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Latest revision as of 04:55, 19 July 2020

Down the Rabbithole
Date of Scene: 13 April 2020
Location: Little Costume Shop, Flatbush
Synopsis: Some talk about... mutants?
Cast of Characters: Red, Shadowcat, Pixie

Red has posed:
Easter monday is one of the few days The Little Costume shop is actually closed to the public, only Alice present cleaning up her things. She does want to leave the workshop in a good state after all, and she had finished up the backlog of projects for the other employees, so nobody would get in trouble for missing deadlines. Everything's in order, the front of the shop os not lit, but not locked either. He's a Pirate is in the rotation.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's....somewhere in the vicinity of the costume shop and strolling in. Yeah, she's using a door like normal people. Lockheed's on her head as a cat hat thing too. Cat. Hat. Yeah that works as she looks around.

"Anyone here?" Kitty asks, "Alice?" she adds, then thunks down a copy of Alice in Wonderland.

Of all the books...of all the books Kitty could bring. It was this one. Well, she's got good taste in literature at least...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is here with Kitty of course, since a certain grouchy SOMEONE decided to ground her, except when she's accompanied by a senior Xman..Like she's still a kid and hadn't just turned 18...Grrrr!!!

Ahem, ANYWAY, here she is, following Kitty into the store, pouting a little. "I dont get it, why are we coming here when it's obviously closed? Are we gonna burgle the place? Surprise Alice? Doing some sneaky sneak mission?"

Oh. Oh right, the book. Right. Alice in Wonderland. Haha. "Oh, is it her birthday or something?" Yeah, she's feeling a bit grouchy right now with everything going on. Dammit.

Red has posed:
Alice turns up in the workshop door, looking somewhat startled and surprised, blinking at the two. "Oh hey... I thought you were coming in like an hour or so! you are really early. Just about to gather my last things..." she says, stretching. She's not wearing a babyblue dress and ribbons like the classic Alice on the covers, instead she wears a tartan skirt and those impossible boots, combined with a black tank-top, the red hair bound back with a string. "Just need some minutes to gather my stuff..."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Sure thing" Kitty grins. "You all good to go beside that?" she asks. Oh she'd totally give Pixie a valid reason to be off school grounds. Like now. Helping a new college student get packed and coming to the mansion and her college classes. "You know" Kitty asides to Pixie. "We packing all this up between us and taking it with us or? I mean, this place is fantastically amazing. Look at all the decorations and movie props" Kitty says, gushing a little over the store's wares

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oooohs, looking between the two of them. "Ooh, hi again, Alice! Umm, Miss Kitty, are we going on a field trip?" she bites her lip, totally curious and just grimaces at Kitty, "Yeaaah, it's okay, I mean, as long as I'm accompanied by a Senior Xman, it's okay..Although do ya think you could talk him into lightening the sentence? Must have caught him at a bad time.." she sighs a little.

Red has posed:
"We're not gonna raid the shop just because I am leaving! I have worked here and I want to stay on the owner's good side in case I return. And it would be mean." Alice complains. "Besides, you want to go to jail for 5-bucks movie pictures?" Alice asks, sorting under the counter a few moments to pull out some folders of her work. Items she had made. Pretty much her portfolio, stacking up on the counter, before she notices the Lewis Caroll. "Who's that? And what you mean by X-men?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smirks. "It's legal if we buy it" she counters. "So break out the cards, I got a mind to buy up a lotta stuff for the rec room" she says, the X-Men comment dodged. "The book? it's a classic. And it syays Alice on it" Kitty nods happily. Maybe it's the glue getting to her...

Maybe....huh, nah. It's Kitty being upbeat /without/ anything going up her nose. Nope. Kitty's clean like that.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, "Hey, it totally fits! Hey Alice, it's like they wrote a book about it!" she smiles, "Don't worry, I was only kidding about 'breaking in' and stuff. I still wanna buy some cool new costumes for my next gig. Thanks for the last time too!" she smiles, totally upbeat and forgetting that she's technically still groudned. "soo where y'all wanna go? Back to the mansion?"

Red has posed:
"Ugh... I don't have the key to the register with me and I planned on dropping off the key to the shop when we leave. So what you want and can you pay cash and without needing change? Then we can put the cash into the envelope with the keys." Alice gives in, pulling out a manual price catalogue.

"AIWS also shares a name with the book, but I don't need that. In regards to costumes, I can sketch you something later, ok?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Fine by me" Kitty nods looking amused, "Okay so when you're ready, let's head out?" Kitty adds with a look that all but spells out to Pixie that she better have cash on hand. No way Kitty's bailing Megs out! Nope!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, glancing between the two of them, nodding, "Hehe, yeah, sure, just lemme know when and where to go!"

Red has posed:
Alice points to the items around. "Choose what you want, I tally you up after I packed my stuff." she says, putting the folders into a box.