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Afternoon at the pool.
Date of Scene: 07 June 2020
Location: Swimming Pool - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A small get together around the pool provided James an opportunity to see a few of the new students. He didn't really get to know them so well, but he saw them. A good interaction for everyone.
Cast of Characters: Warpath, Pixie, Firefly (Barrows), SpyderByte, Nightingale

Warpath has posed:
     No classes today, it is a lazy Sunday afternoon. While he does tend to keep to himself, Jimmy does enjoy the occasional trip to the pool. Judging by the fact he is sitting on the side of the pool and already soaked he has likely been down and back a few laps.
     He wears basic black swimming trunks and otherwise soaks in the rays coming down. The water is the only indication that he has been swimming as his breathing is steady. His eyes watch the ripples in the water the way many watch the flames in a campfire.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn steps towards the pool, a place she hasn't been to in a longtime with everything that's been going on with her lately. But hey, at least she's trying to relax for once, even if she's still dragging that sword with her everywhere she goes. Hopefully no more thieves will target it as she settles it in a chair with the rest if her clothes as she steps towards the pool in a bright pink one piece swim suit.

Warpath has posed:
     The arrival of another gets Jimmy's attention at least long enough to look and see who approaches. He watches Megan for a few moments, just long enough to recognize her and then goes back to his mostly thoughtful staring at the the pools ripples. Of course, now the patters have changed. That probably doesn't bother him.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    Josiah arrives, wearing shorts and a robe. He intended to go swimming. He then looks to Jimmy and bows his head. "Hello." He says, possessing a faint cajun accent as he studies the man. "You new here?" He asks curiously as he studies the man. "I am relatively new." He explains.

Warpath has posed:
     Looking towards the new voice and movement, James studies the Cajun a few moments and finally shakes his head a little,"I'm the history teacher. Back from time away." he tells him, studying the man a few moments longer and then looking back towards the water and the ripples on the water again.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn peers around and smiles and waves to the other two occupants of the pool. She's not shy when it comes to swimming (Or anything fun), but the big bat wings she hasn't swum with. Still she's gonna have fun darnit! and so she climbs the high diving board, runs and jumps off the edge. "Heads up!" she exclaims cheerfully before she splashed all over the place.

Warpath has posed:
No longer paying much in the way of attention towards Josiah for the moment, the quiet teacher looks back towards the water. Already wet, James doesn't seem too concerned by the sudden impact to the water and the splash that follows. He brushed a little water from the splash that hits his face and watches her surface again. He's been on hiatus for a little while so he doesn't recognize all the students or their mutations straight away yet.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bobs up in the water, all wet and giggling as she splashed water all over the place, she dives and bobs, experimenting with her awkward bat wings that make it hard to swim like she used to. Eventually she smiles and waves to James, whom she doesn't know that well, though she's seen him around. "Hii Mr. Proudstar! how are you?" some archers prefer to be addressed more formally so she's playing cautious. "Perfect weather today! tho I hope it doesn't rain.." she nods to grey skies in the distance. probably why it's bit too scorching right now.

Warpath has posed:
     Watching the water move and lurch when she hits it as well as after she comes up again, James nods at something and then moves his attention to her when she addresses him. He doesn't smile, but doesn't scowl either. His face remains fairly neutral as he offers her a slight nod,"Hello Miss Gwynn. I am doing well. How are you?"
     So the giant can talk outside of a classroom. Maybe Megan should mark it on the calender. He looks up towards the greying sky and considers it for a moment. Much the way a dog might sniff a trail, he sniffs the air and replies,"The weather is nice, but the air smells like a potential storm is brewing behind the sun. Maybe it will pass over without the rain, but it is questionable." The history teacher that would be weather man.

Firefly (Barrows) has posed:
    "I grew up in my family's mobile church. I learned history and religion and the bible." Josiah says finally before turning to Megan and smiling, waving at her. "Mey! How are you doing Megan?" He asks with a friendly tone and smile as he watches the woman.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a bit as she peers at the sky and shakes head, "Heey, it'll be fiiine, I'm sure the weather can wait for us, right?" she giggles, one can only hope, "Wish I k ew weather spells, bet it's so easy for Storm, she can just move clouds all Willy nilly. on the other hand, she peers thoughtfully at her sword and just shakes her head with a shiver. "Nah, baaaad idea.." she nods and waves to Josiah with a faint smile, "How you been, Josiah?"

Warpath has posed:
     Looking back towards Josiah, James nods again and lets it be for now. He looks back towards Megan and then the water again, finding the water rocking against his legs soothing. The mention of the wind rider causes a slight smirk and he tells Megan,"If you are going to aspire to be like someone." He looks towards the sword as well and then back to the water. He eases into the pool again and swims to the edge and turns towards the far end of the pool. Under the water he starts and he is at the other end with a speed that rivals an Olympic swimmer.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, peering at James as he zips through the water and follows after him. "Heey you're pretty fast! Are you the phys Ed teacher?" she hasn't had any classes with him before but...She-dives in after, trying to keep up, using her wings as extra flutters but they're big and awkward and don't work as well as her pixie wings, just weighing her down. "Phew, I sure miss my faerie wings.." she sighs.

SpyderByte has posed:
The backdoor opens to reveal Jeremy, who as usual is wearing a massively oversized black hoodie and a pair of worn at the knee blue jeans. He has a backpack over his shoulder, one with two padlocks upon it to keep it secure. He is wearing some old and busted sneakers, one with torn shoelaces that dangles off the side. They look cheap and offbrand. With his hood pulled so far over his head, it's hard to see his face outside of the shock of black hair that sticks out and hangs over his dark eyes.

Taking in a deep breath, he finds himself heading for a lawnchair to sink down into, practically curling himself up into a ball as he draws his bag closer and unlocks it so that he can pull out a laptop. It must be hot as heck outside, and with him wearing that hoodie there is no way he can be comfortable.

Warpath has posed:
     Coming back up, Jimmy is surprised a little at the sight of Megan swimming across following him. He raises a brow and watches as she draws to where he is as well and he treads water for the moment,"Not a PhysEd teacher no." Those are some ears to be able to answer a question asked while he was swimming, ears in and out of the water during the process.
     He considers her for a moment longer before adding,"I teach history and will be taking the class back tomorrow morning." He glances towards more arrivals and really starts to remember this is a public area and it is getting very...well public. He considers the one in the hoodie and leaves him be. There are bound to be new students he doesn't know in the time he's been gone.

Nightingale has posed:
     With summer seeming to have arrived early, it only seemed right for the mansion's resident winged healer to turn her culinary talents towards cold drinks to beat the heat. After all, she was not at all inclined to see her classmates or teachers in the wellness office with heatstroke! Shannon's dressed in some knee-length light blue cutoff shorts, a white t-shirt tied up to bare some midriff (within appropriate limits!), and her daisy-toe flip flops.

     She's appropriated a small wheeled cart, which she's loaded up with a tray full of glasses of strawberry lemonade. No, not any stuff made from drink mixes. Fresh stuff like you might find at a county fair, with ice chilling the glasses till there's a sheen of condensation on the outside. "Anybody thirsty?" she calls out, waving a wing. "It's a warm one today!"

SpyderByte has posed:
As he opens his laptop, Jeremy gives a glance down as it flickers to life. As he brushes his fingers along the outershell, multiple screens start to launch and cycle through. He lets out a heavy breath as he slumps his lanky shoulders. He gives a glance out to the pool at Megan and James enjoying themselves, then over towards Shannon who announces in her chipper way that she has drinks.

His eyes watch her for a moment from behind the dark veil of his black hood, focusing on her intently for a few seconds before he blinks once. If she has her phone on her, it will ping with a message. Afterwards, he will go back to staring at his computer, letting out a heavy breath. He reaches up with one hand as if to snatch something from thin-air, then throws it towards his computer. He'll repeat this process a few times as he works.

Warpath has posed:
     Treading water must be something he does out of habit as opposed to need as Jimmy puts his feet down and stands in the pool, easily able to climb up out of the water to the moment. He sits on the side of the pool again and considers the drink offered.
     Too many people, but maybe a little better for student/faculty relations so he doesn't opt to get up and leave either. If his lack of personality causes it, well that's unavoidable. He shakes his head at the drink offer for now and looks back at the water. There must be something terribly interesting there.

Nightingale has posed:
     Pausing in her quest to offer a little bit of refreshment to her friends out here, Shannon slips her phone from the haven of her little brown leather pouch, swiping through till she finds the most recent message. She just smiles a bit, considering her reply. In the meantime, she glances up at Warpath, smiling for a moment. Though a man of few words, silence could still speak volumes, if one knew how to listen.

     And therein was the crux of the matter--learning to listen.

SpyderByte has posed:
Reaching up, Jeremy finally nudges the hood of his jacket back to reveal his thick mop of black hair with brown roots. He has a spiked dog collar around his throat with a chain that dangles down towards his chest, but tucked under his shirt. His eyes are sunken and tired looking and he is already working up a sweat. He's not wearing summer wear of course. He's dressed for the fall.

He reaches up to the sky to grab something again, then brings it down to flick his fingers towards the keyboard before he starts typing again. His mouth moves a few times, as if silently speaking to himself, though no voice comes past his lips. He gives another glance towards the large Native American man in the pool, seeing how he declines a refreshment. His jaw shifts and he takes a glance upwards to one of the outdoor cameras, then back towards James. He blinks once as a window pops up on his computer, then glances down towards it.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had stepped out of the pool briefly to use the washroom but abruptly returns, idly rubbing her right arm which is bandaged up a bit, and is hopefully not getting too wet. As she spies a Jeremy and Shannon, she smiles and waves at them both but pauses to warily eye her sword which rests in a scabbard leaning against a nearby chair, which seems to shake slightly in its new case...Or is that the wind? She watches it carefully for a few minutes before heading for the edge of the pool. "Hey you two, hows it going?" she greets them cheerfully.

Nightingale has posed:
     Smiling, Shannon nods, and rolls the cart on over to Jeremy. She plucks one of the tall glasses of strawberry lemonade from the tray and offers it to him. "There ya go. Good on a day like this." She chuckles lightly, peering over at the pool and watching Megan learning the finer points of swimming with large wings. "Try tucking them in close to your back," she offers. "Otherwise they're just two big rudders."

     Her brows furrow as she glances at Megan's right arm, and she sighs. "What happened?"

Warpath has posed:
     While not much of a talker, Jimmy misses very little and so he considers the quiet one on the chair with the computer briefly. He doesn't stare long though, instead he takes a moment to move his eyes from person to person and then seems to ease a little bit, not quite so stiff. It's a start at least. The normally scowly one could have wandered off by now. He's almost sociable. One wonders what changed on this latest hiatus.

SpyderByte has posed:
Reaching out to take the drink, Jeremy gives a bright smile to Shannon. He takes her hand and leans forward, pressing a kiss to the top of it, then lets it go. As he shuffles back into his curled up spot on the lawnchair, he lifts a hand up to give Megan a thumbs up, then tugs his hoodie back over his head. He's doing okay. Obviously. He gives another glance at the computer, then gives a look back out to James again for a moment. He shifts his jaw to one side in thought, then wiggles his fingers as the screen swishes away as he returns back to his job. He appears to be manipulating videos. Removing them, actually. Something about a hairy Yeti and towels.

Miss Grey was not joking when she wanted it all erased and scoured from the Internet. At least he has something to do on Sunday.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grimaces a bit at Shannon, "Ahh, just a...Thing that involved an unstable sword and a bit of misplaced fire.." her voice is soft, glancing nervously at James, not really wanting to get in trouble yet again. "Got a bit burnt.." and let's leave it at that. She nods, "Heh, I'll try that, thanks! Though doubt I'll be as good as Mr. Proudstar over there."

Nightingale has posed:
     "You can and will be if you keep at it, Megan." She smiles, and tilts her head. "C'mon. Mind if I see if I can repeat a success with healing that for you? Fingers crossed, maybe I won't absorb it this time."

     Just as she's reaching over to help Megan, her hand is intercepted by Jeremy, and she grins at the old-fashioned courtly gesture. Too, she takes a second to glance down at her phone. "Aww... thanks! Had these sandals for ages." She taps out a reply on her phone as well, and sends it on its way.

Warpath has posed:
     For his part, James doesn't seem too concerned about what Megan may or may not have gotten herself into. He's back to teach, what they were up to in his absence is out of his control. The water ripples some more and he slides into the water once more,"You can be as good as anyone...if you work for it." he tells her and pushes off to swim. He was fast the first time, but he turns the lap in half the time, turning at the end to come back again and not slowing.

SpyderByte has posed:
Giving a quick one-two nod of his head to Shannon, Jeremy blinks once more as her phone goes 'ping'. He drops his head back down to his laptop and goes back to his work as he whisks his fingers along the green glowing keyboard. He is a man of many words, obviously.