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Latest revision as of 17:56, 9 August 2020

Delivering groceries
Date of Scene: 14 May 2020
Location: Rockman's Apartments
Synopsis: Riana and Remy meet up.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Wild Rose

Gambit has posed:
Jack was sleeping in his bed dozing lightly when suddonly he jumps to his feet and barking at the door. He runs in a circle, Barks some more. He tilts his head, his single eye staring at the door and his too long body nearly knocking it over as he wags it.

Wild Rose has posed:
     It was nearing suppertime in the MacKenzie apartment. Or, as it was better known to its four-legged, furry resident, 'that time my human burns my food'. Riana has the good sense to keep it simple tonight, though, with a simple meal of spaghetti and sauce. She's puttering around in the kitchen when Jack wakes and starts barking at the door. There were very few things that could get him to go bonkers like that. Still, just to be safe, Riana moves her pot of water off of the burner, turns off the stove, and gets her staff. Her approach to the door was cautious, her staff held at the ready. "Hello? Who's there?"

Gambit has posed:
the Cajun's smirk can be clearly heard in his tone as he calls out "Girl Scouts. Woul' yah like ta buy some cookies?" through the peep hole he can be clearly seen, a little damp from the drizzle outside but otherwise looking rakishly charming. A pair of plastic bags in one hand, a bottle of wine and a single red rose in the other.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Your timing is perfect, cher!" Riana chuckles and opens the door, with a furry torpedo barreling right at the Cajun, yapping fit to beat the band. "I think Jack's thanking you for saving his digestive system from my attempt at dinner," she quips. It doesn't matter that she winds up as soaked as him, setting her staff aside just inside the doorway, pulling him in for a great big hug, and a kiss that would melt snow if any were on the ground.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins slightly and returns the kiss with that slow, sentual heat. His arms hesitating only because his hands are full. "Was t'inking it be about dat time. T'aught we'd keep it simple tonight. Spagetti an' meatballs." He steps in to put bags down... and one of them contains no less then five boxes of Girl Scout cookies.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana laughs, and shakes her head. "You sure you're not a telepath? I've got the pot already set for spaghetti." And Girl Scout cookies? Who could say no to those? She nudges the door shut behind Remy, helping relieve him of the bags in his grasp, and heading for the kitchen. "I'll go get you some towels, you're soaked to the bone!" Jack is not being of much help, hopping about and dancing between the Cajun's feet, yapping happily. Hey, this was his buddy!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau manages to dance around the admitedly homely dog, grinning slightly. "Chere if yah want an excuse ta get me ta take mah clothes off, all yah gotta do is ask." He says playfully and smirks, "Ah got ambushed by a group of firs' graders coming out of de store. It was 4 on one. Poo' Remy nevah stood a chance." he easily takes over the cooking. "Did yah salt de water at least he calls to her as he takes out the pasta.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Merry laughter follows in Riana's wake as she heads for the bathroom to get a few towels for Remy. "Those four first graders were armed to the teeth with the one thing sure to hit you right in the stomach. Just please tell me you saved some of the Thin Mints or the Samoas for dessert?" If Remy were to check the pot of water, he'd find it had indeed been salted. Maybe a little too /much/ salt. It was enough to lend a briny tang to the air as the water began to steam. Had she gone to the seashore to fill the pot?

     A soft, fluffy white towel is draped around Remy's shoulders, with Riana rubbing gently to help dry him off. "I wish you knew how happy you've been making me," she murmurs, threading her arms around his waist from behind and resting her chin on his shoulder.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau purs a liuttle less then half of the brined water out and refills the pot, setting it back on the stove. He then takes out a cutting board and knife and begins chopping onions and green peppers. "Got bot' of dose an' Tagalongs as wwell. What can Ah say, cute is mah Kryptonite, and dese kids were adorable." He smirks a little bit and takes her into his arms, just holding her for a few moments, "Maybe later aftah we put de fuzz ball ta bed yah c'n show me, non?" he says playfully. Knowing he's being talked about Jack sits on his back legs, pawing at the air. Remy tosses him down a bit of diced peperoni.... which bounces off the dogs head and rolls undeer the table.

Wild Rose has posed:
     A cheeky grin spreads across Riana's face from ear to ear, and a blush that had nothing to do with the steam beginning to roll off the surface of the large pot of water. "I have no idea what you're talking about, cher." However, the way she snuggles down in his arms tells a different tale! Jack, for his part, is duly distracted by pupparoni rolling under the table, the scruffy-looking mutt yapping and giving chase, to the tune of skittering claws across the linoleum floor.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "NAturally not," he says with a smirk, taking down her frying pan, adding a drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive oil, and begining to sautee the onions, peppers, mushrooms, and a spoon full of garlic. "So 'ow 'as t'ings at de dojo been treating yah?" He asks as the heavenly aroma of 'What smells so good?' fills the air.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "It's going to cost more than I've got to rent a spot for a dojo," Riana begins, looking more than a little dejected as she plops down in a chair by the kitchen table. She runs her fingers through her titian tresses, sighing heavily. "I've just got to keep on keeping on."

     A frown creases her brows and she thinks back a couple months. "Just out of curiosity, have you ever run into any... guess there's no other way to put this... harpies?" Still, the frown could not remain entirely so, not with the company of her favorite crazy Cajun. Though... what would he think, of something like that? Something out of myth and legend?

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau considers for a moment and shakes his head slightlly, "No 'Arpies jump ta memory. Ah know a few Angels, a Pixie, a Cyclops, a Pheniox, a fuzzy blue elf, an' a Beast dat c'n only be appeased wit' twinkies... but non, Can' t'ink of ny 'arpies." He says it with a total sttraight face, as if it were a total answr to her question.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana just looks at Remy as if he's got two heads atop his shoulders, one brow lofting in an expression of disbelief. "You're bullshitting me. Elves? Angels? A Pixie? A... Cyclops? A Phoenix? Seriously?" She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, letting out a heavy sigh. "Quit pulling my leg, I was actually being serious. Harpies. Like in the old Greek myths. And what I /still/ can't believe, even this long after it happened, is that--get this--someone /else/ stepped right out of the pages of the Odyssey and pretty well saved my bacon." Running her fingers through her hair, she glances over at him, perfectly deadpan. "It sounds nuts, I know. You have no idea how long I've been debating how to even bring this up. But I just don't know what to make of it all."