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Latest revision as of 19:02, 5 August 2020

Angry Plants
Date of Scene: 16 June 2020
Location: South Channel Island, Nantwich
Synopsis: Ivy and Harley stir up trouble and enjoy a walk at night.
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn

Poison Ivy has posed:
Well, her little take over hadn't lasted as long as she had hoped, but Ivy still had a tiny little section of the island still to herself (read: Isley Gardens, which was the only portion of the island that wasn't taken away from her), but that just made her grumpy as she stepped out to survey the businesses that had taken back 'their land'.

And for those just tuning in, it was not long ago that Pamela Isley, aka Poison Ivy had attempted to take over South Channel Island, covering it in overgrown weeds and plants, throwing out any who came near and claiming it as her territory and her's alone.

Of course, as always, Batman and allies had eventually kicked her out, liberated the island, brought things back to normal. Except for Ivy who is now grumbling and swearing as she surveys what is left behind..Most of her overgrown plants have been wacked down, either with weed killers, or bulldozers or other unpleasant contraptions.

Reaching Sheldon Park, one of the few green spaces left in a place that is once again becoming a concrete jungle, she settles down on a bench and sighs. "I really need a drink."

Harley Quinn has posed:
    But, conveniently, that's when the clown princess of crime shows up! She's been busy in Gotham proper of late, but can't go too long without checking in on her bestie! The white-skinned woman is shouting as she looks about.

"Iiiiivy! Heya, Ives! Where are ya??" She isn't exactly the best at navigating overgrown areas. Really, given her friend, she probably SHOULD be better.

Poison Ivy has posed:
To be honest, Ivy has not seen her BFF in a really long time. Perhaps it's thanks to all those late nights spent pondering and plotting in her little garden, or her fight against various heroes that kept trying to steal back their businesses from under her nose, or..Or...!

Well the point is, it's been a while. And she could use a distraction. So her eyes definitely light up when she hears the Harlequin in town in her very unmistakable voice. Heck, her energy is catching and Ivy jumps to her feet, waving her arms to get her attention.

It's around sunset so the sky is veiled in that strange violet twilight tint and it's starting to get a bit dark..But there is still enough light to see her, in all her green leafy attire as she quickens her pace to meet Harley.

"Harley! Thank goodness! Finally a decent person. I've really missed you.."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley beams brightly, her eyes widening. "IVY!!!" She runs towards the other woman as she sees her, exaggeratedly waving her arms. "Heya, Ives!!! How ya holdin' up out here?" She frowns. "Haven't heard from ya since the Bat, y'know...did his batting."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy sighs, crossing the threshold so to speak, between herself and Harley, reaching out to hug her. "Dammit, I'm such a mess. Damn bats, coming in here, ruining the place, giving it back to the people. You know what? I could really go for a good stiff drink, dance the night away, have a little..Rowdy fun, know what I'm saying?" she grins and winks conspiratorily. "How've you been, by the way? Good to see you didn't get dragged back to jail or something."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley gives a hug that's, well, as exuberant as everything else she's been doing tonight. "THAT sounds exactly up my alley, Red! And I've been out there, a little this. A little that. But I figger I should be kinda...well, let's just say the cops are lookin' for me MORE than usual. So I had to come find my bestie and see if she wanted ta hang out a while!" Strength in numbers.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy grins, "Heh, well they damn well can't have you. Besides, they're looking for me too. I've been thinking we really need to form a group, some like minded people who can help us out in a pinch. Because it's a cruel cruel world out there, and we like-minded people have to stick together."

Of course she refuses to use the word 'villain' because 'cmon, they are SO not villains! Just..Frustrated people..Or something. "Heck, I've been in contact with Cat Woman and Cheetah and I think they'd make great allies, but in the meantime..Hmmm...How about we hit a local night club and party the night away? Cuz I'm SO done moping."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Sounds great ta me. Mostly. I mean, she's kinda chummier with the Bat than I'd like her ta be." But Harley gives another vigorous nod at that, her ponytails bobbing up and down. "Let's do it! Ya wanna get all dolled up first, or ya doin' the plant thing?" She flutters a hand at Ivy, indicating her attire.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy frowns a bit. "Hmm, guess we'll have to do something about that then..Cuz the bat..All of 'em, have gotta go." she smiles, glancing at Harley, then at herself. "You know what? I think we look pretty damn amazing as is. I DO know a good little nightclub about a 10 minute walk from here. Let's go check it out, show 'em what a real party is like!"

She grins wickedly as she leads the way to say nightclub. "Can't remember the last time I actually sat back and partied like there's no tomorrow. This should be fun, I'm sure we'll steal center stage for sure!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley gets a wicked grin of her own, her expressive face lighting up. "All right, Red!" She hooks her arm around Ivy's waist, and starts off with her. "We'll paint the town red!"

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy chuckles, looking down at her attire. Okay fine, her makeup is a bit runny from all the crying she did earlier after seeing what happened to her once lovely 'Ivy Island', and yeah, she's wearing a mini dress seemingly made entirely of leaves, but hey, those black fishnet stockings and matching pumps look like they're screaming for a good dance!

"Heh, sounds like a good idea.." She leans into her BFF as she leads them down the pathway towards the club. A few people stare at them, people who have probably seen their faces on tv before, especially with Ivy's daring take over of Southchannel island - and subsequent evasion of police. Oh yeah, they're probably wanted by everyone, but a lot of people are too scared to make the first move.

Fortunately there are no police in this neck of the woods to make things difficult - not like they'd not have trouble arresting them or anything but, Ivy didn't want her pretty little vine dress ruined.

She leads them down an alleyway, headed towards a glitzy little place called simply 'The cube!' in bright red neon 3-d lights. Place is fairly big with three levels, lots of people, one of those mist machines and loud, loud music and flashy lights.

"Well, thankfully there is no line up..Yet. Since we're fairly early. what do you think of this place?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley looks over. "Not like I'd worry about it. Lines are for people who aren't us, Red!" But she grins as she looks around with her. "It's kinda got some 80's vibe, but retro ain't the worst thing! C'mon! You need ta get drunk!" She starts to haul Ivy up towards the bar.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy chuckles and nods. "Well of course, I mean, we'd just charge our way in anyway, but I'm so not in the mood to break my nails.." she sighs, looking at her nicely manicured nails. Yeah, looks like Ivy did get in a little 'me' time lately. Hey she deserves it!

"Ooh, I just loove the 80s, but, pity I'm not in costume..Or am I?" she grins and nods, following her to the bar, catching the eye of the cute mail barman with a smile and flip of her hair. "Hey there, how about two glasses of rum and coke? And we'll go from there."

And while waiting for the drinks, Ivy idly taps her foot to the beat, glancing around at peoples' rather outrageous costumes. Heck, maybe it IS an 80s themed night, or maybe this is how most people here dress all the time: Lots of bright neon of various shades, metallic dresses and coats, sequined dresses, lots of makeup. "Heey, we fit right in.."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley grins. "Well, yer showin' off yer legs, and legs are ALWAYS in style!" She runs the last couple steps up to the bar, jumping up so she's laying across it on her stomach, her top half WAY over the bar. "Hey. HEY!!!" she waves exaggeratedly to the bartender. "We got a couple ladies who need some serious alcoholin' over here!"

And Ivy flirts with him, instead. Harley rolls her eyes a little, and looks to Ivy. "Really? Really? That's like shootin' fish in a barrel." She asks, teasing with amusement in her voice.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy grins and winks at Harley, "Hey no sweat, plenty of fish in the sea.." the poor barman however, looks a bit flustered and is probably young, and a newbie at all this because he laughs nervously at Harley as she lays across the bar, offering both her and Ivy a drink. "It's on the house, pretty ladies." he winks, "But only the first one. Go, have fun."

Ivy grins and lifts her glass, "How about we dedicate this night to the two of us? And to new beginnings.." she moves her glass to chink against Harley's before taking a long sip. The barman's a pretty good mixer, and the drink is strong, not one of those watered down, too-sweet drinks. You can really taste the good quality rum in it.

"Hmm hmm, what to do first..Shall we take over the stage, join in in the dancing, or snag some arm candy first?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley considers her answer. Well, let's be honest; Harley downs her drink, THEN considers her answer. "Let's head out on the dance floor. We can get the crowd stirred up, an' then see who the best picks are."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy chuckles and grins, chugging down the rest of her drink, tossing her head back as she offers Harley her arm, "Sounds like a good idea. We'll give 'em all a night to remember. Sooner or later we'll be the only ones they're watching." Hopefully Batman or Nightwing or all those crazy bats wont b e showing up tonight!

And with a wry smirk, she leads Harley through the crowds, looking for a little space for them to dance. She lets go, twirling and dipping, feet moving gracefully and timely, perfectly to the beat.