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Latest revision as of 16:40, 30 June 2020

A Family and Familiar Faces
Date of Scene: 13 June 2020
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: A post-graduation celebration, Andrea, Alexis and Jay Guthrie have a trio performance. Megan and Sam meet someone close to Alexis
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Cannonball, Rage, Icarus, Pixie

Prismatic has posed:
    CLUB EVOLUTION was the place to be tonight. Hot acts, cool drinks, and a whole bunch of mutant teens and college students -- Xavier's and Otherwise -- are joining together to celebrate.

    Lasers were going, the fog machine was running on the stage, and nervously in the wings, Alexis Carr waited nervously in the wings. She was wearing a red dress, a slit up nearly to her hip, red strappy heels and a glittering orange and red scarf over her bare shoulders. Her hair was done up in an elegant bun, but woven in and out with red ribbons. A very fusion look, more elegant than Cirque.

    The DJ wrapped up his set to applause, and the hands started moving the electronics and computers off the stage as Alexis breathes out, all nerves in spite of this being one of the *smaller* venues she's ever performed.

Prismatic has posed:
    And, last but not least, someone comes through the door in the best version of 'I'm in disguise', wearing extra big aviator sunglasses, a I <3 NY ballcap, a white tee, a light black jacket and jeans that radiated 'I was expensive and these holes were definitely here by design'.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is at one of the raised tables where he has one of if not the best view of the stage in the place. Most nights Sam lets others have this table, but tonight he has take it letting others of the X crew come in and join and sit for a while, before swapping out with another. He has his drink in front of him watching the whole place, but eyes turning to the stage a bit more tonight.

Rage has posed:
The lights in the club go down, save for a couple of safety lights that allow just enough light for people to not trip over themselves as the crowd begins to gather in front of the stage. Some track music can be heard singing as this is the time for people to hit the bathroom and grab a refreshment.

At some point, the crowd begins to cheer as movement can be seen within the shadows and the music cuts out. As the stage lights flicker to life, there is Andrea, front and center, dressed in a slim pair of jeans and a half-shirt that cuts off just over her navel that reveals a series of jagged scars from combat she saw a few months ago. In her arms is her guitar, strap over neck and shoulder as she makes her way forward to the microphone stand. A drummer is behind her, two more guitarists and a spot for someone else. A violinist perhaps?

The crowd erupts as they see that the special guest singer is the mutant popstar princess. Her fingers begin to strum along the guitar as she leans into the microphone.

"Hey Mutant Town! I'm here tonight to debut a couple of new songs and to give you all some love! How is everyone tonight?" As the crowd roars once more, she soaks it up as she throws her hands out to the side, lifting up on her toes. "This one is called, Storm." She gives a nod to her band as it starts, her fingers moving along the guitar to begin her song.

Icarus has posed:
As the notes float through the air, there is the sound of another acoustic guitar joining the first. Sometimes the notes blend, then they compliment then blend again. A figure comes in from the side stage, guitar strap over his shoulder as he plays while moving to join Andrea at that open spot reserved for someone else.

The young man playing is an obvious mutant. He has auburn red hair and a pair of red feathered wings folded behind him but still quite visible due to their size. He's dressed in baggy jeans with short boots and a simple black tank top. Those from Xavier's would recognize him as Jay Guthrie. A few people at the club might know him as that guy who busses tables and sometimes sings on open mic nights. Most people would have no clue.

He takes his position, giving Andrea a soft smile as he awaits her signal for the start.

Prismatic has posed:
    During the quiet, the newcomer had come up to the bar, and had gone to the bartender, waving a well manicured hand. "Ah, yes, excuse me young man--" A Crisp British accent comes out, "Could you tell me if Samuel Guthrie is working this evening? -- oh, to the front? Thank you, dear."

    And she begins to manuver her way towards the front of the audience, slipping gracefully between others Alexis breathes out, and she steps onto the stage, violin in hand, lights catching against sparkle of the ribbons and the shimmer of her scarf, stepping onto the stage, joining Andrea's band for a guest performance, giving a nod to the bandmates, and a deeper, almost bow to Andrea herself as she joins from the other direction as Jay, accenting the music with her own, drawing the bow accross the strings, fingers finding the familiarness of the bridge of the instrument, harmonizing with Andrea's voice, notes dancing between the sound of Jay's guitar.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will give out a whistle as first his brother and then his girl join in. He is pretty easy to find actually standing now, Sam enjoys music and when it is something like this it is more special. He will not be to hard to find.

Rage has posed:
This may be a far cry from her last two albums. There is no heavy beat, no bright flashing lights, no crazy dance moves that will leave most people breathless. This is raw and emotional, acoustic and unplugged. With a glance towards Jay, the lips of the popstar curves upwards into a smile as she strums the guitar, starting to make a wide circle around him, her eyes locked upon him.

"Saddle up, baby --
A storm is on the horizon --
The war in the distance is marching toward our back door.
And you ... you're /all/ that I have..."

As she completes her circle, her fingers continue their roaming along the neck and strings of her guitar, mingling with his behind the backbone of the drums. Alexis completes the DNA of the song with her powerful violin, causing a stir amongst the crowd as they grow quiet in a hush.

Icarus has posed:
Jay is not one to be moving around the stage usually, unless it is a heavier song with a rock beat. This is emotion. Vulnerability. He remained where he was but never let his eyes leave Andrea as she worked her way around him.

Take my hand, baby
I'll lead the way.
Don't be afraid.
We'll walk through the valleys and through the fields,
With our love as a shield.
We will be alright,
At least, at least in our minds.

His voice was strong, full of reassurance as befitting the lyrics. Until the final line where his voice lowered the slightest bit, that hint of doubt that is barely discernable.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn slips into the club, dressed in a glitzy silver hi low dress, adorned with hit pink corset and matching high heels. She looks ready to dance and she grins at those on stage as she starts to sway to the notional, heart felt music, blue green dragonfly wings glittering against her back as she dances.

Prismatic has posed:
    The stranger finally gets to the front, able to trail through the criwds and find Sam thanks to his standing up -- easy to find Guthrie in his own club -- when the music starts. It takes a moment for her to recognize Andrea -- little thing used to be on the Disney channel, of all things. The redhead with the guitar certainly had some pipes, she'll give him that -- little polishing up adn he'd be a decent --

    ... and she goes quiet and still, watching Allegra Caradenza step onto the stage, clad in glorious, victorious red.

    Alexis herself isn't used to playing accompanyment, but she plays as sweet as can be, watching Jay and Andrea for their ques as she plays, no violin part written for the song but forming a supporting foundation of notes for them, her dark eyes going to the audience, looking to all the quiet faces in the audience, giving a slight wink to Sam -- catching the silver and pink bbeyond as Megan joins in.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie seems to almost sense someone is looking for or at him/ It maybe the years of field work, but he does look away from the show as he senses someone. He does a double take but then looks around for a moment, making sure she is alone and also making sure she does not have any extra padding around her middle that might be hiding something bad. Once he is a bit more sure this is not a very bad thing he will smile and move to get a bit closer, and not quite shouting but loud enough to be heard by the woman "They all are great, but I am partial to the violinist first, and then probably my brother the guy with wings."

Rage has posed:
Together, Andrea and Jay's voices join as one as it soars out across the crowd in a chorus. She is standing at his side now as they play together in unison. Neither over powers the other, though those who are trained in the ear may notice that Andrea is letting Jay have a bit more range in this song. She's giving him the spotlight.

"Love, will you ever forgive me!
If I slip and let you fall?
I'm not sure if I could catch you!
Cause' I'm still learning how to looooove!"

Once more Andrea takes the lead, stepping forward as the guitar rings out in that acoustic manner, swaying side to side with her instrument.

"Honestly, baby ..
I had to saaaaay!
That I am afraid ..
I've been following close behind ..
But I could be blind ..
Maaaaaybe .. we're each on our own .."

She gives a glance to Jay, her eyes longing for him, pleading as she emotes through the song.

Icarus has posed:
Normally, a song is for the crowd. For the people gathered watching. Eye contact, a moment given to them so that they felt the song was for them.

This was not that kind of performance or song. It was about the pair of them singing to one another, the performance one of heartfelt moments, their emotion the show instead. He took his step foward next to Andrea, eyes locked to hersas he sang.

"My apologies, baby
I think I've made a mistake on my way.
The war is closing in on us.
Oh, what have we done?
We used to be so strong.
Now things, things are all wrong."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles softly as she listens to the music, swaying slowly in tandem, a soft smile in her face. Glancing around she eventually spies Sam and Alexis and slowly makes her way over to them, still swinging to the beat. "Heey you two! how's it going? Aren't they incredible?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "You don't say. Well. I /am/ quite partial to the violinist, but all three of them are quite talented--" the woman begins, and then blinks as a young woman with very, very obvious mutations draws near. She takes her glasses off, and Megan would be able to see that it'd be easy to mistake her for Alexis with them on; she has a very similar build and face -- minus the crow's feet teasing at the corners of her eyes. And the fact taht she's somewhat paler, with lighter brown eyes and gray streaks in her hair.

    "Oh, hello there!" she croons gently, "What beautiful wings!" distracted for the moment.

    Alexis, on stage, steps in as the violin takes over for the vocals, soaring along the tracing along the notes that were sung before, then sailing into the upper rigerses, her fingers and wrist making the notes vibrate, imitating a delicate human voice, the toe of her shoe tapping lightly on the stage. She doesn't notice the trip at the table towards the front.

Rage has posed:
With the pair once more singing the chorus, both Andrea and Jay has quit playing their guitars. Only the violin sings now outwards into the club, crisp and clean. Andrea steps closer to the winged boy, reaching out with her hand to slide it along his chest, her eyes staring into this. Together, their voices sing the last lyrics, softer and softer.

Love, will you ever forgive me!
If I slip and let you fall?
I'm not sure if I could catch you!
Cause' I'm still learning how to looooove!"

As the violin plays and their voice trickle away to end the song, there is a small smile upon her face as she leans forward to press her lips against his, awash in a sea of flashing phone camera lights. Out and proud, she puts her relationship on the world's stage for the first time. The kiss may be brief, but as she steps back, she listens to Alexis with a grin on her face, waiting for it to end before she gives a bow towards the cheering crowd.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Megan and the lady and smiles "Megan, this is Amelia, Amelia, this is one of my friends Megan." He will introduce the two, and looks back up to the stage to see if Alexis has noticed who is beside him yet. "I hope you are staying for a while Amelia."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and waves to the lady whom she mistakes for Lexi. "Hiii! How are you? You seem a bit...Different?" Lexi already knew she had wings Soo. She just shrugs and smiles, "Thanks! Isn't this music great?" she peers towards the stage...And takes a double look at the violinist. "Er....?"

She peeks at Sam and giggle, "Ooh, are you related to Lexi? Nice to meet you.."

Prismatic has posed:
    "... Lexi?" Amelia blinks a moment, and she opens her mouth, and looks to Sam, opens her mouth, closes her mouth a moment and gives a soft 'oh!'.

    And then she turns, back to Megan, and gives a bright smile.

    "I'm.. her mother." she gives a bright smile to Megan.

    And Alexis remains on the stage for a moment, looking out over the crowd as they cheer for the group, and she gives a slight smile -- until she spots the front seat. With Sam, and Megan...

    And Amelia Caradenza.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look up to try to catch Alexi's eyes and mouths "It is ok." "Um, how about we head back stage, I think the conversation coming might be a bit better done where you can hear one another." he will offer to lead Amelia and possibly Megan backstage.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oooohs, "Her mom? Cool! You look really young an' stuff!" she giggles, waving to Alexis on stage. "wooow your daughter is sooo talented! violins are bit easy to play.." she grins, she quirks a curious brow at Sam but nods and follows. "Okers!"