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Latest revision as of 01:46, 13 May 2020

Never tick off a Fairy!
Date of Scene: 08 May 2020
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Megan and Fantomex search for the Pixie Dust Harvesters. Things get interesting.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Fantomex, Shadowcat

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had wandered into Mutant town again, determined to find those mutant harvesting scum who had stolen her pixie dust and sold it on the blackk market. She knew this is probably a really bad idea, especially now they know who she is and she's gonna be a major target. But fortunately, she's got a bit of a disguise. Kinda. Her grey batwings alone make it hard to automatically place her as the pink haired fairy, and she's got more black in her hair now too.

It's the clothes that are the real shocker, she's looking all goth and badass, a far cry from the sweet and innocent fairy everyone knew and loved. All lilac; Short lilac hot pants, corset top that shows off her midriff, mesh tighs and combat boots and grey sleeves. Looks like jailbait more than anything, but blends in better with a more slum-criminal section of town.

She'd contacted Fantomex ahead of time, knowing he had ways to finding these criminal scum better than her. And she'd also let Kitty know she was heading to mutant town but not why. Now she just has to lay low and wait..

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex is still in New York, although laying low. Doing his thievery business, as usual. So it is safe to say no one has seen him in a while. But that is the usual for him. Some jewelry stores and private museums might have reported some impossible thieveries lately.

Then he got his call. About time! Kids today. Manner of speech, technically he was never a yesterday kid.

Nevertheless, he drops from the sky in front of Megan. All dramatic-like. Batman would be proud. "Sacre Bleu. This is a very good disguise," he notes. "If it wasn't for your body language you would have fooled even me."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has the worst luck when it comes to M'Town. She's out here getting suppplies and okay what, was that a bat winged girl? And...okay, fine. Kitty's not in costume but fine, she can totallly follow the, and figure out what's going on. She's phasing her way to Pixie and hiding behind dumpsters. She's hiding,or, trying to. No, she's /not/ phasing into trash filled dumpsters. Just. No. Kitty has standards thank you very much!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, folding her arms, leaning against the wall. Only thing missing now is a cigarette.. Or something. "What, my body language doesn't say badass enough? And who says it's a disguse?" she narrows her eyes, stepping away from the wall, wings wrapped loosely around her shoulders like a cape of sorts.

She's not even trying to hide her mutancy now. it's like she wants to be seen. And heard. And all that stuff. And some of her body language and attitude is quite different too. It's as if she has drastically changed into a sassier, darker version of herself, which she has.

"Soo? Where do we look for these punks? I wanna nail 'em good."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shakes her head from....about two feet behind Kitty/ "Miss Gwynn" Kitty says sternly. "Just what" she asks. "Are you doing out here exactly?"

Oh crap. "You know you are out in a rough part of town and also, smoking is bad for you" Kitty says with a look over the area.

Fantomex has posed:
"Ah, bonjour," says Fantomex when Kitty shows up, apparently unsurprised. "Miss Gwynn and myself were about to ruin the day to the enterprising folks back there," he thumbs behind him, were one of Mutant Town most shady clubs lurks semi-hidden in a dirty alleyway. "They run a drug business, and they took something from the young lady. Unpleasant business, almost as bad as smoking."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a bit as she sees Kitty. "Oh. Hey.." she smirks and shrugs, looking all innocent. 'Heeey, I totally am not smoking, and I'm accompanied by an adult, see?" she steps towards Fantomex, looking all innocent and stuff. "Anyways, see, some badguy mutant criminals attacked me the other day, and stole my fairy dust to presumably sell it on the black market. I'm just looking for justice." and a little revenge, though she doesn't say that last part out aloud.

She glances back at Fantomex. "Sooo, any idea where their hq is? You said you had that tracker thingy following 'em right? Lead on!"

Shadowcat has posed:
That doesn't much fool Kitty. Nah. She's not fooled in the leasst. "So why are you out here looking for trouble, then?" she asks them both. "HQ this, shady club that" she says looking down the alleywayway. "So what're you doing out here?" she asks, shaking her head at them both. She's got a 'you will come with m' type look on her face....even as she wants to hear them out. Who knows. She could explain things.

Fantomex has posed:
"Not a tracker, my partner followed them to the club," offers Fantomex. Then he look up and makes a 'come here' gesture.

A ringed sphere of gleaming metal the size of a cueball floats down from the shadows. "E.V.A., my partner. Sometimes she is a spaceship, and sometimes she lives in my mouth." That is said with complete seriousness, despite the faux French accent.

E.V.A. makes a good impression of hesitant flying, maybe a foot over the girls' heads. "Ah, good night," she chimes in a synthetized but definitely feminine voice. "Yes, the mutants running the club are selling exotic drugs."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn glowers a bit at Kitty, having a bit more temper than the old Megs. "Because, I wanna see justice served. This is a personal war, and I can't just let it go.." she nods to Fantom. "Says he knows where to find him, I'm just tagging along." she grins, and nods to Fantom. "Cool." she glances up at E.V.A. "A flying robot assistant..Soo, where we headed, a shady nightclub or abandonned warehouse or...?" she grins and nods. "Well this'll be fun.." there's a dangerous glint in her dark eyes. Just wait til they see what she does to 'em for messing with her.

When Fantomex leads them towards a shady alley, her eyes narrow. "Fine, let's not waste anymore time.."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's not a fan of this one...not in the least. Still though. She trails along. Evidence gathering. Oh if she has her way, Megs is going to be snowed in under paperwork for all summer...but Kitty's as much a part of this now. No going back. "Alright, I'll help. If only to protect you, Megan" Kitty says simply. She looks to Phantom then Megan and trails along with them. Fine, if there's gonna be a fight...fine

Fantomex has posed:
"I am not a robot," E.V.A. sounds... vaguely offended.

Fantomex manages to look amused despite the mask. "The club is just there, Pixie," he explains. "You can see the door... ah, maybe you can't, it is a bit dark." Obviously, he can. Must be part of his mutant abilities.

He bows to Kitty, gentlemen-like. "Welcome to this crime-busting team, mademoiselle. I am Fantomex, and I suppose tonight I am a mutant super-hero."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pauses, smiling at Kitty. "Thanks Kitty!" she replies cheerfully. "This'll be a piece of cake." well, hopefully. Megan being a trouble magnet and all, things are often more..Complicated.

Glancing at E.V.A. Megan pouts a bit. "Oh, you're not? Sorry, I guess I'm still trying to figure you out. I've never see a..One like you before.." Pretty handy regardless the case.

Anyhoo, she peers into the darkness and frowns as they near the club. "Oh yeah, there it is. It really DOES look shady, in every sense of the word. Fun. Probably riddled with all sorts of shady types." and she's just thrilled to be rushing into a potentially dangerous trap too. Huzzah!

"Okaay, hopefully we dont need like a VIP pass or anything.." She murmurs as she pushes the door open. Hey, at least she's dressed the part.

The moment the door is openned, the sound of loud electronic music can be heard wafting through the air, and speaking of air, the floor is covered in a fine plume of mist, reflecting and scattering the colorful disco lights from above. It's fairly big and crowded and shady alright. There's a lower area and spiraling stairs leading up to an upper level, with tables lining the outskirts of each, bar at the back. And a large stage at the front where a DJ is currently playing music and people dance on the stage and around and everywhere.

Worse yet, many many people are drinking what looks like a sparkly pink liquid, although it's not being sold at the bar. Most of them are slipping the pink glitter in from their pockets, but they're not exactly being sneaky about it either. Obviously it's not an 'official' product, but a lot of people here are passing it around, sharing it, and it shows.

Many people just stare, mouth open, twirling, singing, dancing as if in a crazy trance. Others giggle fanatically in corners of the club, or make out with each other in a slow dance and twirl. It's amazing what this 'pink sparkly stuff' does to people, making them totally relaxed, totally at ease as they hallucinate all sorts of weird and wonderful things.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives Phantom a cautious look and sighs watching them all. "What?" Kitty asks softly. "Is going on? I..."

Kitty's not okay with this. She wants to put all the pink sparkly using people in jail, shut the place down and oh yeah, have a nice 'talk' with Megs

Fantomex has posed:
There are bouncers by the door. Big burly mutants. But they fail to recognize Megan. They... pretty much fail to see Fantomex. They hesitate when they see Kitty, but she is a nice-looking girl, so she gets a pass despite her non-clubbing attire.

Fantomex shrugs and Kitty. "She is full of surprises," he notes, maybe not very happy about it. "The other day she wasn't very interested. Today she seems full of righteous anger. Or maybe looking for trouble."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is acutely aware of the bouncers at the door. And probably more security moving around the club. It's a fairly big place, and probably not a good idea to do what she has in mind, although her teeth grit, dark eyes narrowed, snarling a bit as she glances around, hands clenched tightly. "How...How dare they!? This is SO not cool! They used me!" and they'll probably use her again, but how to even begin to stop this?

"Okay, this is their club, but there must be some secret place where they get this 'drug' processed or do their exchanges or something. A back office or something, right? Let's look around.."

She glances at E.V.A too, "Soo, did you pick anything else up when you trailed them to this place?"

Fantomex has posed:
E.V.A. seems to have vanished from sight. Probably flying balls of mystery are not allowed in this club. But she managed to sneak in at least once, so perhaps she is hiding somewhere.

It is Fantomex who replies to Megan's question, though, "they refine the drugs in the VIP area. Come with me, lets see if I can trick them to let us go there."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, shaking her head, hands clenched, seething at the teeth. "This is sooo..Unforgivable!"

She snarls but nods to Fantom with a sigh and follows. "You really think you can trick em? they might have my name and face on file too...Hmm.."

Fantomex has posed:
"I am good at misdirection," notes Fantomex. "And you don't look like you did. Nice bat wings, by the way." He leads Megan to the back of the club, where a metal door is guarded by a pair of young mutants. A blue-skinned bruiser with metal fists, and a thin punkish guy with glowing eyes.

"Good evening," greets Fantomex. "I am here to see your boss. We come in the name of the Kingpin. Open the door."

It is a totally incredibly story, particularly considering how they look. But apparently the guards are very impressed and open the door! "Oh, and forget we were here, it is better for you," adds the white-clad thief.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "That's right! Last time they saw me I looked quite a bit different.!" she smirks and nods, beams even at the compliment.

Riight, she doesn't do sneaky well, so she'll leave it to Fantomex to live up to his name.

Megan follows quietly after him and doesn't look like anyone recognizes her yet which is good. With a surprised arch of the brow, she steps in after him as they let them through, though who knows what might happen after.

The room they are led into is not overly big but big for an office, nothing fancy really, a cheap sofa against one wall, a small oak table in the middle, a large oak desk at the back. A man in a business suit sits at the desk, the two mutants from before sitting across from him, deep in discussion and from the looks on their faces business is booming.

"Excellent you two. Business is booming! Now to move onto phase two..."

He pauses, eyes narrowed at the door as the two step in. "Eh? Who are you? Can't you see Im busy?" he snaps.

The two mutants also turn and peer at them, surprised.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex closes the door behind him and draws a handgun, pointing at the men. "Bonjour, I am here to make you rather un-busy." He glances a Megan. "I am disappointed, I expected a sinister underground lab and maybe stacks of money laying around." Then back to the drug traffickers. "I mean, out of business. Possibly dead."

Pixie has posed:
The business man sighs, leaning back in his chair. The two mutants freeze, recognizing Pixie from the other day. "You! You're..Different! How'd you find us?" But they don't seem too phased by the gun. The hypno-mutant, a woman with pale silvery hair, steps towards Fantomex. "Put the gun down, you're feeling sleepy already..."

The other smirks, stepping towards Megan, a tall althletic young man with spiky ginger hair. He clenches is fists and they glow with green energy. "Yeah, you'd better back off!" he doesn't wait, but hurls an energy bomb towards Megan, another towards Fantomex.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex pistol-whips the silver-haired woman head, not full strength but hard enough to leave a good bruise, "I have mental shields, mademoiselle," he chimes. Then he jumps to cover Pixie, pushing the girl away from the bombs. Likely catching the one heading for her.

Possibly not the best idea, since the outfit he wears is only lightly armored, but he sometimes gets heroic (and beaten up).

Pixie has posed:
The silverhaired mutant shrieks as she's hit, stumbling to the ground in a heap. She's not knocked out just yet, but her head did get bruised pretty badly.

Megan curls her wings around her body, ready to absorb the blow before she's knocked off-balance by Fantomex. "Heey, what!?" the two bombs end up hitting him instead, exploding upon impact. They're not super powerful, but powerful enough to cause some major pain if they hit.

Meanwhile, the businessman rises to his full height, and he looks quite tall. He pulls out his gun and aims it at Fantomex, attempting to shoot him in the hand holding the gun.

"Fantomex, look out!" Megan warns.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex should be a bloody mess, broken bones and all. And, actually, he got that, and yet it barely slows him down. When the businessman stands up, Fantomex shoots him twice, aiming to the chest. Then he rolls away, trying to avoid further bombing, leaving some of his blood on the floor.

"Get some cover, Pixie," he grunts. Where is the bomber, now? He shoots a couple times in his general direction. Mostly to try to keep him busy.

Pixie has posed:
The businessman stumbles back as his chest is shot at. But rather than any blood pooling up under his shirt, he just stands up and laughs, apparently some sort of tough skin must be his mutant ability. "Is that the best you can do? You'll have to try harder than that!" his voice booms as he pulls out his own pair of guns and starts shooting rapidly at Fantom and Megan.

Megan blinks and ducks for cover under the large sofa. It may be old and shabby but its frame is thick and sturdy. She peeks from behind, assessing the layout of the room.

"Umm, bomber on the opposite side of the desk from business suit. silver hair heading for the door. Oh darn, those two bouncers outside. We're outnumbered.." There are several things she's tempted to do right now, but they're outnumbered and this could get ugly. She looks to Fantom for direction however, because he's clearly way more experienced and clearly a professional.

"What do you want me to do?"

Fantomex has posed:
Bulletproof? No problem. Fantomex instead shoots to the guns in his hands. He is moving very quickly. Spinning and ducking. Actually getting out of the way of the gangster bullets as they are shoot.

"Keep that door closed," he tells Megan. Besides, she deserves a shot to the woman that hypnotized her, right? Meanwhile he spares a shot to the bomber, too.

Pixie has posed:
The Businssman snarls as Fantom manages to skillfully shoot one o f his guns out of his hands. With a snarl, he charges at him, still shooting with his other gun.

"Get him!" he makes a motion with his other hand to bomber guy who rushes at Fantom from the opposite side of the desk, hurling another bigger bomb at him, and another towards Megan, destroying half the couch.

Megan yelps, jumping to her feet, rushing towards the door, only to face hypnotic gal, who briefly has her stunned, long enough to open the door..

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex reacts to the bomb with the same agility and speed he reacts to the bullets. Only this time he jumps forward over the energy ball, and delivers a vicious flying kick aimed to the head of the bomber. This time he is not restraining himself, if he hits the man he is likely heading for the hospital, or the morgue.

That leaves the bulletproof businessman. "Your gun is damaged, it won't fire," he says. And he pushes with his power, making it real for the gangster.

Pixie has posed:
The bomber mutant groans as he stumbles to the ground, unmoving and out of the race, blood trickling from his head. Ouch. That really hurt. With any luck he's not dead.

The business man snarls, hurling the useless gun at Fantomex and actually shoves his entire heavy oak desk towards him with considerable force.

"Heey! What's goin on in 'ere?" one of the two bouncers shouts as the two of them now pile into the room. They're both very big, burly and muscular, both sporting guns, and by the looks of it they probably derive their mutant powers from some sort of formidable strength.

Megan blinks, stepping back but doesn't stand down. Fantomex entrusted her with keeping the thugs on the other side of the door, and she's not about to let things go south. A wicked smile creeps up on her face and she spreads her wings, backing away from them slowly.

"Oh, I'll show you what's going on, a taste of your own medicine, that's what!" dark, insectoid eyes narrow at them angrily and she flaps her wings. They're not nearly as fast as her fairy wings but each force is more powerful, releashing a shower of glittering pink-black fairy dust on all three of them.

It doesn't take long for them to inhale the spores, and their eyes widen, staggering back, shrieking in horror. The hypnotist girl shrieks, turns and runs away. The two bouncers stare at each other fearfully, and start fighting each other with a fierce exchange of blows, still half-way in and halfway out of the door.

Megan keeps an eye on them but keeps a safe distance, letting Fantomex focus on the guy who's running this entire freakshow.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex grabs the desk and grins, shoving it away.

But that is not what the businessmen sees.

He sees Fantomex crushed under the desk. He sees Megan shot by the guards outside. He realizes he has won. While Fantomex whispers lies into his mind. "I have this miscreant misdirected. But we might need something bigger than a handgun to get rid of him, hrm."

Pixie has posed:
The businessman seems pretty smug, spitting at Fantomex as he gets seemingly crushed by the desk. And with the guards cleanly dealing with the brat he waves a hand at her. "Bring her here but don't kill her. We need her alive to harvest her fairy dust."

Glancing at Fantomex, he just smirks, "Oh and clean up this mess.." eyes narrow. "We'll need something more than a handgun to finish him off." now what could they use on him to put him out of commission? one thing springs to mind.

"Tie him up, we'll use the fairy dust on him, put him in a complacent lull.." he grins wickedly.

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex sneaks away the businessman range, reloading his handguns and briefly glancing at the two men fighting just out of the office. "He will snap out of it in a minute or two, so what do you want to do?" He asks Megan. He really had no plans besides raising some hell and beat some thugs.

Getting hit by explosive ganger was as slight misscalculation, and he now needs a couple hours to meditate and heal. Ow.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly as she watches the guy talking to himself, lulled into a false security as he waves his hands at invisible guards. "Hah! Neat trick..But I think it's about time we gave him a taste of his own medicine..Teach him what happens when he messes with us, and.."

She grins wickedly, a positively dangerous glint in her dark eyes as she approaches the table and the businessman. "Think you can leave him a message and a threat? My little nightmare should do the rest...Stand back.."

Fantomex may have increased psychic resistance and a healing factor, but Megan's pixie dust works on neither of these premises, and has in fact, affected both psychics and the likes of Wolverine in the past.

She spreads out her wings and in the flickering dim light and the wild look in her eye, she may well appear like a fearsome demoness and less so the cute fairy that she once was, as she summons up more of that nightmarish glittery pink black dust and fans it in businessman's direction with several powerful flaps of her wings, showering most of the room with the stuff, although trying to restrict it to the area in front of her and away from Fantomex as much as possible.

"Welcome to my nightmare..." she snarls..

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex does indeed has a good deal of resistance to drugs and total immunity to psychic attacks (as long as he wears his mask) but he is not sure that Pixie's dust is, so he gives her wide berth.

He watches, though, because he is curious and amused. And definitely noticed Pixie's transformation is not skin-deep. But that is fine, he always prefers to hang out around the bad girls.

Pixie has posed:
The Businessman seems quite smug, maybe a little too arrogant for his own good. Which is a bad thing really, because things are about to get really really unpleasant..For him, anyway. Whatever he sees in that moment causes his expression to quickly change, from pleased, to surprised, to annoyance..And then pure fear.

"No..No..Stay back demon!" he shrieks, voice lilting up a bit as he backs away, stumbles against his chair, falls and climbs shakily to his feet. "What do you want? Where am I? Is this hell?"

Megan just laughs, and seems to be enjoying this far more than she should. The real Megan, the former Megan would never take joy in the pain of others. But this is a different Megan altogether. She sneers, taking a step forward, towards him. "Yeah, this is hell, or close enough. But it's just a glimpse of what's in store for you if you mess with Megan Gynn ever again. Remember that!"

The pixie dust is slowly clearing as the window to the outside freshens the air a bit. But Megan looks just as much the demon that the man imagines he sees right now. Why the transformation is almost..Frightening.

Fantomex has posed:
While Megan terrorizes the gangster, Fantomex quietly knocks out the two hallucinating guards outside, and peers into the club. But the music is so loud the folks there have not really heard the gunfire. Good thing the door was closed.

He is certainly not going to call the police about this, though. Because for a mutant the jail is usually a death sentence. But he will quietly destroy the gang from within with misdirection and thievery during the next few weeks.

Pixie has posed:
The hallucinogenic dust will usually last some 15 minutes or so, which is enough time for Megan to search through his desk as he freaks out, looking for any documentation that might link her to this organization, as well as any remaining fairy dust they may still have. But looks like they've done a good job of hiding things.

Although the other clubbers are more or less clueless right now, it's only a manner of time before reinforcements come..Or someone realizes that the boss is not answering his phone.

It takes Megan a moment or two to snap out of it; She's not influenced by any hallucinogenic drugs, but all the same, she seems to be getting a high off of simply watching this guy suffering. And she smiles. And laughs. But that laugh soon fades as she realizes the phone is ringing, blinking slowly.

"Uh, we should get out of here and fast. Before things get messy." yeah, let's not even get the police involved in this mess. But with any luck these punks wont try messing with Megan again. She holds out a hand towards an empty wall and murmurs under her breath: "Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" instantly a glowing pink portal appears in the wall. "I'm getting outta here, coming?"

Fantomex has posed:
"You are having too much fun," mentions Fantomex when Megan starts paying attention to the cell. He nods when the girl opens the portal. "No, you go ahead. I am going to dig a little more around here and maybe her a souvenir or two." He tips his unexistent hat at Megan. "I'll call you tomorrow. Do take care."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pauses, quirking a curious brow at him. "Really?" she bites her lip, peering at him curiously and shrugs, "I checked the desk, but didn't see anything they could use against me. But you seem to know what you're doing so..Have at it." Megan steps towards the portal, but pauses before going all the way through and grins.

"Heey, thanks for your help. I guess I owe you one now!" she grins and winks, an impish look in her eyes. Maybe too impish.