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Latest revision as of 04:43, 19 July 2020

Star Power
Date of Scene: 16 July 2020
Location: 11783 A roof high above the city
Synopsis: Koriand'r and Power Girl get to know each other and go out for pizza
Cast of Characters: Power Girl, Starfire

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl descends from the sky to land on a rooftop, looking out over the city. She puts her hands on the ledge of the roof, smiling a bit as the warm air of the upper reaches teases against her, making her hair blow a bit. Things could get a little out of hand up here, but Power Girl usually knew how to handle herself.

She was thinking a bit about where to go to get some lunch. The sun may have provided for most of her need for sustenance, but she enjoyed mingling. Although it would probably be easier to do as Karen Starr than as Power Girl...

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r is idly flying from Titans Tower on some errand, not in any real hurry. She's about to get a bunch of pizzas - including a few "Starfire Specials", when something catches her eye. A woman sitting onthe rooftop - in a white leotard and... a very obvious emblem on her chest. Her chest.

Starfire stops as she flaots there, then descends down to land on the roof near her. "Hello, Power Girl," she states softly, waving. "Glad to finally run into you."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl raises a hand in greeting, "Starfire! I should've realized I was close to Titan territory. It's hard to miss that big tower on the horizon. Very eyecatching," she says.

"I hope you and your friends have been doing well. Things have been a little quiet around League headquarters of late, but things inevitably pick up again. I suppose I shouldn't hope for excitement, since it means danger, but...oh well," she shrugs.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Yeah - a lot of the Titans are off doing something or other." She shrugs as she moves to sit by Power Girl. "Yeah - I'm not sure who made that building - I'm always a bit nervous to go into the crossbar of the T. But it appears to have held up even under Cyborg's and Beast Boy's antics so..." She shrugs. "Some excitement would be lovely - just a little though."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl grins and bumps shoulders against her fellow heroine, "I'm sure we can stir up some trouble if we try. There's always mayhem somewhere," she says.

She cocks her blonde head at the building, "I agree, that's something of an achievement in architecture. Kryptonian architecture can be a little like that, but they tend to base most things on crystals. So everything's see through."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "That... could be awkward. I don't know much about Kryptonians - but by seeing Superman he seems to be a private individual so... lack of privacy might be an issue...." She ponders as she glances over at you. "Would you care to have some pizza? I promise to have something 'normal' this time."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl laughs, "I don't think Superman's a typical Kryptonian. He was raised on Earth, by humans, and they tend to be a little prudish. Especially Americans. I don't have that problem, which has caused some issues adapting, but that's alright."

She nods, 'Pizza would be most excellent. We should get one for each of us so you can have what you like."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Yeah - I really don't care for hew-mon dress codes, but I adapt." She shrugs. "Yeah - I prefer things that generally seem to horrify my fellow Titans. Not my fault that my race's tastes are different." She shrugs as she stands up. "Got a preferred place?"

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl smiles, "We could go to your Tower or I have an apartment not too far from here. Provided you can be covert about my identity, of course. Nothing wrong with a little bit of discretion," she says. Not that she does a great job of hiding her identity generally, it's something of an open secret, but she still kind of plays the game a bit and denies it when confronted.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just looks down at herself. "I... don't... do covert very well," she muses softly. "But I was more asking about which pizza place you like - we can go there instead. Nothing weird about two heroes eating lunch together."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl grins, "Oh, of course. Foolish of me. How about DeNiro's? I like the spicy sauce they have, I enjoy things with a bit of a kick," she admits. "If you have special dietary needs, it'll need to be someone who can accomodate them, of course."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "It's less dietary needs... it's more..." She ponders. "Let's put it this way. Beer is normally considered bitter. I find it sweet. I find sodads taste horrible." She smiles. "I just taste things different. And I just love mustard. It's the best thing this place has made, culinarily speaking." She then steps off the roof and slowly heads towards the pizza place.

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl drops down herself, easily taking flight and spiralling down amidst the buildings with her trademark red cape trailing behind. She lands easily outside the place, next to Koriand'r, to the gawking delight of a few young men nearby.

"Shall we?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles as she steps inside with her new friend and orders her usual. The cashier, as usual, goes a little green as the order's typed in, and then she sits down. "This place really knows how to do the mustard garlic sauce."

Power Girl has posed:
Power Girl orders her own personal taste, a spicey Hawaii'an, with red pepper sauce, jalapenos, pineapple and spicy sausage. They're getting attention, obviously, but Power Girl never minds, waving graciously and even signing a few autographs before taking her seat in the booth.

One guy does get a little handsy for a split second in a selfie and quickly finds himself dangled by the belt and tossed out of the place. He's lucky he didn't get worse.

"Fresh," Power Girl shakes her head.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "Shame," she muses. "He was kinda cute." She understands. "Gotta get permission first," she muses, as she waits for her pizza. "So - up to anything of note lately?" she asks, watching the guy pick himself up, see that the phone screen was broken, and mutter as he left.