doesn't exactly seem like the scary type to her..."And yeah," she confirms after her musing. "I'm Supergirl. Or...Kara. Just plain Kara to friends." She laughs briefly, a bit nervously, then smiles.

Red Robin has posed:
Robin's a little more guarded about his secret identity, even among heroes... even among ones he's pretty sure have x-ray vision. It does defeat the purpose when she can see his face if she wants to, and he'll never have any idea. But no, he doesn't seem grim or dark or anything. If anything, he seems fairly upbeat. Maybe it's the area. Being out on Long Island really does cheer a guy up after spending a lifetime in the grim reality that is Gotham. "Yeah, he's not as scary as you've probably been told..." and with a smile, he adds, "he's much, much scarier." He was telling it like a joke, but the scary part is that he was probably telling the truth. Still, he wanted to set her at ease. She was new to the Titans, which were new themselves, and from what he gathered, new to heroing as well. "Can I help you with that?" He noted the box she was carrying. Sure, she could rip the building to shreds, but that doesn't mean he can't be chivalrous.

Supergirl has posed:
The joking does put Kara at ease a bit, and there's a slight giggle at the over-dramatic 'he's scarier' line. But the intended effect happens and Supergirl is in a much more relaxed posture now, the nervous tension fleeing from her. At the mention of the box, Kara looks down at it. "Hmmm? Oh...just a few things for my room. Kryptonian holo crystals for decoration. Some...I guess you'd call them 'photo books'." Kara peers over at what Robin had been working on, surprised at the size of the TV. "Do you need any help with that? It's an XBox One you're hooking up, right?"

Red Robin has posed:
"Holo crystals, as in holographic? That's so cool. So, you're actually from Krypton, I mean, you grew up there?" He had heard that Superman was raised somewhere in the heartland. If he were one to pry, he'd probably have found that he was raised in Smallville, Kansas, that his name is Clark Joseph Kent, and who knows what else, but he didn't have access to those files yet on the batcomputer, and even though he could bypass the locks, he chose not to out of respect. "It's good to keep hold of the past. We take it with us, always. Everything we are, and everything we do, is because of our pasts." He was trying to subtly help her deal with any lingering feelings of depression over being on a new world, separated from her friends, family, all that she has left behind. After a pause, he added. "They're with you, you know; always." And then, with as much of a transition as he can muster after that, he looked back to the screen. "Nah, this is an Xbox Three, just got it today. I figured the team might like some video games to help wind down after a hard day's work."

Supergirl has posed:
Listening to Robin talk about her lost friends and family always being with her, Supergirl nods. "Yes. They are." Her free hand briefly touches the 'S' symbol on her chest. "The past helps shape us," she says, back to looking somewhat more cheerful. "But the past doesn't neccessarily have to define our future. Just how we approach the future." Another pause, and then Kara starts moving towards the entertainment system, setting her box of cystals aside on the couch. "That seems like a good plan," she says, although with an unsure tone. Turning back to Robin, one corner of her lips curls up in a half smile, "Sorry. I really don't know much about video games. I don't have any where I live, and the few freinds I have at school aren't into them."

Red Robin has posed:
Because of the state of the kitchen, Robin had packed a lunch. He had a fairly ordinary looking paper bag on the coffee table in front of the couch. The bag had been torn open and was currently being used as a makeshift plate. There was a sandwich, some vegetables, and a battle of water. "Well, you're in for a treat." He moved to a stack of cellophane covered boxes. Reaching into his utility belt, he pulled out a cutting tool, and opened each one in turn, then set them out on the table. "We have racing games, role-playing games, action games, adventure games, mystery games, fantasy games, and sports games. You name it, we got it." Looking them over, he picked up Birdman: Origins, Fable V, Grand Theft Auto VII, L.A. Noire II, and Sonic's World, handing them to her. "Do any of these appeal to you, Supergirl?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara looks over the offered video games. Again, she smiles at Robin and says, "Kara. When we're not our fighting criminals, I like being called Kara. I helps me feel...normal, I guess. Like I'm more than just Supergirl." There's no animosity in hr tone, just a simple statement. Back to examining the games, Supergirl seems to be examining them artisticly. "I think they all have interesting qualities in design and artwork..." She hands the games back to Robin, smiling. "You choose. You know more about them and can show me why you enjoy particular games."

Red Robin has posed:
"All right Kara." He wanted to let her know his name. But he couldn't. He had to protect his identity. He didn't know her. Maybe in time, he could get past that. Or she could find out on her own. The realisation that her finding out his identity would put him at ease... troubled him. What had his life become? And before he could go even further down that particular rabbit hole, he remembered that she wanted to try outa video game. "How about something fun?" In other words, not terribly violent, so he placed the stack on the table and grabbed Sonic's World, which had been described as SEGA's open world version of Super Mario World. Due to the legal issues, it had been a Nintendo exclusive for the first three years, but was now available on Xbox Three. Moving to slip it into the console, he came back with two controllers, one was matte black, the other one was a very cheerful and girly pink. He held them out to her, letting her choose which colour to use.

Supergirl has posed:
The offered choice of controllers brings an amused smirk to Supergirl's face. "Thanks," she says sweetly as the takes the matte black controller. Kara goes t sit on the couch, looking at the controller in her hand and testing out thumbstics and buttons and triggers... "So...how does this work?"

Red Robin has posed:
He knew she'd go for the matte black one. He just knew it. But Robin was confident enough in his masculinity to use a hot pink controller. There were a few other ones as well, though they were out of reach for the moment, and it would have looked awkward for him to replace the pink one with the red, green, yellow, blue, or silver one. He had come prepared. For a moment, he thought about using a gas pellet, but that'd be a waste of a lead based gas pellet. He sat beside her on the couch, closer than he probably had to, but there was a small gap between them. "Press the start button. You can navigate with the joysticks and D-Pad." He began explaining the rest of the buttons, and soon, they had started up the game. As she was player 1, she got to choose between Sonic, Tails, Knucles, Shadow, and a few other characters.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara lisens to the instruction, still getting comfortable with the controller. She looks over at Robin from time to time, smiilng. Then, it comes to character choice, and Supergirl starts going through the different options. Eventually, she settels on Rogue, the Bat.

Red Robin has posed:
Robin's choice is fairly quick. He picks Shadow. It's fun to play the bad boy, though, in real life, he wouldn't want to be Batman. He's fine being his partner, but that's not in the cards for his future. Once in the game, he begins exploring. There's a neat feature where as they separate from each other, the screen splits into a two screen with a faded divide on the left and right, or top and bottom, depending on which way they choose to split, and as they come into the same screen, it links up. Ah, the way technology has changed. He takes out some bad guys, showing off, and then explaining the controls. And as he plays, at one point he gently elbows her, teasingly. Boys 'hit' girls they like, right?

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl follows aong as best she can. And she proves to be a quick learner, figuring out button timing, patterns, and demonstrating the sort of skill that takes months of playing to achieve. The elbow nudge confuses her for a moment, and she looks over at Robin with puzzlement. But, she sees him smiling, which makes her smile. And she very carefully and gently gives Robin an elbow nudge back. Emphasis on gently; it wouldn't do to send him flying off the couch into a wall.

Red Robin has posed:
That would be one way to win the game, even if this one seems to be more of a teamwork effort. He's enjoying himself playing video games with her. And when she unleashes a special move, he remarks, "woah, I haven't seen that one." He obviously hasn't played Rogue, the Bat, much. They seem to be working well together. "So Kara, what kind of food do you like?" He wasn't too experienced with girls, but was trying to make small talk.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara doesn't skip a beat; she thinks about the question while still playing at the same level. "Well...so far, i like pizza, hot dogs, tacos, samosas, sushi, spaghetti...." A quick look at Robin and a flash of her smile. "Just about everything Earth has to offer, food wise. I don't think I've encountered anything that I don't like." She goes back to looking at the video game and gets a thoughtful look. "Okay, maybe balute. Those Filipino duck eggs?" There's a sour look and a shudder as she remembers trying those.

Supergirl has posed:
Having answered the question about food, Kara turns to Robin and asks, "How about you? What do you like?"

Red Robin has posed:
"Have you tried beefburgers, chocolate, French toast, beef wellington, or even Welsh rarebit." Okay, so he's had an English guy cooking his meals for the last few years. He's developed a taste for it, and try as he may, he's picked up Alfred's annoying habit of calling hamburgers beefburgers. He really couldn't argue with the logic, as they are made of beef, not ham. It just felt weird. Still playing the game, he looked to her a few times throughout, and at one point when he was smiling at her, he totally had his guy get hit by a bad guy. "Sorry... I uh, got distracted there. Though um, I like your costume."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara smiles triumphantly as she maneuvers Rogue to take vengeance on the enemy that took down Shadow. The compliment from Robin on her costume, combined with mentioning being distracted, gets a little blush on the cheeks of Supergirl. "Thanks," she says back. "Your costume's pretty cool too." Kara stares at him for a bit, then the sound of Rogue getting hit on the screen wakes her back up. Sha manages to get the bat out of trouble and defeat the enemy. Where were they? Oh, right. Food. Burgers. "And yes, I really love burgers. Big Belly Burger is fantastic!"

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann has been hearing odd sounds from the lounge area of the tower. While she could look through the walls, she decides to investigate in person instead. She opens the door (for her, that is generally easier than dispersing through it) and heads down. She remembers meeting Supergirl, but has not met the young mele.

Red Robin has posed:
Robin doesn't get to eat all the wonderful foods they've been talking about very often. Instead, he has to stick to the diet. It made Batman big and strong, and it's doing the same for Robin. Though he's not nearly as gifted, he's still young, leaner, and more agile than Bruce was at his age, so he's been going in a slightly different direction. He's also a fair bit shorter, like ten centimetres. Who knows if he'll ever grow to be as tall as Batman, but chances are, he's getting pretty close to the end of his growth spurt. "Thanks, it's based on the original Robin's." He was the third, but he didn't say that. In fact, he was a little upset at himself for suggesting that he wasn't the only Robin. Got to protect the identity, he reminded himself. You must always remember that Tim.

Because he's so engrossed in conversation with Supergirl and the video game they're playing, he doesn't immediately hear M'gann opening the door. So it rattles him a little when she appears. He again gets hit by a bad guy as his attention is diverted when he does notice M'gann. "Hi, I'm Robin, and this is Supergirl." He calls out in a friendly manner. "Wanna join us for some Sonic's World on Xbox Three?"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl notices Robin being a bit flustered over something, and smiles. Its comforting to her, the knowledge that she's not the only one in the room that's unsure about something. When M'gann arrives in the room, Kara turns to wave and gives the other girl a nod of recognition. "Hi. I remember you from the mint robbery. You were really amazing in that fight! sorry we ddin't get much of a chance to talk afterwards. But, yes, I'm Supergirl. Or, Kara. I kind of prefer my real name among my friends."

Miss Martian has posed:
The green girl responds, "My name is M'gann M'orzz, though after studying the concept of the heroic identity, I suppose you can call me Miss Martian. I am not very experienced with a lot of my powers, so I was having a bit of trouble with the robots." Hopefully she will get better with practice.

Red Robin has posed:
Robin was flustered over something, or was it multiple things. He thought he had been hiding it well, but he must have more to work on that. Pausing the game, Robin got up and moved around the coffee table to where the boxes were scattered about of a brand new Xbox Three console, a variety of consoles, games, most if opened, some of it still in its original packaging. He held out a blue and a green console to her, wondering if she'd want one of them. Supergirl's using a matt black one, while he had been using a hot pink one. Things... kind of backfired on him there. "Wanna play. This game can have up to four players."

Supergirl has posed:
"You did just as fine as everyone else," Supergirl says to M'gann encouragingly. "You did better than me. I got knocked through a wall becasue I wasn't focused. But, the point is: we stopped the robbery. No one was hurt. And we learn from our mistakes." Kara is very upbeat and positive about the whole thing. She scoots over on the couch, motioning for M'gann to join them. "Come on and play with us. It's kind of a fun game."

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann moves over and says, "I do not understand. What is Fun, what is Game? I have the words, but some things I have no reference for." Her Parents were White Martians and she was abandoned as soon as she knew enough to survive. They told her it was the White Martian Way, only the strong survive. She has not had practice doing anything except what is needed.

Red Robin has posed:
"Oh, you know what a game is? I suppose it's a structured form of play, which are voluntary, intrinsically motivated activities normally associated with recreational pleasure and enjoyment. A video game is a form that employs a screen or monitor." Robin gestured for M'gann to take a seat on the couch, and he would sit between her and Supergirl.

He used the blue controller to add Sonic, figuring she might enjoy playing the titular hero, and explained what each button did as he first showed her, and then handed it to her to try for herself. "Give it a try. Your input on the controller will dictate what the avatar will do on the screen." As M'gann tries, he turns to Supergirl, "you're not hurt after being knocked through that wall, are you? And it was great of you two to stop the robbery without anyone getting hurt."

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl steps out of her room and over towards the TV where everyone is gathered....and looks at it. "That's....certainly different....Hello Kara." She then smiles....

Supergirl has posed:
There's another flush in Supergirl's cheeks as Robin shows concern about her being injured in the fight. "No, I'm...good." And she is perfectly fine, Kara was just taking a bit of time to make sure she had the right 'teen phrase' to use. "I mean, sure it hurt. And I was a bit stunned. But, you know...Kryptonian." She beams proudly. "And there were others besides M'gann and I. Someone was tossing electricity. There was a girl with ice powers. And that one guy, ugh...." Kara rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I think the term is....'potty mouth'? That's what...someone I know calls it when a person uses bad language constantly." Close, Kara almost named Eliza. This secret ID thing is harder than it looks!

Supergirl has posed:
When Wonder Girl arrives and adresses the group, Supergirl turns to the Amazon princess and smiles, slihgtly in awe. "Hi Donna! Would you like to join in? Robin says that this game can have 4 players at once."

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann tries, but the controller does not last long. She is so much stronger than she is used to, she breaks the device quickly. On Mars, she can not bend steel and shatter stone with her bare hands...it is tough adjusting to being roughly ten thousand times as strong.

Red Robin has posed:
"Oh... kay...." Robin says, and gets M'gann another controller, this one being red. There is also a green one, pink one, yellow one, and silver or grey one, plus the black one that Kara's still using. "We have plenty of controllers. And, if you give me time, I'm sure I can get some... sturdier controllers." As in, having some made from a space aged material taht could resist M'gann, Kara, and Donna's strength. He was the weakest person in the room, physically. But at the same time, he's pretty sure he could take them, given favourable circumstances.

To Donna, he says, "yeah, come join us. We have plenty of controllers." Still sitting on the wide and spacious couch between Supergirl and Miss Martian, Robin grins to the former. "Potty mouth? Yeah, that works... adorable, but works." He winked through his mask at Supergirl, finding her innocence and naiveté to be enchanting.

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl tilts her head to Robin. "How does this 'game' work?" She says as she looks at the controller....and sitting on the couch near Kara. She watches the gameplay at first, but not wanting to intrude....yet. "Potty mouth, huh?"

Supergirl has posed:
When M'Gann breaks the controller, Supergirl looks over at her with sympathy. "It's okay," she reassures the Martian girl. "Are you new to Earth? It took me a while to get used to my new strength too. I think I crushed like, a dozen doorknobs on my bedroom door before I finally got the hang of it. I didn't hug people for three months, becasue I was scared of hurthing them." Supergirl smiles at M'gann, trying to instill some confidence in the girl. "You'll get there."

As Donna joins them, Kara nods to her. "Well, he used a lot of words that I've been told that nice people aren't supposed to use. But I still hear them used every day in Metropolis. So...." Kara shrugs.
RObin's wink gets Kara blushing deeper and she focuses on the game. Yup. Really engaging, this game is...

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann admits, "I have been on this world for perhaps a week. Donna, they did some tests to figure out why I can do things on Earth I could not do at home on Mars,,,as well as helping me learn a BIT of restraint. Did they figure out why I am so strong here yet?"

Troia has posed:
    "it's possible your gravity was stronger on your world, M'gann." DOnna then smiles but hands the controller back to Robin. "I think I'll watch, or else I may end up braking the controller like M'gann here." Donna then smiles to M'gann. "I'll help you as best I can...."

Red Robin has posed:
Robin explains the game for a third time today, though this one is for Donna. By now it almost sounds like he could be doing an advert for Sonic's World on Xbox Three, available everywhere March 15th. He explains the D-pad, the joysticks, the buttons, everything, and she ends up with Knuckles, meaning that Robin is Shadow, Kara is Rogue the Bat, M'gann is Sonic, and Donna is Knuckles. Nobody decides to play Tails. Nobody wanted to be the sidekick. But that doesn't last too long, as Donna decides not to play after that totally great introduction. "All right, Wonder Girl. But if you change your mind, there are plenty of controllers."

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "I do not think so. Everything I read in the science ideograms said Earth gravity os over twice that of Mars. It seems unlikely it would be caused by gravity. It must be some other factor on this world."

Supergirl has posed:
"That's certainly possible, M'gann," Kara chimes in. The game is somewhat set aside as the conversation about powers opens up. "For me and my cousin, there's multiple factors leading to our abilities. Like, Kryptonian physiology being far more dense than humans. Perhaps that is a factor. Or maybe something in the make-up of Earth's atmosphere. Or it's magnetic radiation shielding. Whatever it is, though, you have to believe you can overcome it. You are the one in control of your abilities; your abilities do not control you."

Red Robin has posed:
Robin pauses the game when they start to lose interest in it. He was already 'losing' to Kara. Well, she had upgraded herself and earned way more experience than him. He kept getting distracted by trying to explain and invite others to play, or, you know, other things. He tried not to blush... and he was thankful that there weren't any telepaths in the room.

"It could be many things. If you really want to investigate it, S.T.A.R. Labs can be helpful, or I could ask Batman to run some tests." He could probably run them himself, but Batman was Batman for a reason. He was Batman. That's all that was needed to be said. Because Batman had become synonymous with knowledge, insight, and unrelenting success. He wondered if ever he could get away with saying 'I'm Robin' in a grizzly voice and not have people laugh at him?

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "I am not certain how much trust I can place in this STAR Labs. Batman, while people fear Batman is is known to be very good at finding out things. He will probably want to know for his own reasons anyway, and he knows how to keep secrets."

Supergirl has posed:
"There are good people at STAR Labs," Supergirl tells M'gann. "There are people there that Superman trusts to a high degree. I am sure we could arrange for you to meet them and all your concerns would be adressed." And, in truth, there's no-one besides Jerimiah and Eliza that Kara would trust with secrets of her powers and how they work. But, she quickly looks over at Robin to see if he's upset with her countering his proposal. "But I'm sure Batman is also an excellent option as well," she says with a bit of a stammer. "Regardless, M'Gann, you don't have to do it all alone. That's part of why we're all here, right? To work with, learn from, and support each other?"

Red Robin has posed:
Robin does like to get his own way. He was trained by Batman after all. But at the same time, he's wise enough to know that there are multiple paths available, and you often can't tell which is the best one until after you've already walked one of them. "It's all about you, Miss Martian. Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. Some people like a brightly lit laboratory. Me, I like a dank and dungy cave." Again, treading dangerously with that identity Tim. But, many knew that Batman had a cave of some sort. Few had seen it. Even fewer knew for certain that it was a literal cave and not just a euphemism.

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "Doing things alone can be good sometimes, but when you need help, you need more than one." She then smiles. "This was taught to me in Thmyscira." She shrugs. "Star Labs is reliable......from what I've heard, but I've only been here a little bit of time, and only know what Diana has told me.""

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann thinks, "It would be better if there were few peiolke involved. I am still learning to shield myself, and the more people there are the more difficult it is to hold all those thoughts out." She remembers when panic hit the crowds the other day and how close she had come to joining their flight away from the robots. In a large lab, she might find many thoughts that would be less than comfortable. Batman, from what she has heard, has a disciplined mind.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara thinks for a bit, then cheerfully offers to M'Gann, "I think STAR Labs has a way of isolating a testing lab, telepathically. I'm sure you wouldn't have to deal with a lot of thoughts pressing in." Maybe that's a bit more scary, than helpful...

Supergirl nods in agreement with Robin's words. "That's right. The decision is yours. And we'll respect and support whatever decision you make." Kara gives the Teen Wonder a gick smile, glad that she didn't upset him.

Donna's comment also have Kara nodding in agreement. "They're very reliable. As I said, there are scientists there that Superman trusts a great deal. I know that they are trustworthy and reliable."

Red Robin has posed:
"S.T.A.R. Labs also has the advantage of specialists. Batman's... just an incredibly skilled amateur. Okay, so, he's probably one of the five best people in the world on, you know, every subject, but maybe S.T.A.R. Labs has one of the best four, on this subject, I mean." He didn't want to toot Batman's horn, but the man was impressive in every way that Tim could imagine, and Tim could imagine quite a lot. He returns Kara's quick smile in kind, and even gives her another gentle elbow, teasing her while he talks seriously about M'gann's limited understanding of her powers. Tim's never had that problem. He has no powers. He's the only human being in the room. But he has nothing to be intimidated about.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says, "Well if you all trust them, I am willing to give it a try. How would we go about getting in touch with them?" It may be a test of her self control...or they might be as good as Kara thinks.

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl says, "I only know as much as Diana has told me, but I can trust Diana's word implicitly." She then gently places her hand on M'gann's shoulder....."

Supergirl has posed:
With M'Gann leaning towards the STAR Labs route, Supergirl lights up and smiles wide. "I can set it all up for you. If you want to meet with them somewhere else first so they can answer any questions you have, that's no problem". Kara's really excited about being able to bring in her adoptive parents to help out; and she knows they're going to be excited too. "Before I go today, let me know what you want to happen, and I'll pass it on to them. Then, I'll let you know tomorrow. Alright?"

Red Robin has posed:
"Sounds like a plan," Robin says, and he idly thinks about a catch phrase like the Avengers Assemble. Titans Together? Titans to Go? Yo Titans? He'd have to mull on that one for a while. Something would come up. "And if I can be of any help, just say the word." He's sure that Batman would help out too if he asked, but part of Robin is pleased not to have to go there. He didn't want to rely on Batman. He was here to be his own hero.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann considers, "I should be all right, as long as they have me in a lab with no fires." She shudders. Fire scares her like nothing else on the planet...

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl looks to Kara. "All right. I'll.....go along too." She then takes a deep breath. M'gan might hear Donna's thoughts along the lines of 'Perhaps it's good to have someone there that DOESN'T trust them, to keep things in perspective.'

Supergirl has posed:
Kara nots to M'gann, smiling with reassurance. "No fires," she says with a nod. "That shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. I'll let you know tomorrow." When Donna adds her voice, Kara nods to her. "Sure. I don't think there's going to be a problem with that at all." And that just leaves...."Robin?" Kara asks as she turns to face him. "Do you want to come along too? We can make it a full Titans outing so that everyone gets to know STAR Labs."

Red Robin has posed:
"Sure, if you gals want me to come along." With it potentially being a medical, it seemed a bit awkward to invite a guy along. But he's quite happy to go, to represent the Titans, as if that actually means something yet, and to be supportive of his newfound friends and teammates. "I'd love to come... but it's entirely up to Miss Martian." So far, he had begun calling Kara by her name, as requested, but his habit was to refer to people by their codename unless told otherwise. He was keeping his mask firmly on at all times.

Miss Martian has posed:
M'gann says after a bit of thought, "It would be nice to have you along to help provide moral support if nothing else. I have not been here long, but already I have heard bad things about being a lab rat." OK, so she has perhaps been watching old movies about aliens being held captive and tested by mad scientists a bit...

Troia has posed:
Wonder Girl nods. "I shall go with you. And I shall bring my sword, Shield and lasso with me. I will not let my friends come to harm." And she gives M'gann an affectionate squeeze. She then looks to Robin. "I apologize for not speaking to you, but I wasn't sure how I would react around a.....male..."

Supergirl has posed:
Supegirl puts a hand on M'gann's shoulder. "I would never let that happen to you or to anyone else. If I thought that there was even a chance something evil like that could happen to you with STAR Labs, I wouldn't have mentioned it at all." Again, Kara effects a soothing, calming smile for M'gann. "I trust them completely. I wouldn't mention them if I didn't." Of course, Kara can't get into why she trusts these two scientists...

With Wonder Girl joining in the field trip, Supergirl nods. "Then it's settled. I'll work out the arrangements and I'll tell everyone tomorrow when and where."