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Danger Room Session: A5235Z1: Victor Creed
Date of Scene: 22 July 2020
Location: Danger Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Victor gets a taste of the Danger Room, and a chance to look at himself in the mirror so to speak.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Sabretooth, Phoenix, Shadowcat, Beast, Cannonball

Cyclops has posed:
It's been weeks now that Victor Creed has been brought to Xavier's for rehab in the form of psychic therapy to get his feral and animalistic urges under control. He was losing his mind to the beast when they found him, and slowly, little by little, they have begun to see some type of improvement. Day by day, a little more trust is starting to become extended.

Today is a 'reward' day for good behavior. Being that he has yet to gut anyone yet while in detainment, Cyclops has decided to test Creed out in a 'team' based environment.

"Right. Good morning team." The field leader says, dressed in his blue and gold uniform as he looks at the gathered X-Men and their 'guest'. "As you know, Victor Creed has been a willing guest to Xavier's for the last few weeks as we work on helping him learn control. I am happy to say that together, we have seen a great improvement in control, even if his behavior still needs some fine tuning."

He gives a motion of his hand. "Victor, this is the Danger Room. A completely functional holo-deck using hard light technology. We can create anything and everything with it and this is how the X-Men train. Today, you will be training with the X-Men in a group simulation. I can trust that if we take the shackles off, you won't gut any of us?"

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Not intentionally, Summers," Victor says with a chuckle that seems to lack real humor. "But you are the expert on how minds work." He is still dressed in jeans with frayed legs so his feet are bare and a white tank top. If there was an attempt to give him a black and gold uniform, it probably did not go in the direction some may have wanted. He is wearing the muzzle mask along with the gloves and boots keeping his claws and teeth at bay for the time being. He looks around the Danger Room with an unimpressed glare. "Always knew you lot were a bunch of Trekkie geeks playing dress up in this mansion."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey looks about as enthusiastic to have Victor here as if someone handed her a vial of nitroglycerin strapped to a shaken Diet Coke and some Mentos. Still, duty is duty, and so stands Phoenix in her green and gold with her arms crossed and one eye on Cyclops and the other on Creed.

"Well if you don't want to be here, I can escort you back?" She says calmly towards Sabertooth with a thumb being jerked back towards the door. "Or would you like me to go get you a red shirt? You're used to wearing various shades of red, aren't you?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pride is here, yes. She's in her costume and looks to Scott, then Victor at the description of her team, though her mouth threatens to curl upwards in a smirk. She looks from Scott to Victor, back to Scott again.

"Did you just say we are geeks?" Kitty asks. Just one question, though she gives Scott a look that asks what they are working with Victor on, and the gesture to Victor all but spells out 'and you are a geek too if you are in here with us'

Kitty's not trying to start anything, but she does look to Jean then Scott again. She'll settle back, relax and go with this. Mostly since duty is, indeed, duty.

Beast has posed:
The call to assemble in the Danger Room was answered by Hank McCou. Beast is dressed in his X-Men uniform rather than the shorts and Hawaiian shirts he wears most of the summer. As people talk to Sabretooth, the scientist joins in, "I hope we'll be able to assist you with your needs while you're here. Hopefully this session will be a good outlet for you."

He bends his knees, getting low towards the floor, then rotates back and forth a bit to sort of limber up. A glance is given towards Kitty, "You and I are definitely geeks. Or perhaps nerds. The nomenclature isn't always clear."

Cyclops has posed:
"Your jealousy is noted Mister Creed."

Cyclops turns his attention to the control booth and gives a thumbs up to whoever is up there managing the session. There is a loud beeping noise followed by a flashing of red lights to alert the group that the Danger Room was now in session. There is a hiss, followed by a 'click' as the doors are sealed. No one out, no one in. The lights go out for a quick moment, washing the room with black.

The simulation kicks in quickly, creating a wide open world of snowy Alaska filled with thick, rich trees that tower to the sky. The air is cold and biting, though those who are wearing their Xavier uniforms will have their regulators built in to keep them warm and toasty. The control booth up above disappears, revealing only the crisp blue sky.

"We'll take a moment for Victor to get used to this. As you can see, this feels very real. You can get hurt here as well, though we have failsafes in place so that you won't get killed. Through the Danger Room, we fight against Sentinel's and other types of villains."

There is a ripple in the air as a second Sabretooth can be seen coming into view, stalking with his usual lumber and swagger. He is wearing the classic costume of orange and brown, along with the thick furred neck. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" He says with the same voice and mannerisms, licking his chops. "Bunch of sheep who lost their way. And what's this?" He sniffs at the air. "Logan, you grow three feet and forget to take a shower?" He sneers towards the actual Victor with wicked amusement dancing in his eyes. His claws are covered in blood, leaking to the ground as he brings one talon up to swipe his tongue along it.

Sabretooth has posed:
    "I'm Canadian," Victor says with a snort as he runs his hands through the ground, examinging to feel the realness of it. "I was born to this and before such things as central heat." He turns his back on the rest of the team with a grunt of "softies" or perhaps something else under his breath. As the Other Victor appears, he growls and shakes his head. "Best you can do is me? Guess I am really terrifying to you lot." He glances towards Scott. "Can I get these things off before Other Me kills you?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey takes the change in surroundings in stride as she sweeps a hand back through her hair to align it with the wind instead of it blowing unheroically right across her face. The same hand then reaches out towards the shackles binding Sabertooth and with a pulse of pink and a click they unlock. Heavy bindings clatter to the ground in a plume of snow.

"We all have to fight ourselves sometime, and the one who wins determines who we'll be." Says the woman. "It's time to find out if you're afraid of yourself, Victor, and what you might be without us."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty snerks at the Logan growing idea, then she nods and takes in where they are. Alaska. Alright...Alaska huh. Victor's unshackled, and Kitty sets her feet and looks to the 'good' Sabretooth. Good Victor is a weird concept as Kitty balls up her hands into fists. She's got a plan in mind. Work with her team and defeat this fake Victor? The bad one, the one who is judgy on Logan.

Normally, Kitty would joke with Logan and talk with him, but....she doesn't much care for him being smack talked when in a DR simulation. Running a hand through her hair, Kitty gives Jean a nod. "You got this. I'll follow your lead and Cycyclops lead" Kitty says gearing up to fight. She can phase, true but how useful, really...is that here in the DR?

If this was really Alaska? it'd be a different, cold situation but hey, here, Kitty has ideas since she's an X-Man. She just needs to sit back, and think on her feet.

Beast has posed:
As the frozen surroundings appear Beast finishes off his little stretches and bounces on the balls of his feet, taking in his surroundings with all five of his senses, making sure to try to identify any potential threats this simulation might throw at them. "Looks like this will be a lot of fun."

Hank moves smoothly on the his clawed feet, turning back to study the simulation's current villain, as well as the real one in the mix. It'll be good to see how Victor stacks up against himself in this scenario.

Cyclops has posed:
"The greatest enemy in our lives is ourselves, Victor. This version of you that you see is the worst of you. Trust me, it's not as much of a simulation as you may think of it." Cyclops says as he steps to the side. "Remember when we found you in the woods that night. Out of control. Lost to the monster. Struggling to remember your own name? This version of you isn't it."

The simulation of Sabretooth continues to stalk the group, baring his fangs as his wild eyes stares at each one in turn, though they continue to focus on the wildcat who just lost his kitten mittens. There is a sneer in his voice as he gives a flick of his claws, sending a spray of blood along the pure white snow that crunches beneath his feet. "Look at you, boy. They're trying to tame you. Put a leash on yah'. Make you into a kitten instead of a wild cat."

As he passes by Kitty, he leans in and sniffs at her hair before he gives her a rather cruel sneer. "You and me. How 'bout we take this pretty thing back with us. Show 'er a good time or two. Just like we did with that pup's bitch when we was youngah, huh? Remember how she screamed? Remember how she smelled? Delicious."

As Cyclops watches, he folds his arms over his chest, waiting.

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Spare me the psycho-babble father bullshit," Victor sneers as he watches Other Me get closer. He is flexing his fingers after the gloves drop and stretches his jaw wide like a sabretooth tiger. He rolls his head back and forth once. He chuckles at the other self taunting at him. "We did that to mind fuck the Runt. There is always a purpose to what we do." He glances over at Scott. "Should have had a shrink design this one. This is your fears." He drops his hands into the snow, curling his clawed fingers into the ground as his toes do the same. He crouches low, ready to pounce, and a deep rumbling growl reverberates in his chest.

Phoenix has posed:
For now Jean settles into a sour quiet as she paces a few steps in the snow, positioned not far from the real Sabertooth or Scott. She's watching Victor still with a cool and focused expression, with a sharpness of clarity in her eyes as she monitors the emotional state of the man. As the false Victor leers over Kitty, the corners of her mouth pull back in a tight line and her fists coil and then unfurl and looking ready to react at a moment's notice.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie walks into the control room with Scott. He had some things he had to attend to but has come to watch to see how the session turns out. Sam knows this is a somewhat serious session, so he actually just brings himself a drink and a fresh coffee for Scott. He pulls up a seat to check the read outs seeing how everything is going.

Beast has posed:
"Do you think that I should growl more often?" Hank asks as he watches the real Sabretooth get ready to do his thing. "I'm going to try it." Passionlessly, he says, "Grr." With a shake of his head he goes on, "I think perhaps it's more of an in the moment sort of thing." He tries again, "GROWL!" Unfortunately for the furry blue guy there's no real passion in it. "I must need to practice more."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty whips her leg out. Given that she's got that whole 'taken over by a martial arts master' thing going on...and kept the skills and tricks, Kitty's not a pushover, but when she's leered and sneered at...she phases through the false Victor and spins around....given she's phased once her leg was whipped out and given time to connect....or not, Kitty is totally ready to fight with the fake Victor. On the other hand, she has an idea. Maybe she could use this as a 'proof of concept' to see how good Victor is fighting, well...himself.

Because Kitty's not wanting to take him on alone, not with how he's treating her really...

Cyclops has posed:
There is a loud, crackling laugh from the simulated version of Sabretooth as he continues to skulk through the snow, licking his fangs. "We did it because we /could/. Because we wanted to. That was the only reason why we needed to. We are stronger than that tiny pecker and he knows it. That's why the runt is weak. Falling in with these chumps. Now they got /you/ on a leash, with their kitten mittens and their muzzle. You a kitten now, Victor? You a bitch? You need the red head to give you that delicious spark to keep you all here and there? Fucking pathetic. They gonna start calling you Wussyrine now?"

He launches forward, but not towards Victor. Instead, he grabs Jean by the back of her head and wrenches it to the side, delivering a loud 'CRACK' as he twists her neck. His claws rake through the front of her chest, tearing her open as blood spills upon the snow in a warm hiss. "Oops! I thought you said there was failsafes to this thing."

"Sam! Turn it off!" Scott calls out as he reaches up to tap at his visor as a blast of red optic lights shoots past the clone as he leaps to the side, diving for Hank next with his talons stretched out. "Sam! TURN IT OFF!"

With a loud snarl, the clone hisses. "Come on kitten! We're breaking outta here!"

Sabretooth has posed:
    As Other Me launches at Jean, Victor launches at Other Me's Back. Claws grab at Other's outfit as he tries to yank him away and hurl him into a snow bank. "Not today," he cat hisses as it almost looks like his hackles go up like a wolf's. If he is able to grab Other Me, it is with full intention to dig claws into his back.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty dephases at the worst possible time and gets bodychecked by the fake Victor. That gets her out of it, and she's between the real and fake Victors. One has claws, one wants her dead and apparently just went all Freddy Kreuger on Jean. Great...claws rip into Kitty's back and slash her and gut her. Fishmongers would be proud. As would fifth and sixth grade biology teachers. Wait, isn't Hank here?

Beast has posed:
As Jean's shredded by the simulation's Sabretooth, Hank's mouth falls open in shock and he rushes towards her, "Oh my sta...." Then he's nearly hit by the holographic mutant only to be saved at the last moment by the real one.

He's about to continue towards Jean when he sees Kitty go down. This time he lets out a real growl, rumbling from down deep, and launches himself towards the fur-collared villain. Eliminate the threat to make it safe to treat the patients!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie can be seen in the control booth hitting buttons and trying different things "I't aint shutting off," He can be seen to try a few things even a chair to the console "Gonna try to take out the controls, but looks like somehow the whole control panel is frozen out, looks like it is up to you guys."

Cyclops has posed:
With Jean and Kitty both down, Cyclops continues to fire blast after blast as the optic lasers sizzle through the air. Sabretooth leaps towards Hank, just to get tackled by the real deal. There is a loud snarl, followed by a tearing of claws upwards in a quick upper-cut. Victor will surely feel it! That's real blood! That's a real gaping wound in his chest!

"Get offa me!" He's strong and capable, just like his doppleganger as he looks to throw him off. He has his own wounds, blood trickling down his back, but quickly repairing themselves from his healing factor.

With a snarl, he slams Victor to the ground and pulls his claws back, ready to tear out his throat. Before he can swipe, he is tackled by the bouncing blue Beast, tumbling end over end into the snow. There is a loud roar as he sinks his fangs into Hank's throat, whipping his head back and forth like a mad dog as he drives his claws up into his gut, searching for the warm, gooey insides.

Another blast whistles past Sabretooth's head as Cyclops advances, tapping his visor. "FOR FUCK SAKE SAM! TURN IT OFF!"

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor snarls from his back at Other Me just before Hank tackles him to the side. His hands go next to his head and he whips himself back up to his feet. He lets loose a roar that echos in the wide open Alaska country. Claws flex and tear at the ground. He leaps towards Other Me as he is trying to tear Hank apart. Claws rack towards the Fake's back. Feet come up to plant on the small of Fake's back, digging more claws in as the Original swipe at the back of the throat.

Beast has posed:
Throat torn out, gutted, Hank McCoy sinks down into the snow. Where once it was white, now it is becoming stained with red. Beast lays down on his side and stops moving.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie seems to be making no progress and soon the orange glow of Sam's blast field can be seen in the windows to the control room. If you can't turn it off, turn it all to rubble. Sam plays pinball inside the smallish room, trying to take out the controls and power to the room.

Cyclops has posed:
With Beast no longer moving, Old Sabby is now tackled once again. He is a blur of claws and jaws as the pair of combatants go at it, tearing into each other with blind ferocity. The cold wind whistles sharply in the Alaskan air, carrying the scent of copper from the blood that splashes along the snow.

As Old Sabby gains the upperhand and plants his knees on the chest of Victor, he drives his claws down into his chest, looking to tear his heart out. "You're weak! The X-Men declawed you! You're a disa--"

A wide red beam slams into him from behind, sending him tumbling off into a tree with a loud crack as if he was struck with the force of a semi truck with the brakes cut. Cyclops is standing there, his visor smoking as his body gives a visible tremble at the sight of his friends and loved ones gored to death. Breathing heavily, he holds his hand down towards Victor, looking to help him up.

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor snorts and ignores the hand as he climbs back to his feet. Wounds are already healing. His nostrils flair as he follows the smell of blood. He barely seems to see Scott as he drops into a crouch and charges after Other Me and the line of broken trees that the body propelled by kinetic force caused.

Cyclops has posed:
The body of old Sabby is prone on the ground in a twisted pile of bones, his body smoldering from Scott's optic blast. The tree is cracked and twisted to one side from the impact.

Furrowing his brows, Scott calls out, "It's over, Victor! Stand down!"

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor is leaping and coming down on the body of the Imposter. Claws are extended and Victor does not seem to have even heard or registered Scott's commands. The broken body is being torn apart now as Victor's claws and arms flash in motion.

Cyclops has posed:
Furrowing his brow, Cyclops clears his throat. "Shut it down."

There is a ripple in the air as the world vanishes, leaving Victor alone in the Danger Room. The snow is gone. The blood is gone. So are the trees. It's just him. As Scott stares out the window of the control panel, he plucks up the coffee and takes a sip from it, then glances over towards Jean and the rest of the team. "For a moment there, I thought he was gonna keep his shit together." His lips press together in a thin line. "You get anything from him, Jean?"

Next, his voice can be heard coming through the speakers. "Victor. Are you in control? He looks over towards a screen, looking at the readouts of his vitals. The type that measures heart rates, brain functions, blood pressure. He reaches into his pocket, taking out a crisp five dollar bill and silently passing it over towards Jean, his lips pressed together in a thin line.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie whistles softly, as he did come in late, and what all was going on. He looks to the others in turn last looking over to Scott, as he wonders if this was a smart move or not, but does not question it at least not here.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's been taking all this in with a silent look. "Alright" she says and looks from Scott to Jean, "That's our test done? I've my own thoughts on him" Kitty says waving a hand to the window as she too holds her coffee in her free hand. "I saw things I like, and things that worry me" Kitty Pride begins, she's a member of the team after all. Sip. Sip more.

"See" Kitty begins, though she looks into her coffee and then back to Scott and Jean once more, her eyes betraying the questions she has about Victor. Which boils down to 'He has potential I think but...'

The 'but' is a big caveat as far as Kitty's concerned.

Beast has posed:
"Well, he didn't tear any of us to shreds himself," Hank says thoughtfully as he stands watching the danger room proper from his position in the control room. "That bodes well for him. Elevated vital signs are all as to be expected considering what just happened."

He looks over at the other X-Men and says, "I'm not sure if he's an asset, yet, but he may become one eventually."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey is there in the control room, one leg crossed over the other and holding a mug of coffee in front of her. She reaches over and plucks up the fiver and tucks it into a covert pocket in her uniform. Because every pair of pants, even future-spandex ones, need some form of pocket.

"Decades of behavior don't change that quickly. Instinct never really does." She says quietly and gravely as she looks through the window. Maybe, maybe even just ever so slightly sadly. "And that's all I see. A predator seeing another predator in the room. Competition." She sets down her coffee on the edge of the panel and leans forward with her elbows on her knees and her fingers sliding through her hair to probably massage a forming tension headache at the back of her skull. "...I don't know. This may be a trigger we can't control. He may work with us while he's in the right frame of mind, but this? He's a shark smelling blood."

Sabretooth has posed:
    Victor drops back to the ground of the Danger Room. His chest is heaving in deep breathes as his nostrils flare and his head whips back and forth to find his target. There is a constant rumble of danger coming from his chest as he begins to come down from the rage and move off towards the corner of the room.

Cyclops has posed:
As he watches, Scott gives a nod of his head. He taps the microphone and leans forward. "You did great, Victor. Not bad for a first run through the Danger Room. Wait until you get put up against a Sentinel in here. It's a pretty damn good workout."

He looks to the others, nodding his head to Henry. "I agree. I don't think he'll ever be an X-Man, but at the least, if we help him at all in any way, I'll call it a win." He rocks his shoulders a bit to head down the stairs that lead into the Danger Room. The doors swish open to reveal the field leader, leaning down to pick up the muzzle and shackles, looking them over.

He doesn't approach the man, just letting him calm down for now if he can. He trusts in Jean to shut him down if need be. "You were right by the way. That is the version that we are scared of. The version that lacks empathy, sees red, and has no problem tearing anyone apart any time of the day. You being here is not about fixing you, Victor. It's about helping you improve, hopefully because you want to. You're an incredible fighter, one of the most powerful mutants on the planet as well. I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye. But I'd like to hope that one day, we won't be your enemy. Together, we could do a lot of good in the world."

Sabretooth has posed:
    "Save your boyscout crap for the cubs, Summers." Victor thumps down in the corner of the Danger Room with his arms across his knees. His long hair hangs forward to cover most of his face. "At best, I'm your missle that you can point and fire. At worst, I get out and then you are in danger trying to put me down again. Just depends on how long I can sit in the silo." He lowers his head and seems to fall asleep on his knees ignoring the rest of the team for now.