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(Zach curses out Nick's aunt and then expects to get invited to Brunch)
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Latest revision as of 03:24, 21 July 2020

Sunday Brunch With The Aunt
Date of Scene: 19 July 2020
Location: Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: Zach curses out Nick's aunt and then expects to get invited to Brunch
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Zach Daniels

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the morning grows older and the church obligations have been met, Nick finds himself heading over to the Hell's Kitchen area. In particular the apartment building that houses one Fiona Hannigan. Aunt and former guardian of Michael Hannigan.

Due to where he was coming from, the musician is dressed in his Sunday attire. Nice pants, nice dress shirt, hair pulled back into a neat ponytail... Clean, crisp, but not too flashy.

Reaching the building, he heads up the steps and goes in.

Zach Daniels has posed:
One apartment over, Zach is relaxing after his run in with robots. Mostly cause Zach flew into one at top speed. Ow. Still he's on crutches and using his wings to steady himself. Dressed ll in black he hides the bruises and has a ballcap on. The rustling of wings and thud thud of crutches, the gurgle of coffeee makers, and the flickering light, then the skreeeeeeeeee of water through h pipes....yeah Zach's not entirely quiet any. But he is up and around. A little more concerning is the zip and thud of his crossbow going off when against the wall, the muffled "Fuck!" Zach yelps. Zach's definitely trouble.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick makes his way down the hallway to his aunt's apartment, the sounds of the building a sound he's used to from living here for years. He doesn't think much of it until he hears the last sound and the obscenity. He stops outside Zach's door. "You okay in there?!" He asks, raising his voice to be heard through the thin walls.

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach looks over and rustles a wing, "I'm good, I just fired my brossbow without meaning to" he adds then pauses, "As in, literal crossbow, before you take that the wrong way" he adds. Oh he's been around humans too little but he's already picked up on innuendo. Se, Zach is, if anything, smart in his own way. Cause that's who he is, but he makes his way over to the door and pokes at it with a crutch, the door opening....outward, against its intended design. Zach's quick to hide his wings behind him...though there's tell tale feathers. Still though he peers out ready to defend his home. Sort of. Crutches can make a weapon in a pinch.

but he only spies a Nick. "Hey" he says, suddenly wondering if Nick's one of those door to door preachers he's heard about. Oh, great. On the other hand, the lack of accessories for that puts Zach's mind at ease. "Um....can I help you?" he asks, trying to remember the words that nice woman in the store uses.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Unlike the door to door religion peddlers, Nick is not wearing a tie or nametag. But he is wearing a frown at Zach's explanation.

Nick looks incredulously at the angel as the door is opened. You know, it'd probably have been better if he had taken it the wrong way. "Why the FUCK do you have a LOADED CROSSBOW in the building?!" He hisses, voice lowered now that he knows there's no wall blocking the discussion.

The door to his aunt's apartment opens revealing a woman in her mid 50s looking rather cross. "MICHAEL NICHOLAS RAPHAEL - Where on earth are you getting such language?! GET IN HERE."

Nick looks over to Fiona in surprise. How on earth did she hear that?

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach looks to Nick in bemusement. "Am I not supposed to?" he asks. He...genuinely has no clue if he should or shouldn't. Curse this living with other people idea. He goes to speak again when Fiona calls Nick out on his language...as Zach goes on a 35 second trip through Irish swearrs to make a point that he can guess what her native tongue is, kinda, sorta. The tricks of being an angel, alright. Fallen one, but still...

That done he looks back to Nick, "it's for defending myself against intruders" Zach explains, waving a crutch at the crossbow and leans to one side to stay upright, nope, not opening his wings here. Not with company. Knowing his luck...

Knowing his luck Fiona would maybe do the Catholic thing of worshipping him for being an angel. Sheesh...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Fiona pauses, looking to Zach in dismay, becoming oddly quiet, looking over to Zach. Blinking, she looks back to Nick. A demanding tone in her expression

Nick glances over to the discarded crossbow. "That's an accident waiting to happen. Well, already did happen. Couldn't you just put the arrow on last or have it not in the ready position until you actually need to use it?" Nick assesses, glancing over to see the look in his aunt's eyes. "I- should get going. Prior commitment."

Zach Daniels has posed:
Point made, Zach shakes his head. "Not when you deal with people coming in who don't messs around. Wait, you're related to him?" Zach adds looking from Fiona to Nick. "I just know you as my neighbor who never accepts my cookies. Okay then small world" Zach adds and turns his attention back to Nick. "Believe me, if I could get away with not having a crossbow ready I'd do it but I can't take that chance.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"That's MY nephew," Fiona responds, putting an added emphasis to the 'my' as she looks to Zach accusingly, glancing over to Nick, tone adjusting to something a little less stern. "Come on Michael. Brunch won't cook itself. I'll need your help." And with that she pops back into the apartment, leaving the door open.

Nick glances over to his aunt before looking back to Zach. "...well," He sighs, "Be more careful next time. Don't get my aunt killed."

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach looks from Nick to Fiona, then her door. "I could help if you want?" he asks finally, grabbing the crossbow and slinging it over his back, unfurling his wings and shaking them out, "See, no bolts there. Mind if I come help out?" he asks looking hopeful.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to the wings and then to Zach, "I'm not sure... but I think you did just curse her out in another language. Might be a bad idea."

Zach Daniels has posed:
"True" Zach admits. "But...I can set that right. Besides, I didn't specificially say it about her, it was a general thing. If she knew half of the words I know in a dozen languages she'd want to give me a lifetime's supply of soap to clean my mouth out with. Name a language, I can swear in it. Wouldd that help with the club you work in?" he asks, a glint in his eyes. Hey, he might not be a stereotypically evil fallen angel, but hey, hey, he can help Nick deal with drunk idiots, least that's where his train of thought's going right now. It's also lacking brakes.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to Zach, "Maybe not this time around." He lowers his voice, "Ok. I've grown up around her. She's going to stew for about a day on what you just said and tomorrow will be a good time to come over and apologize. Without the language. Then it'll be like you're starting over. And offer the cookies with the apology, she'll have to accept them then."

Zach Daniels has posed:
Zach nods slowly. "You mean admit I was wrong?" he asks. Okay, that's a new concept. "But...but...." he adds looking lost. "I was rong? If I was I'll own up to it but I've always been taught we were never wrong" he says, the 'we' accompanied with a slight flare of his wings, which just results in him ending up standing in a pile of feathers. Which makes him scuff the pile with a foot. "You got a brush to sort this out?" he asks.

Moulting. Grr!

"It's different down here" Zach says and is all set to explain, if Nick has time and the willingness to listen however. "You could help your aunt and still get this explained if you are clever with time however?" he asks.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances down to the pile of feathers. He uses his foot to push the feathers that fell onto the hallway side into the open door of Zach's apartment. "Yeah, Adam and Eve biting into that apple kind of introduces the sense of knowing right from wrong. And with that, judgement from others."

He tilts his head, giving a slight smile, "Welcome to Humanity. It's going to be a bumpy ride. And your next lesson is practicing patience."

With that, Nick gives a wave and heads to his aunt's apartment, closing the door behind him.