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Latest revision as of 18:35, 25 July 2020

Hotel Hyperion...vania
Date of Scene: 03 April 2020
Location: Lobby, Hyperion Hotel
Synopsis: The Scooby Gang meet up for a chat.
Cast of Characters: Cordelia Chase, Angel, Winifred Burkle, Buffy Summers

Cordelia Chase has posed:
There's a certain tell that Cordelia's back in town. Maybe it's the fact the clothing market has less to buy. Or that the empty desk in the lobby is manned again. Or that Cordie's complaining bitterly to anyone how friggin' cold it is up in the Yukon. See, she got dragged up there for a week's filming. Now...she's back.

Clad in a coat that'd make an Alaskan sled dogger feel at home, Cordelia steps into the lobby. She's here. And oh, she's not happy with Canada or, more specifically, the bit she got confined to.

"See" Cordie says heading to the half moon desk to see what's going on. "See" she grouses, sending a text to all who have a phone in Angel Investigations (and the wider Scooby Gang as a whole too). "I'm glad I'm back home. So."

The 'so' is accompanied by the ski jacket being thrown onto a comfortable chair. hey that'll kmake a nice spot to sit on, but Cordie sits behind the half moon desk. She's gone from filming to work in the drop of a hat. Literally, as her hat slides off when she sits down and drops onto the desk. She zings it across the lobby in anger too. Cordie's not okay with getting one week of filming for the mini series. Then being flown back, and told hey, don't call us. At least AI has normalcy and stability. Which is why she's letting them all know she's back in town.

Angel has posed:
Today, like any other day, Angel was dressed in black. Black turtle neck. Black jeans. Black belt. Black leather boots. Black overcoat, that hid something inside. Those who knew him knew that was where he kept his "sharpies". It was a day like any other. So far though, today had been a big zero on the demon killing scoreboard. Kind of like all sports it seems.

Walking down the stairs towards the desk when the tornado that is Coredelia Chase arrives, Angel hesitates, and considers going back up the stairs and avoiding what was to come next. Grimacing ever so slightly, Angel sighs, shrugs to himself, and makes his way down to the bottom floor. Walking over to the desk, Angel pauses.

"Hello Cordelia. What brings you around here?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred, meanwhile, was busily working on inventions. The veritable queen of 'self isolation', her relentless work on a project went on...and on...and on. All sorts of odd noises came from her room, from pops, bangs, metallic clangs, and lord above only knows what else going on up there.

She heard Cordy had returned, though, and slowly crept out of her room...looking like the greatest fashion disaster in the history of the universe. "...Hi."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie looks to Angel and shakes her head. "What brings me to your door? I'm an investigator for you aren't I? I thought I told you I was heading to BC for some low pay. awful filming gig. Now I'm back" she says. Oh Cordie's calmer now Angel's here, and she looks over the desk again and gets up. "Did I miss anything?" she asks.

See. Angel's one of the few she can't unleash her spit and snobbery on. One. he's older than her...and dirt. Two, he's got some sort of fashion sense...and oh yeah, three. This is his hotel.

Cordie's grown up a tiny tiny bit since graduating high school. Plus she's absolutely not about to insult the guy who owns this place, and who, yeah, she knows. Fred though? She'll get along with Fred, more or less. The day Fred invents a wacky gizmo to make everyone as fashionable as her mind...

Angel has posed:
Hearing Fred arrive, Angel waves and says, "Hiya Fred. Good to see you." Angel didn't notice her "fashion disaster", really, but did think that she could probably use a shopping spree. With Cordy, which was probably a bad idea, now that he thought of it.

Cordie's words brings him right back to paying attention to her though. If he didn't pay attention to the fast talking actress/investigator, he was likely to agree to just about anything. "Right. Welcome back then. I assume the "gig in BC" wasn't what you expected?"

Angel manuevers around the desk to make sure nothing is left open for now. "You didn't miss anything Cordie. Same old same old. Demons. Slash and hack. Blood. Burning. Same as always. "Good to have you home."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has been putting off seeing Angel after the whole rescuing Dawn thing for various reasons, the least of which was anything to do with actually avoiding him. In fact she was worried after the whole Darla thing. And she was looking for Fred too, because she really needed to get her out of her shell and she had an idea.

Of course when she steps into the lobby, the last thing she expected was to see Cordelia there, because she's been absent for a whole. And when did she join AI anyway?

She smiles at Angel and Fred, offering them a little wave, "Hey Fred, Angel, hows it going?" smile fades at the sight of Cordy, her expression tense, "Well, look who the cat dragged in.."

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie gives Buffy a 'screw off' look in return. "Nice to see you too, Buffy. I see you've not changed since graduation" she says and sits back at the desk again, making a point to /not/ look at Buffy any. Cordy doesn't believe in tact, much. Which is a fine way to say Cordy is still (mostly) the same as ever, not afraid to share her opinion. Her opinion on Buffy? Claws out, meow meow, catfight...

Cause oh, Cordie could be friends, really she could. But Buffy had to go and ruin that all didn't she? At least, in Cordie's eyes she did. Grudges are kept.

Angel has posed:
Well, now that was emotion. Angel takes a step back. Two steps to the left. And puts the circular "desk" between him and the two girls. All of this with a slight smile, as he can feel the tension in the air between the two...hmmm. Friends? Acquaintances? Frenemies? Hard to say what you would call them.

Hi Buffy. I'm good." Angel says non-chalantly, but she can see he was uncomfortable. "Um. Cordie is back. Perhaps the three of you could get to know each other better? Ge re-acquainted or something. Girl's night maybe?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred considers this, and..."...I know, I've got inventions I could try out on them!" Because of course girl time means 'experiment on them with zany inventions just to see what happens.' ...Right? Right. Apparently joining SHIELD hasn't made Fred any less inventive.

"Don't worry, Angel, I'll figure out a way to include you in the experiments!" ....For SCIENCE!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes at Cordy and forces a cool smile for her, "Oh you know, college, slaying, working...Dating a cute guy, all that good stuff." not like she's sticking it to Cordy or anything. Okay she's totally sticking it to her!

"Soooo what are you doing here? Don't tell me you're working here!" she laughs softly at that idea because Cordy: the detective is a funny image. She quirks a brow at Angel, her smile softer for him, "So I see, glad you're okay, I was worried after...You know..." and then she peers at Fred as she utters inventions, "Woah wait a sec, I'm not some guinea pig..Umm remember what your last invention did to Angel and me?" she laughs nervously.

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"I think...we should all pile into Angel's car and go shopping" Cordie suggests, "Yes, you too Fred. C'mon" she says and looks to Buffy with a....what passes for a pleading look.

"Fine, let bygones be bygones, Buffy. So...we all pile in Angel's car. We all go shopping, yes?" she asks. hey, it's a good way to put being a catty little.... behind Buffy and Cordie. Of course, Cordelia's got a jab of her own. "I mean, Angel's not taking us to soccer practice or anything..." she says, suddenly picturing all of them in a minivan.

That. Right there. Is nightmare fuel!

Angel has posed:
Angel hears all of that, looks for a few seconds at Fred. Then at Cordie. Finally at Buffy. That was ALMOST a look of horror on his face. Almost. "Thanks Fred! I think we could probably try something a little less dangerous, involving alcohol, music, and maybe spending a few bucks here and there."

That doesn't involve a mad scientist experiment.

Then, it is Buffy's turn of course. Angel's eyes move from Fred to her next. It was her turn. The laughter at Cordie working here makes him grit his teeth. Then, her concern. "Yes. Her. I know. I'm...dealing. Thank you Buffy. I'm ok." Angel almost looks like he is squirming just a bit. Darla. Then, the invention comment. All the brooding and angst!

"Pile in my car....now wait a minute!" Angel looks at Cordie, this time horror evident on his face. "Shaopping is not something I think I can do...you are all welcome to go though." The soccer practice comment kind of hits home though, considering his age...and their age. "Ouch. Right." Angel rubs the back of his head and absently feels for the keys in his pocket. The jingle is quite loud enough for all three ladies to hear.

Angel looks first at Cordie. Then Fred. Finally at Buffy. "No. No one drives her but me!"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"Buffy, that invention was one of the better ones. I managed to send two people to a paradise dimension for a while. As inventions go, it was pretty successful." Because when was the last time people got to go to a paradise dimension on a whim? It definitely beat hanging around this dimension!

"Well, yeah, Cordy started working here way before I got here. Doyle too..." So, there's that.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at Cordy, quite surprised, shocked even that she wants to go shopping with her..Perhaps it's Angel and Fred's influence on her...Or did something else happen to make her forget she is a rich spoiled kid? "Ohh...Really? You wanna go shopping with me?" she smirks, "Well...That's a first, hey. I can see that working with Angel and Fred has had a...Positive influence on you, but whatever happened to your glamorous acting career and spoiled rich kid rude?"

Though glancing at Fred and Angel she shrugs, gaze softening, "Sure, I'm happy to let bygones be bygones if you are..Cmon Angel, it'll be fun, both you and Fred should get out more anyway.."

She laughs nervously at Fred, "Hmm well a relaxing beach vacation was...Nice, just give us warning next time?"

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie looks genuine. "Let's just go shopping, shall we?" she asks. "You wanna know what happened? I got cast in a miniseries that needed me to go to the Yukon and freeze my butt off for a week, you know how bad that is? I was relieved to come back here and enjoy the trip to Los Altos. Not words I thought I'd say. Though can we at least go to the high end stores? He's got money" Cordie says with a look to Fred. "And my card's in a snowbank in Canada, broken in half" she says looking aggrieved.

What did happen to Cordie's rich snob attitude? Well....reality happened. "What happened to the cheerleader who likes the bad boys then?" she asks looking to Buffy, then spins on a heel to Angel. "if you drive, fine. Sooner I get my car, the better" she says and looks for a moment like the sixteen year old getting her car. Just for a split second...

Angel has posed:
"Paradise dimensions I can get with Fred." Then. "Doyle...right..." Angel frowns, and has the keys in his right hand to his precious car. With a sigh, he puts them on the counter, and says, "I can't go with you shopping, but I can't stop the three of you from going either. If you want to take her..." Angel coughs, and finishes, "...just take care of her." His car of course. His most prized possession.

Angel watches as Buffy and Cordie chat further. Then, when Buffy invites him, he puts up his hands, and smiles. "I know when I would just be a fourth wheel. You ladies go out. Have fun. Take care of my car. Buy me something nice, and I'll stay here and hold down the fort." Looking at Cordie. "Be nice. Buffy drives."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Buffy drive? "No, we do not let Slayers near wheels of cars. I estimate a 89 percent probability the car will be totaled, and a 40 percent chance she puts one of us less superhuman types in the hospital." Because Science. "You'd be safer with an invention, really."

Hmmmm. At least she won't personally be a drain on Angel's wallet. Angel Investigations does not pay well. SHIELD, though, is a government organization, and the lion's share of Fred's money now comes from there.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly at Cordie, "Oh. Wow...Really? I didn't realize.." her tone seems more...Sympathetic as she regards Cordy for a moment thoughtfully and smiles, "I'm sorry, that must have been tough. Sure, a shopping trip might be fun.." she smirks and shrugs, "What can I say? I still have a thing for bad boys and vamps.."

Angel gets a slight pout though, "Awe, you're afraid if hanging around with a bunch of girls?" she can't help but chuckle at that, "But I'd better not drive..,Err thanks Fred. Maybe you can drive and manage not to trash the car, Cordie?" she smirks at her.

Cordelia Chase has posed:
"Wait you're giving us keys?" Cordie asks suspiciously. "How about we get an Uber to the store huh? That way nobody gets Buffy driving nightmares" Cordie offers, looking over carefully to Buffy then Fred. "Still if we get to drive Angel's car, then..." she tails off looking over to Buffy. "You want me to drive that car? Uh uh. You suggested the night out. So, Fred drives. We all make it in one piece. So who calls shotgun?" Cordie asks looking over the group. "Angel isn't, so...so, let's see, whoever gets shotgun picks the music" Cordie suggests. Yeah, time to bring this car into the 2020s. Or 20208, even.

Kind of now wishing she didn't throw her coat over there, Cordie grabs it. "Oh and Angel, no, the gig wasn't good. It was bitterly cold, a trailer, and so, so miserable" she adds finally addressing that question too.

Angel has posed:
"Right! Good call Fred! Perhaps Cordelia can drive then. Buffy can ride shotgun. Funny, that actually sounds like something you would do Buffy...and there is a shotgun in the car of you need it. Plus, yes Buffy, you girls are more than I can handle. One yes. Two maybe. Three? Right. Shopping? I'm good thanks."

Angel pushes the keys towards Codie. Listens to her talk about an Uber, and thinks that is the better choice. "Ok. Either or. Have fun girls. I'll be here when you get back. Try not to do too much damage?" As Cordie finishes off her movie scene, Angel simply nods, as though he figured as much.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"Now now. Angel needs his brooding time. I totally didn't set up any mysterious inventions designed to perform wicked experiments on him while he's brooding..." Fred's sly grin suggests that may not be an entirely honest statement. Or she could be kidding, who knows?

Fred shrugs, though. Nerdy scientist or not, shopping was still a fun thing to do. Or at least it used to be before her PTSD from Pylea was a thing she had to worry about. Now...well, that's a lot of people.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes at the others,"Awwe come on, I'm not that bad, am I?" she pouts, "How come I have to ride shot gun?" but yeah whatever, "Okaay fine dont come, you might regret not having fun with us though!"

Cordelia Chase has posed:
Cordie looks to Buffy. Well, Fred drives. You ride shotgun, I'll....wait Angel's car has a back seat so I can sit back there, ya? Or you going to shove me in the trunk and pretend I'm Oz on a moonlit night?" she asks, suddenly way more sassy than before.

"Ah come on Angel. What do you want brought back, though? I mean, I could always bring you back a nice shirt or maybe...." she trails off, wicked grin on her lips. "Buffy, you know those places that do custom t-shirts?" she asks, a sly look to the Slayer and scientist. Cordie is absolutely thinking.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Hmmmm well...Thomas has a bigger, nicer car. How bout I call him up?" oh riiight, Cordy hasn't met him yet. She smirks a little as she pulls out her phone, dialing his number, "I mean I'd hate to steal Angel's nice car and trash it..."