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Bucklands auction antics
Date of Scene: 28 July 2020
Location: Bucklands Auction House
Synopsis: Prue, Thomas, Buffy and Chimp dig around in Bucklands and things get sold
Cast of Characters: Prudence Halliwell, Detective Chimp, Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
The clock hits a little after two as Prue's been back at work for a good hour. Lunch is over, and now the Wicca onder is, if anything, hard at work identifying things. Her office door's open though...thanks summer heat, double thanks no AC in here because 'precious items'...whatever those are. She's got a list of things that got brought in today from all over, and it's her job to identify them, set them where they need, and figure that out. Prue's not hard to spot really, being easy to spot through the windows from the street. Go figure.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp has been asked to look for a specific artifact, and is not so sure the one who asked it should have it. He has heard about the items that were coming in recently. So, the Detective has decided to stop by and see if he can get a look at what is here.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has never been to an auction before, but she did want to visit Prue, plus they sold some really cool stuff, like that fairly cheap painting she won at the auction. Hopefully Prue wont run into any more of those creepy coins though.

Well, whatever the case, she's here, peering around here an there as she makes her way to Prue's office.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith looks excited, like a child in a candy store. He's here to pick up an item he ordered from the Auction several days ago. His own experts had been by to verrify it and now it's time. He walks over to the table and opens the battered case to view the battered trumpet. "Belonged to Louis Armstrong himself." He tells Buffy.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue's been scuttling back and forth between her office and the air conditioned warehouse part of Bucklands. Prue'd quite happily move her desk in here if she could. If she didn't need that pesky thing called 'electricity'. Currently she's back at her desk, cataloging items.

Prue looks over to the doorway on the off chance anyone drops by. It's the whole 'Hello welcome to Bucklands' spiel. Prue's got that learned by heart pretty much, and she's lazily figuring out what goes where. Jealous of the people who work in the warehouse, too...

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp is stepping up to the door, and says " Hello miss..." He looks for her name plate and says "Halliwell, I am Detective Chimp, and I was hoping I might be able to have a moment of your time." He will step inside, and offers her his card. "I am following some leads on some items, I believe may have been smuggled in with your recent shipment.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Thomas as she goes to pick up her own painting, an art deco-ish futuristic nighscape painting of some sort. "Hmm, I think this would look lovely in your club." she glancing over at the trumpet and arches a brow. "So like, can you actually play that thing or is it too rusty?"

Buffy smiles and waves to Prue. "Hey, nice to see you again, how you been? Hopefully no more creepy coins?"

To Chimp, she nods and smiles as well, remembering him from somewhere..where was that? Oh right, MacAnally's. "Hey again, Mr. Chimp." uh, did he give her a name besides that? She doesn't remember. This would be really embarrassing if he did. "How's it going? Been a while.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives Buffy an almost horrifed look and says in a tone of mild incredulity. "This horn belonged to Sachmo himself love. No mere mortal would dare try to play it. It'd be like handing DiVini's brush to a five year old. Handing Escoffe's knife to Molly Carpenter. Handing a lightsaber to Waldo Butters. The very idea should rip a hole in the fabric of reality.

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"Careful" Prue asides to Thomas then looks to Buffy and takes the card. "Thanks, I can help you yes, but I'm dealing with these customers a moment" Pruee says apologetically then gives Thomas a horrified look as well. "You mean like giving Count Dracula a pig farm, or a frat rush rollre skates and a Slip 'n' Slide?" Prue wonders looking entirely too amused at the image of frat kids at ESU sliding evwrywhere. "Ah. mr. Raith. I assume you're paying right now?" Prue adds and looks over at Buffy for a moment. "Same old, same old, really. No creepy things today unless you count spiders in a music box" Prue shudders and nods to Chimp. "What do you need help with?" she adds, motioning for them all to sit down. They may be here a while...

"You know" Prue says and looks to Thomas. then Bufy. "If you need things for a club I could help you out?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and nods a bit to them, and says "The man could play.." He will say softly "If you get pieces like that in, I might have to pay a bit more attention to what you got but will admit I am more into vinyl than instruments." He will nod to Buffy and says "Detective Chimp, or Bobo." He will offer to her either giving it the first time or reminding he does not say.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just laughs at Thomas, "What, you think I'm serious? Cmon.." she shrugs, "Though not much use if you can't even play it."

To Prue she smiles, nodding to the painting, "I'm here for this too. Guess it's not worth much but that's ok cuz I'm not rich either." she just quirks a brow at the spider thing and shivers, "Eew, seriously?"

Chimp gets an incredulous look and she's not entirely clear on his story but she just nods. "..Bobo huh..Okay, sure. you remember me from Macs right? All the flying monkey poo talk and.." eyes slide towards Thomas. Right no need to bring up Harry's ongoing rants against his brother.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit and sighs, "For display purposes love, for the aesthetic." He smiles a little bit and kisses her lips lightly. He then nods to Prue, offering her over a card that is completely black except for the embossed numbers on it. "Yes, and whatever the lady wants as well." He says amused. "My Club has a very specific atmosphere. That of a Prohibition era Speak-easy. Anything from that era I am verry interested in." He nods to the Chimp and says simply "Detective, nice to see you again."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue knows without checking how much the painting and trumpet are worth. She's the one who cataloged them after all.

Prue looks over to the card and takes it, running it through the system. "Alright. Yes I've got quite afew things in. Come with me" she says.

Thomas has just given her a perfect reason to spend time in the warehouse. Sweet. Prue's not turning this down. She looks over to Thomas, and gets up from the desk. Stepping to the warehouse, Prue glances back waiting for them to follow along...mostly since Prue's got quite a few things from that era.

True she does. Jukebox, yes, art deco pieces, and....oh, oh yes....a guitar case. Prue's not opened it yet.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods to Thomas as well, and to Buffy he says "Yea, and you have a bit of a rep in some circles." He will offer to her, with a smile. The chimp will let the others go first, but he does follow waiting to get his chance to ask a bit more, and maybe get a bit of a look around while they are there.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just eyes the battered old trumpet and shrugs. "Well, one of these days, I gotta try my hand at a less battered, less famous trumpet. Or something. I just love loud, shiny things!" she grins at him, returning the kiss, though a little pouty as he offers to pay for the painting too. "You really spoil me too much..I mean, not like I mind, of course!" she grins and winks as she follows Prue into the warehouse room.

"Ooh, lots of really cool stuff in here, it's so nostalgic." and so many things she wants to pick up and play with. Not like she would because that would be rude. And half of this stuff would probably fall apart or something anyway.

To Bobo, Buffy quirks a curious brow. "Do I? all good stuff, I hope! I mean, I'm not super buddy buddy with vamps.." she glances sidelong at Thomas as she says that and clears her throat. "*most* vamps, especially vamps with chips in their heads..And vamps without souls but, it's nice to know I'm less famous in some circles. I AM less famous right? Or maybe inless famous? Feared? At least?"

Yeaaaah, she's babbling again. "Woow, Prue, this place is amazing. I'm sure Willow would just die if she saw half this stuff." no doubt, she'd probably find some really cool antique magic book or something down here.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit. "I like spoiling you, so just enjoy it." He says playfully. He laces his fingers with her's and smirks a bit, "What can I say, we are like moths to the flame to you Buffy," he says without the slightest hint oof jeliousy in his voice as she brings up her /other/ vamp ex's. Turning his attention back to Prue he adds "The problem is of course making things look as though they /belong/. A piece doesn't just need to look like it /could/ be in a 20's era Speak-easy, but that it /should/ be there."

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
Prue looks over them all and shakes her head slowly. "You think this is a book collection? Nah, take a look around. We got a bit of everything. You want stuff for a speakeasy type place?" Prue asks. "Over there, jukebox, then there's a table, a lamp too" Prue nods stepping around crates and items that are covered with cloth, as she pauses by the jukebox...not that it's hard to figure out what it is.

"This came in three months ago, and it's not moved out of the warehouse yet. I authenticated it, it is the real deal. 1931 vintage" she says and gives Thomas and Buffy nods.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles tenderly at him, giving his hand a squeeze. "Geez, how am I ever gonna repay you?" though she does kinda roll her eyes at the last part. "Ugh, I really am a vampire magnet, aren't I? Just wish Harry could understand that not all vamps are automatically evil..Although one certain vamp *is* starting to become a potential..Problem.."

But that's a conversation she'd rather have another time. For now, she focuses on all the cool stuff in the warehouse. "Mmm, that jukebox is kind of cool. Very nostalgic, don't you thnik? Ooh, and those lamps are soo cute! Look, they have like, five matching ones. You could install them at the bar.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith leans down, "Wurlitzer 1080," he says with a slight smile on his lips, taking a long look at the thing and smiling at it the way he might smile at a beautiful woman who isn't named Barbara Ann Summers. He stands and says "Of course live music is a big part of our draw, but for off hours it might be nice to have. If the price is right." He walks over to the lamps and grins "Do you think Yosa would give me hell for having them in his way?"

Prudence Halliwell has posed:
"The Wurlitzer is valued at $65,400" Prue explains, "The lamps? A bit less ricey. But if you want something to fit in a 1930s era club...stop me when you find the cigar boxes" Prue says as she busies herself examining things. True, there's a lot of stuff here, not all of it 1930s. Instead she opens up a case and peeks inside it, then closes the case againn before returning the cloth over it. "Item 4439, checked...and valued at 22590, set of microfiche and a reel to reel from the 1950s" Prue says reverently, then she lifts the cloth off of an old 1940s era camera and her eyes light up. "I hope nobody buys this. I'd hate to see it go" Prue offers quietly, regarding the camera and film development items that are all part of the same lot with fondness.

"How're you going to repay her? I hope you do" Prue says, and slowly sets the cloth back down. "You see anything you like, let me know and I'll let you know when it's up for auction or how much it is to buy it outright from us"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers swallows at the price of the Jukebox. Unlike Thomas, she's not like, filthy rich. And not overly keen on being spoiled rotten although she doesn't mind a treat here and there. "Microfiche? Really? What's so precious on them that's valued that highly?" okaaay fine, so she doesn't have an appreciation for overpriced antiques, so sue her.

"Well, I like the lamps. I think they're quaint. You WILL let me buy you at least something as a gift right? I know money cant buy everything, and I'm not filthy rich, but still..I'd like to spoil you sometimes too, y'know?"

To Prue, Buffy just nods and grins, "Soo, you work with Duncan a lot? He's working at some antique store, isn't he? I really need to check that place out sometime.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a little bit and whispers someething in Buffy's ear, though the words "Cheerleader" and "Hey Mickey" can be distingished among them. He nods to Prue. "I'll take the lamps. I need to think a bit about the Wurlitzer."