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She must be bored.
Date of Scene: 27 July 2020
Location: Spike's Sub-Basement, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Spike and Willow had an interesting evening where he got her to drink a little bourbon and she tried a cigarette.
Cast of Characters: Spike, Willow Rosenberg, Buffy Summers

Spike has posed:
     Spike is at home. Maybe he hasn't found his way out for the night yet. Poor Willow won't know what to think since he is wandering around with no shirt, but at least he's got pants. A cigarette burns from the corner of his mouth and he just seems to be waking up and trying to get moving.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow decided to surprise Spike with some things. A broom. A dishtray. Some flowers. You know, stuff. Standing outside his 'apartment' she rapped on the door. "Hello? Anybody home?"

Spike has posed:
     He frowns thoughtfully and looks towards the door. Walking over to it he opens it to find Willow there with house warming sorts of things,"Hello Will. What brings you here?" He looks at the gifts and then turns back a little to make room for you to come in, waving a hand inside.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Nothing. Just I thought maybe should make your house a home." Suddenly the bags made sense. "Do you have something for the flowers?"

Spike has posed:
     Just inviting Willow in, Buffy will find she has things for house warming. Spike in his usual state of half dressed is walking around shirtless. He shakes his head and admits,"I don't really have anything. There is an empty whiskey bottle. If ya rinse it out it might do good."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers didn't drop by for a social call, or with house warming gifts. On the contrary, she is here looking for that box of blonde hair dye that Spike borrowed from her because he was out. (Why did a Buffy have blonde dye? Who knows? Maybe it was Dawn's??).

Anyway, she peers back at a shirtless Spike as he lets her in and sighs. "Honestly Spike. At least out a shirt on." Oh, he's not alone. She quirks a curious brow at Willow, "Oh hey Willow, what are you doing here?"she offers a friendly smile to her bff but seems wary, eyeing Spike cautiously.

Spike has posed:
     The real question should be, why does the guy whose hair doesn't grow needs hair dye. What has he been doing with said hair dye? The door was about to shut, but Buffy foot steps get it opened again,"Hello Buffy how are you tonight." Sarcasm. Lots of it.

     His clothing in his house is optional maybe,"You know you're welcome to just fit in with the indigenous if you're coming in anyway." He's just not awake enough to quip too hard yet.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Hi Buffy. I am going to make Spikes house a home." Willow took to empty whiskey bottle, and filled it up. "Daisies. See? Much better."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers doesn't really want to know what he does with all that dye. Nor does she want to o Er stay her welcome. "Um...You're really trying to make this place more homely?" she has to give Wil points for sweetness. But she just eyes Soike, just knowing he's gonna try to take advantage of the situation. "Just be careful around him." to Soike she shrugs, "I'm jyst here to grab that box of dye I leant you the other day. Assuming you still have it..?"

Spike has posed:
     He snorts and walks back to the bathroom to retrieve the bottle of dye. Willow gets a smile and nod,"It looks good. Thank you." A few moments later he walks back out and hands the bottle to Buffy.

     "Tell the little bit it didn't work." he instructs without taking it any furthur. Might as well keep her in suspense or see if she is crazy enough to ask more,"Be careful of him Willow he might stare at you to death."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's job here is done. "There is some other stuff in the bags. Really, I just wanted to see what you did."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers notices the whisky bottle and smiles, "You know, it's a good change, gives this place a cheeriness. Just don't let the flowers die.." she smirks, "Well, I think that's really sweet of you, Willow." she goes back to peering warily at Spike, frowning a bit, "What didn't work? What are you up to this time, Spike?" she frowns as she grabs the dye.

Spike has posed:

     Spike walks back over to Willow to see what else she has in the bag, if all Buffy wanted was the dye she has it. No sense dwelling on something he can't have and maybe tonight he's not ready to be her punching bag tonight.

     He smirks at Willow a little and says,"Let's see what else you have in the bag." Friendly enough tonight and not trying to stare her to death. He looks back at Buffy and shakes his head,"She'll understand. Just tell her the rodent's fur grows back eventually." Two for two. Time to annoy or at least concern the Slayer.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Tons of stuff comes out of the bags. Really, how did it get in there?? "Spike, did you keep the coin?" Ever so casually as she unfolds the bags.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns at Spike, "Do I even want to know what you're talking about?" she sighs and turns to leave, yeah maybe not. She's about to leave when Willow brings up the coin. "The Denarian? I thought it was safe in the church..Please dint tell me you...Took it?" Now she's just plain worried.

Spike has posed:
     The small things in life bring the most pleasure. He doesn't even look back to Buffy as he looks through the things Willow has in the bags,"I might need to have you over more often Willow."

     Since she does enjoy torturing him, Spike doesn't respond to Buffy right off. Let her sweat a little. Finally he glances at her and replies,"Oh that coin. I think it's still at the church yes. Unless the priest lost it. You want to search me?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow gets the giggles. "Is if. But I would like the look over the coin."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glares some more at Spike, not at all liking how he cozies up to first Dawn and now Dawn. Is he trying to annoy her?! She grits her teeth, hands clenching and unclenching, "Search you? Are you kidding me? Ugh, just..,Whatever.." she grumbles and storms out.

Spike has posed:
     There is a smirk as Buffy sweeps out of the room and not shutting the door. You get a quick wink and he goes over to shut the door,"I don't have the coin pet. I know enough to know I'd be interested to see one and what it can do. Buffy and Murphy tried very hard to play it down as far as what it is worth and what it does."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow squiches her nose. "You are not getting a coin. Sheesh, do I look dumb? But I want to know these are the exact coins, not something else."

Spike has posed:
     He looks at you and winks,"You are the smart one." he comments lightly,"I don't have the coin. I don't know where it is. If I see one...who knows?" He leans on the counter near where you are taking things out of the bag.

     "I have the general understanding that each coin has a demon inside that takes over the host body." He touches his temple and adds,"There's already a demon in here. I wonder which one would win?" He takes his cigarette pack out and slides one to his hand. He packs it on the counter and sets the pack aside.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Each demon tries to sway, until they have control." Willow thinks. "For you? It depends. If your demon was stronger, nothing. Or maybe a deal. But you have a particular problem. You would definitely deal. You would want the chip gone."

Spike has posed:
     "I know why everyone is comfortable with me having a chip, but you aren't wrong there. I want it gone anyway." he comments and lights the cigarette, drawing the flame in. A few short puffs and an exhale. He offers you a drag.

     "I know Angel had a demon other than his once. If that ponce can handle it I can to." he states rather pointedly,"Two demons inside fighting could be entertaining."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You think?" Willow considers. "You're afraid. You are pretending like you could handle, but, we really know the only reason you puff out your chest is because there is a chip. Without that? You want to decide, are you or aren't you. Buffy wouldn't think twice before ending you. And you don't want to think maybe you are so bad after all."

Spike has posed:
     He snorts softly and shakes his head,"There difference between me and Angel Will. I don't care." he admits,"I don't care what the next day brings. I don't care how many like or dislike me." He takes a drag from his cigarette and exhales away from you.

     He considers and shakes his head,"I have to say something and try not to blast me through the wall like that Prue woman OK?" He actually sounds like he cares about that much at least. At least he isn't being a smart ass or blowing smoke in her face.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She shakes her head. "You don't care because of the chip. You know Buffy won't take you, in fact, you believe she would kill you if the chip weren't in place. You're jealous of Angel, and you don't know why. I could tell you about Buffy too, but I'm not going too."

As she thinks, her demeanor changes, almost sad. "What? You said something to tell me about? What?"

Spike has posed:
     "No love. I don't care because the demon inside doesn't care. I live the way I live because it makes me happy." he replies simply enough,"When all is said and done, Angelus was bad for the sake of being bad. He did evil things for the fun of it. He hurt people because he got off on it." he explains,"I do what I do because it strikes me at the time. I fought two slayers because I wanted to. They attacked me and I could have ran, instead I wanted to see who was better. I didn't kill them because they were what they were, I was in competition with myself." He takes another drag and exhales slowly.

     He looks at you and said,"You're a witch. You have a lot of power." he finally,"You've got potential that is almost beyond reason. I just wonder about a few things. I am evil inside so maybe I am missing something."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"The demon isn't you. I don't believe you. Really I don't." She shakes her head. "Nobody.. *I* don't believe you. Everything you do, has a je ne sais quoi about it. You don't care because you can't have what you want."

She blinks at him. "Prue would have thrown for that? But.. huh?"

Spike has posed:
     He takes a slow drag again and exhales away from you,"I've met the Halliwell woman once and she threw me out the door into the sun." He shakes his head and looks at the floor. A deep breath and he lets it out slowly.

     "You've got me all figured out Dr. Rosenburg." he tells you softly,"You know I love your best friend. I know she doesn't love me. I'm making a go of moving on. Really. I mean..." he shrugs,"...I somewhat like the guy she's with now. He's not the creepy bastard I learned unlife from who over stepped and got himself cursed. It's a start."

     "To my point though. You have all that power and what was the one thing Buffy said when she saw us together? Was it "Hey Willow, slumming? Hey Willow, you could do better?" He lets you think on that for a minute before he adds,"No it was "be careful" like she thinks you don't know who you are dealing with."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow makes a frown. "Buffy thinks.." She shrugs. "Sometimes I think she doesn't believe me. In her eyes I am nothing more than a simple little witch that she has to take care of. So, you see, I know you." She turns her head just a little bit. "With Buffy, I am one girl. She listens, but doesn't hear what I am saying. Can I tell you something?"

Spike has posed:
     He takes a last drag and exhales, putting the cigarette out on a shot glass that has a little water in it. He turns a little bit to talk to you a little easier,"What can I tell you? Love's bitch. That's me."

     "Buffy see's the world as hers to save. With all the super heroes in this world you'd think she'd ease up a little. Conceited in her own way." he comments and shrugs as he tells you,"I'm listening so tell me what you want."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Exactly. She needs the world to need her. Or else, her life isn't worth it." Willow can't believe she's telling him that. "Buffy, I do small things, comparatively. In my other jobs I've fought to bring Wonder Woman home, and Superman from Apokolips. I fought DeSaad, and won.. only it doesn't mean anything."

Spike has posed:
     "You went to Apokolips?" he inquires with a look of surprise,"Fighting along side the Justice League and fighting against a powerful alien despot." There is a soft snort and he reaches for a partially drained bottle of bourbon.

     He is quiet for a minute, then takes the cap off the bourbon. He starts to walk/pace in the general area of the kitchnette. Looking back at you he says,"So she saves the world and you save the universe? She's still more important. I get that right?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods. "She's never going to see me. So, I know you. Besides, there were lots of people helping. Wasn't just me."

Spike has posed:

     "You are part of a team." he replies simply,"You step up when you need to and back up others when it's needed. Trust me. I've been a solo act long enough to know what that looks like." he explains,"As much as I loved her, Dru didn't exactly play well with others and she wasn't much of a planner."

     There is a shrug and he offers the bourbon bottle towards you after another drink. He's reasonably sure you won't take it, but offers anyway,"It takes more courage to acknowledge you are part of something than it does to run head first into impossible odds. I may not know you as well as you say you know me, but I am starting to get you." He shrugs and adds,"As for her never seeing you that way. Make her see it."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow stares at the bourbon bottle for a long time, and accepts it. "You think?" As bourbon goes down, and she coughs. "Ew, yuck." But it doesn't stop her from taking another.

Spike has posed:
     There is a smirk as she takes that first drink and he nods,"It's rough going in." he agrees,"You get used to the burn after a few drinks." He reaches over and takes the bottle back for a drink of his own and then sets it between them.

     He takes a deep breath and sighs,"So what does Will want to do tonight. It seems we have been freed from your bestie's presence for the night. The sky is the limit." Another drag from his cigarette and he exhales away from her.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Really? The burn goes away?" Willow doesn't look like she believes him. When the bourbon settles between she frowns. Should she? Or not? But then remembers *what* she was thinking about, and she grabs up the bottle. "Your right. I always find time for Scoobies. Why? Why?"

Before she drinks, "What do your cigarettes taste like?" May as well, she's in a mood.

Spike has posed:
     He looks at you dubiously and looks at the cigarette,"They are an acquired taste pet, but..." he offers the burning nasty towards her,"...go easy and don't breathe too deep or you will he coughing up a lung."
     She'll probably cough regardless and he shrugs,"I don't know why. I guess because you are the reliable one and the real heart of the gang." Buffy's going to want to murder him at this rate. Probably not quickly either.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She reaches up for the cigarette, and takes a drag. And cough. And really *cough*. "Ew.. and that grows on you, too? Really?"

"But I am not. They don't even know when I am there. Really. I hate my life, always in the shadows." Unfortunately she forgot, and drags again. Not any better! "Take this away! I'll work on bourbon."

Spike has posed:
     He smiles a little bit inspite of her troubles and takes the cigarette back. The bottle he hands back to you and winks,"Stick with the wet fire love. The dry fire is tricky and really not good for you. It does grow you you too, but not nearly so fast."

     "Reliable in the sense that Willow will always be there if they want you." he tells you with a shrug,"If they ever decide they want you. Always there. Rather like everytime they want to kick in the doors and kill vampires let's bring the neutered vampire. He's good for it."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She takes the bottle and holds it.

"Oh. We did that to you. I see." Willow thinks, before taking a wee small sip - it's easier? "So, you know what it's like. How come you do it? Other then Buffy."

Spike has posed:
     He shakes his head and sighs,"I don't know. I guess I like being ablt to hit anything. Fight anything. Not be totally useless." He takes a drag and exhales it away from your now sensitive lungs.

     "I've loved your bestie for a while now, but I am starting to get it. She never will love me back. It sucks, but that's life." he admits,"Maybe someone will come along and I'll be infatuated with her instead of her. Fall for a woman that actually falls back."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You think? Buffy says all these people that I don't feel about, she keeps thinking I will. She has Harry. And I can have people who I feel sorry for. Why? Doesn't she think I would like the same she has? Okay, not Harry. But someone."

Spike has posed:
     "If you figure out a way ta decode the Summer's code you let me know love." he comments with a snort that causes smoke to tendril out his nose. It might look a little funny.

     "I say you strike out on your own and see what happens. You have more power than most all of us, myself included." he advises,"Maybe the next time she calls have something else to do. Maybe I should to. They won't take us for granted anymore."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Not kidding! We should! Spike and Willow. Willow and Spike!"


"Will you? I'm a little afraid. Maybe that's what she holds over me. Probably with even realizing it. What if going on my doesn't work?"

Spike has posed:
     He chuckles softly and takes a last drag from his cigarette. He exhakes and replies,"Tell you what. So long as Dawn isn't in trouble, next time she wants me to kick in some door I'll tell her I have a date." He winks and takes the bourbon back for a drink and hands it back.

     "I don't think you have anything to fear from her. At the end of the day she loves you, she just sucks at showing it is all. Going on your own is always a risk, but sometimes you have to try."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow giggles, "With me?" That tickles her fancy. "And I will return the favour. Pinkies?" She holds up her hand.

Spike has posed:
     He smirks and shakes his head. The irony of the big bad, pinky promise with a Scooby. He could die from the act alone,"We need to be useful and fight the good fight, but it sucks being taken for granted."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Hand is dropped.

"Spike? I meant it. Maybe not the pinkie promise, but something has to change. I don't *what* but I don't feel as part of the gang. They have a new gang. I'm not part of it. Maybe I will go out West. Take my Masters."

She put the bourbon bottle down, and get up. "Thanks." And gives a kiss to his cheek.

Spike has posed:
     He listens to you, watching your eyes thoughtfully as you talk. He gets the frustration there and he hmms thoughtfully,"You know I've been around for a while right. Lived longer life and unlife. When Drew left it destroyed me. I was desperate to get her back. I finally had to move on."

     Considering for a long moment he lets her get what she wants out and is good enough to not be 'that guy' who 'turns his head' to get kiss on the lips instead of the cheek. Maybe he should have. Regardless he looks at her,"You taking off on me?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She shrugs. "You don't want me around either. I'm too 'good' for you. Let's be honest."

Spike has posed:
     He shakes his head and tells you,"If you think you're too good for me then I guess you should." he admits with a shrug. They were all talking and suddenly he's the bad guy again. Well he's the bad guy anyway.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"But.." Willow wasn't how this got turned around. "You don't want to behave? I was saving you from me? Even Buffy wants other people around.. I am confused. You want to.. what?"

Spike has posed:
     Now they both look confused and he laughs softly, shaking his head,"You are a confusing bird Willow." he comments,"You can stay if you want or you can go. I have other things to amuse myself with. Things you won't find too amusing."

     He takes a drink of the bourbon and raises the bottle towards you,"You took the fire water and held it down first try. That's impressive."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Now you make fun of me. Your other things are too nasty." Willow makes a face. "You can't blame me for one, and then turn it around saying exactly what I said. You don't know me at all. Go on, try me. I dare you."

Spike has posed:
     "I am contemplating robbing a blood bank. Do you want to come with me? I can only take so much pigs blood no matter how I spice it up." he explains. He looks at the cigarettes and he nods,"That is a nasty habit yes. The funny thing is, I can't be addicted to them and I still smoke them. I guess it is in the image."

     He slides off the counter and looks at you,"What else do you want me to try you on?" he teases lightly and maybe slightly suggestive just to see if she blushes."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Oh yes, she bushes, but holds her ground. "Blood bank. You're on."

Spike has posed:
     He laughs softly and gets his coat,"All right then. Let's go rob the blood bank." he comments. He pulls the coat on,"You feeling up to a ride on the motorcycle too?" One thing about it, he's slowly corrupting.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Well, duh, unless you don't want me to come with you." Willow thinks, "You do have a helmet, yes?" There being risky, and stupid. She was definitely not stupid.. she thinks.

Spike has posed:
     He doesn't have a motorcycle helmet, but he walks over to a closet and comes back with a football helmet,"Dawn wears it. It might be a little tight, but it should fit." he muses,"Let's go. There's pilfering to be done."