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(Who do? Voodoo. Do what? Knows about the Phantasm)
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Latest revision as of 23:48, 20 May 2020

Sometimes You Just Want A Grilled Cheese
Date of Scene: 20 May 2020
Location: Fred's Diner - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Who do? Voodoo. Do what? Knows about the Phantasm
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Voodoo

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
While it may not be the fanciest place to get a meal, nor the cleanest, there is somethig to be said for the visual appeal of Fred's Diner. The silver and red color choices do provide a bit of energy to the place.

And so do the inhabitants. A blue skinned mutant sits at the counter talking to another with fins sticking out of the side of her face. As they jabber away, a line cook who seems quite normal in comparison is fussing with the grill, not at all happy with the temperature it is producting.

Not seated at the counter and instead taking up a booth all to himself, Nick is resting, knitcap on his head, bookbag on the booth seat with him and a notepad and pen before him. Off slightly to the side, half a grilled cheese sandwich and a handful of chips remain on a plate while the sweaty glass containing a half drunk water sits beside.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss was on her way home. Was, until her desire for food overtook her, and....

Okay okay, Bushwick's on the way back to her suite, fine. She opens the door and pushes her way on in, the door swinging shut behind her. Priss is as much a mutt as anyone in here. God knows, she's a hybrid that, by all rights...shouldn't exist but does, is walking in here. With her jeans and artful half shirt on, and her coaly black hair and caramel skin and at nearly six feet, Priss is nott a girl next door.

Then she speaks. Her voice is honey slowly poured on a hot Southern day. "Hey, do ya have anything I can take to go?" she asks.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
A woman in old style diner smacks her lips. Both sets of them before looking over to Voodoo, handing over a menu, "Sure thing hun, everything here cooks quick."

"Gooddammit!" The line cook swears before leaning forward, opening his mouth to spray out flame in a solid stream, head moving back and forth across the grill before he stops. He gives a nod and proceeds to toss the hamburger patties on to a rapid sizzle."

"Real quick." The woman reiterates turning to look over to the surprised couple. "Refresh that drink for you?"

Nick glances up at the sudden flare of light in his peripheral vision, drawing his attention over to the register area and then over to Voodoo. Oh. Well she's new. He smiles a bit.

Voodoo has posed:
Voodoo scours the menu and looks over it twice, and then grins. "Gimme a tuna mayo sandwichh and fries and some nachos please" she says and moves to find a seat. Given her telepathy...Priss is casually scanning surface thoughts. Looking over the crowd, Priss slips into a booth near Nick and waits. She's nudging at nearby minds without realizing it, too. Given the range of her telepathy is 100 feet...that's a lotta minds to nudge. it's like just touching the mind and a hey, hey, how ya doin...type thing

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Enjoying the view for a moments, Nick glances back down to his notepad, skimming through what looks to be lyrics. But there's this nagging feeling that maybe, a long time ago he saw that face before. He's been to a lot of social events and concerts, so the likelyhood of him narrowing it down is slim. But something else is also nagging him. But he can't quite figure out what.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss looks over to Nick and then pulls out her phone, scrolling through pictures. Yep. Yep. That's /the/ Nick Drago doing a awful PBR imitation on some big guy. Okay. "Does the Nick Drago like dudes now?" she wonders, aloud. Oh. Shit.

Yeahh the sights tipping her off who it is, and who is...aw fuuuu--

Right there. Keep digging, Priss. Keep digging yourself an awkward hole to climb out of. "So Nick Drago was riding some dude n the street?" Priss drawls, more quietly. "Wow, man. the things I never wanna see" she mutters and looks to Nick, horror and realization in her eyes she's been talking about Nick and he's...right there. Oh, great. Now how's she gonna get outta this?

Carefully. She pulls her phone back out and taps a video. It's the one of Ock being rescued. Yes, she's seeing through to his true form. Hello, Nick. Hello again...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the question, Nick glances up, brow arching as he looks over to the phone being held up in front of Priss's face. The screen just angled in such a manner that it's like it was just MEANT for him to watch. Oh. It's footage from the attempted abduction. Oh gosh. He probably should try and track Demitri down. He seemed scared shitless when all that stuff went down.

Shaking his head, he opts NOT to engage in the monologue the woman is having with herself and instead closes his notebook. The place is seeming to become less and less pleasant by the minute.

Voodoo has posed:
Priss looks over to Nick and shakes her head. She doesn't care that Nick's gone freaking Superman...it doesn't bother her because she's not some straight laced, straight edged holy shit run away from the freaky creepy stuff. Nah. Priss isn't bothered and the softening of her gaze looking to Nick should convey that.

"You did good" Priss says. "Saving that guy's life I mean, you did good"

Really, Nick did. Oh yes, he did, and there's no sarcasm or smarts in Priss's tone. Just genuine and impressed.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick puts the notebook into the bag, zipping it up quickly as he shakes his head.

"It was a look alike." He sort-of lies, "Everyone's got someone like that."

He starts to slide out of the booth, grabbing his ticket and the other half of his sandwich, "Mine just apparently lives in the same city. That's all."

Voodoo has posed:
Priss watches, raised eyebrows as she lets the lie go, even if it's setting off her internal lie detector that's pegged and screaming. Great. Priss isn't going to push the issue mind. She's ordereed food. Still though she shakes her head and runs hands through her hair, dropping hands to the table and looks over to Nick again raising a hand in a wave.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Sandwich in hand and bookbag slung over the shoulder, Nick hands his ticket to the cashier. He glances back over to Priss and upon seeing her looking over to him, he looks away, focusing on the cashier to hand over some money. Shaking his head to the inquiry about needing change, the musician turns, walking out of the diner.