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(Punisher has questions. Nick has answers... kind of.)
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Revision as of 02:05, 21 July 2020

Digging Up The Past: Old Memories
Date of Scene: 21 May 2020
Location: Wade Shaw's Condo, Claridge's, Midtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Punisher has questions. Nick has answers... kind of.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Punisher

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's not even the end of Wednesday and it's been a week. It's been a month. Its- Well it's been something. Making his way back to the condo. Nick unlocks the door, and quietly enters into the dark room, careful not to wake the sleeping Roommate that could possibly be lying around the corner. Tugging off the knit cap, he tosses it onto the kitchen table before he drearily walks past the bathroom area, sliding the backpack off. And he pauses, noticing the lack of sound. There's no snoring.

"Fucking hell Wade." He mutters to himself, "Still working?"

Punisher has posed:
"No. He's not."

That's a new voice... one that may or may not be recognized from the attempted kidnapping, and it's coming from a corner. "Sit down on the bed. We have business, you and I."

When Nick looks in the Punisher's general direction, he'll see him in full Punisher regalia. Trenchcoat, skull vest... and a loaded Remington 870 aimed right at his face, the stock braced against his armpit with one hand.

In the other hand is a grenade.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick blinks. Brow raising at the sight of the gun aimed to his face. But that's a pretty healthy reaction to such a sight. It's a clear sign he's paying attention to that key factor. When the additional information regarding the grenade comes into play the eyes widen as he's looking to the hand for the goddamn pin. Probably also another healthy reaction.

"Okay. Is that really necessary?"

Punisher has posed:
"I hear that a lot." Punisher grates out in response. "Yes."

"Now. Sit." Punisher repeats, gesturing with the shotgun barrel at the sofa. "You can go there yourself, or I can tie you down to it after I've knocked you on your ass."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick clenches his lips together taking in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "Icing on the freaking cake- Okay, FINE." He walks over to the sofa. Walking around it before sitting down on it lengthwise, allowing for him to look right at Punisher and also giving a bit of a childish response of 'Not letting you sit' in his actions. He brings a hand up to his face, cupping it. "To What do I owe the pleasure?"

Punisher has posed:
"I've been looking into your case. Drago. You were the intended kidnapee a few weeks back, and my partner for the life of him can't figure out why the fuck they would care about you." The Punisher raises a brow at Nick.

"Nothing in your unsealed or sealed records indicates anything worthwhile. Now, I'm here to talk direct. Got any ideas?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Probably nothing." Nick speaks into his hand, taking advantage of the fact he's still wearing the jacket that hides his scar and the covered face to shift over. Just in case. "I was wearing second hand clothes, still had the beard from the mini-series and I had just run supplies over to the shelter. We just figured they mistook me for one of the residents there. When I'm not on stage I tend not to dress high end."

Punisher has posed:
"Wrong place wrong time doesn't fit. They could have gone after anyone. Gotta look into it further." Punisher grumbles a bit, before he moves to a window, moving to a side as he glances out with one eye, the barrel still aimed at Nick. "Also got a good idea of your background. Got a cold case with your name involved and an couple potential assholes. Any relation to current events for you?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick lowers his hands, blinking, "Cold c-?" He pauses, realizing that Punisher moved over to the window. He turns his head, looking to him. "My mom? Christ, that was seventeen years ago. I was only ten then. And that was a robbery." He shakes his head, "HIGHLY doubt they're related."

Punisher has posed:
"They lied." Punisher informs Nick, "They gave you the silence treatment and sent you on your way. It was written all over that whole thing. Whole thing reeks of the Feds getting involved. I haven't pulled the trigger on going federal yet, because I want to know what you know first."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The musician blankly stares at Punisher, growing quiet. His eyes glance to the side, trying to wrap his head around the statement. "Bu-"

He pauses, shaking his head, "We didn't do anything. Just-" He turns, looking away from Punisher as he cups his hands over his face, growing deathly silent.

"...Any idea on who shot her?"

Punisher has posed:
"Not yet, but this sort of thing is exactly why I do what I do." The Punisher notes, "asshole all over think they can get away with ruining lives and then covering it up." Punisher glares at Nick... though it's not a glare directed at him; it's a glare of rage, "Now, they have me to fear."

Punisher takes on a cold, focused expression, "Theories are what I've got. I can use some context, if you're willing."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The hands lower as Nick glances over to Punisher and then towards the door. A note of concern to his expression as he's uncertain to when Wade's going to be coming through the door. "I was pretty young when Mom moved us to Gotham. Don't remember my father much. Was maybe 3 when we last saw him. Don't really care to get to know him. Don't remember much about the why but, I think he's the reason for the move."

"...Wasn't really allowed out of sight except for classes Hell we lived at the hotel so I was even at work. K-." He pauses, frowning, "A fellow churchgoer called her a bit of a grizzly when it came to me."

He grows quiet again. Glancing forward in recollection, "Didn't do her much good pushing me out of the way."

Punisher has posed:
"Drago, I've got no idea if I can bring closure to this, but I'd like to hear your account of what happened. Me and my partner can see what we can find out from there. Who knows, we might be able to find out who actually did the deed." Punisher informs him.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
He taps a finger against his arm. A silent tap in deliberation but he eventually relents.

"It was a Thursday." Nick states matter of factly, no hesitation to that detail. "Mom managed to get the day before off, but Thursday she was back on the clock. I was in the lobby reading the book she got me for my birthday. It was pretty quiet except for Maureen at the front desk talking on the phone. When she started drifting to talking about some guy she met I didn't really want to listen to that so I decied to go back to the room we stayed in and just finish up there."

Punisher has posed:
That shotgun continues to be aimed at Nick, but it's clear that the Punisher is move keeping watch around the apartment and outside than Nick himself at this point, "So you were in another room when shit went down." Punisher noted.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head, "I THINK they came in the lobby just after I left. But I wasn't really paying attention. Our room was on the far end, near the fire exit. I stopped hearing Maureen's voice at some point about halfway down. Mom was grabbing towels from the cart for the room she was working on. Door propped open as per policy. She looked to me as I came up to her, smiled..." He pauses, "She smiled. Then she wasn't. Never knew she could move that quick, but she shoved me through the door. Then the loudest sounds. Two. She was lying at the doorway. He came to the doorway but the other pulled him away."

Punisher has posed:
"So you didn't see the actual shooting. Go on." Punisher pressed.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, after that, there's not much." The musician admits, "They ran for the fire exit. Maureen came screeching down, and another guest who had been in the lobby called for help on his cellphone."

Nick pauses, "Hey, we've pretty much established I'm cooperating right? Not causing problems? Any chance you could put the grenade away? Gun can stay out if it makes you feel better but- the neighbors upstairs have kids."

Punisher has posed:
"We've established that you're telling me a story that I need to verify." The Punisher tosses the grenade then at Nick's feet, non-chalantly. The cylinder bounces a couple times on the ground as it rolls over.

Nothing happens

"Keep it, if you want." The Punisher offers, "It's a toy."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Punisher starts to throw the grenade, Nick's eyes widen as he flips up in his seat, moving towards the percieved threat, grabbing on to it. The lack of the sense of touch doesn't tip him off to how light it is. But, Punisher pointing out it is a toy does cause him to pause.

He turns his head, looking over towards Punisher, "You're a sick fuck. You know that?"

He sighs, shaking his head as he leans back in his seat. "Uh. That's about it for the hotel thing. Cops show up, I get herded back to my room until they get someone for me to stay with... Wasn't there for the rest. Mind you how long ago that was."

Punisher has posed:
"I'm one of the most wanted men in the history of the world, and have a bigger personal body count than even the most notorious terrorists." The Punisher brings up the shotgun, pumps it, catches the shell that ejects from the chamber, and holds it up for Nick to see, all in the span of a second. He's clearly practiced with the weapon; like it's second nature. "They call me the Punisher because of what I do to the real sick fucks of this world; the rapists, the psychopaths, the sadistic killers who do it for the thrill of it or to fill some sick void inside."

He replaces the shell in the tube magazine, still looking at NIck, "I punish those who deserve it. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Mmm hmm." Nick glances to the grenade, "Well... at least the grenade wasn't real."

He pauses, "... Anything else? I mean, not that I'm not enjoying the gunside chat but, I'd rather you not be here when my roommate gets back from wherever the hell he is.."

Punisher has posed:
"I do have real grenades in my bandolier, but I was only going to use the flash grenades if you decided to be stupid and attacked me." Punisher notes. Then, he's walking towards the door, the shotgun idle against his chest. "Where your roommate is isn't my problem."

"My partner will be in touch."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is quiet as Punisher heads out, figuring saying anything might prolong the stay to the point where Wade ends up running into him. Once the door closes, Nick moves over to Wade's laptop to look up where he can get new door locks.