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Latest revision as of 04:09, 7 July 2020

Madripoor Connection: Turf Disputes
Date of Scene: 06 July 2020
Location: West Side, Burnley
Synopsis: A gang war is witnessed by Buffy and Spike. They're unfortunate enough to be in the midst of a violent shootout powered by numerous automatic weapons.
Cast of Characters: Aguila 6, Buffy Summers, Spike
Tinyplot: Madripoor Connection

Aguila 6 has posed:
The night is hot and muggy. Despite having just gotten dark it's still miserable to be outside. That doesn't dissuade folks from being out there, though. People gotta get their fix and make their money, after all.

On the streets of Burnley a young man stands out front of a row house. He looks a little bit nervous, even though he's trying damn hard to hide it. With an orange baseball cap on and his head on a swivel he's looking out for something. Down the street a ways there's another similarly attired person acting much the same. Occasionally people will approach the orange capped youths, speaking quickly and quietly and exchanging cash for plastic baggies and their contents.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers was out and about in Gotham, mostly because she went to school at the local university. She rarely hung around the gloomy city for much more than that. However, she was having a study buddy session with some class mates and would be staying out late.

Hopefully, she'd be able to get a ride back home with one of her car driving friends, although so far she hadn't heard back from Thomas. She knew Spike was around again but she's not sure if it would be a good idea to ask him for a ride.

For now, as she steps out of her classmate's house, she can't help but notice the two youths hanging around, looking slightly suspicious. She pauses to watch them without trying to look obvious. Hey, there's a bus stop nearby and she has reason to lurk about...Assuming she didn't miss the last bus of the day which is always likely..

Spike has posed:
     There are those that cause trouble. There are those that trouble seems to find. Then there are the ones that walks around it it just happens around him. Spike is out walking for the moment, needing to get out for a while and apparently in his attempts at deep thoughts he wanders a little furthur than usual.

     Lighting a cigarette and looking around, the criminal in him picks up pretty quick what is happening. He snorts and shakes his head as he puts the lighter away and continues to walk. Not his problem after all. If they want to kill themselves...that's on them.

Aguila 6 has posed:
Luckily enough for Buffy the guys on the street seem to be ignoring her, for the most part. They notice her presence, of course, but as she looks like neither a threat nor a buyer they don't let their gaze linger.

From a ways up the street a couple of older model sedans come cruising. They've all got some sort of purple flair to them with their paint and license plate holders. That may have failed in their duty, seeing as how there's no plates on these vehicles.

They drive past the guy in the duster. There are 4 people in each of the two vehicles and they don't look like they're worried about the health of anybody on the street, especially not the orange caps. Rather, they look like they're chambering rounds in their automatic weapons.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and rolls her eyes as she notices the exchange of goods. At least one of the teens looks vaguely familiar, had she seen him around the campus lately? With a sigh and roll of her eyes she just shrugs and continues on. She's not the police and is not about to tattle on a bunch of kids experimenting.

However, Buffy does notice the shady looking sedans that lack plates, and she doesn't like the look of the people in the cars either. Are those..Guns? Eyes narrow, tensing slightly. Are they about to target the orange capped youths or is she just being paranoid?

A little further up the street, she spies a familiar duster clad vamp and arches a brow, stepping a little nearer, "Spike..? What are you doing here?"

Spike has posed:
     Wherever he goes, suspicion follows. Too bad he earned that tag. He exhales a drag from his cigarette and looks towards the sound of his voice. Oh look. Criminals around. Spike walking along. Buffy's here. Car with guns.

     The whole thing plays back a second later,"Bloody Hell." he mutters and fixes his eyes on the cars with the guns. Sure there is Buffy. Sure she is pretty to look at. Sure a second ago he didn't really care what was going on, but that changes. Putting on a show for her or actually concerned for her is hard to be sure,"I took a walk love. I guess I should have taken the proverbial left turn at Albequerque."

Aguila 6 has posed:
Buffy's not paranoid, at least this time. The windows of the purple accented automobiles roll down and the barrels of the weapons stick out. The men in the orange hats start to scramble, running towards the row home stairs that lead inside. They're too slow, however, as gunfire goes off! The sound of machine guns firing is deafening in the quiet night,

By the time the shooters are done blasting the guys in orange hats have been cut to pieces by the hail of lead. That's when things go from bad to worse, The front doors of the houses the dealers had been camping outside of open up. There are more people inside with their own automatic weapons. These start to bark, firing into the cars on the street. The occupants of the cars return fire. Things are getting very messy, very quickly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers'a eyes widen as she realizes that wasn't just paranoia, but they move too quickly for her to react. "Dammit!" she ducks behind one of the nearby cars as bullets are traded. "What the heck's going on, gang war?!" she sighs, shaking her head, wishing she'd followed up on one of those armoured jackets Harry had talked about.

She glances around, trying to find a quick exit. Not much she can do here except maybe call the police, stop this from getting worse. She scrambles for her phone in her bag while keeping an eye on the crazy gunners, quietly cursing under her breath for being able to save the two orange caps.

Spike has posed:
     When he sees Buffy dive for cover, Spike does the same. The bullets can't kill him of course and really they aren't much more than bee stings to him, but enough of them can be really annoying. Ducking behind the car, he weighs his options. Oh great. More people with guns on this side of the car too.

     "Bollux." he growls and moves around the back end of the car to he can get behind the cars passing by. At least here he is going to be able to drop on the guys in the cars if he needs to. He looks back to check on Buffy, the decidedly less bullet proof person on the streets.

Aguila 6 has posed:
One of the drivers of the vehicles is hit. The car goes out of control for a few seconds before slamming into a parked SUV. The horn blares as the driver lies slumped up against it. The other car stops moving when its driver realizes his other buddies will need some covering fire if they're going to get away. There's a lot of guns going off at this time.

The occupants of the crashed car start trying to get out so they can make their getaway. Based on the steam coming out of the front of their ride it'll probably have to be on foot. They don't bother to try to rescue the driver before they start trying to run down the road, looking for cover even as they fire their guns.

One of them ends up using the car Spike is behind, putting the engine block between himself and the other gang so that he can have some sort of protection as he shoots his weapon.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers gets her phone out and starts calling the police, still glancing around warily as bullets bounce around. When Spike gets up and moves behind one of the cars, she arches a curious brow. "Spike..?"

Shaking her head, she follows, trying to get out of this craziness. She's definitely not bullet proof, not does she have the firepower to stop this craziness on her own. The best thing she can do right now is get out of here as quickly as she can. Of course she does glance around long enough to try to take in the appearance of the drivers and shooters, taking note of the houses they might be targeting. Hopefully her study buddy friends will be safe..

She ducks again at more bullets flying but catches her breath as a driver hits a nearby SUV. "Dammit, what a mess.." she notes the thug ducking behind the same car but makes no move yet..That would get them right in the middle of an angry firefight and make her an unnecessary target.

Spike has posed:
     "They're gonna kill themselves." Spike mutters. He looks up as one takes his place nearby. There is a frown and then he pauses. They're going to kill each other. Why does he care? He starts to mull that over and then...oh yeah. There is Buffy. He sighs and moves around the car to the gunman.

     Thinking was never his strong suit. Before he can consider what this little bit of chivalry will cost him, he punches the gang banger, knocking him out. A moment later, he's on the ground screaming a myriad of slurs and curses, holding his head tightly.

Aguila 6 has posed:
Bullet holes have appeared in most of the vehicles in the area and the front of the two houses the gang members had been shooting out from. Brass covers the streets. The shooters on both sides take time to reload, seemingly having plenty of ammo with which to conduct their business. The guy on the same car as Spike can shoot! He mows down the people inside one of the houses before his weapon runs dry. Then he's suddenly laid out, on the ground, unconscious!

The dudes without a car start trying to force their way into the other of their side's vehicles. It's a tight squeeze, but they manage to make it in, one of them hanging out of a window. The vehicle starts to pull away, though now it's heavily targeted by the remaining allies of the deceased orange hats.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers really wishes she had brought some of her weapons. As it is, she's a sitting duck right now and not liking it one bit. Where are the police, dammit?! It seems that Spike has the right idea as he knocks out the nearest thug but as most of them are at a distance, showering each other with bullets, it might be wiser to continue to stay out of harm's way.

Buffy does manage to snap a picture of the retreating car though, although she doesn't have time to get a shot of the thugs in the house. A stray bullet hits her in the arm and she yelps, staggering down against another parked car. "Ugh..d-dam it!" she clutches at her upper right arm, blood trickling over her hand.

Spike has posed:
     Rolling around on the ground a moment longer, Spike pushes himself up off the ground. He still holds the side of his head as he starts to get back up. Buffy catching a bullet clears his head.

     He starts to push himself from the ground and move towards where she is. Not that he can be a lot of help initially, but by the time he gets to her side his head is more or less cleared enough to...oh look blood. More blood. This day gets better and better,"Are you OK?" he finally manages.

Aguila 6 has posed:
As the car rolls down the street the guy hanging out of the window takes a round and falls out. When he hits the ground his finger is on the trigger and the weapon just so happens to be oriented in the direction of a random vehicle that's found itself stopped at the corner of the street. That car gets sprayed with bullets and immediately peels off in the opposite direction with some brand new holes in the windshield.

The guy with bad trigger discipline tries to get to his feet before he's taken out by his enemies. His friends leave him behind as they manage to get away. Once the coast is clear the fellows who'd been shooting from the house, the surviving ones at least, make their way towards a car parked a little bit down the block. It looks like they've all been injured, based on the blood and the way they're moving, but they know that if they stick around the cops will catch them.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grimaces, still clutching her arm as she sits against the car, "Y-yeah...I'll be okay, just..we need to get out of here! Did you bring your car? Police should be here soon..Hopefully.." She's still not sure why they're not here yet. At least her arm's not useless, heck, it seems to be a mere graze where most people would have a useless arm by now, but it sure hurts like hell.

She does notice the straggling gunman who fell out of the car and grits her teeth, "Enough of this!" grabbing a fistful of rocks, her uninjured hand grabs around a particularly large rock and she hurls it with deadly precision and force towards the gunman who fell out of the car, aiming at his gun arm. He doesn't seem to be super far away from them now, with any luck she might be able to knock the gun from his hand before anymore gun fire can be exchanged.

Spike has posed:
     Spike shakes his head,"No car." he replies and looks at the one they are taking cover behind,"I could hot wire this one." he suggests and watches as she gets up to grab the rock and throw it at the gun man.

     He sighs and gets up. If she's going to try the crazy. He moves to her side and where he can get infront of her if gunshots start to come her way,"Remind me not to walk out here anymore."

Aguila 6 has posed:
The shooting's stopped. Everything is eerily quiet. Off in the distance police sirens can be heard. The shooters on both sides have fled or been incapacitated. The street is a mess. Blood, broken glass, shell casings and a couple of bodies litter the streets. The sudden violence has forced nearly everyone else inside or away from here.

Though the brutality is finished in this instance it may not be the end overall. Based on the sort of firepower brought to bear things may only be just beginning.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, glancing around at the mess. "Oh sure. NOW they decide to come." she nods, following him to one of the undamaged cars. "Okaay, normally I'd say that's nuts but in this case, wouldn't want to get in more trouble..Cmon!" and she flees towards said car.