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Latest revision as of 12:07, 17 May 2020

Starting to Take Shape
Date of Scene: 17 May 2020
Location: Coffee Shop, Mercutio's - Gotham
Synopsis: The team is coming together! And other people could use a Spyder's help too.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Willow Rosenberg, SpyderByte, Buffy Summers

Supergirl has posed:
Things were starting to shape up for Kara's little idea. She had two members of the little group she was determine to make a reality. They would consult and see about finding more. Then they could start up with training and meetings and ...something.

Honestly, she was just shooting from the hip here but it felt right to be making this team.

Having arranged with Willow to meet, she shows up at the appointed coffee shop at the scheduled time. Yet, despite it being Supergirl, she isn't in costume. Willow and Jeremy don't know her secret identity yet so she has chosen to be Supergirl--in regular clothes. She did it previously when meeting with Jeremy and it seemed to work.

She is already seated in an armchair with a big chai tea (with extra chai) in front of her. Jeans, a t-shirt with the House of El symbol on the front (Better known as the Superman/girl symbol), trainers on her feet. She has an oversized bag sitting in the chair with her and a Nintendo Switch in her hands which she seems very intent on.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow never looks different. Well, her outfit changes, but nothing more different than 60's and 70's clothes. She orders a coffee, and a biscotti, as she sits down. "Well, you look so.. like you, only more normal. Uh, what do I call you?" Because she bets as the Supergirl.

She takes her laptop as she listens.

SpyderByte has posed:
On the Nintendo Switch's screen is an 8-bit game. River City Ransom. It's one of those side scrolling fighting games. Except, instead of a gang of bad guys being fought off by the main character Alex, there is an 8-bit character with black hair, a white shirt and blue jeans. It's just sitting on a bench and eating an ice cream in choppy movements.

At times, the screen will give staticky flicker. Flick. Flick.

Supergirl has posed:
As Willow joins her at the table, Supergirl gives a big smile. "Hi, glad you could make it. I know it was kind of short notice but I was too excited to wait." She does think about the name thing and gives a bit of a shrug. Willow's been on missions with the Justice League and is welcome on the Watchtower. Seems kind of silly to keep her name hidden. "You can call me Kara."

She takes a sip of her drink then looks back to the Switch. Then back to Willow. "I found another member for our team! I wanted to introduce the two of you. So..."

She offers the Switch to Willow. "Uhm. This is his preferred method of communication. At least this time. He kind of bounces around."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh course you can! Silly." Willow gives a wee little nod. "Oooh that's pretty. It's not as weird as Willow!" She takes the laptop and begins to set it up - after all, they may need it. "Uh? What's that?"

She listens for a bit.

"Wait, he speaks over the game to you?"

SpyderByte has posed:
The little digital character in the game looks up, right at Willow through the LED screen. Along the bottom, a message appears.

<< Hello, Willow! I am Spyder Byte. It's nice to meet you! >>

The little hand of the 8-bit character lifts and waves in that choppy manner that old video games move in. There is nothing spectacular about it. Just basic, generic range of motion.

Supergirl has posed:
"He's a technopath. I think that's what it's called. Can access computers like you and I having a chat over coffee. He's talked to me most of the time through my cellphone but seems to like the Switch better." She leans over like she's talking privately, knowing full well he can see and hear her.

"I think he likes toying with the graphics like this. It's kind of cute. Especially the 8-bit stuff. Spyder, this is the witch I was telling you about. Very talented."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blushes, and covers her cheeks. "He said hi! All mean, uh, hi? Nono, uh, uhmâ?¦" Sighs. "Oh bother. I blew that, didn't I?"

"He's pretty darn smart, and I blew it. You knew, this is why the Scoobies think I should be watched over." To both, "I really am better than that. You kinda surprised me. You must have a video relay? Neat. Makes my surprise rather plain."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I am talking to you from my living room. Now the kitchen. Now the dining room. Now I'm back in the living room. I have an apple, but I wish it was an ice cream. >>

The 8-bit messages continue to scroll along the screen as the digital character continues to sit on the bench, moving in a glitchy manner.

<< You have a nice computer. You should clear your cache. You have a lot in there and it will improve your performance by ... nevermind. I did it for you. >>

The little character on the Switch takes another bite of the ice cream. Flick.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hasn't been to this particular coffee shop before, although she has passed it many times on her way to the university. She had heard good things about it though, so it was about time she checked it out. Which explains why she steps in today. OpIf only she could figure out what to order. There are so many different types of coffee...Sheesh..

Supergirl has posed:
At a nearby pair of armchairs sits Willow and Supergirl. Well, it looks like Supergirl but she's dressed in normal clothing instead of the costume she is known for. The pair of them are hunkered together with a Nintendo Switch in hand. On the screen is an 8-bit game but they don't seem to be playing it. Instead, they are talking to it. Supergirl isn't talking loud enough to be overheard by people nearby but she knows Spyder will be able to.

"Willow, you are great. You don't need watching over anymore than the next person. After all, your magic helped get my cousin back from another planet! It's why I wanted you for the team."

She motions to the screen. "SpyderByte here helped me stop a bank robbery. He's got some great abilities too. And takes compliments about as well as you do." She looks pointedly at the little figure on the screen.

"We just need to keep finding others that want to work toward the same goal. If you have any suggestions for possibilities, I'm all ears. Oh! And SpyderByte, any luck finding that hero Beacon?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Now Willow's cheek go brilliant red, "Don't say that!" But she is pleased. "I was going to tell do you about Zach. I think that he is a mutant. At least he flies?"

"My cache?" Quickly she boots it up to check it boot. "Oh. Wow, umm. You did it? Uh, please don't touch my files?" If he looks, she has particular files. Then Buffy comes in, and she looks to Kara. "May I?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< There is nothing in there I would be interested in >>

The little 8-bit person continues to eat the ice cream on the bench, then reaches out into the 'air' to tap a floating box. An inventory screen pops up. His hand taps 'book' and then one appears in his hands.

<< I have not reached her yet, but, I have tracked someone she has partnered up with. The Robin. His phone is /very/ secure. We talked. I helped him stop a murder. Every team needs a Robin. >>

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has finally decided on an ice Frappuccino and hangs around u til her order is made, surprisingly quickly before she turns to focus on the people in the cafe. Of course a Willow is noted first and foremost and she smiles, making her way over there, but hesitates. It's not like they r really talked much  and after Babs gave her the cold shoulder, she's a bit more hesitant about asking to join...Even an old friend.

"Mutant? Try Fallen Angel. Though he claims to be a 'good' fallen Angel" if ever there is such a thing." she hovers nearby but does not ask to join them. Supergirl is given a long, thoughtful look and faint smile, "Hey there." she smirks, recognizing her from that Peace Keepers attack so long ago. Though Supergirl is undoubtedly famous anyway so..

Supergirl has posed:
"Zach?" Supergirl echoes the name, brow furrowing a little bit. Then Buffy adds in her information, drawing Kara's attention that way. "Fallen angel instead of a mutant? Or a mutant claiming to be a fallen angel?"

She glances to Willow then over to Buffy, wondering about this person both of them seem to know.

Then she looks to the Switch screen. "The Robin? As in the little Robin or the Red Robin? There are two different ones. And either one of them, of course they are going to have a lot of security. Probably shouldn't be peeking at them unless you want a certain scary someone showing up on your doorstep. He scares /me/." And that's saying something for an almost invulnerable person.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She pulls herself over a bit, "Buffy? This is Kara, and her friend Spyder Byte. When did you meet Zach?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Red Robin. >>

The next message appears on the screen.

<< I have to go. Mom came home. >>

There is another flicker across the screen, leaving just an empty 8-bit park bench. The book is left behind as well, curious.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "Trust me, I know..I..Can kinda sense these things." she shrugs, "Randomly ran into him while out hiking. We got talking, discovered we have a friend in common ." she looks to Willow, somewhat concerned, "Dunno if a fallen angel can be a good guy but...Well, I'm pretty protective of my friends. Don't worry, I didn't send him packing or anything." she smirks, nodding to Kara, "Hi. Nice to meet you. I think I met you once, we were fighting those cyborgs together? Peacekeepers? You're really strong.." there is a bit of awe and respect in her voice.

Supergirl has posed:
"An actual fallen angel? Huh." Kara shakes her head a little. "Can't say I've met one of those before. All sorts of aliens, a few dieties. But not an honest to goodness angel. Fallen or otherwise."

She looks back to Buffy, taking a moment then giving a nod. "You're right. And yeah, genetics are a great thing sometimes." Now that her name is out, she just goes with it. "Just can we all keep the K-A-R-A thing kind of quiet. It's supposed to be a secret."

She looks at the Switch. "Uhm. Okay." It is flipped off and slipped into her bag. "Guess we'll catch up with him again later. Speaking of, I need to bail. My parents will be worried if I'm late for dinner. I promised I would be there tonight. Dad's birthday."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly, "Right, I'll have to do my research. It's a complex matter not to be taken lightly. I was of the opinion that fallen angels are generally another word fir demon, although he claims otherwise. He didn't seem evil though.."

She arches a brow at the secrecy but nods. "Right, my apologies. Your secret is safe with me..." she peers around, "Soo this spider byte. He some kinda techno whiz? CuzI could use someone like that on a case I'm working on.."