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Latest revision as of 09:06, 12 May 2020

Meeting the Brother
Date of Scene: 15 August 2019
Location: Den and Study, Avengers Mansio
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Quicksilver, Elixir

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro was in the Den and Study.

But really, he was doing neither denning or studying. He was a blur. Something that barely anyone within the Avengers could keep perfect track of (except MAYBE Wanda and probably Thor). The White-Haired mutant and heir of Magneto zooms between point to point before a blink could even be completed. He was drinking wine, then watching television on the couch. Then reading a book that the Professor liked to read. Then he was standing in the middle of the room, back to his wine.

He looks almost...upset. Continuously, and he was trying to get his mind off of it by doing SOMETHING. But everything was already so slow for Pietro that nothing was really fun. Maybe he'll take a trip around the city, stop a mugger or something.

Elixir has posed:
Josh is tired and looks it when he comes into the den. He has books and a tablet under one arm, a coffee in the other hand and the far away look of someone navigating on autopilot. His hair is a mess, it always is, he wears designer jeans and blue golf shirt, sometthing new. And his skin is solid, sparkling freaking gold. Very new.

Josh settles in at the desk and lets out a long sigh. He runs a hand through his hair... And stops. Because something is off. Moving stupendously fast.

A gold aura surrounds Josh and things slow just a little. Right to that level of reflex only the very best of the genetically human reach. And it is still not fast enough to do more than get an occasional after image in the mind of someone he recognizes.

"Hey Pietro," he says fast enough the words seem to tumble out. Still so. Damn. Slow. But faster than anyone but maybe an excited French teenager on meth. "You... okay?" he asks uncertainly.

Quicksilver has posed:
To Pietro, it was quite literally like hearing someone speak in slow motion before they fall and hit the dirt. Pietro notices him long before Josh even sat down and if Wanda wouldn't be heartbroken, god only knows what Pietro would've done to this poor kid in that amount of time.

"No. I'm not." Pietro says when he comes to a stop. "How dare you date my sister without even ASKING or TALKING to me about it first. How many of the family did you even meet? How long did you even know her for?" Pietro is LIVID about that whole situation. Yes, he's highly protective. Yes, he has his reasons. No, he's not going to change his shoot-first ask-later mentality. Then he zooms again, grabbing his wine and coming back, like he needs the wine to remember that Wanda is the important one here.

Elixir has posed:
Josh sighs and rubs his face. "Sorry, I'm beat," he says apologetically.

"Ah, I've known Wanda since June 28, ran into her totally randomly in Bushwick. I knew Lorna for like... A year now. Haven't really had a chance to meet you. Have met your father in passing. And I wouldn't disrespect Wanda by assuming she couldn't make her own decisions, so it honestly didn't cross my mind to like, ask you first. Not like if you were a buddy or something, then totally," Josh answers a little flat, too tired for being defensive or sarcastic. He pauses a moment making sure he hit the questions. He nods as if satisfied he got them all.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro narrows his eyes. Almost growling, actually.

He downs the rest of his wine and goes and gets some more. Interesting fact? He shares the same favorite wine as Wanda. Something that might benefit Josh in the future if he actually wants to get to know a possible in-law.

Pietro finishes getting new wine in about an instant before he's back in front of Josh, somewhat aggressively even still. "I don't like you." Pietro states clear as day.

"Only reason why I haven't tested how far that healing of yours go is because she's clearly infatuated with you." Its a bit of a biting tone when he uses the word infatuated. As if he's not convinced its love or deep intimacy, but infatuation. Regardless of how right or wrong it is.

Even if Pietro has been immensely wrong about this in the past.

Elixir has posed:
"That's okay, man, it is. She's your sister, and straight up? Way too good for me. Or maybe anyone. But she's happy." Josh replies, leaning back in his chair.

"Dumb or not that it's with me, it's true. And if it's ever not true... She's Scarlet Witch, you know?" Josh says with a bit of a smile. "What's some dude with funny skin to like the world's most powerful woman if she decides she's done?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Josh for a harsh minute and he lets out a sigh.

"And why do you think this is particularly horrible for you if you break her heart? Wanda is NOT stable when it comes to these things. She take sthe hit hard. Her powers go out of whack. And what do you think is going to happen if she loses control of her powers?'

Pietro isn't willing to speed-blitz his sister, so EXTRA BAD.

"Anyway. She's happy with you for now, but I think you two are going way too fast." coming from the dude with super speed. "But Wanda's feelings are what matters. She doesn't always make the wisest ones. And I have a feeling she'd rather let you watch over her than me nowadays." Something that seems to bring Pietro no small amount of sorrow.

Elixir has posed:
"Are you serious right now?" Josh asks, genuinely surprised. "You're like, her arm or something, believe me, I really know. You're such a part of her I don't think she could imagine you not being there and protecting her, you know?" Josh says. "That's like the sun rising in her world. Probably the only thing that's like that. Who else has been there every step of the way?"

Josh shakes his head. "I'm kinda jealous, I won't lie. We're connected, and it's insane and we know it's stupid fast and... We know. But you? You're actually part of who she is," Josh says, a touch more sourly than he intended to show. He reaches out for his coffee and takes a sip. He makes a face and puts it down again.

"I'll /never/ have that."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks like he calms down a little bit when Josh reaffirms that he is still quite literally Wanda's other half. Chuckling a bit, he smirks. "Wanda and I have a connection like any other. I just...am never used to Wanda dating. Its like it goes from Pietro and Wanda against the world to Pietro, Wanda, and Wanda's boyfriend against the world. Not sure how I feel about it even still."

He shakes his head. "and yet you've managed to connect with her in a way I never could." he's right too. But he takes a breath. "I'm sorry I've been such a dick to you and Wanda. I just..." he sighs.

Elixir has posed:
"You could've actually kicked my teeth in," Josh points out with a bit of a grin. "So I'm like, counting myself lucky."

"Just spend some time with her, listen to her," Josh suggests. and shrugs.

"You'll see, man. She wants that a lot. I mean, it still is you two, I'm seriously couldn't take your place. That'd get me tossed to the curb faster than you move. Bros before... dude... bros?"

"That sounded almost clever in my head."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro smirks. "100 times since you walked int othe door now." He KEPT COUNT?! Geez, talk about oddly obsessive. But he does nod. "I know. I know. I do more talking than listening. Its always been my major flaw with her." He shakes his head.

But he knows that nobody could take his place with Wanda. Maybe someone could take his place with Magneto, but never with Wanda.

"At least you tried." Pietro says with a smirk, patting Josh on the shoulder.

Elixir has posed:
Josh laughs. "For all the good it would've done! Man, see I really don't want to piss you off, you know? Mostly for Wanda, but also cause like, living's a pretty good gig, even second time around," he jokes.

"You two ever just like, go somewhere just you two for a while? Like, to Transia or, wherever. Somewhere only the twins go? Somewhere not as surreal as the freaking Avengers Mansion?" he asks with a grin. "She'd probably love that. Wanda's kinda sentimental that way, you know?"

Quicksilver has posed:
"You forget we grew up together. Thats all we had. Each other. Before Magneto, before Polaris, before the Brotherhood or the X-men or the Avengers...just me and Wanda. I know everything about her, even her love of symbolism and sentiment. Something I hapen to share."

He takes a bruth.

"I considered Wundagore Mountain. But...there's a spot in Transia, where we used to hangout with the Gypsies there when we were children. Where we learned to dance, coincidentally enough. I think I'll take her there. Kidnap her for a day or two so we can just breathe."

Elixir has posed:
Josh puts his hands in surrender. "Sorry, right," he says. "Whatever you two need all you'll hear from me is go for it."

"And if I step on your toes, just tell me, k?" Josh asks. "I wasn't close to my brothers, so I don't know how it is. But I do just want her to be happy. Which means I gotta figure out how to make you happy, or she won't be," he smirks tiredly.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro chuckles. "Its fine. And thank you for your support."

Even if Pietro is literally volun-telling poor Josh what he's gonna do. "Trust me, I won't have any problems telling you. I hear I have a...delicate temper. I'm working on it." He rubs the back of his neck a little bit. "And while this is true, its also vice versa. We're connected in the most unique way like that. But...I should let you be now. I can tell your seconds away from dropping."

To sleep, that is.