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Latest revision as of 20:41, 18 August 2020

Welcome to the Magic Box!
Date of Scene: 18 August 2020
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Jennifer visits the Magic Box and learns more of the Scoobies.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Jennifer Kale

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's early in the morning still, and the Magic Box has only recently openned. Still, Buffy is working tirelessly to clean up the mess caused by a bunch of imps the other day. And what a mess it is! Overturned book cases, broken vials, torn shreds of paper..They really caused a lot of trouble!

At least the box is cool, with a decent air conditioning system that makes it a welcome haven from the heat outside. And with all the mess caused by the imps, there are now a lot of partially damaged goods that she is selling at a discounted rate in the bargain bin near the front desk.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
*DING!*DING!* The bell on the door announces someone's arrival. Jennifer has been doing some exploring before classes start up, but she'd been saving this place for when she had some time. After all, what sorceress wouldn't be interested in a shop that -claims- to sell magical items and sundries?

Jennifer would be familiar to Buffy, even though she's dressed more like she belongs in this decade for a change (no bell-bottoms). Stepping into the shop, she sniffs while her left hand works through a casual gesture to cast a quick divination spell. "Wow, would you just LOOK at this place." she offers. "And here I thought you'd be selling false-bottom top hats and trick card decks. Oh hi, there. Buffy, right?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Well, it's true, there are a lot of *fake* magic shops around the city. Heck, there are a lot of fake practitioners. And Buffy herself isn't very magically inclined, although truth be told, she HAS dabbled a bit in magic, successfully performed a minor spell here or there.

But there is a reason why she's not the owner of the store. Unfortunately Giles is away on a sabbatical, and Willow, the true witch is not in. Not yet anyway. She glances up from replacing some books on the nearby shelf and smiles faintly at the lady she met only briefly the other day.

"Oh! It's Jennifer, right? Nice to meet you again." she smirks and shrugs, "Heh, we're the real deal. And while I'm not a practicioner myself, wait til you meet Giles and Willow! How you doing, today? Anything I can help you with?"

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale's booted heels scuff softly with every step as she approaches the counter, gaze flickering around here and there. "Professional curiosity, at last at first. But you're definitely the real deal." She glances sheepishly down at the soft, pink glow that's hovering around the fingernails on her left hand.

"Sorry, that's rude." Giving her hand a shake, the aura fades quickly. "But the auras are thick around here. So Giles and Willow? I'd definitely love to meet them. But what about you, then? You hang out with Harry and you work in this place? Are you, like, a magical groupie or something?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks and shrugs, "Nah, we get that a lot around here. I mean, same deal with when you walked into Harry's office right? You thought he was just another fake at first."

She continues reshelving the book before climbing to her feet, glancing back at Jennifer as she wipes her brow. "Phew, had a bunch of crazy imps messing up the place the other day. I think we need to put some stronger antimagic fields around here, though that's tricky since the others sometimes teach classes here."

Buffy nods again, "Right, they're very talented, especially Willow. Almost scarily so. And of course you're a practitioner too, aren't you?" she chuckles, "Seems to be an influx of them lately. My friend Prue is a practitioner as well."

As for herself, Buffy just laughs, "Nah, I'm not a practitioner, although I've been able to perform some really really minor stuff, magic's not really my thing..Guess you could say I'm the muscle." It's a mysterious response, especially as she doesn't exactly look big and muscular although Buffy is definitely athletic, but people tend to overlook those things when you're not a giant.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale nods slowly, stepping up closer to the counter. "I'm rapidly changing my original assessment of New Jersey." she replies. "And I thought Florida was interesting with all the stories of swamp monsters. Which aren't just stories, by the way." She watches the reshelving for a moment, then Buffy mentions imps.

"That's what I was picking up. The imps, I mean. And yeah, I'm more than a casual practitioner. The Kale family traces its lineage back to Cult of Zhered-Na and old Atlantis, so it runs in the family. And I've had some training as well."

When Buffy says she's the 'muscle', Jen gives the other blonde a once-over. A SLOW once-over. "Muscle? Gymnast, dancer, maybe a cheerleader. You definitely look like you work out. I dance on the side, myself. Or I used to."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Welcome to Bludhaven, weirdness central." she shrugs, "Oh yeah, you don't have to tell me twice, I'm more than well acquainted with all sorts of unfriendlies out there, or should I say, things that go bump in the night?"

The once-over and surprise in Jennifer's voice is nothing new to her of course. Buffy just chuckles, "Would you believe, I really WAS a cheerleader once? I guess I had to give it up when I had another calling..."

She sighs, looking a tinge sadenned by that, but.."Okaay, I guess since you're already in the know, I'm in fact, the 'Slayer'." Of course, while some people, many people have heard of The Slayer, it's mostly demons and things who fear her at that. She waits for one of two inevitable responses.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale shifts her weight, arms folding when Buffy confirms the cheerleader speculation. "Thought so, yeah. But you don't really seem to be the pigtails-and-pompoms sort, either."

Then Buffy starts talking about the 'Slayer', and Jen lifts a brow. "Slayer? THE Slayer?" She squints a moment, looking thoughtful. "I'd have to do some research for the specifics, but that's a demons and vampires thing, right?" Jen considers. "So what do you do, exactly?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "To be honest, I used to be all that, blonde valley girl, super popular, super fake..Til I got my calling as the Slayer." she smiles, "Wow, glad to hear you've heard of me. It's always a pain when people think I'm talking about a certain metal band or something."

She nods, "That's right, fated to fight demons and all creatures of the night, blessed with superstrength and speed and all that fun stuff. That's me! Too bad a lot of the enemies I face are getting stronger all the time. But I'm fortunate to have run into allies like Harry, and Karrin, and Thomas, heck even Spike's not so bad...I suppose. But Willow and Giles have been there with me since the beginning.."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer Kale tilts her head, uncrossing her arms to half-lean on the counter while Buffy talks. "Heard of you just a little, actually. But still heard of you." she replies. "So you're fated to fight the creatures of the night the same way I'm fated to be the guardian of a family book that'll end the world if the wrong people get a hold of it. I can can soooo relate."

"Harry and Karrin I've met, and Willow owns the shop along with Giles. I'll have to meet Thomas and Spike, though." Jen pauses, then adds. "Oh, and put me on your speed dial list, too. I mean, you might as well do it sooner rather than later, because I tend to get drug into things pretty quickly when weird shit happens."

Jennifer grins, then adds. "And don't worry about being super fake once upon a time. Back in Florida I used to work as an exotic dancer to make ends meet."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and sighs, "Yeaah, one and the same. Haven't decided yet if it's a curse or a blessing. At least I get to keep my social life, even if most of my friends are supernatural in one way or the other." she shrugs, straightening the display counter.

"But I guess someone's got to do it, and I'm the best as what I do." she smirks at the irony of that quote, a quote she stole from someone else apparently.

She just grimaces at meeting Spike. "Heh, Thomas is a charmer but constantly busy with his club. Spike is..Spike. Oh yes, a real 'treat'." she rolls her eyes at that. Definitely bad blood between the two of them.

A slight brow is raised at the 'exotic dancer' bit and Buffy is careful not to comment too much on that. "I..See. Well. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Can't say I'm proud of everything I've done.."