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Latest revision as of 03:20, 24 June 2020

Late snack
Date of Scene: 23 June 2020
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: And a good talk is being had by the two
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Nightingale

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is coming into the kitchen after getting off work and getting home. He had planned on eating at the club but got busy and distracted and now he is home and hungry/ So he is headed to the fridge to look whats here see if he is cooking or reheating or just making a sandwich.

Nightingale has posed:
     Sam isn't the only one with an appetite that suggests the probability of a black hole existing within a person's stomach. Shannon's just come back from an outing to the club, and not even nachos and potato skins were enough for her. The question is, did she dare attempt the famous Guthrie fried chicken recipe, or stick with classic mac 'n cheese? When she spies Sam, she grins. Maybe they could enjoy the best of both worlds. "You got the munchies, too?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to her and smiles a bit "Well I don't know if I would call it munches, but I missed dinner." He tells her "So,, who was the guy they were talking about at the club tonight?" He will ask her still scanning the fridge

Nightingale has posed:
     "You mean the guy with the limp?" Shannon purses her lips a little bit, and she shrugs. "It sounded... complicated. You might wanna ask Andrea about that one." Inside of a second, she's over by the fridge, first claiming a hug, and attempting to make up for the noogie. "Heh, not the boss at the club right now," she teases. Of course, this leaves her open for good-natured retaliation....

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks and as she does this he reaches around the fridge and grabs a piece of ice and drops it down the beck of her shirt while she is nooging him. "NOpe we aint."

Nightingale has posed:
     The teen's wings snap outwards and she lets out a little 'meep!' as the ice travels down her back, making her do a little squirmy dance to try and get rid of it. Revenge best served cold, in this case, was taken quite literally!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins at her, and will reach over and pull her shirt tail out so the torment is only there a moment "Well what are you thinking about food wise kiddo?

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just giggles, not even minding the sibling prankage one bit. This was something she missed, and was glad for. "Well... I was wondering if I should try my hand at the famous fried chicken, or just go with mac 'n cheese. But since we're both here, I could do the mac, you could make the chicken, and we feast?" It looks like she's positively bursting with good news for once, not even the ice cube enough to dampen her spirits.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit at her, and says "Well it is a bit late for chicken, but if w are going to do it, we might want to add another dish to the meal, waffles."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Since when is it too late for chicken? Especially the stuff you make? C'mon, it'll go faster with two helping." Shannon starts gathering the stuff together for some waffles, which she is mixing up from scratch. "Oh, good news. Finally convinced my folks to get the heck out of Dodge and move to a more mutant-friendly area. Not sure when that's happening, but they've got the ball rolling."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Are they coming closer or just looking towards the family friendly areas. He hmms and says "Not sure I know how to do just a couple helpings but I will try." He grins and starts gathering stuff.

Nightingale has posed:
     "See, that's the good thing about that fried chicken," Shannon counters, grinning. "It's just as good cold the next day. So if we have leftovers, great!" She's whisking together the ingredients for the waffles, dancing about the kitchen with the bowl in one arm, the whisk in her other hand, and her wings opening and closing as if in time with some unheard music. "I think closer, been encouraging them to head more this way. I don't see them heading for the city, but possibly the surrounding areas. I mean, let's face it, dad's job is gonna be needed wherever they go, so that's not really a problem."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "They could probably do Salem center if they really wanted to be close, but then you might feel a bit less free to do what ya want." he starts making a smaller batch of the dredge

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods, and shrugs a bit. "Andrea gave me the name of a real estate agent, so I'm gonna pass that on to my folks. I might ping Mr. Summers and miss Grey for some ideas, too." She purses her lips, and is now whisking the waffle batter a little bit harder. "Just hope I did you proud on that last DR training run. Kind of surprised they looped me in, it was for the A-team. Mr. Summers claimed it was a typo, but I don't usually see him doing things by mistake like that. Usually see him doing things with purpose behind them."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "If he had you there then it was on purpose, and he thought you were ready." He will tell her as he starts cutting up the chicken to get things ready and set the deep frier to start warming up. "So one yea here, how do ya se yaself have changed?

Nightingale has posed:
     "If I were to look at myself now, and somehow go back in time and see myself then, I don't think I'd recognize the person I was." Shannon sets the bowl down and roots about the appliances for the waffle iron, which is soon on the counter, hit with a bit of cooking spray, and heating up.

     "There's still times I get a little shy, a lot of times I get a little sad, but... that stuff can't break me. I've helped fight Sentinels, Frost Giants, survived healing stuff that should've killed a god, had my heart broken quite a few times and come back from it. And..." Now she blushes, and grins a bit. "Even that's working out. And I don't mean Josiah, either. That one didn't work."

     She peers over at the waffle iron, checking the little light to see if it's done heating yet. "Not even two weeks here and I got to meet my #2 hero and eventually got to call him a friend. Met folks here who've become heroes and family to me, too. Hell, I'm probably the only person on this planet right now who can claim she's sung for the Man of Steel, both dead, and alive."

     The winged teen just laughs at the impossibility of that last one, shaking her head. "I've fought gremlins in the never-never, right alongside the A-team... and actually held my own. But who am I now? I don't know. The core of me's still there. But there's so much more now."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Been broken up with and broken up with someone when it did not feel right. " He smiles a bit and starts cooking the chicken now that he has it ready and says "And who is #1 is Caps #2?

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon smmiles broadly, and nods. "I'd tell him this to his face, too. Yeah, Cap's #2. I got to be raised by my #1 heroes." With the waffle iron finally heated up, she starts on the first batch of the golden grid-like goodness, humming quite happily.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "And here I thought it might be Flat man of the great lake avengers." He teases her a bit and leans against the counter letting food cook. "Well I think he would probably tell ya he is ok with that ranking."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon chuckles softly and nods. "Yeah, I can picture that, too. Still drop him a line every once in a while, but the man's got his hands full and that's as it should be. Just figure hey, how often does he get a normal 'hi there' from a friend, no business involved?" The plate on the counter next to the waffle iron is soon filling up with its tasty payload, one of which she can't resist claiming, and nibbling on. "Whoever came up with chicken and waffles as a thing oughta be sainted."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "I heard it came from the old jazz players who would get done in the middle of the night and it was sorta time between breakfast and dinner and they found the magic middle ground.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Genius. Pure genius." Sniffing the air, she peers over at the deep fryer. "Ummmm... just how crispy is that chicken gonna get...?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "I aint going to burn it." He tells her but does check it, and says "And you want it extra crispy to contrast with the waffles a bit.

Nightingale has posed:
     "And of course, some good New Hampshire maple syrup to finish off the whole thing." Shannon's stomach growls very loudly at the prospect of a very hearty late-night snack, and she grins. "So. You and Alexis. Popped the question to her yet?" Giggling, she makes sure she's well out of the way for that one!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head a bit and says "Not really, I see it probably happen, but I don't think she is ready for me to ask it yet, right now I think she would feel more pressured

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods, and smiles, letting out a little bit of a sigh. "Just promise you'll still come back to bug us here even after? 'cause I don't know about you, but I'd sure miss these late night snack-and-chats. She takes a moment out of waffle duties to wrap Sam up in a fierce hug, wings and all.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hugs her, and says "Heck even if we get married, and do move somewhere else I think it would be around here near the school, besides, think I am going to pass up free baby sitting when it comes the time?

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon wrinkles her nose and laughs, swatting Sam gently with her wings and stepping back. "Ewww. Just... ewww. I mean, c'mon, I know the facts of life, but sheesh, I don't need the idea of it involving my big brother in my head! That's almost as bad as walking in on your parents!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well I was thinking more about you having to change ewwie diapers than me and Alexis doing things. He grins and starts dishing up food.

Nightingale has posed:
     "I was talking about /making/ the babies before the diapers, silly." She wrinkles her nose and cracks a bit of a smile. "Heck, it's probably the only time I ever will. 'cause I sure don't see someone putting up with me long enough to even consider having a family someday in the far future." She pauses, that thought only dampening her mood for a moment. "Although... so far, Drake's been pretty sweet..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "You keep on like that I will be putting more ice down your back." He smiles at her and moves to have a seat. "So what else have you been up to kiddo?""

Nightingale has posed:
     "Thinking of taking a few extra summer courses," Shannon replies, going back to make a few more waffles. "I'm already bored out of my skull and it's barely a few weeks into summer. I was looking forward to learning to work on that Vespa in shop class but Mr. Summers kind of beat me to it. Which was nice of him, taking the time and everything, but now what am I going to do?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look at her and suggest "A car for your parents, as a surprise?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lofts her eyebrows and seems to consider this. "That... wow. That's a helluva project. Is there anything left that nobody else is working on?" She thinks on it a moment. "The car they have now is okay but by the time they get here, it could probably use a little love."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We can head out t a junk yard or maybe find something on craigslist that needs some love."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and grins at Sam. "I like the sound of that. Might watch for one for me while I'm at it, though the Vespa will do okay for a while." She lets out a contented sigh, and smiles. "You know," she muses. "That first day I met you, you were making that chicken. Now a year later, we're looking back, and having the chicken again. Could make it a new tradition."

After all, what was family without its little traditions--both new and old?