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Latest revision as of 19:02, 5 August 2020

Gardens and Kitty's do not mix..Or do they
Date of Scene: 22 July 2020
Location: Isley Gardens, South Channel Island
Synopsis: Ivy and Chee meet again and discuss 'light'.
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Cheetah

Poison Ivy has posed:
Mid afternoon and Ivy had invited Cheetah to the beautiful gardens, and the only remaining portion of Ivy Island that had not been taken over by the city after that whole fiasco. It's nice to be back home and she is looking rather tired after that big battle on the mountain alongside Lex Luthor and his minions, and Dr. Doom.

Perhaps now she can relax and recuperate as she checks on her latest plant pet, that had taken quite a beating since that day. She also has a little table prepared underneath a large parasol with a large pitcher of iced tea and two glasses waiting for Cheetah.

Of course she had lots of questions for the cat lady..

Cheetah has posed:
Sadly, Cheetah had been 'otherwise engaged' around the time of the tragic melee -- as she often conveniently was when called upon to get her paws dirty.

She responds to Ivy's invitation enthusiastically and arrives (only a tad late) wearing a large sun hat that provides ample shade for her eyes, though she wears stylish sun glasses just the same. Leather straps leading to an expensive, European handbag are draped over her shoulder and the soft 'clacking' of her Louis Vuitton wedge sandals is dimly audible through the foliage.

"Ivy! Darling!" Cheetah is in her human form at present and her face positively lights up when Dr. Isley comes into view. Cheetah approaches and leans in for the always fashionable cheek kiss. "How have you been, dear?"

Poison Ivy has posed:
It's fortunate that they're not in the actual green house part yet, and at least the large trees overhead provide some decent sun protection in areas. All the same, she smirks a bit at Cheetah's sun hat and imitates her formal greeting.

"Ahh, Miss Cheetah. Always a pleasure to see you again.." she smiles sweetly, gesturing at the chair opposite her. "Please, have a seat! Welcome to my humble abode..It annoys me to no end that my Ivy Island was taken away from me, but at least I still have these luscious gardens..May I interest you in a cool drink?"

Cheetah has posed:
Cheetah removes her sunglasses as a sign of respect before taking a seat. The light gleams in her green eyes. "Lovely, yes." She positions a glass of her choosing closer to Ivy's pitcher to minimize her hostess' inconvenience. Taking a moment to surveil the lush surroundings, Cheetah stretches out her arms, "Breathtaking." She breathes in the fragrant air.

"I'm sure your new political affiliations will afford many opportunities for you to reclaim your island, dear." Here an oblique reference to Ivy's newfound alliance with the Light -- Lex Luthor's secretive criminal collective. Cheetah rests her purse on the ground next to her chair and settles in comfortably.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy doesnt seem to mind the weather really. It's a bit warm out here even with occasional spots of shade. She's dressed in her usual scant clothing of course, which today consists of a thin white shirt and green sarong around her hips and edged in leaves.

Once confirmed, she pours them each a glass of cool, refreshing iced tea, handing one back to her. "Hmm, it really is a little piece of paradise. Although I'm still fuming that they took the rest away from me. Oh well."

She smiles and nods in agreement. "Indeed, I finally had a chance to speak to this..Lex Luthor, he hired me to help him attack a mountain side full of..Robots? I cannot say I fully understand what the entire operation was about, and I was a bit upset that my plant was pretty battered near the end, but it is good to have friends in high places."

Ivy lifts her glass to chink against Cheetah's. "How about a toast..To new beginnings?"

Cheetah has posed:
"New beginnings!" The rim of Cheetah's glass gently collides with Ivy's. Cheetah takes a sip before rolling her eyes, "Ugh. Lex and his /robots/." She shakes her head. "It's always something with robots." Cheetah's left hand joins the conversation gesturing to and fro.

"Honestly, who has the time?" She leans across the table toward Ivy and lowers her voice conspiratorially. "In future, you really must learn to be more discerning when accepting invitations to join Lex on his various crusades. I've learned to avoid anything involving any hint of robots." Cheetah leans back into her chair and takes another sip of tea.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy smiles as she takes a long sip of the cool, refreshing drink before regarding Cheetah with a bit of curiosity. "Hmm? Is that so? I cannot say that I care for the metal creatures much myself. Give me nature over machine any day.." she sighs, shaking her head as she knows that the world is leaning more and more towards technology.

As for Lex and his robots..She peers curiously at Cheetah some more. "Hmm, is that so? Tell me more? I do not know much about this..Lex. And this group of his, the Light? This is my first time working for him and he promised handsome payment."

Cheetah has posed:
Cheetah is way ahead of Ivy: the tea in Cheetah's glass is already in full retreat. Comfy under the parasol, she removes her hat and sets it aside.

"Lex," she says the word in exasperation. "He's the smartest man in the room and he knows it." She arches an eyebrow, "He's equal parts insufferable and indispensable. You learn to ignore the annoying bits. Or so I'm told." Ivy gets a mischievous wink. "And, yes, his payments are always prompt and satisfactory. That alone is reason to tolerate him. I'm sure he could help reclaim your property." Cheetah really should ask Lex for an island, too.