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Latest revision as of 20:58, 5 July 2020

A Good Day to Meet
Date of Scene: 05 July 2020
Location: West Chelsea Hill, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Gotham's Beacon, Supergirl, and Spyderbite make better acquaintences
Cast of Characters: Sparrowhawk, SpyderByte, Supergirl

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    West Chelsea Heights is adjacent, in a manner of speaking, to the Beacon's two bases of operations. Clad in gray, a domino pulled over her eyes, a gray hood and short gray cloack about her, she'd be easy to miss int he darkness of the gravel rooftops and gray shingles of Gotham's brownstones. She is running on her own tonight, thankful for a night free of homework and an evening of fresh air as the new-er extended member of the Gotham Superhero Scene makes her way down to a parkside complex, surveying the scene about her on patrol.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Hello Beacon! >>

Her phone pings with a familiar green bubble with a blinking spider cursor on the screen.

<< I hope you're having a great night. Supergirl is here to talk to you if you have some time. I can send her to your location. She wants to meet you and happened to be in town today. Now good? >>

Isn't Jeremy the professional secretary? He's back at home, sitting in a pair of boxers and a t-shirt while monitoring the action through mulitple camera feeds and eating a hot pocket.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    Beepbeep! Beacon pauses, and she brings a hand up to the side of her mask, fiddling a moment before she pulls a simple HUD up and sees the Spyderbyte curser.

    "Ah, hello, Spyderbite, how are you?" she speaks out loud, after checking around her and she leans against a handy chimney. "I have time if she's willing to meet."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I am doing great. I have hot pockets! Pepperoni and sausage. They're the best kind. >>

Jeremy pulls up another screen on his computer with a quick blink of his eyes.

Kara: << Hey SG. She's good to go. Here is her location and a picture of her! >> *ping*

Beacon: << Okay! She's on the way! Eyes in the sky. >>

Supergirl has posed:
There was no sonic boom but Supergirl is a bit of a streak in the sky as she makes her way to the location given. She floats down out of the air, red boots coming to support her on the rooftop as she gives a bright smile. She's like the girl-next-door combined with that big S symbol she wears on her costume. The red cape is the backdrop for it all.

"Hello, Beacon. Glad we are able to meet. I've heard good things about you from SpyderByte and Red Robin. That you might be interested in furthering your heroic efforts perhaps?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Not my jam, but I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Beacon replies to SpyderByte, but the flash of red catches her eye -- and as someone who appreciated heroes for a long, long time, she never gets tired of seeing them arrive. She gives a smile as she draws her eyes up to greet Supergirl, and she takes a deep breath as she gives a smile, and reaches out a gloved hand.

    "All lies, I assure you." she amicably greets the blonde, and tries to restrain her magic field a bit. "I am interested in helping more, though, where I can."

Supergirl has posed:
The offered hand is grasped for a quick and polite shake. Supergirl's grip is firm but not painful or uncomfortable. She has full control of her strength and this isn't like some people meeting and needing to set up a dominance setting by gripping the hand of the person they are greeting too tightly. It's just friendly and polite.

"I'm working on putting together a group for just that. To try to do more as heroes. To train and work together since each of us has strengths the others do not." Obviously she isn't talking muscles. "It's something teams like the Avengers and Justice League have figured out. Only this group is more those of us that haven't been doing it as long, a way for us to learn more so we are ready when the day comes to take in the big boots those others fill now. That sound like something that might interest you?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "It absolutely does. Red Robin's been more intent on training since he discovered that I have some... more unique abilities." she settles on that description, and Beacon gives a smile. Not standoffish at all, very warm and friendly.

    "It'd be an honor to work with others and trying to set up a support network for younger heroes in the field. I was lucky that Red Robin found me, and it'll be nice to have a wider support group."

SpyderByte has posed:
The phones have gone silent as Jeremy is no longer 'chatting' to them. No need to distract them, though he is listening through Supergirl's microphone. At the moment, any camera in the area has 'blurred' out for a bit so that the two can have their privacy.

Supergirl has posed:
"I respect Red Robin. He's a good one out there. Obviously you know that," Supergirl adds with a soft giggle. "I mean, since he's been working with you already. Spyder is the one who recommended you for the group. Mentioned there was an up and comer in Gotham. Which is good itself if Batman hasn't tried to stop you. Or maybe he has and I just don't realize it," she adds, with a tilt of the head.

"I respect Red Robin. Nightwing. Some of the others here. But their mentor...not so much. So if he told you to stop, that's just a plus in your column for being part of my group." Perhaps a little strange coming from the perky heroine.

"What sort of unique abilities, if you don't mind my asking?"

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Admittedly, I don't think Batman and I... really work in the same circles. Petty crime and care of the homeless and afflicted is more my priority over the last few years, and you don't often run afoul of other the 'big fish' when you're tending to the guppies." Beacon replies, then rubs the back of her hooded head in thought. "I haven't run afoul of him yet. Red Robin speaks highly of him, though." she replies to Supergirl, and she pauses a moment, her cheeks darkening slightly. "Oh... well.. I have a healing field, a healing touch, and manifest solid light into neat forms?" she adds, giving a smaaalll shrug. "I'm told it's magic."

Supergirl has posed:
"Batman does what he wants. He doesn't understand the concept of team work and friendship." Supergirl may still be a little bitter of the whole Batman killed her cousin thing. While she was off planet, no less.

She takes a breath and lets it out, shaking her head. "Sorry. Focus on the positive. Magic, you say?" She catches her bottom lip in her teeth for a second, nibbling as she thinks. "I'm not big on magic. I mean, I just don't understand it. But I know someone who does. We have a teammate who is into magic. I don't think she makes neat forms of solid light. She does do like this Force lightning thing!" She may have watched one too many movies.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Electric manifestation? That's actually super cool!" Phoebe loses the 'cool Gotham hero' sound, and is back to being a teenager a moment with Supergirl. "I have no idea how mine happens, just that it takes a lot out of me. I've been training to try and keep the light on longer. DOes it make more of a crack or a zap sound? Omnidirectional?" she questions, and then gives a soft cough to clear her throat. "Well. I mean, I can always inquire in person, I suppose."

    She glances over to Kara. "And 'force lightnight', huh? Star Wars?"

SpyderByte has posed:
Humming to himself as he watches them, Jeremy takes another bite of his hot pocket, then taps away at his keyboard once he wipes his fingers clean.

<< I wish I had cool super powers. >>

Supergirl has posed:
"Yeah, I'll let you two chat about that when you meet her. She hasn't figured out a codename yet but I'll be sure to introduce you. Or Spyder can arrange it."

At the ping on her phone, she pulls it out of her belt and glances at it then giggles. "Says the guy who helped me foil a bank robbery without ever leaving the comfort of his bedroom. You have cool super powers so don't you even start." Yes, she just admonished a phone outloud.

At mention of Star Wars, Supergirl has to grin a bit. "When I first came to this planet, I had to try to fo learn things quickly. I found movies and found myself watching a lot of them. Still do, to be honest. But my first three years here, it helped immensely. That and reading." Everything at superspeed. It's a thing.

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "You managed to hack Red Robin's work on my phone. You're terrifying in an entirely different way, Spyderbyte." Beacon also admonishes the man behind the curtain -- out loud -- and she turns back to Supergirl, with a small grin.

    "Hey, movies are a great way to learn culture. I mean, Star Wars is bascially a retelling of Arthurian legend -- in space." she gives a grin. "I read a lot myself, always in need of a bigger bookshelf." she jokes. "That and free food during trivia week is a powerful motivator for teenagers to do a lot of reading."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It doesn't make the power cool. It just means I'm efficient at what I do. I would love to fly or be invisible or have super strength. Instead, I talk to the toaster about their day. >>

Jeremy puts his plate off to the side, then shifts a bit on the bed as he monitors the Gotham police scanners.

<< This city has a lot of problems. The police radios are non-stop. >>

Supergirl has posed:
"Super strength is overrated. Heat vision too. X-ray as well. I mean how many times do I really need to see people's bones? Now flying...that one I'll give you. I wouldn't trade that one out," Supergirl adds with another smile.

She considers the information from Beacon. "It's an Arthurian legend? I need to read more about Arthur I see. Figure this one out. If you have recommendations, that'd be awesome."

She glances out at the rooftops. "Yeah. Lot's of calls for help, sirens, gunshots about five miles that way." She nods her head in a direction. "But that's just someone shooting a snake they found in their back yard. Poor snake."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "I... would have to agree with you there. I'd love to be able to fly -- it'd make navigating around the city so much easier." Phoebe agrees, and she leans back against the chimney.

    "And yeah, it's Arthurian. Boy who was raised by relatives finds out he has a destiny and a magical sword thanks to a wizard that helped his father. Starts up a relationship with someone he didn't know was his sister, Han Solo is kinda Lancelot, and eventually the next generation kills him." she jokes... then more seriously:

    "The city does have a lot of problems. The supervillains here are a heavy symptom, but what I have learned in the six years that I've been using my powers is that if you do not repair the tissue underneath, the surface never heals."

    She looks out over the city. "Gotham is my home. I've never left the city."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I was born and raised in Metropolis until I moved to New York. I like NY better. I could never live here. It's scary. >>

That is the sentiment of the year, obviously. Gotham is scary to even strong willed people.

Supergirl has posed:
"You would still be based here but yeah, we eventually will have a base of operations and we may end up in Gotham or Metropolis or New York. Depending on where the resources fall and the need is at the time." Supergirl brushes her hair back from her face with a hand, giving a shrug.

"We're still figuring it out. We haven't even gotten a name. Or a base. Or an vehicle to get to crimes in. I mean, I guess we could Uber..."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "Gotham's not so bad. As long as you, y'know, don't go down any dark alleys at night, make sure your steel entry doors are locked, stay away from the Narrows Bridge past supper time unless you're delivering food -- you should probably stay away from the Narrows all together. That's not for the feint of heart." Beacon admits, and she pauses, and looks at Supergirl.

    "I... cannot imagine you using an Uber. I've got a motorcycle that I'm training on, and Red Robin has a Robin Mobile. Which is a silly name for a vehicle." she gives a small smile. "So this is early stage planning then?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< All of your alleys are dark, even in broad daylight. >>

Jeremy's message pops up again.

Then, just to make things easier, their 'Siri' starts to talk to them in a soft, mellow British woman's voice.

<< Don't mind me. Easier to talk to you guys this way instead of using the text. This is obviously not my real voice. I'm a guy. >>

Supergirl has posed:
"I mean, I just graduated last year myself. I have a secret identity and everything! Superman taught me the importance of that. Course, with him gone, I kind of had put everything to the side for a while. Now that he's back, time to start looking into college. So Uber is a must. Right up there with pizza and potstickers! I mean, I can't fly everywhere all the time," Supergirl says with a grin.

She glances at her phone as the new voice comes out. "That is so weird. Why do you like the British one so much?"

Then back to Beacon. "Yes, very early planning stages. So far there's me, Spyder, a witch and a fallen angel. Still trying to figure that last one out a bit, to be honest. Red Robin said he would help when he could but he has a lot of other things on his plate."

Sparrowhawk has posed:
    "... I know, Spyderbyte. Gotham is a dark city." she replies, and then Phoebe gives a bit of a grin. "You can change the voices you know. Should be a pack somewhere that lets you pay around with it. Saw it in one of my tech classes."

    Her attention turns back to Supergirl, and she gives a soft hum. "Well, Uber in your normal life, yeah I can see. I take the bus and subway a lot between classes at the university and my martial arts class -- and absolutely. Pizza. Is. A. Must. Potstickers eeeeh -- there's only a few good places to get them in Gotham, and one of them is in the Narrows."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I like this voice. It makes me feel relaxed and comfortable. The default voice is pretentious and snotty. >>

At least Jeremy has his reasons.

<< I need to go. Someone is trying to drag me out to socialize. I'm crying inside but I know it would mean a lot to them if I tried. GO TEAM VENTURE! >>

An image of the Venture Bros pops up holding their fingers up in a V sign, then he disconnects from them with a ping.