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New Mutants: Hank takes the kids on a field trip
Date of Scene: 18 August 2020
Location: New York City, NY
Synopsis: The New Mutants stop a bank robbery and shockingly enough, they didn't screw up!
Cast of Characters: Beast, SpyderByte, Nightingale, Faraday, Grizzly, Ted Gammage

Beast has posed:
New York City. Manhattan. Harlem. The evening is pretty nice. Its managed to cool off after a hot day and that means that people are out and about trying to enjoy themselves. Some of those folks are New Mutants and one of their advisers, Hank McCoy. The blue Beast has arranged a sort of field trip into the city to speak with a civil rights activist that might be able to help them learn more about the struggles facing various types of people and how the issues of mutants are comparable to those of other historically oppressed minorities.

Unfortunately, their contact's lawyer just told Hank that they were thrown in jail at a protest and wouldn't be able to make the appointment. Luckily, there are worse places for a bunch of people to be hanging out than NYC.

The teacher leads the way towards a diner, "At least we'll get something to eat while we're here. I'm told this place is pretty good, at least if you like breakfast food. Remember, I've got the school's credit card, so make sure to eat your fill." There's a soft chuckle at his little joke.

That's before his heightened senses detect the sound of an alarm going off down the street, followed by someone shouting the words, "Help me! Fire! Help!" He turns to look at the kids and says, "You wait in the diner, I'm going to make sure everything's over. Feel free to start eating without me." And then the PhD takes off in the direction of the screaming.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< The Diner has three and a half stars on Yelp. It passed it's last two inspections. Barely. >>

Jeremy can be a buzz kill sometimes as he shoves his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. His phone is strapped to his arm so that he can speak through the speakers easily enough without having to hold on to his phone.

As usual, the cyber-goth is wearing all black and looking mildly uncomfortable from the heat. At the sound of screaming, he tilts his head as the teacher starts to take off. Flopping down into a booth, he pops the phone loose and puts it into his hands.

<< Take your phone out and I will .. He's gone. >>

His fingers tap along the glass as he pulls up the cameras in the area with a brief thought, squinting his eyes. At least he'll try and put eyes on what may be drawing Hank away. If there is a fire, he can perhaps alert the fire authorities. At least once he finds a camera in the vicinity.

<< I want nachos. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Wait in the diner, my wingfeathers," Shannon mutters. On one hand, it was (nominally) for their own good. But on the other, well, it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. It was incredibly frustrating, the furrowing of her brows and tightening of her grip upon the cup of coffee in her hands telling a tale all too familiar.

     But they were not helpless. Not by any means. Something akin to a smirk slowly spread across her face, the young woman flicking her wings behind her and peering over at her teammates. "What do you think..." She chuckles softly, actually grinning at Jeremy. "You sure you're not a telepath? You read my mind."

Faraday has posed:
Field trips in summer are the best kind. They have less chance of including homework. But this one Indira seemed keen to meet, and her disappointment at missing them led to some questionable suggestions on taking their place at the protest and/or breaking said speaker out of prison. Sadly, neither recommended options for a high schooler and her ideas were promptly vetoed.

So she ambles along with the group with her hands stuffed in her pockets, eyes absently wandering the familiar skyline. "That's gourmet around these parts." She drawls towards Jeremy as the class steps inside. "City roaches are big enough to turn into stuffed potato skins."

As they're told to go find a seat and wait, she gives a partly suspicious squint but nods her head. She does not, however, take a seat happily. Instead, she sits there primarily on the edge of the booth with her foot tapping and eyes looking towards the windows. "How long we giving him by the college rules? Doctors are usually fifteen minutes, right? Professors are 10."

Grizzly has posed:
Adam was excited for diner breakfast. Aside from street carts, diners had the very best food ever. Greasy, big portions, simple and delicious, that was all he needed. At the alarm sound, he was a bit surprised that their supervision dashed off, but as they were allowed to order while waiting, this was not a bad deal. Now, not only did they not have to listen to a lecture, they were being let off the leash completely.

He flopped into the booth along with the others. "We have free reign on food, I'm going for the full breakfast platter. So uh, does he often do that? I mean, firefighters are still a thing."

Beast has posed:
Across the street from the diner is a bank. It's not too big and most of it's locked, but there's a little lobby in front that has a few ATMs in it. As the New Mutants make their way into the dining establishment the more perceptive of them may notice a group of six people heading into the lobby. Two of them don't look particularly happy to be there, seeing as how they've got their arms gripped tightly by people behind them. It's not super noticeable or anything, but if one is paying attention they'd pick up on it.

In the diner things are pretty quiet. There's room for all the students to get a place to sit.

As Jeremy starts bouncing through cameras he will find several in the direction Beast took off in. There is indeed a fire in a nearby residence. It doesn't appear to be terribly large or out of control, but there does seem to be some need for Hank to go into the burning building as he dashes inside.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Found him. >>

Jeremy gives a furrow of his brow, then glances upwards to one of the TV's mounted in the diner. His eyes roll upwards and he gives a swish of his hand in the air as he flicks the video feed from the phone to the TV. He tilts his head upwards as he monitors Hank making his way down the street towards the burning building.

<< I'm contacting the authorties now. He just went inside the building. I can monitor from here while you guys order. It doesn't seem like a huge fire. Just a residential. >>

He reaches up to adjust the glasses on his nose as he stares up at the TV, though his eyes trail towards the window just past it. He tilts his head to one side, then nudges Adam at his side.

<< You guys see that? The bank? Shannon, give me your phone. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "Not the first time I've seen him in the field. He's got a heart too big to let him stand by when he might be needed," Shannon remarks to Adam, idly tapping the side of her tumbler of water. It had the typical chlorinated smell of city water everywhere, and she was loath to drink the stuff, wrinkling her nose as she brings the glass up to her lips. "Ugh. Kind of makes you wonder at the condition of the local water treatment plant, if what comes out of it smells like this."

     Ordering nachos would have to wait, it seemed. Arching her brows, she peers over at Jeremy, then out the window at the bank. "Aw, hell," she mutters under her breath. Without another word, she slips her phone from her little brown bag and slides it over to Jeremy, reaching over to squeeze his hand briefly.

Faraday has posed:
Window-staring as she is, Indira spots the lot headed into the bank - including the two who don't really seem to want to go in. "Yyyeeeup."

She tilts her head to look back towards the other students while pulling out her own phone. "Alright, you call that one in and I'll buzz this other one in." She remarks, as if this was just normal dinner conversation. "I really hope the NYPD gets paid well. Like, the amount of crap they have to deal with. Generic assholes, space assholes, superpowered assholes..." She mutters while punching in 911 and then flipping around one of the menus. "...where are we, anyway...?"

Grizzly has posed:
Growing up in the city and not in the high class parts of socialites and penthouses, Adam had no qualms about the junk diner food, or the tinny water as it was all he was used to anyway. He felt completely comfortable here. He was the last to take notice of what was going on across the street, only looking after everyone else had pointed it out. He just caught a glimpse of the last two walking into the bank. But then Indi was quickly calling 911. "What'd you guys see? What's happening?" Now despite being at the school for a few weeks, he had not done any of this heroing business yet.

Ted Gammage has posed:
While not a part of the previous conversations, Ted could at this point agree with that low star yelp rating. "Ugh, guys, do not go in those. Ah think ah used th' last of th' soap. Ah'm pretty sure ah used more on my hands than whoever cleans th' bathroom ever uses..." He trails off, remebering he probably should act with a bit more maturity. He furrows his brow and looks about as he slides into a chair with the rest of the group. "What's goin' on? Where'd Teach go? Why's Jeremy doin' the twitchy eye thing he does when he's doin' his camera trick?"

Beast has posed:
The people in the bank lobby end up at a pair of ATMs, one for each person clearly being coerced. Looks like they're being forced to empty their bank accounts under threat of violence.

Eventually, Doctor McCoy emerges from the burning building. He's got a monkey on each shoulder, with the leashes around their waists held in his hand. They're all a little dirty from the smoke, but look as though they're ultimately no worse for wear. The family that owns the house run up to Hank and take the tiny primate leads from him, but the little simians are obviously scared and cling to the blue primate's furry head and neck, reluctant to let go. Hank is suffering from monkey paralysis.

In the bank lobby itself, as one can see from the security cameras, the two folks being menaced are brought up to a machine each with guns pointed at their backs. The four bad guys fan out to make sure there's nowhere for their prisoners to run to and so that they can keep eyes out on the street for trouble.

SpyderByte has posed:
Taking in a deep breath, Jeremy yanks his hand down in the air as he pulls the video from the television back down to his phone. He pushes his and Shannon's phones together, then gives a snap of his fingers as he has one bank feed on the left, another on the right.

<< The gunmen have guns to the prisoner's backs and it appears they're being forced to empty their accounts into the ATM machine. >>

Pushing himself upwards, he gives a long stretch of his body.

<< Ted, you're bullet proof, right? I have a terrible idea. I'm going to access the ATM machines and .. now.. >>

With a bit of focus, he will command the ATM machines to literally start spitting money, everywhere. It's a great distraction!

<< Ted, Indie, let's go. Ted, draw their attention, Indi, you're going to blast them when they put eyes on Ted. He is the more imposing one so they'll immediately dismiss you. Shannon, Adam, you'll get the prisoners away when it goes down. Adam, if necessary, bear up and create cover with your larger form. Shannon can heal you if you take a bullet or two. >>

And him? He takes a sip of his water.

<< I'll let Mister McCoy know we're about to be grounded. Roll out X-Men! >>

He looks so proud of himself.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Lovely." Shannon frowned as she watched the scene at the bank unfold. "So we've got firearms involved, two innocents and..." Pausing, she counts off the unfriendlies on screen. "Four goons. And neither concealment nor cover for those two people... or anyone who's thinking of getting involved." Cough, cough. A quick glance is spared to each of the group. "So how can we jambax their plans without putting ourselves in the line of fire?"

     Speaking of the line of fire, amidst the brainstorming, she cannot quite help a mild smirk of amusement at poor Ted, who seems to have suffered the brunt of local sanitation practices--or lack thereof. She shakes her head slowly, trying not to chuckle--and failing. "There are -so- many things I could say to that." But of course, she is at least attempting to be semi-ladylike!

     Of course, attempts at being ladylike go out the window in a flurry of varied languages. "How about not getting shot, guys, and saying you did? I'd rather not have to heal anyone today!" Scooting out of the booth, she heads out with the rest of the team, muttering softly.

     "Miss Grey's gonna be pissed."

Faraday has posed:
Indira Bhandari slowly lowers her phone as someone is on the other end and just stares across the table towards Jeremy. She says nothing to start, just puts the phone back to her ear, gives the address and says bank robbery, then hangs up. "Yeup. Let's go scare the shit out of guys with guns and hostages. That's not going to get someone shot. Why are we worried about us and not those two very breakable people?"

"Didn't I just say I'm not very good at aiming yet?" She mutters to her teammates as she gets up out of her seat. "Pretty sure I did, so I'm doing it again. No one complain if I hit you, got it?"

Grizzly has posed:
Adam shot Jeremy a look with a lifted brow. That was a pretty blasie response to 'taking a bullet or two'. Especially from the one who was going to sit and look at phone screens while the rest of them faced armed jackholes. He sighed, supposing this is par for the course of attending a 'super hero school.'

He slid out of the booth as well, and chuckled at Indi's comment. He nudged her playfully as they existed, "At least your job isn't to be a meat shield and possibly get shot. I'm gunna need a word later with our fearless leader."

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Honestly, ah'm not sure if ah am or not. Never been shot at b'fore," Ted reminds Jeremy, but sighs as his excitement and bravado pick up. Still, people probably do need defending in this case. He would usually have a reply for Shannon, but since everyone's up and outta there, he gives her a helpless shrug. "Ah'll try not to get too...shot?" Of course, he does note, "Should we have masks on 'r something? At least maybe make th' camera not see us?"

Beast has posed:
The two people getting held up almost jump back when money comes spewing out of the ATMs. Luckily, the robbers seem to forget about them as they go to try to scoop up all of the cash. There's a lot of it all of the sudden, more than they were anticipating, but they start stuffing it in their pockets nonetheless. The hostages slowly begin edging towards one of the doors as their captors load up on dough.

Hank is still trying to get the monkeys back to their owners, but his fur is just so soft and he's such a comforting presence that they don't seem to want to leave him alone and he's too afraid to just muscle them off. It's quite a conundrum.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Don't worry about the cameras. They're mine. You got this guys. Work as a team. Don't die. >>

Jeremy takes another sip of his water as he takes command of the cameras as he focuses upon the pair of phones on the desk. He links up with Adam's phone through way of communication. Doot Doot!

He waves down a waitress and stammers his way into ordering several nachos, a large breakfast for Adam and Ted, and whatever vegan that Indi would have got. As he eyes the pair of phones on the table, he watches the hostages make their way for the door. If by chance they get out, he's locking the robbers inside. Those doors are mechanical after all and linked.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just -looks- at Indi. "Thinking we don't care about those two innocents would be dead wrong. Now let's just all make less work for medics and healers here." As she heads for the door, Ted's question gives her pause. "Good thought. Jer? Any way to cover our tracks here? We don't need to be on the evening news."

     Great. How many ways could this go wrong? Stay tuned, dear reader....

Faraday has posed:
"But at least you get a cool story. 'I got shot and spat out the bullet'." Indira retorts to Adam. "Mine is 'I fried my friend's central nervous system, had to send them apology cookies after. They had to drink them through a straw.' That's not what they write heavy metal lyrics about."

Towards Shannon, she just snorts. "Don't be giving me the stink eye. Just pointing out scared people with hostages do bad things to said hostages. Humans are dumb, panicky animals - as the old quote goes."

She looks back to Ted then at mention of masks, scrunches up her face in thought, and then just yoinks her t-shirt off. She's got a longline sports bra under it, relax. It's New York City, no one cares. The shirt is passed back to Ted. "Shred that, we'll do it ninja style. So let's go do this then, so I'm not standing here without my shirt looking like an idiot." And out the diner door she goes.

Grizzly has posed:
Having a built in 'mask' was actually going to come in handy. Heh. Unless they had bear facial recognition...was that a thing? Adam didn't think so. He followed the others across the street, for now actually trying to look at the situation they were about to engage in and growing more serious. There were the hostages to think about, and there were people on the street as well. Money spewing out of the ATMs had gotten a few curious onlookers, even if most New Yorkers were trained to not pay attention to anything that didn't directly involve them.

"Jer, I hope you got those doors open, if we're supposed to try and grab the hostages," he said, taking out his phone which was the current line to their other teammate. They were almost across the street now and his heart was beating rather quickly with nerves.

Ted Gammage has posed:
There's a bit of a sigh and on his way across the street, Ted manages to fashion the shirt into a totally-for-sure-not-super-duper-goofy mask. About halfway there, he sighs and just takes it off and tosses it back, "This is dumb, folks at home know what ah am anywho. Jus' maybe let's be quick." He strides fast, almost trying to goad Adam into a race. "Ah'll try an' distract real good." When he gets to the door he throws them open and says "There's better ways t'get money." Or, he tries. What actually happens is he starts to open the door with style and the left one comes off the hinges in a loud screech of metal-on-metal. He lets it fall aside, then tries to recover "Put down yer weapons!" He also tries to put himself in the line of fire between his team and the guns. At least the doors are open?

Beast has posed:
The hostage takers have more or less forgotten their hostages in the pursuit of free money, but the noncombatants haven't managed to take off yet. As the door comes off its hinges the crooks all turn to see what's happening, pointing their guns at the teen. One yells, "Screw off, it's our money!" Another shouts, "Go home to your momma, kid! This is our score."

Down the road Hank McCoy finally gets the monkeys off of him. The family they belong to are apparently thanking him profusely for his bravery. He's trying to back away when a police officer approaches to start asking some questions. He may be tied up for a little while longer.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Hey Adam. >> Is Jeremy's voice coming out of Adam's phone's speakers. << I have the police enroute and I'm giving them all green lights. The cameras won't see a thing during this time. So you guys don't need to be gentle with them. Just make sure the hostages are safe first. If they start shooting, stand behind Ted. Suggest he uses that door as a shield. >>

As Jeremy sips at his water, he continues to monitor the video from both phones, sending an alert to Mister Mc Coy. << New Mutants are stopping a bank robbery across the street. They are armed. Two hostages. >>

Oh! Nachos are here. He reaches out to take a chip, popping it in his mouth with a crunch. "Mmm... M.. ma-am. Mmm...May I-I-I have extra puh-puh.. PEPPERS." He stammers out to the waitress who is putting the plates of food around him at the table.

Nightingale has posed:
     As close behind Ted as she is, Shannon is in a good position to reach out to the hostages. With the light right behind her creating something of a halo effect, she reaches out to the two very frightened people. "Let's get you out of here. Don't argue, just /move/!" If successful, she takes them both by the hand to guide them around Ted, keeping him and his improvised door-shield between them and the gunmen. At the same time, she looks them over, checking for any immediate sign of injury.

     "It's gonna be okay, hang in there!"

Faraday has posed:
Indira crosses the road with the NM posse, swinging her arms to loosen them up as well as flexing her fingers. As things get underway, the tall girl peeks out from around Ted's shoulder and eyes the robbers through the glass. There's a little wiggle of her fingers in a wave, with a few sparks sizzling between her fingertips. Distraction! Just keep their eyes on her. Look here, sparkle fingers!

"Yeah hi. So we don't want the money, we want them. So you two go stuff your pockets while we clear these two out, and no one goes to prison for murder. Sound like a plan? Think of all those weirdos they got in prison now. You really wanna tell them you shot kids? They don't take kindly to that."

Grizzly has posed:
Adam, also standing behind Ted, nodded as Shannon was able to guide out the hostages. She probably seemed more trustworthy to them, with the whole angelic thing she had going on. When they were out, he stepped to the side, blocking the gap. He then took his phone and moved to tuck it into Shannon's pocket, as she was busy and just said to her, "Hold onto this for me. Voice of God's on the other end, in case ya need 'im."

As he was speaking, his body was already begging to change shape. Bones cracked, muscles swelled as his mass doubled in height and thick shaggy fur sprouted all over his growing ursine form. Now behind the kid holding the door which he'd just managed to rip off of it's frame, stood the massive form of a grizzly bear standing up on its hind legs. He was enough to fill the gap where the hostages had gone through. Those still inside were gunna have to stay good and put until the cops arrived.

Ted Gammage has posed:
All said and done, things are working out great, though Ted is hoping the door isn't too expensive. Certainly less expensive than a life, he decides. As Shannon ushers the hostages aside, he again resumes his position of hopefully-bullet-proof-wall. At this point, it's mostly waiting on the police to get here. Adam changing beside him, puts him a little at ease, for now he's not alone on the front line.

"Ah didn't really think people called robbin' an ATM ah 'Score'," he tells him, trying to affect a bit of cockiness. "Though ah suggest y'may want t' put down your weapons, cause if ah can do this to th' door," and he idly holds it in front of him to show it to them, "means those guns ain't gonna do much but make me mad. An' that's generally a bad idea, all things considerin'."

Beast has posed:
The cop talking to Doctor McCoy and then Beast himself immediately take off when something comes over the officer's radio. They're both headed back in the direction the New Mutants are at, though Hank covers ground way faster than officer cop.

The two hostages grab Shannon's hands and move to run away. If allowed they're just going to sprint down the sidewalk and as far away from trouble as possible.

When Indira does her sparkle thing and tells the robbers to load up on cash they start to do just that once again, though they're looking pretty on edge. One of them says to the others, "Hurry up. We split in... Aww hell." Yeah, the guy stops talking when Adam starts changing. "Oh no." Ted is given a glance, but the bear is much scarier, apparently. "Just don't hurt us. These aren't even real guns, we're just looking to get money to get out of town."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Hello, Shannon. This is God speaking. Police will be here in three minutes. Mister McCoy is also on his way. You guys are doing great! >>

Jeremy takes another bite of nachos, licking his finger clean of cheese. When the peppers arrive, he gives a gothy beaming smile to the waitress, then dumps them on top of the nacho stack.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Then if God wouldn't mind blessing us poor sinners with a bounty of food when we get back, that'd be great." Shannon chuckles a little bit, shaking her head. What a geek. He and Adam both were. But hey, the lot of them were managing to work together, and that was good, right? "And if you can, make sure a medic is here to give them the once-over? Beast is probably gonna want us to leggit."

     Doing her best to convince the hostages to stay put, she smiles. "Those goons aren't going anywhere. Come on, stop and catch your breath. Police will be here in about three minutes to lock those yahoos up."

     Glancing back over her shoulder at the rest. "You caught that from the Voice From Above? Three minutes to the cavalry arriving!"

Faraday has posed:
On the tail end of Ted's statement, there's the appearance of Indira's hand rising up behind his shoulder and pointing towards Adam. "And we have a bear. Just putting that out there."

But as it seems they'll be cooperating, Indira doesn't immediately light them up. She does spot the incoming police and inches to the other side of Ted so she can try keeping their eyes away from where any authorities may be inbound. One hand behind her back tries pointing Adam towards Shannon - shoo, that way, go.

As Shannon begins to call out a warning, Indi talks just a little louder to try and make sure the burglars aren't tipped off on accident. Time to stall them just a little longer. "Outta town, huh? Can't blame you. NYC is crazy! Bad enough you can't even afford the price of rent, no one will even give you insurance now there's monsters and aliens dropping out of the sky every other weekend. What happened to simple cannibal pigeons, giant rats, and gators in the sewers? Anyway! Uh, good luck on the gettin', I suppose. We'll just get out of your hair. Thanks for not shooting us, much appreciated."

Grizzly has posed:
Grizzly looks down from his vantage point to the robbers, who appear to be adequately frightened and claim to not be willing or able to shoot as they were armed with fake guns. He lets out a derisive sort of snort. Well, they chose the wrong day to leave town, apparently. But, this was easy, all they had to do was keep blocking the entry way until the cops showed up. Unfortunately he misses Indy hand gesture as he's not looking toward her at the moment. But he rests a paw on Ted's shoulder, which is heavy, but he's not pressing down or anything, more a show of solidarity, and showing off 2 inch long claws to those remaining inside of the room.

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Oof, yeh, bad day for this. Even a fake gun'll get y' killed by someone with a real one," Ted reminds. "Put th' fake guns down then. Gotta good news, bad news situation. Good news, ain't no one got hurt so charges won't be as bad as they could be. Bad news, yer gonna have to turn yerselves in." At this point he sets the door back down so the hinges are doing their best imitation of being whole. He even reaches over and squeezes the metal back together on one hinge. No one will -ever- know. Riiight.

As the bear presses a paw on his shoulder, he grins. "Ah...ah think we made our point." He does, at this point, lean back and look down the street to see if the police are coming or if its their Teacher.

Beast has posed:
The robbers end up dropping their weapons, real or fake, when it's obvious they aren't getting out. The bear, the guy that ripped the door of its hinges and sparkly lady all seem to have put them in their place and made sure they aren't going to be going anywhere any time soon.

Hank closes in on the students, running on all fours and nimbly dodging between people and other obstacles. He'll be there any moment now...

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You should hear the sirens now and they're a block away. Adam should bear down and you guys should get outta there. >>

Jeremy props his chin up in the palm of his hand, then launches a YouTube video on Shannon's voice. He scrolls through her recent searches as he munches on another chip, brows raising upwards at times. "Huh."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Copy that, Spyder Byte. We're gone!" With one last reassuring smile at the hostages, Shannon turns to the rest of the team. "They're about a block out. Time to ride into the sunset. Adam, Jer says to bear down." As soon Ted, Adam, and Indira are all set, she follows them away from the bank, putting as much distance between themselves and the incoming police as possible.

     "Holy hell, we did alright!"

Faraday has posed:
Well, no hiding the cops are actually on their way now. Stalling is at an end.

"You guys may wanna just take a seat and keep those hands up. It'll probably hurt less. Toodles!" And then Indira is moving to retreat back towards the diner to reconvene. She does not, however, do so blindly. One eye is kept on the bank with a hand twitching at her side, just in case they decide to make a break for it once everyone is out of the way.

Grizzly has posed:
The bear dropped down to all fours. He felt a little like outing at having to shift back so soon. That was a lot of energy to expend for a few minutes, but he knew that wandering around NYC as a bear was never going to happen. He grumbled a bit even as he began to shift back and then follow the others. Not leaving before giving the robbers an 'keeping an eye on you' gesture.

He takes his phone back from Shannon. "Jer, if you ate any of my food, yer a dead man." he teased, but actually he was starving now.

Ted Gammage has posed:
Well, seems like things are winding down, so Ted steps back from the damaged entryway and starts to follow the crew back, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Man, fake guns, guys desperate enough t' try and rob someone. Ain't right, but ah don' know if ah feel like a winner on this one," he tells the others. "Though, we did save some folk, ah guess. That's always good." He still doesn't seem to be particularly convinced, but after a moment the mood fades and he says "Oh yeh, food, ah forgot we were s'pose to be eating."

Beast has posed:
"Damn it! Now we're going to get killed, all cuz' of some weird kids and their bear!" The leader of the criminals says to his cohorts as he plops down on the floor and puts his face in his hands. There may be some sobbing going on.

As Hank gets close and sees the New Mutants heading back towards the diner he angles to meet them. The cops arrive at the bank shortly after and start drawing the guns and cuffing the robbers.

As McCoy gets into the diner with the students he frowns, looks back through the window at the goings on, and then asks, "Who's going to tell me what happened while I Was gone and will I be pleased?"

SpyderByte has posed:
Still sitting at the table, Jeremy is just eating nachos as the rest head back into the diner. He gives a shrug of his shoulders upwards to Hank as he watches a video on quilting for some reason.

<< I've just been sitting here eating nachos. No clue what the others were up to. >>

He has a smug look upon his face as he draws the plate of nachos to him closer, eyeing Adam mischeviously.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon tries to keep an innocent smile on her face. She really does. But that smug smile from Jeremy turns her innocent look to one of almost devilish glee, her wings ruffling behind her. As she glances at each teammate, she grins at them in turn, finally turning to Mr. McCoy.

     "Ask us no questions, we'll tell you no lies."

     Some truths were better left unspoken....