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Latest revision as of 12:59, 23 August 2020

Does it even count anymore
Date of Scene: 21 August 2020
Location: Spike's Sub-Basement, Hugo Building
Synopsis: Buffy and Karrin came by to wish Spike a happy birthday. Karrin left early and Spike and Buffy had...Spike and Buffy moments and issues.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Spike, Karrin Murphy

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had managed to talk Karrin out of the apartment she shared with Harry (probably officially at this point) and walked (and probably had her drive them) to Spike's rather odd sub basement suite which wasn't an actual apartment, but a place he was squatting in and had turned into a pseudo apartment. Buffy sometimes suspected that he had moved from the crypt to be closer to her, but it wasn't something he would ever admit.

Anyway, they reach his apartment maybe half an hour later before Buffy leads the way, knocking as always on his door even though she knows it's locked. She's got a present for him, and a giant cupcake decked in goth red and black sprinkles, complete with bats and stuff, and a candle in the middle.

"Um..Spike, you home? It's me, Buffy.." her tone is a bit uncertain, as things had seemingly soured between them since her deception on him...

Spike has posed:
     How many years has it been anyway? Does he even count it anymore? There is a large bottle of bourbon sitting on the table beside the couch. He is laying on the couch in a pair of pants...small favors. There is a cake on the coffee table as well in front of the couch, so maybe.

     The TV is playing Passions and he doesn't seem to have any plans of going out. He doesn't get this way often, but this will be Buffy's second time catching him like this in the last month. There is a cigarette burning in an ashtray on the table beside the couch.

     He looks up at the door and measures the options. Finally he takes up his cigarette and walks towards the door. He opens it to see Buffy and offers a polite nod...oh look she brought a friend,"Ladies. What brings you here? Something to chase, hunt, or kill?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin DID drive them, especially so she could swing by and grab a few very expensive cigars as a birthday gift. Hopefully he liked cigars. Karrin's dressed plainly, as usual, a pair of jeans and a black tank top with her usual leather motorcycle jacket over top, hiding a few weapons she wears habitually. The scent of the cigarette on the air confirms what Karrin swore she remembered -- he's a smoker.

"...Spike... I don't know if you remember me. It's Karrin. We murdered a fair amount of vampires together. It was a raging good time. Happy birthday. I brought cigars." She offers them practically in his direction, some inside little joke in her smile. "We...apparently, share a birthday, and I needed out of the house. And you needed cigars, I hope." Her eyes flicker over to Buffy, doing her best to figure out the tension between the two of them.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, hovering in the doorway a few moments as she notices the cake..Did he already have a birthday celebration? She smiles faintly, setting her cupcake for him down on the table and lights the candle before shoving the package at him. "Hi...Hapoy birthday. You didn't think I'd forget did you? Did you know that you and Karrin share the same birth date?"

Spike has posed:
     "I remember. You look solidly in better shape than last we met." he replies to Murphy with a nod. He takes the offered cigars and turns his body to the side to invite the two of you in,"Happy Birthday. Welcome to my humble crypt." he adds. Smoker indeed.

     He nods to Buffy and turns his head to the side a little and walks to her as she puts the cupcake out and hands him a present,"I tried to forget, but it creeped up on me anyway." he offers with a hint of a tease,"You didn't have to get me anything."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Now being invited in, Karrin steps smoothly past the doorway. She wasn't the sort that needed to wait at a threshold, but it had become a habit spending so much of her time with Dresden. In the beginning, she'd just charge into a place and leave him standing outside. Now she's a bit more polite. Pale eyes take in the room curiously before turning back to the vampire, but she's keeping a bit more distant from the pair. Almost trying to give them their catch up time if she can.

"Oh, well, I clean up pretty well. Most of the blood wasn't mine. I still owe you for those stakes... Figured the least I could do is stop by and give some regards." She offers him with a sideways smile.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just smirks and shrugs. Well at least Karrin doesn't seem as wary as Harry of Spike...Afterall the latter had been asking her an hour ago what's stopping her from simply dusting him...Which really was a good question. And why's she even here, celebrating his birthday when she's the last person he'd rather see right now?

Oh right, guilt. And..Other things. She shrugs, shaking her head, "well...Maybe I wanted to. Cant you just say thank you for once?" she still seems tense as he takes the cupcake and gifts, eventually just sitting on the edge of the sofa. "Sooo...How've you been? Looks like you already got cake.."

Spike has posed:
     "Make yourselves at home." he comments and goes back to sit on the arm of the couch. He clicks the pause button on Passions and indcates them to sit where they want. You know there is always a smart remark, but for this time he lets it go. He doesn't question why she doesn't stake him either,"Thank you. I don't celebrate the birthday often."

     His attention moves towards Karrin again and he tells her,"You handled them well too. A sword for them is a good idea as well, though I can tell you a few other things if you want." He's attempting to be the good host for both. He takes the gift and starts to open it. He looks over the contents and takes one of the cigars as well, biting the tip off slightly. There is a smile that plays over his face inspite of himself and he tells Karrin,"Thank you." as he hefts the cigar and starts to light it.

     Before he lights the cigar he does stop and look at Buffy. There has been a lot going on between them of late. He considers her a moment longer and finally says,"Thank you Buffy. Really." What punk guy wouldn't want bottles of high end scotch mixed with blood and the dog tag around it.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
As she's invited to sit, Karrin comes farther into the room and to one of the other sitting areas. She takes a single chair so Buffy has the option of maybe sitting *next* to Spike, or one of the other solo chairs. She folds down neatly, legs crossing, trying to look like she's relaxing, but there's still the sensation of a woman who is always on alert. Not of Spike, necessarily, but of the entire world around them.

"...A sword. That's... nothing I've actually trained with yet, but there's always tomorrow. If they are genuinely helpful, I can find a gym. I think there's some reinactors around that do sword fighting somewhere in Chicago." Karrin admits with a bit of a laugh. "...Or Michael." That's more serious. A much better possibility. "And I don't want to make you work on your birthday, but I'll take any tips I can get on fighting the things that actively try to kill us. They don't go over much of this in the police academy."

She bows her head in acknowledgement as he thanks her for the cigar. It's a Romeo y Juiletta, and the higher end one they make. She's got good taste in tobacco leaf. Her eyes then turn back to Buffy, as Spike thanks her. A singble brow arches in her friend's direction, as if to say see? He's not mad...

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers does end up sitting next to Spike, whether she likes it or not, and while the tension is evident between them, she seems happy at least, that he accepted her gifts without his usual snarkiness towards her. ".lReally? You really like it? I wasn't sure...Didnt wanna get something too..." she shrugs again, leaning against the sofa, nodding towards the cupcake, "Okay, so these red velvet cupcakes are kinda tacky but it's a tradition right? Soooo...Make a wish, blow out the candle..."

To Karrin she smirks "Heey, you've been to the gym in the basement of the Magic Box before, havent you? You're always welcome to train there and use any of the weapons you find there too.."

She smiles at Spike. "Sooo how exactly we're you planning on spending your birthday? You might be nearly 200 but doesn't mean you can't celebrate...You, right? And when I say you, I mean the *real* you, William, not...You know..."

Spike has posed:
     "I don't know much about swords, but the Slayer here swings one well. The Nancy boy poofter does all right as well." he tells Karrin in regards to sword handlers,"There are bound to be better ones, but they are a little more at hand. I don't really use a sword either."

     He considers Karrin's question about fighting,"The first thing to remember, there is no fair fight. The second thing to remember, when fighting a vampire they always have their weapons." His face changes and his fangs descend. It remains a moment and then goes back,"If you want to try to train some we can." He lights the cigar and takes a few puffs. His face shows he is impressed,"Nice draw." he comments softly.

     Buffy's comments gets his attention,"I like red velvet." he tells her,"Beisdes I am the embodiment of cliche', we can throw a little tacky as well." He leans forward from the couch arm and blows out the candle after a moment or two of thought. He takes another puff from the cigar and he admits,"I was planning to watch television, get pissed, and after eating the cake sleep it off." The comments about the real William takes him aback a little and he forces a soft laugh and lets his head hang a moment before taking another draw.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The offer to spar gets Spike a lofted brow, clear interest in Karrin's features. "... I'll always take someone bigger or better than I am up on a fight. If you're up for training, I'm there. Any time." Her flat tone says she absolutely means it. If anything, she's more interested now. That's her favourite kind of training. An unfair fight. She doesn't even wince as he jerks out the fangs, though her breath catches just slightly. She's good at hiding it.

"...Buffy, will it bother you if Spike and I toss around the Magic Box some? We'll try not to destroy any walls." She's joking. Mostly. Now looking at her friend, Karrin's eyes are a bit more interested, studying the nerves on Buffy's face and her body language. This is a learning experience, very much.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at the 'pouf' comment, "Heey wait a sec, are you calling Thomas a loud? Cuz he's the furthest thing from it.." She bites her lip as he briefly puts his game face on, not a side of him she cares to see or acknowledge even if it's always simmering just under the surface..

The training comment earns a faint, nervous smile and nod to Karrin though, "Um. Sure, though keep in mind, any time Spike scores a hit on you, it's gonna come back to him, courtesy of the chip.." she knows that makes him uncomfortable and gives him a small apologetic smile.

As Karrin studies her face though, she looks away again quickly, still anxious about something. "So..." she clears her throat, chancing a glance at Spike, "What did you wish for..?" wait, does she even want to know..? probably that he could get rid of the chip and kill her.

Spike has posed:
     Another slow draw from the cigar and he exhales slowly,"Nah. I like Thomas well enough." he replies,"My favorite poofter is your ex. You know, the broody one with all the hair gel." He doesn't comment on the chip and the hitting other than to say,"I'll take my chances." he assures them both.

     Looking back towards the candle he replies,"The wish? Oh the wish. Yes." He considers for a moment,"If I told you then it wouldn't come true right?" Keeping secrets, mostly to be aggravating.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...Shit, that chip even stops the friendly spars? Interesting. So... it's connected to physical motion and not neurological intention. Fascinating..." Karrin mutters, studying Spike a bit deeper now, genuinely curious about whatever the government has been up to. "...Completely shitty and over controlling to the point of missing it's own intention, but what do you expect of the government, I suppose? Still, that's... miserable." Karrin frowns at the thought, some sort of strange empathy on her face for the man.

Then it's back to Buffy, narrowing her eyes a bit at her friend, "...Should I leave you two alone? I know I gave you a ride over, Buffy, but...I can come back later. I don't want to intrude on celebrations of old...Friends."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms and shrugs, "I would assume so, I mean, given the many blows we've exchanged, even non lethal blows, I suppose so..." she sighs, takes a long swig of beer and flops back against the sofa. "I'm...Sorry.." it's not entirely clear what she's sorry for, the fact that Spike got screwed over by the initiative, the fact that she lost his trust, or something else..

"Yeah, I guess a wish will only come true if you keep it secret.." though she is curious what he might wish for. "Sooo....How old exactly are you turning now, anyway?" it's not like she exactly keeps track of these things.

To Karrin she blinks slowly and shrugs. "Up to you really, I do t mind either way.."

She can't help but laugh bitterly at the 'old friends' bit though.

Spike has posed:
     Shaking his head, Spike tells Karrin,"We're as good as it gets and you are welcome here." He leans against the wall again and admits,"It was at first. It still sucks, but once in a while something weird happens and intent actaully has to be there. Most of the time it just hurts like hell." That should make them both wonder a little,"The good old US of A and her sneaky shadow government agency. Sometimes I think a trip back across the proverbial pond is in order."

     Oh Buffy and the math. He leans forward and opens the bottle of bourbon that was here when the two of you got here and wanders into the kitchen. Coming back he has three glasses and he puts some of the liquid into each, offering one to both of you.

     Finally he does answer her question...almost,"I was born in 1850. If you want to know how old, you do the math." He raises his glass and offers a toast,"Two good women in my room on my birthday. Only one thing would make it better." He doesn't comments on what it is and he swirls the drink.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The bourbon is accepted gratefully, Karrin tipping her head in Spike's direction in an indication of thanks. "...Not quite 200. Well, here's to another almost 200 years then again." She'll clink glasses with both of them before taking a good, warming sip of the stuff and sinking back into her chair a bit deeper. She idly crosses her legs, getting a bit more comfortable, though there is forever a slight line of tension of a woman who lives her life in constant, low level paranoia.

"... interesting about the chip. That implies that maybe it's trying to work off intention, but is just poor design." Karrin's blue eyes narrow a bit more, the curiosity almost undeniable. "But if it physically hurts you to test it, probably not worth the exploration."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly and nods, taking a sip of bourbon. Its strong but good stuff and she nods approvingly, "Well...I know you're not as old as Angel, I mean..He's nearly 300, and you're like what, approaching 200 or so?" she smirks, "Of course, it's probably in that Slayer's Manual that Giles gave up on having me study. I mean how's it feel being famous and all?" she chuckles at that but falls silent at the whole hurting thing.

"I guess..It kinda sucks being controlled like that, but to be fair, it's better than you being evil...Isn't it?" aha, a trick question! like he isn't used to her testing him, trying to figure him out.

As for Spike's shady comment, she just bites her lip, sinking further into the sofa. Does..lDoes she really wanna know what's on his mind right now?

Spike has posed:
     He raises his glass towards Karrin and then Buffy,"Who knows, maybe some day it will burn out and we'll figure out what is changed." he comments about the nasty chip. He looks at Buffy a moment and nods,"Not everyone gets to be in the Slayer's handbook. I'm special that way. Not in the short bus way either." He beats Buffy to any comments on that way.

     He gives her a moment of consideration before he adds,"You know you make me want to be a better person. Even when you annoy the bloody hell out of me." He turns towards Karen and after another hit of his cigar he assures her,"You pick the time and I'll be there."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
As Spike actually seems to be opening up, even if it's just by inches, Karrin seems to get the feeling this is her time to exit. She finishes off her bourbon with a deep, savoring sip before unfolding from the chair. "...I'll take you up on that one of these days, Spike. Looking forward to it. Even if you just hold the punching bag." She offers him her hand for an almost formal, good-old-boys handshake, and then she looks back to Buffy.

"I left Dresden with a full antique claw foot tub to install. I should go back and make sure he's not trapped under the thing. If you need a pick up, you know my number." With that and a little salute to them both, the short blonde heads to the door and up the stairs.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, hesitantly as she lifts her glass to chink against his. "Yeah..." that part about his chip one day not working has her a bit worried, but after a talk earlier with Karrin maybe her mind has changed. She quietly nods to Karrin, watching her go before turning back to face Spike once more.

"I've..Actually been thinking about it, how the chip only stops you from harming non demons. It doesn't compel you to risk your life time and again to step in and protect my friends and family, or to help me. I mean..If you wanted, you could find a way to stab me in the back in a passive aggressive way...But you didn't.."

She sighs, staring down at her drink in silence for a few more minutes, "I just don't get you. All we ever do is fight and get on each other's nerves..How could I inspire you to be a better person?"

Spike has posed:
     "Love I could take a rifle and wait. I'd have a headache, but after a while I would feel better." he tells you candidly,"I'm not threatening you or anyone else, I am just pointing it out. It would hurt for a long while, but it would pass." Good thing he isn't a shooter really.

     He considers and takes a drink of the bourbon and hmms thoughtfully,"I care about you and your sister. I like your mother too. It's not that much of a stretch. I like Willow and tolerate Xander. Faith is...somewhere in between. We've been through some bad stuff and still we're standing."

     He laughs softly at the last of the thought and shakes his head,"We fight a lot. Any other time I'd call it foreplay, but we're really not there so..." he shrugs,"As for the other. Maybe it's your mother's influence on you that makes me want to do better." he teases lightly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs. "A rifle. Of course, I never even considered that. Or the countless others ways you could have done me in.." it's a very disturbing image really. "Gee,guess you're just a regular Scooby then, maybe I should award you a badge of honour or something." annnd that joke just fell flat.

His other comment makes her smirk a bit, "Soo what, we're a couple of grade school kids who pretend like we hate each other all the time just to cover up other, hidden feelings?" that makes her laugh a bit even if it bears some truth to it..Though her look is more serious as he mentions her mom's influence. "I really do try, you know. I know you think I hate you but I don't. I really don't. I believe in you Spike..I think you're different than most vampires. Heck you're a far better person than many humans out there with souls. I couldn't see it before but I see it now."

Spike has posed:
     He takes his temple with a forefinger. He's always thinking. There is a shake of his head and then he gets more bourbon,"A regular Scooby she says? I've always wanted to ask, which one of you is Scooby-Doo?" He went there. He didn't even hesitate.

     A soft laugh at her comment about the grade school couple,"Seems like someone has told me before that grade school kids hit each other to show they like each other." he muses,"We've done that many a time over the years." A pause as he considers her comments about hate,"If you hated me love, we would have killed one another by now. Granted the situation is heavily in your favor now, so if you hated me I'd be a song lyric."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, "I think Harry's dog Mouse holds that role. Only he's nowhere near a coward. Of course I have yet to see him in action but.." she shrugs, sipping her beer some more, "I..Suppose that's true.." she smiles faintly, "But we're not school kids anymore, maybe it's time we grew up."

Of course that's potentially dangerous territory, and perhaps she has revealed more about her feelings towards him than she should. "I *did* hate you, for a long time back then..But over the years I've seen you grow and mature. I guess right now I'm just trying to figure out what exactly I *do* feel about you now."

She stares at her drink as she talks, not really sure if that's something she even wants to think about.

Spike has posed:
     Being the responsible and mature one, he leans down and takes a moment to cut the cupcake in half. He hands half of it to you and tells you,"You're far from high school yes. I didn't go to high school per say so I don't kow from experience." he admits.

     "If were playing the honest game, I wanted to kill you many time just the same. Hate gave way to respect whether I liked it or not. Eventually it gave way to something else, but that's nto important anymore." A blink and he replays the coversation,"He named the dog Mouse?" ADHD much?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "I grew up too. We both do. Even if some things don't change." she arches a brow at him in surprise. "Why doesn't it matter anymore? It changes everything. Those feelings are the only reason why we haven't killed each other yet."

As for the cupcake, Buffy just shakes her head, "I got it for you, it's your birthday. Besides I bought some more, smaller cupcakes, so just enjoy it. It's not like I'm gonna be this generous with you any other time of the year, might as well make the most of it, right?"

Her smile at him is a wee bit too impish although she just shrugs at the ADHD comment. "He's...An unusual person. Only a tall, anorexic scarecrow like that would have a pet pony for a dog and a bobcat for a cat. And other strange acquaintances."

Spike has posed:
     "We all have to sooner or later. It's part of life." he assures her. He puts the other half of the cupcake back with the uncut cake. She knows if she wants stuff it is there. He takes a bite of the cupcake and nods approvingly. After that he replies,"I just mean you're happy and I actually like the one that makes you happy. As much as I might want it otherwise, I am letting my own wants to move on. Love's bitch or not I am slow to keep sticking my heart out there."

     A raise of the cupcake,"It's very good. Thank you for it." A soft snorting laugh and he agrees,"Probably the last time for the next year I'd say.' Her description of the dog gets a raise of the brow. The cat raises the other and he comments,"I do believe I will not be going to visit the good wizard thanks. Even if they can't kill you, animals are good at pain games."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs softly, downing the last of her drink. "I suppose I should be happy..If his business wasn't booming and kept him away from me more than before..." she closes her eyes, leaning back against the sofa. "I guess, sometimes it's just nice having someone to talk to, makes me feel less lonely..Even if.."

She shakes her head, rising to grab another beer from the fridge, "Glad you liked it. I wasn't sure, sometimes you're difficult to read, even if we've known each other since highschool, as weird as that is."

She chuckles softly, "It would be safer for you to stay away from him honestly. He was asking me to give him reasons why I haven't killed you yet..Besides apparently his magical field interferes with electronics. Being too close to him for too long might just short circuit your chip."

Spike has posed:
     Watching you get up and go for a beer he nods towards the door,"If I'm here and it's open you know the way." Maybe the little invasion is forgiven now. He watches her walk away inspite of himself and shakes his head. She's got a nice walk away after all. Before she turns around he looks back to his cupcake to get another bite.

     "If he wants be dead without meeting me that isn't the best of options to visit." he muses. A turn of his head to the side, like a dog hearing a weird sound,"How the blazes does he survive the world if he can't interact with electronics."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, busying herself with the beer, silent for a few moments as she lingers in the kitchen a few moments longer. "Maybe..lSome day." she shrugs. It's something she never considered until recently. Something she never would have even dreamed about and maybe it's just the drunkenness that's talking but.

The change of subject is a welcome change in pace and she smirks, "That's why he drives around in an outdated clown car and uses a fireplace to warm his apartment. He's a good guy, just a bit odd. Guess he can't help it about the magic interference. Just...Be careful around him. I'm serious."

She steps closer to him, "You might think his magic field might spell freedom for you..If he doesn't decide to kill you first."

She smiles, "Besides you did meet him briefly at Mac ' s..." Buffy rolls her eyes, "He thought you were my new boyfriend...Just like everyone else does." seriously, it's kinda frustrating. and oddly amusing.

Spike has posed:
     A laugh, mostly at his own expense probably. No pressing on the door always open thing either. Oh there's probably room to work his way in, but for the moment he stays his hand rather than play it. She knows what he said.

     "Aside from Willow I make it a rule to avoid most magic slingers. They have a tendency to throw fire around and also a tendency for things to go sideways and the fire to go the wrong way. Hard pass." A smirk as he adds,"The chip fried would be good for me. I won't lie and say it isn't like a leash in your ass. I also understand why you fear it failing and why you were looking for that coin too." He gets up and walks over to get a beer of his own as opposed to the bourbon. He brushes her gently and reaches into the refrigerator,"I remember yes. He's odd, but I can see the potential there."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly, watching him quietly. There's a reason why she didn't let herself be tempted either. Her love and loyalty to Thomas are strong. Even now, when she barely gets to see him and misses him like crazy all the time. "Yeah..He's a pretty powerful wizard. Willow could probably match him for power although he's got more formal training. I'm sure he could teach her a thing or two.."

She watches him for a moment or two, thoughtfully. "I wonder. If you DID manage to be free of that chip..What's the first thing you would do?" Buffy seems concerned still, but is trying to trust him more. She really is trying to have more faith in Spike.

Spike has posed:
     Sure he could linger. Sure he wants to, but he goes back to the couch with his beer, clinking your bottle with his. Making his way back over there he settles on the couch again,"Leave the magic to the magic sorts." Says the man who is almost 200 years old.

     Her question is a complicated one,"I have to admit it, the temptation would be there to get a drink." he admits. He watches her eyes a moment,"The reality would be I'd probably go to a bar and start a fight to see how many it would take to knock me down now."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, following him to the sofa after a thought or two. "Yeah, can't say I'm a very adept magician myself, although it's an interesting hobby I suppose." she shrugs, flopping down, taking another sip of her beer. She'd already had three cans back at Karrin's place. Let's just hope she doesn't get too drunk tonight.

"Sooo...You'd seriously wanna just hang out with crazy people and have fun." she smirks, "I seriously figured you'd want to do something epic, seek revenge on an old nemesis or something." she shrugs, "Though maybe you've already convinced me that I would no longer be the target of your vengeance..Right?"

Buffy smiles faintly.Shes starting to trust him more at least. "I mean, it's a relief, knowing I don't have to look over my shoulder al, the time, knowing I can really, truly trust you."

Spike has posed:
     "Playing with magic are you?" he muses softly and shudders a little,"Unholy stuff." he mutters. Not knowing how much you have had to drink, he doesn't judge anyway. He settles into the couch some and turns towards you a little.

     "The only epic revenge I would have wanted in life is played out now. There is no need for it." he agrees,"The horrific Slayer who ruined all my plans to take over the world." Of course he's teasing. A laugh again and he adds,"Oh you should still look over your shoulder. Never know when I might be there to see you trip on a crack in the sidewalk or something."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "A bit here and there, nothing major, and I'm not that good. I work at the magic box part time afterall, so I need to know a bit of magic theory Afterall. But mostly I just leave it to Willow and Giles." she smiles, "Sometimes I wonder if I can cast a spell so that Thomas doesn't have to leave for days on end, and leave me alone.."

She sighs, "But then, assuming I could even pull that off, I think it'd feel too much like cheating. And Im not a cheater." Buffy shrugs, watching him thoughtfully for a few moments in silence, sipping her beer.

She just chuckles at his epic fantasies and actually leans over to playfully elbow him. "Cmon, it's not so bad is it? Honestly, I'll bet you haven't had this much fun at your birthday in a while at least?" she smirks, "If you went through with that, I think you'd kinda miss having someone to bash heads with constantly."

Spike has posed:
     Not having much to say on the magic front, clearly an amateur. A smirk and he tels you have that part,"Oh the magic to keep the lover. I almist did that, but thought better of it." He huhs, softly,"I guess if I had done that the world would be a different place."

     "Don't tell you, because it will go straight to your head, but this is the best birthday I have had...probably in over a hundred years." Another clink of the bottles and he adds,"Friends first, the rest is another life time."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Oh yes, I remember how that was..You kidnapped my best friend and forced her to cast a love spell, only you ran into some old enemies while collecting ingredients." she chuckles, shaking her head as she takes another drink after chinking her can against his. "Good times.."

Buffy sighs, closing her eyes. To be honest, she hasn't had a good night like this in a long time. Although she arches a curious brow at him. "Friends..?"

Spike has posed:
     "Somehow I don't think Willow thinks of it as good times." he comments with a shake of his head,"You are right though. A lifetime ago. It's another life and I've lived through several."

     He looks at you for a long moment and he finally nods,"Friends. Good friends. As tempting as more might be, it's just friends." He's more noble than some might give him credit.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles and shakes her head, drawing another long sip of the beer. And it seems a bit stronger than what she's used to. Maybe that's why she's loosened up more than usual. "Well...Yeah. I was being sarcastic. But.."

She gives him a warm smile when he calls her 'friend'. Not only that but 'good' friend. They've had their ups and downs over the years and many times one has tried to kill the other but when it really counts..

"Thanks for that..And for this too.." she murmurs softly. And leans over, to kiss him gently on the cheek. Though with the way things always end up awkwardly between them and him turning to face her, she probably ends up kissing him closer to the mouth than she intended to. Oops?

Spike has posed:
     Oh temptation. Buffy is thy name. Why must she make his life so hard....err diffcult? Difficult. When she leans in the demon inside is so very tempted to turn his head in just enough to meet her lips, but someone he manages to resist that urge. Oh the drinking that will be involved later.

     There is a hint of a smile and he tells you,"Thanks for coming out tonight." An indication of the gift and he adds,"Thank you for that as well." A drink from his beer and he adds,"So what's on your plate for the rest of tonight?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's a good thing one of them has self control tonight. Because between the many beers she's had tonight, her constant frustrations and feelings of loneliness lately, and everything she's just admitted tonight, it would be easy to take advantage of her.

She pulls back before this can go further, taking a deep breath. "Sorry." she frowns, "Maybe I should get some water." Buffy shrugs as she heads for the kitchen. Idiot, she nearly blew that one. She sighs softly as she pours herself a long cold glass of water, nearly missing his next question.

"...Huh? What was that..?" she frowns and shrugs, taking a long sip before speaking. "Dunno, guess I'll do the usual, head out for patrol soon..Ahh, the life of a slayer..."

Spike has posed:
     "Far be it for me to tell the Slayer her business, but maybe patrolling isn't the best option. Do what you want, just saying." he offers and takes another drink of his beer. Lots of beer. Going to need lots of beer.

     If she closely she just might have a brief hallucination of a donkey's head over his with the word "jack ass" written across his forehead. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slow,"Otherwise maybe it is past time we went out and made a dent in some things together."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a curious brow at him, shutting the door and heading back to the sofa, though sitting a bit further away from him this time. "Do what I want, huh? Seems I already sId too much, went too far tonight. Do you really want me to go there? I'm not FIth."

Heck, she's always tried to be as un-FIth as possible, "So what exactly are you proposing, we head out and play pool, get drunk..Hit a nightclub?" she laughs, but it's kinda sad, how she mostly just calls him up on Slayer related business.

"But then agIn, it's your birthday, so I suppose you get to do what you want tonight.."

Spike has posed:
     There's no stopping the laugh that escapes inspite of himself,"I would have to say that the idea of you acting like Faith in any way would be at once intriguing and terrifying." He takes another drink of beer and he adds,"We say too much all the time love. It's our sercret super power."

     "We could go dancing though. We could dance right here. The best birthday present possible." he tells you equally serious and somewhat light hearted too,"We have all the power to get drunk here too. I don't really know any good dance clubs here anymore."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at him and shrugs, "Well to be fair, when I first met Faith, the idea of being irresponsible and careless sure was attractive. We went on a drinking bender, stole some stuff, danced and partied all night...Then I woke up to reality and realized I couldn't be like that if I was the slayer.."

She does smirk though at the idea of getting drink and dancing all night here, "Really? You trust a drunk Buffy? After everything I just told you? Although listening to loud music and dancing sounds like fun..I swear, I don't remember the last time I got to have fun like that.."

Spike has posed:
     A raise of his brow and he admits,"I think that would have been a sight. Reality's a bitch." Standing up he moves over to the stereo and looks for music,"As far as trusting drunk Buffy...you didn't stake me over kitten poker when you were drunk." Double entendre if ever there was one,"So what about it?" The music comes on and is louder than most places would like, but they are in the basement.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, glancing at the beer sitting on the table in front of her, still holding the glass of water. "Believe me, staking you is nit what you need to worry about." she shrugs, taking another long sip of water. At the very least she can minimize the drunkenness with a bit of water right? But the idea of taking it easy and partying the night away is tempting.

"Sure, let's see where the night leads us? Got any electronic music? something loud, fast and upbeat?"

Spike has posed:
     "Electronic music?" Spike repeats, asks, and looks a bit surprised. The joys of technology. It takes a moment to search through the play lists on the server. Soon enough there is said electronic music playing throughout the room and he looks at you,"Like that?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, putting down the glass and beating her foot to the music as she stands up. "Yeah, that's a good one. Got any strobe lights? Can't have a real party without flashing lights!" she smiles, "Although I gotta wonder when's the last decade you even had a party or celebrated your birthday..Is that something vamps even do?"

Spike has posed:
     A shake of his head as he replies,"I can't say that I have a strobe..." he pauses and turns off some of the lights and tells you,"Give me your phone." A weird request, but he makes it anyway.

     The music is turned up and he waits for the phone. His is a burner, so it isn't too fancy,"I honestly can't remember when the last time I celebrated a birthday and you don't want to know who it was with."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "I probably have a strobe light in my room upstairs, though what you gonna do wuth my phone?" still she shrugs and offers him her phone. "Oh yes, Drusilla's birthday was the same day as mine. I'm sure she had...Twisted birthday parties." she watches him curiously, "Do you..Miss her?"

Spike has posed:
     Taking the phone he starts to run through a few files. It is pretty wild how tech saavy he is compared to so many of his kind. A few moments later the flash light starts to pulse like a strobe light,"Well you can go up and get it if you want, but this will work too." Really, really wild.

     "Dru's parties were legendary. Bleak, but legendary." he replies softly,"If you mean the old me that was a monster that ripped through history with her..." He considers and shrugs,"Not really. I figured out some time ago I did all the things I did because it was just something the other kids were doing and I wanted to do it better."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, staring at the phone then back at Spike, "Wow, you're just full of surprises!" she chuckles, and what the hell, might as well enjoy the night. She swaps out her water for another beer, taking a long sip before dancing in beat to the song, "Soo I wonder how up to date your dance moves are?" she grins as she twirls around him.

As for the old Spike, she smirks, "You've come along way since then Spike. Can you honestly say that getting the chip was all bad?"

Spike has posed:
     "I have to keep you on your toes." he replies and takes another drink of his beer as well. The music going and watching you start to move and he shrugs a little,"Maybe not as up to date as my tech abilties, but I can manage."

     "The chip sucks Buffy, but I know what you are talking about." he finally concedes. His starts to move with the music as well. He's quick to learn things though and before long he is moving along with you.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and shrugs, "Nothing is ever black and white in this world. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.." she shrugs, "Honestly, if you hadn't been taken by the initiative and fitted with a chip, we'd be having a very different conversation right now. For starters, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with you."

She smiles and reaches out suddenly to try and grab his hand and gently spin around with her if he'll allow her. "Can you honestly say you regret this..?"

Spike has posed:
     "Shades of grey make up the world." he mutters softly and moves with you with the music,"No Initiative and there is no us in any regards." he replies,"So you are right about that."

     Taking your hand he spins you sure enough and keeps dancing along. He is a lot better at this than maybe he lets on,"I can't say I regret any of this." he admits,"I can say that the night isn't over yet." The last is a tease of course.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, pausing in her dancing to peer at him thoughtfully. "Are you sure about that last part? You're an ally, a member of the Scoobies at the very least..Maybe more than that.." How much more, she's not sure, but...

She smirks as she gives his hands a little squeeze, "I suppose it's not but, you had something else in mind? Besides getting stone drunk of course..I wonder how much it takes to get a vampire drunk anyway?"

Spike has posed:
     "The night isn't over." he nods thoughtfully,"I can't say I can regret anything at this point." he agrees and starts to dance again and moves over just enough to get his beer and take a drink again, offering the bottle to you next,"If you want to know how much it takes to get a vampire drunk you came to the right place."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, taking a sip, passing it back. "You sure aviation that? I can get pretty...Unpredictable if I get too drunk. Do you really want to mess with a drunk Buffy?" does she really want to mess with a drunk Spike? Does she even care at this point? Maybe nit, she's tired of playing good, responsible Buffy all the time.

"Seriously though, do you ever tire of birthdays? I suppose a lot of people wanna be immortal, but I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like to never be able to die and Rest In Peace." as she speaks, Buffy grabs his hand and twirls underneath, moving away and back in again, playfully bumping her hip against his.

Spike has posed:
     "It's not like I am the potrait of responsibility when I am sober love." he tells you playfully and still dances along,"If drunk Buffy gets too crazy I'll revoke your invitation in." he quips. He knows that does work, but mostly he's just playing along,"If you pass out somewhere I'll pass out somewhere else."

     "Oh there are times birthday's get tired." he agrees,"This one isn't too bad though. Beer, bourbon, and a beautiful woman to dance with. I could think of worse fates." Of course he's still got to be a little bit of a wise guy or she would think he was really mad,"As far at the live forever thing. It has it's perks."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "Maybe not, but I am..I have a reputation to keep Afterall.." although all thought of responsibility has gone out of the window by now as she takes the beer can back, drinking some more and laughing, as she pulls him close, pushes him away, twirls and spins at impressive speeds.

"Not that I regret this one bit..I haven't let loose this much since Faith, you know?" she smiles, tilting her head back as the music reaches a fever pitch. "I'll be sure to make this birthday of your's unforgettable."

Of course she might just regret it one way or the other when it's all over.

Spike has posed:
     "I think just spend time alone with me will taint your reputation love." he teases lightly and continues to dance with you. He takes another drink of beer and places the empty on the table,"First dead soldier." he comments.

     "I haven't let go for a while either." he considers and touch his head,"A long while." he continues and keeps dancing, not wanting to go back to that conversation,"As for unforgettable, you are making sure that happens. Just spending time and all that."

     Regret could go both ways since her upset at him for something or about something would not be good either.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just laughs as she reaches for another can of beer, clicking it open carelessly, taking another sip. "I think I have less to fear from you than you do of me." she teases as she offers him the beer. How many has she had now? She's lost count. "Besides, it's okay to let loose, be irresponsible once in a while, right?"

She dances some more, twirling and spinning circles around him. Then suddenly pulls him in close again, "Although sometimes I really wonder, if circumstances were different, if things would have, could have worked out..Between us, I mean?" If she weren't this drunk, Buffy probably wouldn't have been so open about that, but now..Its probably the only time he'll get such an honest discussion with her.

Spike has posed:
     Taking the beer she offers, he snaps it open and drowns most of it in one try. He's not drunk, but he could get there,"I'm the big bad love. I'll take my chances with you. It is good to let loose though even if it is just once in a while."

     When she pulls back in close he slips his free hand to her waist, swaying to the music still,"There's no way of knowing how it could have worked out." he assures you,"I wondered as well. Circumstances are strange things."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, shaking her head, a little disappointed that he finished the latest can of beer. But oh well, the whole world is spinning out of control for her anyway..At least it's in a good way. "Big bad huh? Wonder what that makes me?"

She grins, wrapping her arms around his neck, swaying back and forth slowly to the current ballad that beats out on the stereo now, "I guess, I never even considered that, I mean.." she closes her eyes and sighs, her thoughts a jumble right now. She shouldn't be flirting wuth him, toying with him like this.

But lately Buffy's been pretty frustrated with life so why not let loose just a little? "Maybe it's not too late, anything can happen, at least tonight..Your birthday. Doesn't have to mean anything more than that."

Spike has posed:
     The last beer? Nonsense. The dancing continues and he sways with you along and scoops up the bottle of bourbon and pushes the cap off with his thumb,"The super hero of the story I suppose." he tells you and offers the bottle to you.

     The arms wrapping around him causes the bottle to get set back down and slip his arms around you waist again. He doesn't seem too concerned about being played with. In fact he seems more than happy to be here right now.

     "If anything can happen then the night has even more promise. If tomorrow comes, the sun rises. I'll have the memory of tonight. The first birthday in a long time that wasn't completely wasted." It's almost poetic.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, tilts her head a little, "Oh yeah? But I wasn't always the hero of the story now, was I? Sometimes I did things I regretted. Sometimes I was the bully. Sometimes I needed the 'Big bad' to save *me*." she smiles more gently as she continues the slow dance with her would-be enemy.

"If that isn't the biggest plot twist ever, I dunno what is, but you should know something straight out, and that is.." Buffy sighs, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, losing herself in the music, the flashing lights..His embrace. "I regret what I did that last time and I don't intend to use you like that again..Certainly not tonight, if I can help it. "

Even so, she hasn't left yet and maybe she should but..

Spike has posed:
     "Sometimes the hero has to do bad things." he replies softly,"Sometimes the hero needs a villain or an anti hero to aid her in her quest." he suggests,"Sometimes good people have to do bad things to worse people."

     "Plot twists happen how they do." he replies, enjoying the music and the closeness as well. Listening to you he admits softly,"I'll make you a deal. We don't talk about it anymore and we forget about that hapless attempt at kissing you too. Deal?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, "Of course. It sucks, trying to do the right thing, even if it feels wrong..Trying to stay away from people you think are bad for you, even if they make you feel better." as for that other night, she sighs and chuckles, "Wasnt your fault. I used you. Didn't I already apologize?" she sighs, "Besides you're not a half-bad kisser...Too bad it wasn't for real." Buffy winks. is that a challenging look in her eyes? What nerve!

Spike has posed:
     "Apologized several times. Let's forget about it all." he replies with a shrug,"Forgiveness given. Forgetting..." he looks towards the bottle of bourbon and laughs,"...well it's on the way."

     He continues to sway a little and he tells you softly,"What would you do if it was I wonder?" he muses softly. His eyes never leave yours and somewhere in the back of his mind something clicks and he's back to that warm feeling towards her whether he wants it or not.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "Sure, it's forgotten, it's in the past. Heck, I don't even know what you're talking about! I'm soo over it!" oh great, she babbling now, like she often does when she gets a little nervous, even as her hands creep up to the back of his neck, gently massaging his hair.

Again, it's something she wouldn't normally allow herself to do, but..But she's a bit drunk, and..And tonight's different, being his birthday and all. Oh she has a hundred excuses for her behaviour tonight, but it doesn't really matter, does it?

"Dunno. Guess there's only one way to find out, hmm?" she leans over to practically whisper in his ear, and oh..She's totally gonna regret this later, isn't she?

Spike has posed:
     "Past is the past." he replies softly and slows the dancing a little more and is barely moving as he listens to you and studies your eyes for a while. Who says bithday wishes don't come true? As the saying goes, if you slow pitch one down the center he's going to swing. The whisper in his ear pretty much tips the scales and he turns his head towards you a little adn kisses you again. This time a little slower and more lingering. Is he worried about a repeat of last time? Who knows?

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Past is the Past.." she echoes with a sigh. "Who knows what the future holds?" Oh, And she is Soo gonna regret this in the morning, but right now, Buffy is actually relaxed and not plotting on getting any ulterior motives out of this other than to maybe give him a birthday to remember. Even if she is kidding herself with that. Oh yess, she'll totally beat herself up after this..

But for now, as he leans in for the kiss, this time she doesn't pull away, or even slap him, pressing her own eager lips against his for a gentle, slow kiss as she twirls slowly in the rhythm of the music.

Oh how she missed this, feeling wanted, not just forgotten under a pile of office work..Give her a minute to snap out of this and wake up to reality again..

Spike has posed:
     This is the guy that said the ship had sailed right? Sure they have been drinking, but really. The kiss holds, lingering on her lips for a while. They might both regret it, but for differnt reasons.

     A vampire kissing the Slayer. It's not unheard of, but he's chasing the unattainable. Spike is nothing if not a dreamer and willing to chase what ever the night offers.

Buffy Summers has posed:
She closes her eyes as she gently grabs the back of his head, her kiss lingering a moment longer, a moment too long. This from the girl who could never love him much less like him. But..Is this really love? Or just a single moment of passion? It's nit like Thomas even noticed her anymore lately, or had time fir her..

But she loved him, she couldn't just..Just..

Her eyes fly open again, still drunk but aware enough of what she's doing. Dammit Buffy, you idiot. Suddenly she breaks away although she doesn't want to, wants to go further, wants to..Shut up stupid primal mind!

"I'm sorry, I can't! I..." she pulls away suddenly.

Spike has posed:
     He savors the connection for a moment. He knows the regret is coming...and there it is. A soft sigh and he nods, his head shaking a bit as he tells you softly,"It's OK. Thank you for the tonight, for the gift, and the dance." The moment is passed and he won't try to wrestle it back.

     "Do me a favor. Don't go on patrol tonight. You're not in the condition and the last thing you want is me shadowing you I'm sure."