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And all that Jazz
Date of Scene: 23 June 2020
Location: Birdland Jazz Club, Midtown
Synopsis: What starts of as an evening of people watching becomes an evening of recruiting
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Aguila 6, Overlord, Buffy Summers

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well the weekend may be dead and the work week started but at the Birdland Jazz Club, there's enough people either in denial or trying to recover from the shock of dealing with the Monday Email Blitzkrieg to merit keeping the doors open tonight. There is even a live band on stage. While there's enough of a crowd to justify all that, there are still seats and tables available to those wishing to come in.

At one table, Nick sits alone. Sufficiently dressed up for the venue with his usual choice of headgear not present to hide away his hair. Not as long as it once was but in the process of recovering now that filming is done. One of the club's overpriced, but still tasty burgers sits upon a plate before him. Ok yes, perhaps not high end in terms of food but he's actually here on business and that overpriced meal item and the drinks? Heh. Work expense.

Aguila 6 has posed:
There's more than one person here on business this evening. Grant strolls into the establishment, looking around at his surroundings curiously. There seems a lot for the man to take in as he meanders towards the bar. Settling onto a stool he gives the bartender a friendly nod before scanning the rows of bottles and placing his order, "I'd like a Lagavulin, neat, please. And a menu." As his menu's brought forth and the drink is fixed Grant produces a roll of cash, leaving a big bill on the bar to cover what he orders. The band holds his attention for a few seconds before his gaze moves on to the rest of the building's interior.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller comes walking in ducking through the door. He looks around the room and heads for the bar. The huge man is careful not to bash into anyone but it is not overly hard as when your his size people tend to get out of your way.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers was curious to see this new Jazz club that Nick had told her about. Heck, he'd sent out an invitation to both her and Thomas, but sadly Thomas' business at the Blue Lady often kept him busy, especially lately.

So Buffy arrives alone, wearing an edgy but stylish black bodycon minidress - that is remarkably sturdy and practical too - and paired with sturdy black knee high boots too. Because it's evening, and while she's dying to look cute and stylish and wear a dress for once. Well y'never know who or what you might run into out there.

Probably why she also has that cute lil' mini backpack slung over one shoulder, full of who knows what kinds of fun stuff.

Now...If she could just find Nick. In this increasingly crowded place.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the relaxed sounds of piano, muted trumpet, and string filters through the room without any singing. Nick sips his drink conservatively before setting the glass down upon the table. His attention focusing upon the pianist's rhythm. For someone seemingly intent on music, he's positioned a bit further back in the club. And not necessarily in what one would term the acoustic sweet spot.

The movement of a large form does draw his attention over towards Joseph's way, the sheer size does merit a double take, which also helps positiona his head to where he sees Buffy's arrival. He lifts up an arm, waving to the blonde woman.

Aguila 6 has posed:
As a very large person approaches the bar, Grant gives them a quick looking over and a polite nod of his head, "Evening." As his drink is set in front of him the mercenary takes a sip, just enough to savor the taste of the whiskey. The other patrons nearby are scanned then. Those that look his way will receive a nod, a chin lift or a lifted glass. Manners can be important, after all. His gaze lingers a moment longer than most on the young blonde woman with the backpack, but his attention soon travels elsewhere.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will look to the bartender and orders a beer and asks to keep his glass from going empty. He puts his card down for a tab and checks the sturdiness of a stool before having a seat there at the bar nodding to those he catches looking towards him.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and sways slowly to the beat of the music, quite at home with the familiar relaxed jazzy music that reminds her a bit of the music that often plays at the Blue Lady. She pauses a moment, stepping out of the way of the big man, glancing around and taking in the general atmosphere of the place.

"Hmm, not bad.." Buffy murmurs with an appraising nod. She's come to develop a good appreciation for all styles of music and nightclubs lately.

As she spies a familiar face at the back, she smiles and returns the wave to Nick and starts to head that way. Unfortunately on her way towards the back, Buffy gets shoved to the side by a particularly careless patron, and with a surprised 'oof!' she darts to the side. Too bad she forgot to zip up her backpack all the way.

A little wooden stake slips out and to the floor, and while such an odd and archaic object apparently was minor enough to escape any prying eyes of security or being mistaken for any realistic weapon, she does frown and pause, clearly concerned for her lost object as she peers around for it as small group of people walk past just at that moment..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick smiles as Buffy starts to approach the table, leaning forward to pick up the laminated black and gold menu with the intent of offering it to her. But the plan is a bit aborted as he watches her get bumped into. Seeing a familiar looking object pop out of the bookbag, eyes narrow as he focuses on keeping tabs on its location. He sets the menu back on the table.

Aguila 6 has posed:
The big guy at the bar gets another look from Grant, "You that guy from TV?" Whether or not the question is asked seriously is hard to tell, the soldier not betraying much in the way of emotion as he asks the question. The bartender ends up nearby again allowing for the opportunity to order a steak, which Washington quickly takes before handing off his menu.

That's when he notices the woman he'd briefly observed earlier make a disturbed noise and glances her way. The object that falls out of her backpack is quickly analyzed, even as Grant starts moving to try to get it off the floor before it gets kicked around.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller 's brow raises "Not that I know of, unless someone has ben recorded me, and I have not been told about." He looks over and watches the room a bit seeming to just be relaxing and having a fun time tonight.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The wooden stake rolls and comes to a stop under a table near Grant, so it shouldn't be hard for him to find it. Buffy however seems a bit anxious to find it quickly and not have someone else find it first.

Eyes widen as she spots it near Grant although he does reach it moments before she can. "Oh excuse me! I think I dropped that.." she reaches out a hand for the stake. "May I?"

All else is forgotten at the moment. Last thing she needs is some bouncer seeing that object and thinking she tried to smuggle in a weapon or....Worse.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Seeing that the stake is on the verge of being recovered but not by Buffy, Nick starts to get up, picking up his glass to down the contents much more quickly. Waste not want no- Screw it, its an excuse. Empty glass in hand, he makes his way over to the bar, in particular the side of the bar Grant, Buffy, and Joseph are located at.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Figured it was worth an ask," Grant says to Joseph, looking up at him with a shrug of his shoulders. "I don't actually watch a lot of TV, but you never know who you might run into, right?" As he speaks he bends down to scoop up the wooden stake and moves to hand it off to its owner with as much subtlety as he can manage. "That's a hell of a keepsake. I'm betting you're a pretty interesting person." A smile appears on his face, "Let me buy you a drink before you get out of here. Maybe compare notes on the icepick grip."

The newcomer is given a nod, Grant's head turning ever so slightly to the side as if trying to remember something in particular, "Good evening."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller 's brow raises a bit more watching the interaction but he aint going to step in at least not yet. The security here may need to work on it a bit, but not his job.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick catches the eye of the bartender, giving a bit of a smile and a nod to the questioning look before setting the empty glass down next to some other empties. His finger taps on the bar before he turns towards Buffy and Grant. "Evening." He returns to Grant, giving a nod also to Joseph as he appears to be part of the group. He looks over to Buffy curiously, "Everything okay?"

The song on the stage reaches an end.

As the other musicians take a break, the piano goes off into a solitary performance piece.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, peering back at Grant, tensing slightly for..Anything. Fortunately, he doesn't make a really big deal of it and she smiles, laughing a bit nervously as she takes it back. "Thanks! I'm sure you're wonder what the heck a girl like me is doing with a stick like this. Well...That's a really good question, and...I've got a really good answer for it.."

But of course it takes her a moment to actually WORK on that answer as she spies Nick out of the corner of her eye. Taking the stake back she holds it upside down and smirks. "A fence! Yes, that's right! I'm building a really...Tiny..Fence. Because. Dogs. Yes. I have a pet dog. A tiny dog. And I need to keep him...Entertained!" yes. That'll do. Hopefully.

She blanches a bit at the terrible excuse and peers at the others a bit nervously, hoping they bought it.

And then Nick joins them and she turns to smile (read: grimace) at him. "Oh..Hi Nick! I was just telling these friendly people how I'm working on my tiny fence for my tiny dog in my tiny house! How are you?"

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Tiny dog, eh? Sure, that sounds legitimate," Grant replies to Buffy with a grin on his face, clearly amused by the exchange. "Gotta keep them tiny dogs from escaping. Vicious predators and all that." He turns towards his drink and picks it back up to take another sip. Clearly not the kind of guy who's looking to get drunk, at least right now.

Lifting his chin at Nick he asks, "You're the metal musician actor guy, right? Some of my employees are big fans." There's a soft chuckle, "I gotta see about getting some entertainment for family day this year. You ever been to Argentina?" Then he says, "Before I bug you with that let me buy you folks a drink, it's only polite if there's a possibility I'll bring up your work." The mercenary looks around a bit before gesturing towards an empty table, "I'm Grant Lincoln, by the way. I own a security firm based down in South America but I'm up here trying to expand into the States some more."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller seems to think the trio know one another, and will raise a brow a bit at the tiny dog thing, but does not bring up the question of why she wants her tiny dog to end up on a spit. He will nod to each and sip his drink letting them deal with their stuff.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's brows raise at what he presumes to be the excuse she just gave to Grant. "Geez, B. You went camping. That's NOT something to be ashamed of. Just be sure to give that back to Walter. He probably doesn't know it's missing."

He shakes his head slightly before glancing over to Grant as he addresses him. "I'm one of them." Nick replies, "... probably others. And yes. I think we had a few shows in some of the larger cities."

He glances back to his table with the half eaten sandwich. Well, where the sandwich was. Damn the table service employees are stealthy. "Okay. Sure. But bookings go through the agencies depending on what type of booking you're looking for."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just...Stares at Nick for a long time. One, he just called her B. Only one other person she knows to ever call her that. Two. Did he just say..Camping?

"Oh! Hahaha! You're hilarious, 'N!' But..Y'know...Walter..Walter? Err..." she coughs a bit, trying to figure out what the heck he's talking about, and just gives up, trying to play along with a helpless shrug.

"Well, you know how it is, how 'bout we just keep it our little secret, hmm?" She winks at him. Either that, or she's got something stuck in her eye. Okay seriously, Buffy REALLY needs a drink now and she peers longingly towards the bar.

Then peers back at Grant. "Free drink? Sure! How could I pass up the opportunity? Lead on!" and hopefully she wont act even crazier after this. Dammit, Buffy's really gotta stop drinking soo much coffee!

Aguila 6 has posed:
"The guys will be impressed that I met you even if I can't figure out how to book you," Grant says to Nick with a nod. "If you like fireworks and good food you're in for a treat if you make it down, though. Family day is bigger than New Years for our company since we usually end up working a lot around the holidays. Presents for the kids, drinks for the grown ups, a couple buses to take everybody home afterwards." The man's got a big smile on his face.

"Lets get some more drinks," the fellow gets the gaze of a server and nods towards them as he settles into a seat at the table. "I'm probably going to stick to just this one whiskey but don't be shy about ordering whatever you want." With a look at Buffy he says, "Hopefully I'm good company. It's hard for me to turn off the work talk sometimes."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller watches the group and leans back against the bar. He slides hsi beer back to get it refilled, na d will close his eyes listening to the piano for a moment, and then opens them back to people watch.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, Buffy's certainly lucked out. Free drink AND free food from two different sources. The bartender sets the drink Nick had previously requested down. The musician reaches over and picks it up with a nod moving to the COMICALLY CLOSE table to sit down.

Glass upon table, Nick's hands are freed up to reach into his pocket to pull out a business card for Shaw Studios with Wade's number on it. "Since I'm assuming you're talking a music booking. Here." He holds the card out to Grant, "He'd be the one to give the pitch to."

He glances back over to Joseph curiously. He had thought he was one of Grant's friends initially. "So, would he be one of your guys?" Nick asks, indicating to Joseph.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Grant, huh? Wow, what's it like running a security firm? Must be fun. Nice to meet you. I'm Buffy. I'm nobody famous. Just work part time at the Blue Lady. And the Magic Box. And college. And..Other things." Yes, she just DID say the Magic Box. And well..Those who know about the Blue Lady know its reputation as both a classy jazz bar, among other things..

She slides into a nearby seat and orders a beer. Yeah, she's a girl who drinks beer. Probably not super common but...As Nick and Grant chat, Buffy just listens thoughtfully, sipping her beer.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Thank you," Grant tells Nick as he takes the card, giving it a glance before dropping it into a pocket inside of his coat. "And I won't be worried about bugging you for the rest of the evening. I do a lot of my company's bookings and I know how tedious that crap gets." When Nick gestures towards Joseph, Grant shakes his head, "Not yet. Could use a big dude like him, especially for personal protection gigs."

When Grant speaks next it's to Joseph himself, "You want to let me buy you a beer and discuss the virtues of working security? Good money, great benefits, dependable coworkers."

Turning to the young woman Grant gives her a smile, "Pleasure to meeet you, Buffy. I very much enjoy my work. I find it's rewarding to keep people safe." When she lists off her places of employment he nods, "Don't disparage your work just because it's part time. Everyone needs to do something, especially when they're paying for college. I got the service to cover mine, did a program called Green to Gold after I graduated and took a commission as an officer, but I'm retired now. Lose a couple limbs and they give you a medical discharge."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller takes his beer once it is filled, and once it is obvious talking to him , he will shrug but walk over, and again test the seat before sitting "Well normally I am a mechanic, never done much with security but expect I would be more the bullet proof meat shield?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick does a bit of a double take towards Grant at the mention of lost limbs. "Really? If you hadn't just said it I wouldn't have thought it."

He pauses, glancing to Joseph as he metions being a mechanic AND bullet proof. "... Sounds like you were made for the job."

He lifts up his glass, sipping his drink as the others compare notes.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers continues to quietly sip her drink for a moment longer, relaxing a bit more and not as chatty as before. She does perk up when he talks about good money and all that and smirks. "Heh, guess I kinda do that work anyway. It does feel good to be able to protect other people from harm though. Sure is a fulfilling job. Although I'm actually kinda glad it doesn't take up my entire life anymore.."

Wait, what's this? A girl who doesn't look terribly big or strong, working in a security-type job? Of course most people would assume such things. As if size is everything. The confident smile on her face is just waiting for him to stare at her in surprise though.

For a moment, Buffy glances over at Joseph for the first time, quirking a brow. "WOW. You sure are a big guy. Wouldn't wanna tick you off." And Buffy sure isn't gonna make any assumptions about how strong he really is. Because there are so many more powerful people out there these days. Than her.

But her attention is drawn back to Grant again, echoing Nick's query. "Heh, me too. I mean..You don't seem to be missing any body parts. Unless..." eyes narrow, peering at him thoughtfully now, but says nothing more, taking another sip of her beer. You meet so many strange people these days, for all she knows, he's half alien or something.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Mechanics are useful, too. I've got a fleet of trucks that are in need of maintenance," Grant replies to Joseph with a firm nod. "Though if you worked for me I'd try to open up a local office to provide personal and corporate protection here in the city. You'd be more the guy who discourages people from messing with clients. Unless you're actually bulletproof, then I could think of better ways to utilize your talents." There's a big, hopeful grin at that.

Looking back at Nick, Grant shrugs his shoulders, "Lost all four limbs. Had a medical firm hook me up with some bleeding edge prosthetics that are wired into my brain and spinal cord so they control like they're flesh and bone. Glad to be their guinea pig if it means stuff like this will get out to other amputees someday."

Buffy does get a bit of a surprised look, but there's a smile attached, "Good. Protecting people is noble, even if you only do it when you can. So, icepick grip or rapier grip?" Then he lifts his chin, "Depending on who you're protecting people from I might could swing by and lend a hand some time."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods, and says "Yea, if you do a bit of checking on local news feeds, bullet proof and throw cars around. I don't worry much about the secret identity that much as there is like me, the joker with the red mohawk and Shaq at about my height so it is sorta obvious who I am, so why hide it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head, looking a bit impressed as he looks at one of Grant's arms, seemingly scrutinizing any movement to see if there's any tell of it being a prosthetic.

He glances over to Joseph, "Ok. Guy known for throwing cars and being bullet proof. Yes, that's probably discouraging to people wanting to cause trouble. Yeah. Definitely made for this."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at Grant. "Wooow...So what, you're like, cyborg or something?" eyes widen, peering intently at him now, trying to figure out where the human ends and the robot part begins.

"Orrr is it more like..Like Frankenstein or something?" Okay, she did not just say that. "I mean, you know, not like the MONSTER bit, just the eletronic doohickeys being used to reanimate a corpse. Only like..A live corpse and..Yeah, I'm just gonna drink more.."

Annd with that, Buffy takes another looong sip of beer. Because clearly it's been a long day for her. "Heh, I'd be curious to see you in action." she shrugs, "Just a bouncer at the Blue Lady. Although..I'm not one to look the other way when people need saving from..Other things." Oh yeah, she's doing the shifty eye thing there. What, did you think she was gonna come out right and say she fights vamps? Hah.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Oh man. I can see you and I making some serious money together. You ever thought about corporate sponsorships for kicking supervillain ass?" Grant is very interested in Joseph at this moment. He pulls a cell phone out of his pocket and pushes a few buttons on it, "Hell. You are the real deal." Grant puts his phone away and leans back in his seat, nodding his head faintly. "Probably want to open up a new business in the city, train you in personal protection, small arms, combat driving. Brother, you could be rich inside a year."

He's polite enough that he'll give his attention to Nick next. Popping a cufflink out from the sleeve of his shirt, Grant pushes the sleeve back to show off some metal. The prosthetic moves almost like human muscle as the mercenary balls up his fist and rotates his hand around to show off how it moves, "It's awesome. My manual dexterity might be even better with this than it was before. Have the same degree of sensitivity with the mechanics as I did with the flesh. Only bad part is it scares away potential girlfriends that aren't just into me for the money." Fixing his sleeve, he replaces the cufflink. The manual dexterity on his prosthetics must be good if he can do it easily.

With a big grin at Buffy Grant says, "You got it. I never actually died, so I'm still a living, breathing person. Just most of me is metal. If there was tech that could bring people back from the dead like that... whew... that's something next level." When she explains that she works as a bouncer the merc nods, "If you can handle trouble like that I'll hire you for the new company, get you trained up, too. Close protection services with a young woman like yourself would earn you some bank." Then he seems to realize something, "You said 'other things'. Can you be more specific?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over, and says "I don't think I would want to be Booster Gold, I mean I have thought about the Avengers or such, but mostly work in my girl's garage and punch out the occasional giant robot, or supervillian that the more high profile guys missed. As for driving well not sure I could to combat driving as I don't fit well in most cars.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the show and tell goes on where people are revealing what they are, Nick nods slowly which each revelation. A glance lingering upon the exposed metal. It looks like something that would make for an interesting drawing subject but he's doubting Grant's going to allow pictures. Kind of weird.

With the realization that he hasn't offered anything to the powers and abilities discussion, he shakes his head, giving a slight chuckle.

"I think you've established that you already know what I do." Nick replies, raising the glass up to his lips, taking a quiet sip. Yeaaah, not volunteering information. He gives a glance to Buffy, hoping she can get the non-spoken message.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Joseph. "Mechanics huh? You look like you could lift a car or two. Or maybe ten. Guess it could come in handy..And bullet proof too? Ooh, I could use that. Sooo you a professional superhero then? Got a codename too? Those seem to be popular.."

Well. She sure doesn't have a codename. Not unless you count 'The Slayer' as a codename. Which would be weird. Honestly.

To Grant she just watches him with increasing curiosity as he shows off some impressive dexterity with his hand. Okay, some of that looked a bit..Unnatural. But still cool!"

As for a job offer? She just shrugs and smiles. "I might consider it. Depending on what the pay's like, and benefits too of course. I mean, sure, I don't have an actual ~career~ but it's not so bad. Get to meet some interesting people. As for 'other things'.." Buffy shrugs. Seems like the superhero gig is not so secret amongst these people.

"Well...Y'know..Things that go 'bump' in the night?" she laughs a little, finishing her beer, ordering another.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Can you squeeze into an Escalade? The armor and reinforced glass we'd use wouldn't make it any tighter," Grant asks Joseph, curiously. "The corporate sponsorship was just an idea I had. Forgot about Booster Gold. Serious security professional who can take on the heavy hitters? That's something really marketable. You'd probably work in at least a two man team. I've got contacts who could find me a retired SEAL or Special Forces operator to work with you."

Looking back to Nick Grant says, "I imagine you're an immensely talented musician and actor for me to have recognized you. I've never been a pop culture guy, always too busy training or running around foreign countries trying to be Captain America, but to get where you're at in your field you've got to be among the best of the best."

Then he focuses on Buffy. "Depending on the job a personal protection agent can make over three hundred bucks an hour. If you work overseas at all the money's tax free up to the first hundred grand. Benefits are incredible as we'd need you to stay in the best physical and mental shape possible." And then she explains what she deals with and Grant's head tilts slightly, "Next time you run across them and I'm around I'd like to take a look. If there are ghosts and ghouls out there it might be handy if my men knew how to deal with them."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over to them "When I worked on a hero team in England, they called me Overlord." He says "Buddy of mine who had the luck of the crazy called me it and it stuck. Got sorta a costume but it was just mostly normal clothes with pouches, heroes have to have pouches it is in the by laws."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick snerks. "Best of the best?" He repeats, "Now I know you run a business because that was the biggest load of shit you've slung so far." He lowers the glass, "No. I'm imagining it's because I'm not the type to turn down gigs. It's why my bookings go through the agents now. To make sure I sleep."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers whistles in appreciation. "Wow, that's a lot of money, although I'm surprised you'd even consider me, just because I say I can take care of myself." she smirks, "Of course, I'm sure you're just *dying* to see me in action, aren't you."

As for ghosts, Buffy just laughs and shakes her head. "Well, I guess you're not one of those crazy skeptic types. But honestly? I've never actually met a ghost before. Ghouls? Vampires? Werewolves? Sure. I think a ghostly encounter might be interesting though...Oh! Right, there was that time I was possessed by a ghost. That was fun." she just shrugs, taking it all in stride.

To Joseph, Buffy quirks a curiuos brow, "Overlord huh? Hey that's a pretty cool name. Never been much of a costume gal myself. I mean, bright spandex? I dunno, not exactly practical, or comfortable."

Glancing at Nick, Buffy smiles a bit, "Hey, no need to be so modest. I've heard you play and you're pretty darn good..It's a pity you're not a regular at the Blue Lady.."

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Overlord? Like Operation Overlord? I like it," Grant tells Joseph with a big smile. "I'd probably dress you in a nice suit, something tailored instead of off the rack, makes it easier to conceal weapons when the suits are cut to fit them. Could consider a uniform with pouches for special occasions, though."

Then he looks at Nick and grins, "Hey, you probably don't suck much at least. If my music tastes weren't stuck in decades before I was born I'd be fanboying over you."

"That's the most you could expect to make doing personal protection, probably. You'd normally make a couple hundred bucks a day when you start," Grant confesses to Buffy with a little frown. "I know it's not much, but it's a good place to start. If you can take on big, drunk dudes you could handle rowdy fans and aggressive reporters. And you'd look great doing it." He laughs at her smirk, "I am eager to see what you can do. If you're as good as I suspect then you'd take to training well and prove yourself a valuable asset. You're not going to school for business, are you?" Then she starts talking about monsters and stuff and Grant nods, "I've seen a woman grow to fifty feet tall from the size of an insect. Why would I doubt there are those other things out there?" He pauses, "I tell you what, bring me along next time you mess with that shit. I'll pay you a hundred bucks an hour to make sure I know how to kill whatever supernatural monsters are out there. If they're out there preying on people I'm sure there's a market for hunting them."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over and says "Do you really think I find much of my clothing off the rack?" He will ask with a smirk. "I will consider it, I mean might be nice put a little money aside, take Mercy out to someplace nice now and again. So, if people work for you got the right to say no to cases they don't want to do or you say jump and they have to say how high?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods in Buffy's direction while looking to Grant. "See?" He states, giving a chuckle, "Not turning down gigs."

He turns his head looking over to Buffy, "I didn't say I was bad. I'm just not 'best of the best'. Those would be people who spent their whole life mastering just one instrument. I'm more of a jack of all trades type."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, "Oh I see, PR bodyguard." she smirks and shrugs, "A bit more high profile than I'm used to, and probably not as exciting as dealing with drunk patrons but.." Buffy sighs, "Well I'll give it a good thought and get back to you on that. I think my current manager would be quite sad to see me go. Especially since that place seems to attract all sorts of supernatural trouble too.."

However, bringing him along on one of her patrols does cause Buffy to hesitate a bit. "Heh, I dont usually have spectators along for the ride, but sounds like you know how to handle yourself." she shrugs again.

To Nick, she just grins, "Well personally, I think it's good to be versatile."

Aguila 6 has posed:
"You can turn down a job you don't want if it offends your sensibilities or goes against what you find morally correct," Grant says to Joseph. "I wouldn't be running day to day operations. I'd bring in someone to run the show up here so I could keep doing business down in South America. The company'd be owned by an overseas shell corporation for tax reasons, probably."

Nick gets a smile, "Hard work'll get you really far if you've got the dedication to back it up."

Buffy is given a nod, "Just let me know once you've had some time to think about it." As for the subject of being a spectator, "I've been hunting armed men around the globe for almost twenty years. Vampires would be a new challenge, but if they're really out there it'd be important to know how to recognize and deal with them. Are there any particular hot spots for this sort of activity?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller hmms and nods. he will pull a pen from his boot, and write an email on a napkin "Drop me some info there and we can talk about details, and see whats what. You might be able to help me out someone I am looking for, so maybe able to work something out.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods in agreement, "It IS good to be versatile. Helps with the income." As the musicians on the stage make their leave for a set break, Nick blinks up to the stage, "...Speaking of which, I should head back to my old table when the next set starts."

He glances over to Buffy, "And maybe we can get your food order in."

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Sounds good, Overlord," Grant tells the big guy with a grin as he takes the napkin, studies it for a moment, and then deposits it in his jacket pocket. "I'll reach out to you once I've put together a business plan and brought in a potential somebody to handle the operation."

Nick gets a nod from GRant, "Yeah, don't let me keep you all night. I'll hit your guy up to get the details about family day and getting you down to the jungle. I'm sure if you need anything your dude will inform me so I can have it waiting for you."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Sounds good." Nick replies, shifting up to his feet. Pausing to collect his glass. "No worries about a blue M&Ms clause or anything like that. Not that picky."

He pushes the chair in, giving a nod to the guys, "Until later, Grant. Nice meeting you, Overlord." He looks over to Buffy, "Take your time. I'm not leaving here until all the sets are done."

He turns, not seeing a person walking up behind him until the last second, causing for him to essentially spin around the guy, arm and hand in motion to protect the drink as he avoids a collision. Position recovering he heads back to his table, sipping the drink.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers picks up the menu and rushes over to Nick's table.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smiles and will pay his bill, before he looks to them "Well I need to head to check on the MErcy, see you and hope to hear from ya soon.