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Latest revision as of 18:37, 25 July 2020

The afternoon after the morning before ...
Date of Scene: 01 March 2020
Location: Wade Shaw's Condo, Claridge's, Midtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Dean, Buffy and Nick meet up to chat
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Dean Winchester, Buffy Summers

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's a peaceful time in the hallway of Claridge's. Not much in terms of foottraffic.

"Oh you s- NO!"

In the condo that Wade and Nick share, not so much.


The door swings open and a rather irate, exhausted, bearded Nick Drago storms out, grocery bag in hand and a glare that would make the sternest of brutes blanche in embarrasment is flashed in the direction of one Buffy Summers, "Make sure they don't kill themselves."

Storming off, leaving Buffy at the open door she is greeted to the sight of one passed out Wade Shaw lying next to a sofa while Dean is still seated on the sofa. Two glasses of water have been set next to them while Nick's bookbag is just kicked a little further in the studio from where he initially dropped it.

What in the world?

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean watches Nick storm out and sighs. "What....did I offend him?" he asked. 2"I didn't take a leak in his cereal" he offrs and looks a little....well.....sullen. Shaking his head Dean's not moving from the couch. Nope. Nope not moving from this exact spot. Noope!

And he looks around with a groan.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just stands there, watching the whole ordeal from the doorway, arms folded as she hones in on Dean. "...What the hell, Dean?! I get called out here thinking it's an emergency, only to find you two are...Getting cozy, Making with the wooden stakes and other things...In his bedroom?! I don't even....Ugh!" yup, she totally misread his very drunk and confused text, along with the garbled message on his pocket dial.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean looks like he wants to curl up and die horribly....again. Like the hangover's not enough. Apparently. It wasn't.

Since, hey, Buffy's wanting to kill him or, or, something. "Look. I can explaid" Dean says weakly. "I...I can explain. I was drunk, okay? I was drunk and dialed you and...why's there three of you?" Dean asks Buffy, looking worried that there's multiple Slayers...

"Are you thinking we were....orgy....stakes....what....?" Dean asks sounding a little more scared. Like that's possible. Oh it's possible. Dean's just not understanding what he exactly /did/ while out of it fal down blind drunk.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes some more, nodding slowly even though she doubts every word he says. "...Uh Huh, sure, like I believe that one. Why's Nick all running out in a huff?" eyes narrow, "For goodness sakes Dean, try acting like an adult for once...I thought you might have some kinda emergency with the vamps stalking Nick and all. " she sighs, turning away, "Why do I even bother?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean sighs. "GO on. Punch me then if it makes you feel better" he says watching Buffy. "F. Y. I.! he adds pronouncing each letter. "That vamp stalking Nick? Taken care of, already. So" he grumbles and finally sits up. Great. Now the world's doing things that'd make a stunt pilot jealous...and causes Dean to lay back down on the couch again. "Any ideas on what that vamp wanted?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns a bit, stepping into the room, "Sooo what. You dusted another vamp and decided to celebrate with too much alcohol?" with a shrug she makes herself right at home in a stranger's house, heading to the kitchen to pour a tall glass of water for Dean. She returns, handing it to him. "Drink up, can't have one of my soldiers in such a terrible condition." she smirks and winks, "No idea. hopefully it's not connected to the vamps that have been taking out my friends..Or the vamp army that someone's building and that nearly took us all down with them a couple weeks ago.." e sighs tiredly, sitting on the edge of the couch. Dean'S an idiot but with his wealth of knowledge, he's more useful as an ally than an enemy.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean watches buffy with a nod. Shaking his head he's come to the same idea. He's more useful alive than dead. Or an enemy. So he sits up just a little daring the world not to go nuts and spin. Still, he nods to Buffy. "So the vamp's dead. But...we gotta figure this out right?" he asks with a look over to the Slayer. "Oh you got me water. Thanks" he says gently.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes some more, resting the glass on the nearby table, "Well your such a bone headed idiot, someone's got to watch out for you. Where's your brother and the goth girl?" she shrugs, "Dunno, not many leads to go on if the vamp is dead right? Unkess you think it's bigger than just the one or two vamps after Nick..?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean sighs. "Missing in action" Dean says bitterly with a shrug. "Yeah and I get stuck with you. What, is it big sis with a stake. Nurse Buffy?" he jokes. "All jokes aside" he says and swallows his pride. "Thank you for looking out for me" he says. He....actually, note this down. Thanked Buffy. Whoa, wow. he thanked Buffy. he can, holy hell, he can look past his own ego. Mark this day down in history!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, "Big sis? Aren't you older than me, though you sure do t act like it..." she groans, "Great, I got stuck with babysitting duty." Buffy rolls her eyes some more and shrugs, "Don't take it personally, as I said, you're more useful as an ally than as an enemy. If nothing more you'd make a good target to hide behind." she grins and winks.

Dean Winchester has posed:
"I'm a decade older. But you wouldn't know it" he says as Dean groans and clutches his head sipping the water. "It's not so much stuck with me, as ensure I don't do anything....more stupid. So" Dean groans. "Where do we go for leads?" he asks pateitnly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, shaking her head, "Well you sure don't act your age." and she is surprisingly mature fir her 21 years. She pulls out a bottle of aspirin which she grabbed from the kitchen, offering him a couple, "Here, this should help, head massages work too." nope, she's totally not offering massages too!

Dean Winchester has posed:
Taking the medication, Dean nods. "Thanks" he says and nods watching the Slayer. "So" Dean shrugs. "So what're you thinking for leads. Is there any lead you can think of?" he asks. Oh he wouldn't say no to head massages. That is, tehe one on his shoulders, too. Not the one certain other people massage, no. He'd get kicked in the nuts for that.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Nope, no head massages! That'd just be weird, besides if Thomas walked in on them, Dean would probably get stabbed or something. Possibly Buffy as well. She clears her throat. "Hmm, none that I know of. Did you get to talk to the band manager yet? Check out those other band members? We don't really have much to go on...What were you and Nick er..Doing, before I came here?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
"That's what the plan was. Things got out of hand, we went out drinking and....well....yo uknow the rest" Dean groans and looks unamused. "It's....ya know, we were gonna talk, but things sorta spiralled. I did talk to the manager but no idea what I talked about" Dean sighs looking worried more.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes, "Oooh. Do I?" she smirks, "All I know is that you guys were pretty drunk and hung over...Both hanging out together at this nice condo, and numerous 'suggestive' texts.."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Off to the side there is a long, drawn out groan as Wade begins to groan. It seems Wade has regained conciousness. "Iiiii-"

"Fuck- Nick!"

Wade shoots up into a sitting position before rolling around, "Forgot- WHERES THE PHONE"

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Didn't need to know your performance" Dean cracks at Wade. "If you want to fuck him, just get to it and spare the details" Dean groans and sips more water. "Buffy, please, can you put him back to sleep or something?" Dean asks. "I've not got anything or I'd do that myself. You're the crazy prepared slayer right?" he adds, snagging his own phone an d pocketing it. Because no, he doesn't trust himself to, well, text anyone now.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, peering at Wade. "Umm. So you're the room mate or...Something else?" she runs her eyes and sighs, wondering what she got herself into. She peers back at Wade now. "The hell are you talking about? Are you drunk or what?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"The f- NO!" Wade's brows raise at the suggestion, "NonoNO. Not even with the long hair just NO."

The music exec shakes his head, moving on hands and knees to look under the sofa, "Roommate, friend, whatever -Bit hungover. But- " He winces, falling on his chest to reach under the sofa, "He's flying in and I was suppos- I'm late."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean watches this all with a defeated look. "Just...just...." he says and groans. "First you want to fuck Nick. Now you're looking for a phone. I'm gonna lock myself in the kitchen and not come out" he decides. "With Buffy. Gotta protect her from the nutjob"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Wade fishes his phone out from under the sofa, frowning as he wakes it up to find a few missed calls. "sh-" Thumbing through, he starts to press press play, bringing it to his ears only to jerk back and drop the phone as the speaker blares out the message.

'First message -'
'Hey its Nick. We landed. Where are you?'
'To save voice message, please press 1 To delete voice message, please press '2', to repeat voice message... '
'Second Message-'
'Hell with this. I'm calling Pez'
To save-

Wade hangs up the phone. "Shit."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean is laughing at Wade's misfortune. Not loudly, but just quiet snickering. Mostly at the reacction to phone being on speaker, though....as he looks amused. Shaking his head Dean does indeed stumble to the kitchen, but the fridge is open. Dean wants food. Like....now!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Now knowing the airport pickup thing is a mute point, Wade puts the phone up, all while taking the spot on the sofa that Dean vacated. He brings a hand up to his head, grumbling "Why did I agree to go out with y-" He looks down at the glasses that both Nick and Buffy each laid out. "Where'd all the glasses come from?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had headed to the kitchen 'to clear her head and refill Dean's glass, use the washroom and generally clear her head of these nut jobs. Unfirtunately she's in Nick and Wade's home apparently, so they aren't going anywhere. Neither is Dean. She re-emerges, peering around, hoping everyone's gone but apparently they're not. She sets another glass for Dean. "So you must be Wade. Are you Nick'S err..Boyfriend? Are you being targeted too?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing her voice, Wade turns to look toward the slayer and for a blessed few moments. He's quiet. His head tilts before looking to Dean and then back to Buffy.

"No." He replies back, "I like girls. Thank you, very much. Nick and I are ROOMMATES because its expensive to live here. And no, I'm not being targeted."