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Revision as of 23:35, 26 May 2020

Lessons for Little Sis.
Date of Scene: 12 May 2020
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Buffy introduces Dawn to Martial Arts
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Phantasm (Drago), Dawn Summers

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's late at night and the doors to the magic box have closed by now. At least to the general public. For the so-called 'Scoobies', those doors are ever open, specifically in the back, private room which houses a small dojo of sorts. Well, okay, it's not that formal or serious. But it is a practice room of decent size, and it's been the main headquarters for Scooby practices.

Since Buffy's been pulling a lot of late night shifts here recently with Giles out of the country again and Anya doing who knows what where and when, it looks like duty falls on Buffy to close up and keep the place up and running.

But that's okay, because it gives her and her friends more time to practice. Tonight is a special night, thanks for Nick's suggestions, Buffy has decided it's about time to teach Dawn some proper self defence skills. She may not have any super powers that she is aware of, but learning to protect one's self when you live atop of hellmouth is important.

Which is why she asked Nick to pick her up after school and bring her here.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Fortunately Buffy has learned by now to call instead of text which ensures that Nick did what he was asked. However, being Nick doesn't DRIVE. The trip from the school is by foot for the two. With maybe a side trip to pick up a snack first.

The musician, now clean shaven since the last time Dawn's seen him, still keeps the familiar knit cap on. And while he's not a traditional student by any sense, he does have a bookbag with him to carry around his escrima sticks. In his hands, he carries a white box.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Don't make any plans after school. The last words she heard form her sister as she darted out of the house that morning. It's not like she ever went anywhere, usually right home and under the watchful eye of whatever poor sitter or friend Buffy could arrange to insure she stayed put. Today it was Nick, he must have lost a bet or something. Or he owed Buffy big time. Dawn didn't care, she had grown used to the over-protection. She had made sure they stopped by a store for a snack, an ice tea and a back of chips. "So, do you have any idea why Buffy needs me? I mean...don't get me wrong not going right home is like a trip to frigging Disney World."

Dawn enters with her backpack on her shoulder and finishing thelast sip of the ice tea, looking about the store a moment before seeking her sister actually out. "Tell me we are going to get dinner somewhere. I mean you want me to be a happy little Dawn...feed me something besides post-dated Doritos." She tosses the bag into the trash and sets her backpack down on the floor. "Something tells me...I am about to get on of my favorite Buffy lectures."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers only realizes her mistake moments later. Right right, Nick doesn't drive. Silly her. Oh well, he can always walk her to the Magic Box. Either way, it's always safer to have a chaperone when you're a trouble magnet walking alone at night in hellmouth.

When they do arrive, presumably by the back door, she's waiting for them inside, dressed in workout gear (black yoga pants, blue tank top matching black track jacket).

"Hey there, Nick, Dawn...Sooo ready for your first combat session?" she grins.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a slight smile but doesn't answer Dawn. That's going to be more Buffy's thing, "Well I guess if this is comparable to Disney World, then the Magic Box is the haunted mansion?"

He follows after Dawn, setting his bag down while Buffy reveals the reason for the walk over.

Dawn Summers has posed:
There is a wide-eyed look when Buffy mentions /first combat lesson/, and Dawn actually double-takes and places her hands on her hips in a way that only Dawn can do so. "Wait a minute. After all these years of me asking you to teach me some of thet Tae-Kwan Jitsu-arate stuff...you finally are going to do it? Wow, this is a big moment Sis. Like capture on my phone and post it moment." She whips her phone out and holds a fist up, making a mean face and snaps it. "And...done. See how many likes that gets."

She claps her hands twice and exhales, reaching to take a hair tie off her wrist and pulling her hair back into a ponytail. "You are not going to regret this Sis. There is a lot of skill packed in here." She slaps her tummy once. "Well skill and school pizza. "

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
When Dawn pulls out the phone to take a picture, Nick steps away from her to avoid ending up in the shot. He's had enough of social media for the month, heck- the year even."

"That sounds to me like a 'hell yes.'" He sums up to Buffy before glancing back and forth between the two sisters. "And we have to do something about the all pizza diet for you two. Maybe introduce chinese food or chicken sandwiches."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles at Dawn and nods. "Who am I kidding? I can't keep you safe by keeping you locked up. It's about time you learned to walk on your own two legs." she smirks at the last comment, glancing thoughtfully towards Nick. "Pizza huh. guess that's a staple at home too."

"Heh, definitely, I mean, I need to get Thomas over more to cook for us and give us lessons. I'm not really good with cooking.." she grimaces at that.

"But yeah, we can talk chicken sandwiches later. For now, we should start with something basic...Like...Stretching! It's very important to stretch and warm up your legs and arms and body before any workout..Did you bring a change of clothes?" hopefully she got her memo before leaving for school to grab something loose and comfy to change into. If not, well there might be spare leggings and t-shirts around here somewhere..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As if on cue, Nick crouches down, opening up his bookbag, pushing aside the escrima sticks to pull out a spare pair of exercise pants. He holds them up questioningly.